Characters of yours you've grown to hate.

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by tanstaafl View Post
'scuse the threadjack, but whats wrong with the Corruptor LR?
It's screwed up to not apply -speed. Or, at least, it was as of the last time I tested it, about 2-3 weeks ago. (I didn't see anything in the patch notes about it, but I should still probably test to see if i19 fixed it.) Makes it hard to keep things bunched up in the debuff clouds.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Originally Posted by Reiska View Post
Broadsword/Regen, my first 50. Love the concept and such, but she is just so badly overshadowed by my Broadsword/Shield I can't bear to play her anymore. I'm in the process of leveling an MA/Regen which will probably steal her name eventually (yay paid renames) if I decide I like it enough.
When I made my Broadsword/Regen, I expected him to be my first Scrapper to reach 50. I still love the pun name. (He's dressed in blue plate armor, so his name is "Blue Plate Special.") After all the nerfs to Regen, I kind of lost interest. Then I made a Broadsword/Shield, took that one to 50 (name is "Bull Shield") and got him softcapped. And now I have no real interest in leveling up ole' Blue Plate anymore. Regen is so squishy compared to most other sets.

My very first character, a Katana/Regen scrapper, is still sitting in the mid 20's. He's on a server I rarely go to anymore. Everyone in his SG left before CoV came out, so I was left with an SG with No prestige. His name was something I came up with on the spot as soon as I first logged into the game, so it is one of my least favorite. I haven't deleted him only because he was my first character.

I have a bunch of characters that I kind of lost interest in. My Kin/Elec defender was planned to be an Endurance Sapper, and had a great pun concept. (Dressed in Egyptian garb, he was infused with the power to sap energy from his foes, store it in himself and then expel it as electrical energy, named "Sultan Battery" -- say it out loud.) But as a Sapper, it would take two or more Short Circuits to really drain foes, so it really wasn't very effective. Transference + Short Circuit could drain a single foe pretty well, but then I would have aggroed everybody else. He spent a lot of time faceplanted. In the early 40's, he stalled. Now Elec Control is a much better set for doing Endurance Drain. Plus, I took my Dark/Elec Defender to 50, and the Electric Blast set is definitely lacking.

Made a Sonic/Sonic Defender named "Noise Ordinance," but never really enjoyed the Sonic Resonance set. I still have my TA/A defender on Freedom, made the first day that TA and Archery were available, named "Pointy Sticks" -- sorry, Luminara, but I got the name first -- who sits at level 21. I later really enjoyed my Illusion/TA controller, but TA as a primary is kind of lacking.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



Originally Posted by shaggy5 View Post
Wow--MM/bots seems to be disappointing to many. I have one, but I think she is lvl 22ish. I am just surprised at the lack of fun because I heard they are a pretty high powered MM.

Personally, I REALLY thought I would like masterminds, but I have 5 or 6 and the highest is upper 30s. I just don't enjoy them the way I would like. I get bored telling pets what to do rather than just doing it.
Bots/bubbles is a very high powered MM. It's also dreadfully boring because you steamroll everything while being safe behind your bubbles. Doesn't help that bubbles isn't an active secondary either. That's where traps is much more fun that bubbles imo.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



My still do not like him at all (he's 50) was a huge toil/effort to try to play him and get him to 50.

I probably have a few others toons that I don't particularly care for but...yikes the PB takes the cake.

Edit: Oh and I don't like the MM AT anymore. I don't think I'll make another MM again (have 3 at 50 now). The way I play (solo usually because of my odd hours of playing) I like to just finish the mission(s) as fast as possible...which is hard to do when pets are bringing aggro from the whole map. Yes I can kill them and re-summon but...I'm lazy and don't want to do that.

2nd edit: Oh, reading someone else's post about a TA toon reminded me of my lvl 50 TA/A Def. Yeah I don't care for him too much either. I still have bad memories of him trying to solo back in the day when all I had was Snap Shot, Fistful of Arrows and Ranged Shot as my attacks (beyond the debuffs of TA)....yeeeshh...not fun. Also memories of being in teams and seeing pretty much all mobs dying by the time my powers stopped activating/animating. Of course, it's not so bad now that they've reduced the animation times but...still...bad memories

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post
Bots/bubbles is a very high powered MM. It's also dreadfully boring because you steamroll everything while being safe behind your bubbles. Doesn't help that bubbles isn't an active secondary either. That's where traps is much more fun that bubbles imo.
Agree, really wish I'd made my namesake Bots/Traps instead of Bots/Forcefields.

