Characters of yours you've grown to hate.

Adeon Hawkwood



I have two...

(1) Kin/Rad. Thought this would be an awesome ball of AOE destruction. What I got was a subpar blaster who had to buff each teammate every 90 seconds. Oh and a lot of face plants to go with it.

(2) Elec/Shield. I got the ball of AOE death with this character and hated the fact that teams were just not needed... at all. I would go it, get aggro, wipe the mob, clean up the bosses and move on. Everyone else on the team could door sit. Was the more boring thing ever. Rerolled to an elec/elec dom and liked it much better.




Sapphic Shock - Elec/Shield. She is too powerful to be any fun to play in the long run, and i cannot really team with her as she just destroys all opposition before my team can do anything. Tho i may dust her off for the incarnate stuff, as she cannot really one shot stuff then.

Annah - TA/A Defender. Shes fun as long as the team is slow, it takes too long to apply the debuffs, and shes so vulnerable to knockback effects i just get frustrated when i play her.

Psi/mind blaster - I actually not played this char in so long, i forgot her name, because i hate her I don't like the powersets at all.

Freya Fallout - Rad/Nrg Defender. I made this for an all defender team and started out pretty fun, but the more i played her the more i hated her. I liked the character and cossies i made for her, but energy blast just isn't fun, i wanted to give it a try and i hated it, and it's outright daft to couple with radiation primary



Lounge Crooner - Sonic Blast/Mental Blaster - Loved the concept, loved the costume, loved the story. Got tons of compliments on him. Hated the power sets together. Never wanted to play him because there was just no real synergy between the sets and it just wasn't fun. I recently rerolled him as a Sonic/Devices and got him back up to 22 so we'll see.

Molly Dynamite - AR/Kin Corruptor - Sounded fun on paper but Kin didn't turn out to be a very fun solo set. She's okay on teams but still doesn't wow me. She's lvl 32 though so maybe I'll try and push her to 38 and give her a final go. If not for the fact that I don't want to grind out the Tommy Gun weapon customization again, I would have rerolled her by now.



Originally Posted by FunstuffofDoom View Post
So, yeah. Dark/Dark? Awesome on paper. In practice, I hear they're totally badass, too. I'm not actually going to find out, though, 'cause that particular toon's not getting past 25. A shame, too. 'Twas a good concept.
Dark/dark really is awesome. By far my favourite powersets.

My dark/dark/soul corruptor is usually faster than the team tank with getting to groups, taking them out with fearsome stare, tarpatch and darkest night. I could clear whole maps set for x8 safely with her, were it not that it would take forever to actually kill all of it.

The only synapse I ever did was recently with that character (I'm a villain at heart and that character is my main and badger). We started with 7, were left with 4 by the second mission and me as the 'tank' and pacesetter over the 2 scrappers we had. Whole thing still took almost 3 hours though. I hate clockwork.

As for characters I dislike. Dissonant, my energy/sonic corruptor, springs to mind. I love her concept, her costume, her name ... but she's just really tedious to play solo or in small groups. Firstly she sucks end like mad, even with an end red in every attack. I love energy blast on my blaster, but it's rather sub par on corruptors as far as damage output is concerned. But mostly I dislike is that she doesn't have a reliable way to defend herself. No reliable crowd control, no massive damage and no heals. All she has is a stack of resistance which isn't all that usefull without the HP to back it up and KB, which I like, but always fails to work at the worst moments. I leveled her to 50 in Strike Forces and Double xp weekend teams mostly. I like her well enough in large teams.

Maybe I should just IO her out and see how she does then. But even without IO's I already loved my dark/dark, ice/kin, fire/pain, ice/storm and rad/rad. They never felt tedious.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Originally Posted by FunstuffofDoom View Post
So, yeah. Dark/Dark? Awesome on paper. In practice, I hear they're totally badass, too. I'm not actually going to find out, though, 'cause that particular toon's not getting past 25. A shame, too. 'Twas a good concept.
Personally, I'm not that keen on Dark/Dark. Don't get me wrong, they're both great sets, but they just don't go that well together, no matter how thematically right it seems. Basically, there's too much overlap - healing, To Hit Debuff etc. IMO, Dark blast goes much better with sets like Storm or Cold, while Dark Miasma is more suited to blasts like Ice, Sonic or (for Corrs) Fire.



My flagship villain is a Stone/Stone Brute that I just don't want to log in these days. I hate Stone Armour the way it's designed, and every time I think about respeccing him to account for Inherent Fitness, I just find something better to do.

I HATE the concept of Granite Armour replacing the rest of the Stone set and it still bugs me that the rest of the Stone set isn't actually all that good. I love the guy and his concept, but he was always a pain to play and build.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
After getting a character of mine to 50, I've realised something with all the teaming and TFing that's been going on.

