Characters of yours you've grown to hate.

Adeon Hawkwood



After getting a character of mine to 50, I've realised something with all the teaming and TFing that's been going on.

I hate my Stone Armour Tanker.

I hate him because if I'm on a team, and there's no Kinetics using character with speed boost, I feel I'm a dead weight.

What awaits me is a series of missions of either getting to the fight last, or of constant toggling and de-toggling as I bring up granite, then drop it, then hope it's recharged by the time I get to the next mob.

And as I do this, it leaves me thinking just one thing:

Why the hell didn't I roll Invun?

As much as I love Rushmore's costume, his style and roleplaying on him, I hate his primary power set (I do love Stone Melee though), and I level slow enough that the thought of rerolling him makes me want to cry in how far he'll be from 50 again.

That's my character I hate. What's yours?



Merkuris my spines /da scrapper why for the love of pete did I get him to 50....boring,repetitive.He finally served a purpose I stripped the io sets off of him.

Kreigpakt my ss/fa broot just played him to death on farms now I can't even look at him he's like a dirty secret that I keep locked in the closet.(sorta like my gimp outfit)

Dr. Tesla my ele/ele blaster underpowered and predictable the only time I pull him out is for Hami raids.

Impactite my mace/stone broot same thing too much of a pain to run solo or without a kin, he sits on my select screen gathering dust.

Warpact my bots/ff the first 50 I leveled.So bored to death and total snooze fest.

Thats mine, nowadays I really take my time on getting a toon to 50 I really,really have to luv a toon to get them to that magic number now.I probably hold a record for toons that I have deleted everything from lvl 1 to a lvl 43 I had.



My first heroic 50. I don't really hate the character but I loathe and despise one of her powersets. I made the mistake of choosing Psychic Blast. It took me forever to level her up to 50 but I got mule headed and refused to start her over. Now I rarely log onto her except to get things like anniversary badges and SG maintenance.



I took my Mind/Ice Dominator up to 44 until I realised that I really dislike the power sets. I adore the character and RPing him but I am really not keen on Ice Assault. Rerolled him recently as a Fortunata which suits him much better. My Thugs/Dark has been retired since she hit 50, not that she wasn't effective but I just prefer Dark on my Defender instead.

And Z, I used to feel the same about my Stone/SS Tanker until I made a build that upped his run speed significantly. Once I did that, I didn't have to worry about toggling/untoggling Rooted or Granite again (unless of course I met an inch high obstacle, lol).

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



I had an AR/Thermal Corruptor a couple years ago. Loved the idea, liked my costume more or less.... hated playing. Got to 30 or so before I realized how pathetically slow I was solo, and it felt like I spent most of my time on teams using Thermal and not much using AR.

Deleted her in an attempt to reroll when Pain came out, but it never amounted to nothing. And now I don't like the costume I have saved any more.



There are a number of my characters I don't particularly care about right now, but I can't think of one off the top of my head that I hate. I have some that I admit are terrible, but even those I kind of like in a strange way (although maybe not at all to play... Ex: my petless mastermind.)

I can readily think of a couple times in the past where I only realized how much I hated a character after I made a change and suddenly loved them. My Warshade sat at about level 30 for most of a year before I took him to a friend's farm for a bit to jump-start him into the upper 30s. I suddenly found that I had lots of fun with him, and I easily played him normally through the 40s to 50.

The best example though is my Energy/Energy Stalker. He was the first Stalker that I really played for more than a couple levels, and around 18 he just stopped leveling. Not only did I hate the character, but because of him I hated the whole archetype. Then one day a friend asked me about my build, and at his suggestion I got rid of Barrage (which I had taken to fill out my attack chain) in favor of Energy Transfer (I didn't know much about it, other than the self damage. This was before it was nerfed.) Overnight my opinion changed, and I started playing him again. He rose quickly, and I soon expanded his backstory. Not only is he now one of my absolute favorite characters, he helped make Stalkers probably my favorite villain AT.

Proud member of Everyday Heroes (Infinity Heroes), Dream Stalkers (Infinity Villains), Devil Never Cry (Freedom Heroes), Enclave of EVIL (Pinnacle Villains), Phobia (Infinity Villains), Les Enfant Terribles (Freedom Villains), Gravy Train (Virtue Heroes), and more!

Full, detailed character list



I wouldn't use a verb as strong as hate, perhaps dislike would suit it better... Some of these are only because other characters do their job better.

In no particular order:

MA/Regen Scrapper. I don't know. I like the MA animations and the different playstyle of /Regen (compared to other Scrapper secondaries), but the performance just wasn't enough.

Dark/Rad Defender, I rarely pull this one out because nowadays I prefer playing my fully IO'd Cold/Sonic.