With the IO sets you can now be as safe as you are with Bots/FF but have the addition of traps to go with it, it doesn't take too much to softcap a Bots/Traps to all positions.

It's also the problem that Forcefields brings nothing beyond 'more defense' compared to most other sets which atleast have some form of debuff.

Forcefields is definitely a set that could do with a total revamp.



I don't "hate" any of my characters. There are some that reach Lvl 50 and become shining stars in my rotation of played characters. Others fall to the wayside out of either frustration of how they developed, underperformance, or flat out "They Suck" characters. I will still play them and find reasons to keep them around, but they won't become my daily players.

Comic and Hero/Villain Culture
Saturday January 29th, 2005 (12:37 PM) ~ Monday August 9th, 2010
Those Who Lived It Will Remember Long after your Ban Hammer Crumbles and the servers flicker dead.
We Will Remember This One Moment In Time! ~ Shadow Ravenwolf



Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post

Forcefields is definitely a set that could do with a total revamp.
I didn't agree until I thought more about it. If you think about sonic resonance or thermal, you get the two buffs to put on players (yes, I know they are different, but they are still two buffs), but you seem to get a LOT more with other sets, but with bubbles you seem to get a lot less (no debuff, no heal, no +hit points, etc).

I actually love my bubbler, but can't play her much because it gets old. If the set offered another power or two that feels more useful, I would be all over it!

Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers



It was the age of fire/kin controllers. I grew curious as to what all the fuss was about.

I came up with what I thought was pretty good name and concept for a fire/kin controller. "Laird of Kinfyre" was the name. His banter binds almost wrote themselves; there's a rich tradition of curt, dismissive Scots proverbs. (Bound to Speed Boost: "Go rin yiself into a wall, $target!") The look was obvious: kilt, jacket and bow tie, beard, beret. Second costume: Braveheart.

I got the character to the mid 30s. I learned that I simply could not stand playing Kinetics on a team, and since I had it as a secondary I hardly ever got to use my primary. After taking the character on some TFs and being assigned the role of "the kin", I realized I never wanted to play this character again, much less get him to 50. Character was stripped and moved to a seldom visited server while the free transfers were out. I may want to reuse the costume sometime.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison



My Grav/FF troller. Love the costumes, concept, background, but I'm primarily a soloer, so with so little damage it is very, very very slow going. I get more damage from the temp powers and that is frustrating.



Originally Posted by shaggy5 View Post
I have tried to have the conversation with other players about why they like traps.
As someone else said, compared to ff, traps feels more active. And before they bugfixed (or nerfed...depends on who you ask heh) poison traps it was a very effective set...still is but not as much as before.

With ff, i might have been fine with it except single-target, short-term buffs are annoying to reapply to a team or your pets...and ff has two of these.



Originally Posted by Pebblebrook View Post
As someone else said, compared to ff, traps feels more active. And before they bugfixed (or nerfed...depends on who you ask heh) poison traps it was a very effective set...still is but not as much as before.

With ff, i might have been fine with it except single-target, short-term buffs are annoying to reapply to a team or your pets...and ff has two of these.
I can actual see why someone might like traps over FF. Thanks.

Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers



Originally Posted by Heraclea View Post
I got the character to the mid 30s. I learned that I simply could not stand playing Kinetics on a team, and since I had it as a secondary I hardly ever got to use my primary. After taking the character on some TFs and being assigned the role of "the kin", I realized I never wanted to play this character again, much less get him to 50. Character was stripped and moved to a seldom visited server while the free transfers were out. I may want to reuse the costume sometime.
Something like this has happened with every Kinetics user i've made. They either eventually get left unused or get remade as something else.

i played a FF/Rad to 50 once, but it burned me out on buffbots. Teaming on a Kin makes it worse since many players constantly ask for Speed Boost, some demand that they never receive it, and a few whinge on and on about needing Speed Boost when they already have it. At least with Force Fields i had more time between applications of buffs, and fewer were likely to demand it the instant the buffs dropped dropped or complain if they received them. <.<

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



My "problem child" toon is my L40-ish (43, I think?) Rad/Elec Defender.