I hate my Stone Armour Tanker.

I hate him because if I'm on a team, and there's no Kinetics using character with speed boost, I feel I'm a dead weight.

What awaits me is a series of missions of either getting to the fight last, or of constant toggling and de-toggling as I bring up granite, then drop it, then hope it's recharged by the time I get to the next mob.

And as I do this, it leaves me thinking just one thing:

Why the hell didn't I roll Invun?

As much as I love Rushmore's costume, his style and roleplaying on him, I hate his primary power set (I do love Stone Melee though), and I level slow enough that the thought of rerolling him makes me want to cry in how far he'll be from 50 again.

That's my character I hate. What's yours?
My Ice/Ice/Cold Blaster Diecembre and my Spines/Dark Scrapper Spiritum. They both were so frustrating to level, both incredibly slow and because their play style was a world a part from typical Blaster and Scrapper styles it took me forever to adjust to that which meant way back when before the debt cap a few million points of debt lol.

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



People I hated and then deleted:

*a couple of Dual Blades Scrappers. Dual Blades is great on a Tank. That is how DB ought to be! On a Scrapper, it sucks. Never got past 24 with that. Deletedeletedelete.

*a Ice/cold [or whatever] Corr. Got her to 38. Loved her concept and costumes. Sucked to play. Delete.

*A Broadsword/dark Scrapper, level 50. He was beautiful. Great concept and look. I hate Broadsword, sorry. Delete.

*Shield/mace tanker, level 42. I hate the mace set. Delete.

*Khelds and Warshades: life is too short for this kind of crap: delete.

Dark/dark rules:



I tend to just delete characters that I don't enjoy--I've deleted everything from 1-50, so I don't really have many compunctions about going "Eh, this isn't turning out like I'd expected," and deleting a character at 44. That said, a few specific characters of mine, extant and otherwise:

Erica Strauss, 38 MA/Regen Scrapper - Still exists, because she's my second-oldest remaining character at this point and I have some good memories from RP'ing her. That said, I can't stand MA. I need AoE. In the time it takes me to kick one boss to death, the Blasters and Elec/ and /Shield Scrappers have nuked every minion in the mob, and probably killed the lieutenants too. I'm helping!

Colors, Ice/Kin Corruptor, deleted at 26 - I wanted to like this combo, I really did. When it shined, it really shined. She was a blast to play in old-school PvP, since Siphon Speed and all the -speed debuffs from her blasts let me just kite people around indefinitely and perform hit-and-run attacks. In PvE, though... On teams, applying SB was a pain in the butt. Solo, she was a glass cannon and was probably one of the most end-hungry characters I ever played. She could decimate single hard targets, but the game doesn't really reward that. Baleeted.

Shardwave, Psi/Ice Blaster, deleted at 24 - Psi/Ice is something else. It has a pile of tools for managing aggro, pretty much none of which stack with each other and none of which are sufficient alone to keep it alive versus decently-sized groups of enemies (at the levels I was playing her, at least.) I was expecting stacked Shiver + Psychic Scream flooring recharge to be a great defense, but it didn't actually help that much. And the damage is mediocre at best. Rerolled her as an Ice/Rad Corruptor, which is working out a bit better (it would help if Corruptor Lingering Radiation ever got fixed.)

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



All of my current masterminds with the exception of my Demons/Dark.

The current AI bug makes all but the D/D unplayable. I actually deleted a level 42 Thugs/Traps that I'd loved up until the AI went bonkers. It was impossible to solo +1/x1 what with the idiot Arsonist running all over the place even as I desperately hammered the Follow/Passive macro I'd made.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



My fire/kin controller, which I started long before they became flavor of the month.

Just got really sick of:



2) Tells from complete strangers asking for PLing.

Arc# 92382 -- "The S.P.I.D.E.R. and the Tyrant" -- Ninjas! Robots! Praetorians! It's totally epic! Play it now!

Arc # 316340 -- "Husk" -- Azuria loses something, a young woman harbors a dark secret, and the fate of the world is in your hands.



Aache: Level 42 Mind/Rad controller. This is my second oldest character and I just can't bring myself to play him. /Rad somewhat counters what I see as deficiencies in mind, but I just can't get over them and I don't team often and this character needs a team...period. I haven't deleted him yet based simply on affection. The Fortunata I have is everything I ever wanted in a mind controller plus a shot of vitamins. Aache is obsolete. If there is another round of free server transfers, I may try to free up his name for a more worthy successor.