Ice/Ice Blaster. Transfered to an empty server with a free transfer and rerolled as Ice/Mental. I just never really liked the Ice/Ice.

Nin/Nin Stalker. Transfered to an empty server at lvl 41 after discovering how painful leveling was quite a few issues ago. Funny thing is, I find the performance of Ninja Blade bad while I love my main who is a Katana/Invuln.

Ninjas/Dark MM. My first level 50 villain. I guess I don't like playing him because I leveled him up in a rush and never even teamed much. I think about the only thing I did was paper missions.

Sonic/Psy Defender. I just can't bring myself to playing this character. The end issues are horrible if I actually want to use both my Sonics and my attacks. I hate it too much to spend any time trying to figure out and getting an IO build, but then again that's why I hate him: because he isn't good on SOs / common IOs only.

EDIT: My PB! I haven't played him in ages. So long, in fact, that I had totally forgotten about him. He just feels weak compared to any of my other characters.

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

My Katana/Inv Guide

Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein



Now that I've respecced and reslotted with level 40 SOs on my level 37 SS/WP Brute my hatred of him has settled down, to the point I feel happy with getting him to 47-50 where I know sets will start making him awesome.

My only actual Hate I guess was my first character, my level 50 Tanker Chief Centurion Z1. And, yes, the Chief is still in game. The difference? -24 levels and Invul/Elec instead of Invul/Energy.

After the Energy Melee nerf, the Chief just didnt feel the same. I'd wasted so many respecs, his build wasnt holding up (his endurance management was terrible). Partially it may have been my fault, more than likely. But with no news of Inherent fitness coming and suchnot, I finally got myself up to the task and ripped out his IO sets, sold or marketted them, and re-rolled him as Invul/Elec. And now? He's my favourite Tanker (ok, I only have two, but not the point >_>)

Oh, and my AR/Pain Corr. Poor's really not her fault. I don't think she'd work as a Defender, either. I don't know what would suit her best...maybe retirement, t'be honest. Although I'll be damned if I'm giving up that Nemesis Rifle...

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Sadly, it's my Warshade.

I loved shapeshifting hybrids in other games, but the sludgy shapeshifting control, the fact we have to make our own macros to get our toolbars to flip with our forms, and the fact my favorite form is made of paper just make playing her terribly painful unless I'm on a big team. It's so sad.



Illusion/Sonic controller. Fought with it to... think I hit 40 on it. Still there.

Now, I made it back when Sonic had the headache-inducing shields, first so I could find what was bugging ME, and second so I could *not* take them and use the space to add more control (via Presence.) Presence - or rather the fears in presence, which as a low-control Controller is what I was looking for - puts the Hoover factory to shame, as well.

Then Sonic's graphics got fixed, I got to try to play it normally. Buffing's fine. Illusion still stank on ice. I just cannot stand playing it. I want to play and build for control, not "try to get these pets back fast and hope whatever stupid thing they're about to do isn't going to get us killed."

I hate *starting* VEATs. The whole 23 wasted levels before you can play the character you want bit (or, if going for a Huntsman type build, 23 levels then being forced to respec right back into what you were.) Wasn't fond of my first Bane, either - needs better stealth, as opposed to "Just close enough to be seen and hit before an attack goes off, killing my chance for a crit," and less of a glass jaw when I do get hit, and the storyline itself is so bad the best thing to do is ignore it - seeing what they'd done for the "story" for an Epic nearly made me delete that Bane out of pent up irritation at 30-35.



Dark/Dark defender.

I typically play damage-archetypes, with a focus on the melee. However, I was kinda enjoying the different priorities. Ya know, instead of killing things to help the team, or, if needed, killing them faster, throwing down debuffs and the like was pretty cool. It was also pretty cool how the whole team was trying to protect me, instead of how I'm usually on the outskirts of the group, almost doing my own thing.

And then, I ran a Synapse TF. Now, Synapse itself, I don't terribly mind. Yeah, end drain can be a bit obnoxious, but Clocks aren't too frustrating for a good team, and the whole thing can be steam-rolled, ya know?

'Cept, we weren't a good team. We weren't a mediocre team. We were bad. That sucker felt like it took ages to complete, but the kicker is, after we finally managed to get through most of the defeat-alls, the leader wanted to take the rest of the missions slow, said the XP was awesome. This, by itself, isn't such a bad thing, but several friends of mine were gearing up to run through something else, and I wanted to join them. So that tension was eating at me.

Now, on a melee toon I could've done something about this in rather short order. Make with the targeted killy-killy, and force the team through missions at a faster pace but simply moving them. Passive-aggressive? Sure. But it works. Dark/Dark wasn't feeling the killy-killy. No, I and my two attacks were feeling an awful lot like support. And that, right there, was not a good feeling.