I'm not sure if I'm at the hate stage yet, but I've definitely thought about
sending him to the bit bucket more than once.

For me, the issue with him is:

He's either Impressively Awesome ... or ... He's Dead.

There is absolutely zero in-between with him... It's Awesome or Dead...

For the most part, it doesn't matter what the targets are or what they con
(he's smacked reds around, and got killed by blues). It's really all about
whether he gets de-toggled or not...

If not, everything melts - it truly is awesome.
If so, he's insta-toast, and usually dead before I can do anything about it.

It drives me up the friggin' wall...

Ok, maybe I am at the Hate stage...

It's a real crapshoot whether this guy will live to see L50 or whether he'll
become an IO donor for a toon that doesn't make me pull my hair out...


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



Visions of Grandeur my Ill/rad who I pacted to 50 with a Fire/SR Scrapper.. both of which aren't fun for me...

Illusion is too single target.

I wish I'd made them Ill/Cold and Fire/Shield...



Originally Posted by shaggy5 View Post
I didn't agree until I thought more about it. If you think about sonic resonance or thermal, you get the two buffs to put on players (yes, I know they are different, but they are still two buffs), but you seem to get a LOT more with other sets, but with bubbles you seem to get a lot less (no debuff, no heal, no +hit points, etc).

I actually love my bubbler, but can't play her much because it gets old. If the set offered another power or two that feels more useful, I would be all over it!
The other problem with Forcefields isn't just that it is a one trick pony (it does defence and only other buffs or debuffs) but IO sets mean people can get close to or softcap their defense for not exactly a large chunk of inf.

So in an IO enviroment where Defense is easily available means that Forcefields just really isn't that useful since you're just going past the softcap.

Forcefields is a legacy set that hasn't seen an update, it was created when IOs were not even on the cards and where buffing up someones defense was actually a fairly good thing. Now it sticks out as the 'blech' buffing set. Everything it can do, Traps does almost as well and has the added benefit of debuffing -regen and -resistance too.



Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
The other problem with Forcefields isn't just that it is a one trick pony (it does defence and only other buffs or debuffs) but IO sets mean people can get close to or softcap their defense for not exactly a large chunk of inf.

So in an IO enviroment where Defense is easily available means that Forcefields just really isn't that useful since you're just going past the softcap.

Forcefields is a legacy set that hasn't seen an update, it was created when IOs were not even on the cards and where buffing up someones defense was actually a fairly good thing. Now it sticks out as the 'blech' buffing set. Everything it can do, Traps does almost as well and has the added benefit of debuffing -regen and -resistance too.
I only agree with this to an extent. The fact that forcefields buffs defense isn't the problem, because softcapping is far from as common as some people make it out to be (and almost non-existant in the low to mid levels), as is shown by the popularity of Cold domination buffs on teams and that people still frown upon VEATs that don't take maneuvers. This is also why I disagree with the notion that "everything it can do, traps does almost as well". This is true for solo play maybe, but on teams the single target buffs from forcefields are a nice advantage imo.

The two things that I feel count against forcefields are that its second effect, besides massive defense, is knockback, and we all know how popular that is, and that it is a very inactive set to use. You toggle on your big bubbles and apply team buffs every 4 minutes, maybe annoy the team a little with random knockback powers, and that's about it.

But overall I agree with your conclusion that forcefields would benefit from a bit of an overhaul. Of course that will piss off the people who like forcefields as is, despite, or maybe because of, the passive nature of the set.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



I created a Demon Summoning MM when that primary was first released and deleted it very quickly. I absolutely hated all the shrieking and howling and groaning they do. Plus, they're too big! They just get in the way of everything. I don't even like teaming with other DS/ MMs. The noise, the noise! yuck

I have a lvl 33 Ice/AXE Tanker who I've had a hate/hate relationship with for quite a while. Getting to lvl 20 for Stamina was brutal. I remember I hit 20 midway through a mission, immediately ran out of the mission, leveled up, slotted Stamina, and then returned to the mission. That's how bad I needed Stamina on him. I once spent 5 hours on a beautiful Sunday afternoon constantly yelling at the computer in utter frustration with him. I still have hopes that, one day, I'll be able to figure out a way to make him fun. He's slightly better on teams, but still so SLOW!

