Characters of yours you've grown to hate.

Adeon Hawkwood



[duplicate post]



In all honesty, the only characters I've gotten close to hating are my Nin/nin stalker (never gotten past 22, really should delete) and my em/ea brute (concept character, 41, too high to get rid of, in spite of the fact that /ea is awful.) I dont hate it per se, but my old Inv/em tank also gets on my nevres right now, mostly cos there's no simple way to io set that character up.

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



I hate my main (who is only my main because she's one I was playing when I met my SG, and therefore who everyone associates me with), a DM/Regen Scrapper. I love her concept, I love her as a character, but she was made for reasons that no longer exist and her playstyle has changed dramatically.

I made her in Issue 2 because I wanted a puncher who had full mobile status protection without Perma-Unstoppable. After months of frustration with my Invuln/SS Tanker, she felt great. Then Issue 3 hit and Invuln got full mobile status protection, making my Tanker fun again, and eliminating the reason I made the Scrapper in the first place.

I still enjoyed my DM/Regen, because she punched fast, and with Toggle Instant Healing, I didn't have to manage her defense, just punch the bad guys. Then Issue 5 hit, and she wound up with the most clicky secondary in the game.

I dealt with it, after all, she still punched fast (her only attacks are Shadow Punch, Smite, and Shadow Maul, since her concept involves negative energy around her fists, and Siphon Life and Midnight Grasp aren't punchy). Then Shadow Punch had it's animation time lengthened, and now she doesn't punch so fast, which is both less fun and less effective. I wasn't using one of those proc-laden "Buzzsaw" builds or anything, but the speed still helped make up for skipping two better attacks for the sake of concept.

So yeah, now she's not that fun anymore. Her offense is mediocre (self-gimped due to concept, sure, but it used to balance out with the extra speed of Shadow Punch), and her defense requires more micromanagement than I enjoy. But what really makes me hate her is the fact that since she's the only one of two characters that have all of the anniversary badges, and the other is also a character I don't enjoy playing that often, she's my badge character. So I am forced to play her much more than I'd like to, if I want to continue collecting badges.

Also of note is my Tri-Form Peacebringer. She used to be an absolute blast to play, but whatever they did to transitions made it so that half the time my trays swap but I don't actually change forms. It's a big headache.

Please try my custom mission arcs!
Legacy of a Rogue (ID 459586, Entry for Dr. Aeon's Third Challenge)
Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)



Originally Posted by Liquid View Post
Also of note is my Tri-Form Peacebringer. She used to be an absolute blast to play, but whatever they did to transitions made it so that half the time my trays swap but I don't actually change forms. It's a big headache.
They really, really, really, really need to fix this. It's possible to work around, you just have to make sure, when dropping back to human form, you have no powers currently animating, but that in and of itself is irritating. The human form drop isn't supposed to take any time, and yet you have to hesitate by an amount about equal to your normal reaction time.

It would be easier to just have a transform to Form animation that takes about half the time it currently does, and a transform to Human form animation, that takes the same amount of time. Even if Castle's kludge of adding a power that has no purpose but to toggle off the Forms is the way to do it. It's annoying and it's time it was fixed.



I leveled my tri-form WS to 50 and have never really enjoyed it. I know people who have WS as their favorite character, but I come close to deleting him all the time.

The other 50 I have that I don't enjoy is my electric blaster. If the end drain was more profound (or really mattered) for stronger enemies, I would like it. That is the reason I made him, but he drains end, but not enough on enemies to really mean anything, at the cost of damage.

Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers



On the topic:

I do not hate my main, but I have grown to hate the implementation of Force Bubble. There is just too little damage, and too little variety. If I knew at release what I know today, Jade Dragon would have been a Rad/Rad, I would have simply skipped Radiant Aura if it bothered me so much having a heal.

Most of the other characters I have grown to hate, ironically enough, have been my attempts to create my Electric/Electric villain, Silver Bolt. I have not been able to settle on a power set and AT combination that I like, although Grav/Elec Dom has come very close. I have yet to try Elec/Elec Dom, but will soon. I've also been somewhat satisfied with an Elec/Sonic Corruptor, although it was painful levelling him until I got into the late 20s.

I tried an Elec/Elec Brute, however, that I quickly decided I could not stand. Could not maintain Fury, no defense to speak of, and a constant reminder that at the time I couldn't have what I wanted, which was an Electric Corruptor. I couldn't even stick with it long enough to get to Lightning Rod.