Cannon: Level 50 Nrg/Nrg Blaster. This is my oldest character and he is loaded with regret. He's my first 50 but he's kind of built from the hopes, dreams and desperation from a first time MMO gamer. Add in the nerfs to Total Focus and Hamidon Enhancements, I generally dread playing him so I don't. He did have all of my Hami's though until I rifled him during the first Issue 19 respec.

Sol Divus: Level 50 Ice/Kinetics corruptor. This was my first villain and first villain 50. He's a "settle" character. I wanted Electric/Kinetics, but Electric was not available at launch of CoV (you'd think with all of the bloody Mu floating around it would have been there). So I settled. And while I was relatively happy with the character, I've become less so, particularly since he seems so ridiculously squishy now, heal or no heal.



Plant/Psi Perma dom.

I loved this character. But I played it so much that its boring to play now.
Its time for her to be stripped and deleted.

When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...




AR/Dev blaster - Hated the targeting drone. It was (and still is) one of the set defining powers and I hated it. Hated it's noise and the way it looked. Seems silly, but it was a big part in me giving up on what was once my highest level character.

Ill/Kin Controller - Wow did I hate this. I found that I do not have the patience for speed boost, and though on paper illusion looks like a set I'd love, I found that in practice I really didn't have much fun with it.

Energy/Fire Brute - For a time I liked this, but in the end I started to hate energy melee and I could never really get over it. Oh how I wished I had picked something else (like fire melee).

Edit: I'm starting to hate my masterminds. The pet AI has gotten beyond frustrating. I wish they never would have added demons if they had to butcher the AI for most of the other sets for their benefit.



I pretty much hate my Bots/FF MM if I team. Mostly because of the

(2 minutes pass...)


Also because I would feel terrible is I forgot to bubble someone and they drop for it.

There's a reason I didn't become a Firefighter/Doctor/Police Officer/Soldier/Paramedic...
Same reason I don't play an Emp/Kin/Ice...
And it's not just because I ain't so smart in the ... Big fat round thing on top of my neck. Forget the name of it sometimes. Hair on it, some.

And soloing isn't much better, double-bubble the bots, Direct them carefully, tell them to shoot, tell them to stop, keep them from running off chasing a runner, make them dance ...

Even with Sandolphan's awesome binds, it just feels like work.

Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued

"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque



Currently, my Elec/Kin Controller and my Ice/Ice tank (though he's a great classical-style tank, which is good for teaming). Once I figure out something to reroll them as something more my style, I will. But for now, they're sitting around, taking up space.



I'd have to say that the one character I really don't enjoy playing that much is Suspense, my Dark/Nin Stalker. He's still sitting at 50 and I bring him out occasionally, but I think that the Stalker AT just doesn't really... click with me. I really like Ninjitsu... but I really dislike the way Stalker primaries are set up, with two powers taken away and devoted to Assassin's Strike and Placate. I think I would've liked Dark Melee more on a Scrapper. But yeah, he's definitely my least favorite out of my characters.

I've also got Drug, a Necro/Poison MM and my first villain 50, but it's not so much that I dislike him - actually, I enjoy the concept and his powersets and everything, but when I bring him out it's like I totally forgot how to play him, so he's been shelved for a while (until I feel motivated to relearn the ropes, I guess).

Then there's a few characters that never made it to 50 and were deleted... like my old Sonic/Elec Blaster. I hated that character.

Wild Streak - Lv. 50(+3) Beast Mastery/Sonic Resonance Mastermind, Amnesty - Lv. 50 Staff Fighting/Dark Armor Stalker



I'm in the "delete the toons I dislike"-camp... but so far there have been very few of those, and most of them ended up being eventually re-rolled as different sets or ATs.

Azirion started out as a WP/Mace tank, but ended up rebuilt as a WP/Electric. The first Kephren was a Sonic blaster, now she's a Sonic defender. For a while I had both a Dual Blade/Dark version of Ke'khali as well as a DB/WP build... I got rid of the Dark in the 30's.

Fluffbunny, my first multi-form Peacebringer, didn't make it very far. I absolutely hated the way that toon handled, so I didn't even consider playing another Kheldian until I started up a new human-only PB a couple of months ago on a whim. I've had much better luck with him, and at 44 I think it's a good bet that Mist is on my list to stay.

Of the existing 50's... I'd have to to say that Li'nai, my Katana scrap, is my least favorite. I don't like the timing of the animations on her primary set and when I compare the way she plays to my Dual Blade and Broadsword toons, it just feels like a fight to do anything with her. That's always been true of the character, but being half of a pair I felt like I had an obligation to stick it out and "finish" her. Which I did. I just haven't done much with her since.