I have several alts who I don't particularly care for (Ice/Traps Corruptor, Stone/Stone Tanker, Storm/Elec Defender), and I have some alts who WERE fun but just kind of ran out of gas (Illusion/FF Controller, Claws/Dark Scrapper, DB/Nin Stalker).

Please try my arcs:

Arc# 63910 "Why Do Bad Girls Like Bad Boys?" (length=Long, levels 40+)
Arc# 401500 "How to Be a Successful Professional Criminal" (length=Very Long, levels 1-10)



At present, none - but I have deleted and/or rerolled a few in the past, and it was only a few days ago I decided not to do the same to another (see below).

The Watchmaker, your classic telepath and telekinetic, started out as Mind/Kin - but I soon found out that Kin wasn't a set I really liked playing, and most of the "telekinesis" stuff was already bundled into Mind. I also wrote the character for a specific story/arc, which ended at 20... and when it was over, I didn't know what to do with him (a predicament faced by many Praetorians recently). So I ended up leaving him on the shelf for long periods, trying to find some enjoyment in playing him. Finally I gave up on the powersets and rerolled him as Mind/Emp, soon getting the new version back up to the level he was before. The then-new Faultline content helped me push him a little further, and I muddled along with him until I found other things for him to do. He's now 50 and a freelance dimensional explorer, wandering the universe alone, rather like the Doctor.

(There were also times I was tempted to reroll him as a Mind/Psi blaster, or a dominator, now that GR lets you have them blueside. But while those are valid sets for the original concept, and if I'd had those options back then I might have, they don't fit what the character has become since.)

My first attempt at an Electric/Electric brute failed badly - not because of the powers, but because my character concept (an android with a very bad upbringing that left "him" a complete sociopath) just did not play well with others. Even on a team, it was as if he was soloing - said little, ran off by himself, etc. When roleplayed "properly", he acted like the kind of player I wouldn't want to team with. Rather than ask my friends to put up with this, or solo him all the way to 50, I punted.

My next character with those powersets was a Praetorian double for one of my other characters, made years before GR was even announced. (I'm pretty sure he has the 2007 badge.) The character played well, but sometimes suffered from lack of focus other than being The Evil Twin. When GR did come out, I jumped at the chance to play out (on another server) his backstory in Praetoria before being sent to Primal Earth. Now Issue 19 is out, and the original character (who just made 50) can actually "go back" to Praetoria ... except of course, he's not recognized there by his Loyalist contacts. For a day or two, I strongly considered deleting or transferring the 50 and moving the true-Praetorian 21 over to Virtue, even though it meant leveling him up all over again... but then I realized (1) there still really isn't that much reason to go to Praetoria, and (2) I could easily spin it that during the three years he was undercover in this dimension, he'd been written off, disavowed, even declared dead back home. So the character has now turned in his "formal resignation" by beating down his old boss in a mission, and is out only for himself. (Incarnate powers? Aw yeah, gimme some of that.)

Two other characters were deleted in their early 20s because I wanted to change one's origin (from Tech to Natural) and the other's build (from Male to Huge - again, this was years before the Science pack).

There have been times when I wished my Dark/Pistols defender was a blaster. There were times I wished my AR/Dev blaster was almost anything else. And there were times when Stone/Stone's bog-slow soloing frustrated me. But I've gotten through them all.

And the character in my forum pic? FF/Energy Blast, played about half-solo (so I could read the arcs and play at my own speed) all the way to 50, back in 2004-06. I still pull her out now and then.

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post
I only agree with this to an extent. The fact that forcefields buffs defense isn't the problem, because softcapping is far from as common as some people make it out to be (and almost non-existant in the low to mid levels), as is shown by the popularity of Cold domination buffs on teams and that people still frown upon VEATs that don't take maneuvers. This is also why I disagree with the notion that "everything it can do, traps does almost as well". This is true for solo play maybe, but on teams the single target buffs from forcefields are a nice advantage imo.
Agreed. I think a lot of people get caught in the idea that just because the forums talk about softcapped-perma-this-that-theother that it's the "norm" in game. It's not.