So, yeah. Dark/Dark? Awesome on paper. In practice, I hear they're totally badass, too. I'm not actually going to find out, though, 'cause that particular toon's not getting past 25. A shame, too. 'Twas a good concept.



anyone I don't like gets deleted.

the closest I come to disliking one of my longtime characters is my emp/elec defender. He's one of the first characters I made and I picked elec for thematic reasons. It didn't take me long to despise it thoroughly.

Thunderous Blast is great, I like Tesla Cage, the rest of it can die in a fire.

On the plus side, it gave me plenty of room for power pools when I respec'ed....

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Spines/Regen scrapper. I levelled him to 50, enjoyed it.... but whenever I log him in, he just isn't fun to play anymore.

Thank you, Champion.



My first 50 from each side oddly enough:

1) BS/Regen Scrapper. I had a break from the game for about 5-6 months at one point, and when I got back, I just could not play this character anymore. Dunno what it was about her, but I didn't get any pleasure.

2) Fire/Trap Corruptor. Made back in the days of the proc bomb. It was beautiful. Then it got nerfed (or fixed depending on your POV), and the character just lost interest for me. To be honest, I wasn't really into him before that, just that dropping a poison trap in the middle of a group of mobs and watching all of them puke and die was funny. He was approx level 40 at the time, and ended up sitting on a shelf until the days of AE farming, where I ground him up to 50 over a weekend to unlock VEATs.

Some others I don't play much, like my DB/SR scrapper - not that I dislike her, but my melee Fortunata is pretty similar in playstyle but much more fun.



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
Sadly, it's my Warshade.

I loved shapeshifting hybrids in other games, but the sludgy shapeshifting control, the fact we have to make our own macros to get our toolbars to flip with our forms, and the fact my favorite form is made of paper just make playing her terribly painful unless I'm on a big team. It's so sad.
While I can't say much about the first couple of points, the "made of paper" bit is cured at level 38. My Warshade is one of my favorite characters.

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
anyone I don't like gets deleted.
This is how I normally do it, with a couple of exceptions.

My first 50 was an Ice/Rad Corruptor, and while not "unplayable" she's been highly annoying for me ever since the animation time change in Ice Blast (from 1s to 1.67s) that Corruptors were told wouldn't be added when the animations were changed for Blasters put dead-time into the attack chain which just bothers me. That really holds true for everything Ice Blast, though.

But I haven't deleted her, and won't because occasionally I still get her out to nab some badges. The reason I didn't delete my EM/Elec Brute with the ET nerf was also due to badges (I had actually stopped playing her very often before it happened) but have found myself playing her a bit more often - if nothing else, while the chain still is full of painfully slow animations the slower Fury decay was an indirect buff to Brute EM.

But my FM/SA Brute was deleted at 50 for all of the reasons in the OP, and most of the characters that I grow to hate end up being deleted.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



It's happened to a few of my characters, but mostly due to RP reasons.

I have learned, however, that I hate Storm Summoing with a passion.

"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn



I don't hate any of my characters per se, but I have a very hard time bringing myself to play a couple of them:

My first 50, Jalia, a fire armor/battle axe tank. I leveled her up when burn was godly. Once that went away, I became very disillusioned with the character. I have since:

A) Transfered the character from Pinnacle to Virtue (where I mostly play), giving her a new name, "Jalia Dragonfire" (Jalia was taken) then respec'd her, and then didn't play her at all for a year, and then:

B) last Winter when we had the free transfers I moved her to Freedom and renamed her again (to "Black Unicorn", respec'd her again, and completely redesigned all of her costumes. Then I took her to one single Hamidon raid on Freedom, and that was it.

My problems with the character are multiple. I have a tank, Sailor Shinobu, who is invulnerable/energy melee, and is a blast to play. She's got the god-mode invul build vs. smashing/lethal, and is pretty tough in nearly all situations. I leveled her up on Freedom, but when I moved Jalia/Black Unicorn to Freedom, I moved Sailor Shinobu over to Virtue, and I play her regularly, and consider her one of my primary characters.

My fire tank is: A) too squishy for a tank (especially compared to Sailor Shinobu), B) too endurance-intensive, even with a heavily IO'd build, C) vulnerable to being stunned and having my toggles drop, and D) weaker damage-wise than any of my ten scrappers. For that matter, not only weaker damage-wise, but in some cases weaker defensively as well.

I redid all her costumes to try and fix the one other thing that always bugged me -- she was a very small person, and with all the fire shields I became a small ball of fire; you couldn't see the character. Making the character much larger helps that, but still... even after a complete name change and makeover and new build, I can't really bring myself to like the character much.