Likewise, once Electric Blast was released for Corruptors and Doms, I had to mismatch it with a Secondary or Primary that was not Electric. I tried Electric/Kin, knowing how many people had reported its synergy, and became HORRIBLY bored. There was no problem levelling, nothing was killing me and I had plenty of damage, but it was just boring and tedious. There was no variety, just the same thing over and over.

In all honesty, Sonic would have been the same had I not come up with some tricks, like using Market bought Temp Powers to supplement my damage, and using a Red Wisp Pet as an anchor for Disruption Field when soloing. I have a couple of other Sonics that I never got into, the Elec/Sonic is the only one so far that has worked, and I think a lot of that may be the concept, and that I altered the color of his effects so they look more like electrical or magnetic fields.

My Dark/Dark Corruptor is also on the verge of being boring. I stopped playing him quite a while ago, but picked him up again more recently, while doing my respecs for Inherent Fitness. I played a couple of missions and didn't find them too bad. I may have burned myself out on him by trying to force him to 30 so I could get his aura.

I have never been able to stand Regeneration. I have three Regen Scrappers and a Regen Stalker and can't stick with any of them.

I love my Kheldians and SoAs, though, haven't yet given up on any of them. (And I have four of each, two WSs, two PBs, two Crabs a Huntsman and a Widow. Although technically the two WSs and Crabs are the same character )



[/QUOTE] EDIT: My PB! I haven't played him in ages. So long, in fact, that I had totally forgotten about him. He just feels weak compared to any of my other characters.[/QUOTE]

SO sad. The epic toon that has to be unlocked (even though I STILL HATE that they unlock at 20 now) should be EPIC! I know some disagree, but I really don't enjoy my PB or WS. I had 4 and deleted 2 (the human only versions).

Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers



My Archery/Energy Blaster made me start to dislike (Not hate) her, too many things resist Lethal and my RoA kept annoying me... I'll probably just take a break for a bit though...

My Warshade, I just can't get Eclipse... It seems like the thing I need to be able to do anything that isn't staying in Dwarf form 24/7. Then there are Voids/Quantums/Cysts that are just not fun (Note: Going around a corner to find a double Vengence'd Void is not a great surprise)

My Stone/Kinetic Tanker got deleted at 32 I did not like Granite and the Kinetic animations were not as amusing as I hoped they would in Granite.

Most of my Masterminds. I like Traps. My pets dislike staying under the FFG's Bubble.

My DB/Regen Scrapper, I like DB, I like her name (Serrated Edge one of my first characters) I like my costumes (1 costume for each origin) but Regen... I never played when IH was a toggle but comparing /Regen to a /Willpower Brute I have is rediculous... My Scrapper needs basic difficulty to live, my Brute was on x2 and increasing since level 8...

A ton of team orientated characters that I have deleted (I came back after a break and made them because I like to play healers and tanks in other MMO's) I probably would have liked them if there were more teams on the servers I play on (I get 2 maybe 3 teams a week if I'm lucky. Yes I am clicking on Looking for Any Team from the moment I log in until about 3-5 hours later when I'm bored)

I did used to hate my SoA because he was stuck in the teens... Without inherent fitness and having to play "Huntsman" he got old... fast. But after power leveling him to the late 30s when I had some pets and was Crab spec I managed to get him to 50 quite nicely though I've only played him at 50 for a few days (The weekend before I19) I managed to get 3 purple recipies and think I may use him for getting purples on my other characters... (My brother keeps mentioning how lucky I am when ever he sees me play him...)



All of my MMs. Most of them have been deleted.

I used to be baffled by the general dislike of the AT. Now I seem to have come to the same conclusion as many others. Pets tend to bother me in all games at this point.



Originally Posted by shaggy5 View Post

SO sad. The epic toon that has to be unlocked (even though I STILL HATE that they unlock at 20 now) should be EPIC!
Epic = tied to a storyline, not "zomghitabuttonkillthezone." And they are. (As are the veats, even if the VEAT story absolutely sucks, like it was banged out in a night.)



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
SO sad. The epic toon that has to be unlocked (even though I STILL HATE that they unlock at 20 now) should be EPIC!
Epic = tied to a storyline, not "zomghitabuttonkillthezone." And they are. (As are the veats, even if the VEAT story absolutely sucks, like it was banged out in a night.)[/QUOTE]

Honestly, while it is an irritation to some that EATs are now unlocked at 20, it is more truth in advertising to have them unlocked at 20, instead of leaving them unlocked at 50 and spending time and effort tweaking them into that fine line between "epic" and "uber godmode".