The two things that I feel count against forcefields are that its second effect, besides massive defense, is knockback, and we all know how popular that is,
You have:
- Defense
- Status protection
- Single target knockback in Force Bolt
- AOE KB in Repulsion Field (which, frankly, unless the FF Defender's hopping right in with the tank with it on shouldn't be an issue.)
- KnockDOWN and Disorient in Repulsion Bomb
- PBAOE Repel in Force Bubble
- Phase in Detention Field.

So, saying it's only one effect really isn't accurate.

and that it is a very inactive set to use. You toggle on your big bubbles and apply team buffs every 4 minutes, maybe annoy the team a little with random knockback powers, and that's about it.

But overall I agree with your conclusion that forcefields would benefit from a bit of an overhaul. Of course that will piss off the people who like forcefields as is, despite, or maybe because of, the passive nature of the set.
FF (actually, most "shielding" sets to some extent) are great when it comes to dual builds. Team, give up a little offense (though this isn't AS true now with inherent stamina) to add team buffs. Solo, you have a LOT of extra power choices to fit in more attacks, Leadership or what have you.



Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
After getting a character of mine to 50, I've realised something with all the teaming and TFing that's been going on.

I hate my Stone Armour Tanker.

I hate him because if I'm on a team, and there's no Kinetics using character with speed boost, I feel I'm a dead weight.

What awaits me is a series of missions of either getting to the fight last, or of constant toggling and de-toggling as I bring up granite, then drop it, then hope it's recharged by the time I get to the next mob.

And as I do this, it leaves me thinking just one thing:

Why the hell didn't I roll Invun?

As much as I love Rushmore's costume, his style and roleplaying on him, I hate his primary power set (I do love Stone Melee though), and I level slow enough that the thought of rerolling him makes me want to cry in how far he'll be from 50 again.

That's my character I hate. What's yours?
Slot him for recharge and +run speed and take teleport. I have 2 granite tanks and 2 brutes at 50, and my latest brute is far from slow. He rarely needs to run rooted with granite (when he's stupidly slow). Top off with the incarnate +recharge and he rocks.

I thoroughly hated my DA/axe tank, so I deleted him and remade him as DA/SM which I love. I hated my claws/invul scrapper for 47 levels, then respeced him and now like him.

My mind/rad troller, I never felt I was getting the best out of, but couldn't see why, so she's sat abandoned since she hit 50.

My SA/DB tank was rolled as a joke (granite doing DB animations looks utterly ridiculous) but -rech doesn't sit well with combos.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



Dr. Desolator, my epic, mad scientist, dimension hopping, fire throwing, soul rending supervillain. I've been trying for years to get into playing this guy. He's currently the highest he's ever been as a level 17 Fire/Dark Corruptor. It just pisses me off that he's got an awesome, if cliched, look, a great backstory, and awesome powersets, and I just can't get excited to play the *******. Something's missing and I just can't figure it out.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




I grew to hate my MA/Regen character who was my first or second character created after they changed Regen so that it was necessarily more click-intensive. I began to hate him even moreso when Willpower came out and it was more Regeneration-like than the current Regeneration set. I haven't been able to bring myself to delete/recreate him as a Willpower character, either.

My other first/second character is an Inv/EM Tank, and while I don't hate him, exactly, I become disillusioned/disappointed with him when I play him because his sturdiness isn't what it used to be.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
You have:
- Defense
- Status protection
- Single target knockback in Force Bolt
- AOE KB in Repulsion Field (which, frankly, unless the FF Defender's hopping right in with the tank with it on shouldn't be an issue.)
- KnockDOWN and Disorient in Repulsion Bomb
- PBAOE Repel in Force Bubble
- Phase in Detention Field.

So, saying it's only one effect really isn't accurate.
Alright, I forgot Status Protection and Phase (completely forgot about the last one). All the others fall under 'knockback' as far as I'm concerned

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



My very first ever character annoys me. He's stuck permanently at L 10. A elec/elec blaster. No matter how many times I've respeced him he just doesn't seem to be fun to play. OTOH I won't delete him. He was my first, dammit! I'm talking Issue 0, okay?

I actually was so thrilled when he got hover I slotted him for max hover speed. And back then, that was a crawl. Sometimes I felt like he was hovering backwards just for spite.