Characters of yours you've grown to hate.

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Scooby_Dont View Post
My very first ever character annoys me. He's stuck permanently at L 10. A elec/elec blaster. No matter how many times I've respeced him he just doesn't seem to be fun to play. OTOH I won't delete him. He was my first, dammit! I'm talking Issue 0, okay?
I kinda wish I'd saved one of my first characters... as it is, I don't think I even have anything from my first year of playing left.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



I'd pretty much dislike anything I don't find challenging in some way. So with that I won't roll a /FF MM. I generally will have anything that I won't find myself falling to sleep playing or overpowering, and if I get to overpowered as in could play better I just become more insane.

I've disliked my Sonic/Sonic because I couldn't quite get the concept I wanted out of her but now fitness pool is inherent that can change. Fortunately I didn't delete.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
After getting a character of mine to 50, I've realised something with all the teaming and TFing that's been going on.

I hate my Stone Armour Tanker.

I hate him because if I'm on a team, and there's no Kinetics using character with speed boost, I feel I'm a dead weight.

What awaits me is a series of missions of either getting to the fight last, or of constant toggling and de-toggling as I bring up granite, then drop it, then hope it's recharged by the time I get to the next mob.

And as I do this, it leaves me thinking just one thing:

Why the hell didn't I roll Invun?

As much as I love Rushmore's costume, his style and roleplaying on him, I hate his primary power set (I do love Stone Melee though), and I level slow enough that the thought of rerolling him makes me want to cry in how far he'll be from 50 again.

That's my character I hate. What's yours?

I played a KM/SR Brute up to 41 after GR launched... I hate it so much. I think its the KM part of it, but I am no finding SR to my taste either, Can't really put my finger on it. I feel bad deleting him cause his costumes are cool and all, maybe I'll just transfer him to another server, if free transfers ever come around again.

currently reading: A Mighty Fortress (David Weber)



My first "main" was an Ice/Elec blaster. I love his name, costume, concept ... I think he was level 40 when I left CoH with friends for other games... when I came back I just could not get into the blaster. He's in his mid 40's now and I've leveled 2 characters to 50... but he sits. I simply can not (even after respecs) get into playing the character no matter how hard I try.