I believe Incarnates are supposed to be the real "Epic", but whether or not that turns out to be true remains to be seen.

I like that they have to be unlocked, honestly. The mechanic of shapeshifting/branching is fun. Although I wouldn't cry like a baby if the Crab/Bane/Night Widow/Fortunata respec could take place at 20 instead of 24.



I know that I always get called out on using the word epic for Khelds. My point, though, is more about the fact that the unlockable AT is one that many (not all) people don't enjoy playing with and many (not all) people don't enjoy playing.

Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers



I don't have any characters I actively hate but I do have 3 50s I never play:

Marcus Taldari (TA/A Defender): He was fun to play but Defenders have Traps now and I much prefer my Traps/AR so poor Marcus got sidelined

Blackhawk Quasar (Wardshade): I had great fun playing him on the way to 50 but he got sidelined because I could never design a build I truly enjoyed. He's basically Nova/Dwarf at the moment only using the support/pet Human powers and I just don't enjoy that. I've tried to make a decent Tri-Form build but I can't do it in a way I like. One of these days I'll probably end up redesigning him as Human/Dwarf but I never seem to get around to it.

Duncan Halleck (BS/SD Scrapper): He was fun to level up but I've come to the conclusion that I just don't like playing Scrappers on teams. I feel a lot more useful to teams with my various ranged characters or my tanker.



A character I learned to hate? That one's easy: my very first CoH character ever: mind/empathy controller, before controllers had containment. Talk about yuck. I never got past 24 on him. He still exists on a server I no longer play on. Someday I'll delete him I suppose.



I've had a few I've grown to hate, non got very far before I deleted them.

The only two I can think of right off the top of my head are:

My Martial Arts\Energy Stalker. I found the martial arts set to be boring and repetitive on the Stalker, (the assasins strike bored me and it just wasn't fun.) And Energy Aura.... I just didn't like that set at all. I'm sure it's good for something, but around level 24 I just realized I couldn't stand to play the char anymore and deleted her.

I later re-rolled her as a claws\Ninjitsu stalker, and she was my fist level 50 villain, I love that one, fun, fast, lots of toys etc, much better suited to me.

The other one was my Defender, an Empathy\ Psychic Blaster Defender. This was LONG before Power customization and I just could not get into the pink psychic blast. Among other issues. However I loved his name for an Emp Defender, so after I toyed with other alts for quite a while I came back ,scrapped him and used the name for an Empathy \ Radiation Blast defender, got him to 50, love playing him.

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



Originally Posted by Ice_Wall View Post
The other one was my Defender, an Empathy\ Psychic Blaster Defender. This was LONG before Power customization and I just could not get into the pink psychic blast. Among other issues. However I loved his name for an Emp Defender, so after I toyed with other alts for quite a while I came back ,scrapped him and used the name for an Empathy \ Radiation Blast defender, got him to 50, love playing him.
Ok now I'm curious: what was his name?



My Mastermind Bots/Force Field.
For some strange reason, she is just not fun for me to play. Bubbles have to be put up, I just regret choosing force field for my mastermind.
Even though theme was high teck (and force field was sounding far more high teck then Traps).
Its just great for soloing, she is a little less of a hassle now as pets stay when they are summoned.
On my other chars I can see what I want to go for (directional wise) of powers, IO's etc... I have NO idea what to do with my mm.
So she is collecting dust (was my first (and only) villain so far to lvl 50 so I do not want to delete her) in my character screen...

Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool



Wow--MM/bots seems to be disappointing to many. I have one, but I think she is lvl 22ish. I am just surprised at the lack of fun because I heard they are a pretty high powered MM.

Personally, I REALLY thought I would like masterminds, but I have 5 or 6 and the highest is upper 30s. I just don't enjoy them the way I would like. I get bored telling pets what to do rather than just doing it.

Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers



I'd rather not use the word "hate" but I don't imagine I'll ever play either of my 2 Stone tanks again. I can almost guarantee I won't play my Stone Armor Brute.

I also don't foresee ever playing

Spines/Regen Scrapper
Thugs/Poison MM
Robot/Poison MM

I've transferred all 3 of those to a server I can't even remember.

Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)



I delete them if I don't like them. I usually know by the mid-teens but I could be wrong so I keep them into the 20's just to make sure. I've forgotten what most of those were except ...

Rad/Mental blaster... I made him months after Rad Blast was released for the blaster but I ended up on a 4 man radio team in KR and EVERY SINGLE PERSON on the team was a Rad/Mental. His RP concept turned out to be ill-thought-out and that really bummed me out too. Kept him to 21 and deleted him.