My other is my Peacbringer, level 41, Holy Bell. By the time I reached level 41, I had blasters at that level or higher and it became blatantly obvious to me that "jack of trades, master of none" really meant I was second-rate at everything. My warshade doesn't feel that way, but my peacebringer still does.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Most of my characters i love, but there are a few i hated, with a passion.

my emp/psi defender -> My second toon, first being my fire/fire blaster. I just can't stand the buff cycles, and the killing at the speed of smell without backup. I sat at level 41 for ages, until like 2 years ago back when the RWZ click farm was going on, and i finally hit 50. I logged her in before GR hit to get accolades and finish her build, but i put it off for as long as i could. And due to the fact she has sentimental value to me (second characters, learning the ropes when i made her) i can't bring myself to delete her.

My Dual blades/regen scrapper. This guy i loved, excellent concept, decent costume, even got the red cap daggers. Then i hit 50.. and worked on other characters. When i came back to this guy, i swear someone had nerf'ed him into the ground while i wasn't playing him. I mostly blame his build, but it just left a bad taste in my mouth. Granted, i rerolled him as a katana/regen and loved it, and i've made a dual blades/regen stalker which i like too. I think blinding feint plus my horrible original build made the charater suck.

Peacebringers in general. I think i just don't quite understand what they are supposed to do. Ranged attacks, then melee attacks, then resist shields, yet no mez protection? just baffles me. I actually have a decent human/dwarf build i've been wanting to try that i think will make me love PBers again (or else, i'll just live in dwarf form) but for now, i can't justify the character slots.



Originally Posted by FunstuffofDoom View Post
So, yeah. Dark/Dark? Awesome on paper. In practice, I hear they're totally badass, too.
I totally <3 my D3. Dark Girl Four is level 44.

I also have a 44 bots/dark Mastermind; a 47 dark/arrow defender, a 35 dark/dark corruptor. So yeah, I like those powers. ^_^

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Quite possibly my Demon/Dark MM. Love the concept! Love it!

Even IOed up as I leveled to the point of tanking an ITF a few times (Presence Pool). Softcapped S/L/E/Ranged Defenses...and it's just boring. I won't make another MM.

Haven't gotten a Kheldian past the mid 20's. I even have a concept I LOVE for a PB, but the AT itself, just kills it for me :/ I'm sure I'll power on through each to level 50 at some point, but I haven't yet. But I need to, so I can have a 50 of every AT, and they're my last two.

WP/EM Tanker. Before the ET change, I was already hitting dead enemies, and not being of any use on a team that often. The ET change just killed the combo for me :/

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



SS/invulnerable brute. Fire/psy dom. And my warshade....just can't get into them I really don't like my fire devices blast either....I have a lot of toons I don't like LOL. My favorites though are my sheild SS tanker and my ice cold defender.



Electric/Energy brute. Mediocre defense with notable holes and a very weak self heal, and subpar damage for my style of play. I was hoping to find ways to compensate, since the combination does have nice status effect protection, but I just got tired of trying. Interestingly, my Stone/Energy brute does great, but she gets good damage mitigation from her primary. I set the difficulty on my Electric/Energy to -1/1, which is an improvement, but I still don't play her much. I'm sure I'm one of very few players who actually doesn't like Lightning Rod.

I was never particularly fond of Kheldians. I like my Peacebringer, weak though she is, but I play my Warshade very rarely. Warshades just don't work for me.



I had an SS/Inv Brute that sucked like an industrial shop vac. Deleted it at 46, rerolled as SS/WP and got it to 50 within a few months. I've got an Inv/SS Tank which I stripped of IOs. The only reason I keep him around is to hold on to the name for when Scrappers get SS.


Also on Steam



Originally Posted by Mirai View Post
Electric/Energy brute. Mediocre defense with notable holes and no self heal,
A self heal was added to Energy Drain not that long ago. Seems aimed at being fired off with a good number of enemies around, as with just 1-2 it's not that big. (which, with your settings, is what you'll see - I think I get around 10-15% of my health back with just 1-2 enemies.)

At level 28 when it opens, it gives 28.24 health (per enemy) unslotted. My slotting (3 rech 3 heal - one SO, two common IO) gives me 88.93 (from a base of 44.98) per enemy every 30 sec. or so. So, yeah, with a x1 spawn of 2-3 enemies, just short of 270 HP healed, and I have 1724 HP. Need bigger groups for that to be noticeable. Or just fire it off continuously. One of the two.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
A self heal was added to Energy Drain not that long ago. Seems aimed at being fired off with a good number of enemies around, as with just 1-2 it's not that big.
I'm aware of that, and I use it. (Thanks, previous post fixed.) It's too tiny of a heal to be helpful to me. I picked up Aid Self in a respec yesterday though, thanks to inherent Fitness. That should help reduce the downtime at least.