Among the under-50's, my only current "problem child" is Mister Mistoffolees, my Illusion/Kin cat-boy controller. Meff isn't a bad toon at 26, and I'm told Illusion really improves at later levels, but he just isn't all that interesting to play. I'm not quite willing to delete him... He's actually a re-roll of the very first City toon I ever built (though never played-) on FCM's account, right after the game launched. I waited a long time for guys to get cat ears and for a decent tail to come along to try him again. It feels a little silly just to ditch him because I haven't figured out how to enjoy being a controller.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



My Peacebringer. Hate doesn't apply, but I can't bring myself to play her anymore. Loved her for quite a while and lavished gifts on her (lots of purples and other killers IOs), but finally decided to quit ignoring the obvious:

1) Solo she wasn't the best performer, even though she was pimped out to the max. +0/+4 settings is about all she can handle without constant faceplanting.
2) Being on teams... Yes, I teamed a fair amount (CoH has lots of nice cordial people), but I often felt like the redheaded stepchild, tolerated by most, annoying to some, but allowed to come along anyway.

I solo a good bit as I have odd playing hours, so my new main is a solo friendly Brute (chugging along at +8 easily and collecting shards like candy) and is very welcome on teams. Wow...if only my PB felt half as fulfilling.

I won't delete my PB - there's too much history. But I'm currently robbing her of all her IO sets (which of my other alts will get her last 4 purple sets...Hmmmm)



Gravity/psi Dominator. I made the character with a concept of basically being a black cat - literally, causing bad luck. I was sort of trying to do something similar in concept to the Teen Titans animated version of Jinx, and those were the powersets that seemed to fit. (Since both involve the enemy falling down a lot, and Gravity has powers where heavy things tend to fly around and hit you in the face.) The trouble is, the powers never really seemed to fit, and Propel is actually a stunningly bad power for a Dominator, due to the stupidly long animation and the lack of Containment.

And my original concept never really seemed to work, and I kept trying to change it to find something that did. In fact, this character is the main reason I no longer allow myself to purchase renames - I probably paid for at least six before I realized what I was doing and how much I was spending doing it. Now the character has a huge pile of badges, and yet is still only about level 15. I claim I don't care about badges, and yet a character I never actually play is taking up a slot because I can't seem to bring myself to delete them. Honestly, I regret not exiling them to another server with the others when the free transfers were available.

Demons/Thermal Mastermind. I have a concept and a costume that I'd really like to use, but I can't think of a name that fits properly. (And that isn't already taken.) In fact, I got so fixated on naming this one character that for several months I was unable to make any *other* characters, either. I still don't have a name for the character, and given my "no more paid renames" rule, I can't see any point in playing them. And yet I can't bring myself to abandon the concept either. So I've got a level one character taking up a slot on the off chance I ever think of a decent name for the character.



The only character I hate that I haven't deleted is my level 27 Grav/Kin Controller. I hate both powersets, but I cannot delete the character for sentimental reasons. Not only was she my first character in the game, the first character to get Flight, and the first character to make me fall in love with the game because I could fly around the city (and thus the reason I came back to try the game again two years ago when I got the urge to fly around once more), but there are more personal (and private) sentimental reasons causing me to hold on to her.

So she sits over in the third column of characters and never gets played.



My namesake Gamji spines/regen. I used to have a build for him that was sick for PVE and could stand toe to toe with any melee toon in PVP. Now spines does no dmg and regen can't tank in AE like it used to in old school paragon farms like freaks.

I have tried to respec him. He was purp'd up and I stripped him. 6 months later I respec'd him and purp'd him up again. He is now stripped once more. I'm so disgusted with him I don't even bother putting SO's on him to continue badge hunting with him.



Hate is a strong word, but I just can't bring myself to play my warshade much anymore. Too fiddly, too frustrating.

34 heroes,
20 villains, Victory, Justice, Infinity, Virtue, Triumph, Exalted -- some more active than others



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
Sadly, it's my Warshade.

I loved shapeshifting hybrids in other games, but the sludgy shapeshifting control, the fact we have to make our own macros to get our toolbars to flip with our forms, and the fact my favorite form is made of paper just make playing her terribly painful unless I'm on a big team. It's so sad.
Couldn't agree more. The animation times on the form shifts are way too long, and kill a lot of the tactical possibilities. The hard-coded costumes for the forms kill alot of the concept possibilities for this AT.

I've got him to 41 now, and determined to get to 50, but its never really come together, even with Eclipse.



Please do not look at this post too long, for if you do, the level 38 Fire/Sonic Resonance Controller who has taken up residence on my account may become aware of you, and if he wills it, suck you into regions of undefined space at the speed of his plummeting endurance bar, the screams of his barely-protected Fire Imps masking your death rattle.