My Praetorian - a Kin/Nin stalker. With a passion. But he's only 13 so I'll keep plugging away to see how he shapes up in the 20's (and out of the meat-grinder missions of Praetoria). I'm hoping that inherent fitness will help a lot since endurance is his main issue.

MA/Regen scrapper... I hated her in the low levels, LOVED her in the 20's and 30's but at 49th level I'm realizing that Regen is too much work for me. Basically I have to decide every few seconds between clicking something to keep me alive or attacking. One mistake = time for Revive. The issue 19 respec seems to have pepped her up a lot although I haven't had many chances to play her since then. I'm also hoping a few sets and an Incarnate Recharge/Heal boost will be a nice improvement as well. I hope so, I really like her character concept.



Originally Posted by Kelenar View Post
(it would help if Corruptor Lingering Radiation ever got fixed.)
'scuse the threadjack, but whats wrong with the Corruptor LR?

The character I still have, and dislike is my first hero 50, a psi/kin.
I've respecc'd a few times and havent got it to click properly for me.

I think its my only character I havent respeced for inherent fitness.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Originally Posted by Lady Arete View Post
My Mastermind Bots/Force Field.
For some strange reason, she is just not fun for me to play. Bubbles have to be put up, I just regret choosing force field for my mastermind.
Knew I forgot one, though it's not as bad now. Bots/FF nearly put me off Masterminds completely. Great, defense-wise, and I've managed to get him in the mid-high 30s (from "around COV launch" to now,) but exceptionally boring, to me.

Went to the MM forums, fished for suggestions, someone threw out Thugs/Poison, had a blast getting it to 50. And I've been enjoying bots/traps, too.



The ones I have grown to hate and/or am just simply bored with...

My first 50, a Grav/Emp Controller. She was a blast to play, always had teams to join, and was a great character to get used to the game on. However, since she hit 50, I've pulled her out for two mothership raids and a few random AE arcs friends have written. Other than that, she sits on my character screen, gathering dust.

My WP/Elec Tank. I loved him for the longest time, and he now sits at 43...with me rolling my eyes at him everytime I see him on my character select screen. I just CAN'T play him. I know it is part and parcel of the Tanks, but I just hate how weak their attacks are. Sure, very little can bring me down, but I just stand there being a meat shield for the team...and that gets boring in about 45 seconds.

My Fire/Dark Corr. Sure, everyone says they are an amazing Corr. buid, but I just can't do it for long. He's at level 28, and I can barely get through a single mission with him without getting bored to tears from the constant repetition.

My six attempts at Illusion Controllers. Damn, I WANT to like this set. I WANT to play this set. I have some amazing concepts in my head for this set. But, at the end of the day, I get so bored with it that I delete them all. Now, if they add Illusion Control to the Doms...that would be different. I just can't find a good secondary to go with Illusion Control that doesn't make me bored. I've tried /Rad, /Kin, /Emp...nothing feels right.

Every single MM I have ever tried...about three of ever primary. Zombies, Thugs, Ninjas, and Mercs are boring...Demons can just go back to the hell they came from never to return again...and Bots seems like fun to me, until I realize that I can't find a decently thematic secondary to take with it. I hate the traps set (HATE..fiery, passionate, HATE for /traps on anything), and I want some sort of "techno" set for secondary. I just can't win it seems on that.

Other than that, I seem to be pretty flexible on which toons, ATs, and powers I can play.

*NOTE: Before the "OMG, what is wrong with you? Traps is uber-leet" posts start, I know it is a good set...for others. For me, it is obnoxious to play from start to finish.



Broadsword/Regen, my first 50. Love the concept and such, but she is just so badly overshadowed by my Broadsword/Shield I can't bear to play her anymore. I'm in the process of leveling an MA/Regen which will probably steal her name eventually (yay paid renames) if I decide I like it enough.



Originally Posted by Eden's Fall View Post
I hate the traps set (HATE..fiery, passionate, HATE for /traps on anything), and I want some sort of "techno" set for secondary.
Finally someone who agrees with me on this. I have a 39 AR/traps and I love the costume, name, theme, and it kills me that i hate playing her because of the secondary. You didn't mention traps as a defender primary, and I have to admit I don't have one, but I can't even begin to imagine playing one. I would be so bored!

I have tried to have the conversation with other players about why they like traps. And I mean, asking them what they like about it, not telling them they shouldn't like it. Most get REALLY defensive and some try to tell me that i am crazy, but I just don't like the set AT ALL.

Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers