No Ordinary Family premier




10 minutes in and looks like the FF set up...

4 person family and an outsider gets hit in a storm.
The family seems to make it out unscathed and the outsider either dies or disapears...
Family develops powers

I'm predicting Outsider comes back with powers and blames the family for something or other.



is this supposed to be a comdey sitcom or srs bizniz series?



What is a non-comedy sitcom?

It's a Situation Comedy or sitcom ^.^



So far, it seems to me it's like what Heroes should have been. It's not taking itself too seriously and seems like it'll be a good show.

Though it's hard seeing Julie Benz as anything other than Darla the Superspeeding Vampire at this point.



The word Dz131 is looking for is


I just got used to Julie Benz as Dexter's wife, now I have to get used to her being a superhero mom.



I give it a "meh."

Thank you, Champion.



if anyone is curious Super wife can run just short of mach 1 (768 mph) the on screen number was something like 700mph while the dialog gave 1 mile per 6 seconds or 600 mph.

That is if we believe that these characters are 100% of their capacity and not going to continue to evolve.



I enjoyed it. If it keeps this up then I'll keep watching.

"Tell my tale to those who ask. Tell it truly, the ill deeds along with the good and let me be judged accordingly. The rest is silence." -- Dinobot



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
The word Dz131 is looking for is


I just got used to Julie Benz as Dexter's wife, now I have to get used to her being a superhero mom.
so it doesn't have a laugh track. cool because I can't stand that stuff



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
if anyone is curious Super wife can run just short of mach 1 (768 mph) the on screen number was something like 700mph while the dialog gave 1 mile per 6 seconds or 600 mph.

That is if we believe that these characters are 100% of their capacity and not going to continue to evolve.

I loved all the questions her assistant was asking; it shows the writers are doing their homework. I hope it means they have some plausible explanations they'll reveal over time.

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Originally Posted by Teikiatsu View Post
In 1 hour they accomplished what I'd been waiting 4 seasons for Heroes to do.

I don't know how long it will last on TV but I'm all in for now.

The teleporter fight?

THAT is what Heroes should've been doing instead of just showing light flashes when the two toughest characters are supposedly battling.



So... what we found out...

Super Dad...
Can jump a Quarter Mile
Can lift 11,000 lbs or 5.5 tons
Invulnerable to a point - High Caliber 4ft away penetrates 1/4 inch

He's a cop that isn't a cop? Anyone know what his job position is? I don't know of any Cop position that would be treated like that and he looks like a Detective of some sort.

Super Mom...
Can run just short of mach 1 (700ish mph)
Has an increased metabolism

Botanical Scientist of some sort.

Super Daughter...
Can read minds
I predict she will develop telkinetics

She's an athletic normally adjusted girl... They are obviously going to push some sort of issue with the virginity and guy problem... social commentary for the win ^.^

Super Son...
He has the power to...cheat on tests?

Obvious social commentary on the mentally handicap is coming and there will likely be a show devoted to handling going from the bottom of the class while trying hard to going to the top of the class without effort.

We've learned that there are others with powers and that there is some sort of conspiracy.

The 2 friends they let in are funny ^.^ I predict a romance of some sort happening between them.

I think it's a good beginning. They've set limits on all the powers they've introduced that they've explored thus far.They've introduced a probable running story and all the secondary characters. If i was an exec I'd have given this a second hour premier though as I'd want to explore and set up more of the world...

The question becomes, when will the network either kill the show through just taking it off the air, pre-empting, or pure crappy interference ^.^

My biggest problem with the show is that I don't know any of the characters' name and there were 8 main characters introduced, Father, Father's friend, Mother, Mother's friend, Son, Daughter, Female Officer, Evil Guy (All the daughters' friends, boyfriend, and enemies are all secondaries and don't matter, but I predict one will have powers ^.^)



Ben Grimm there is a sketch artist, so not "really" a cop.

The son has, what appears to be, either super intelligence developing or the ability to skip steps and see the solution to problems.



Chiklis' character is a sketch artist.

"Tell my tale to those who ask. Tell it truly, the ill deeds along with the good and let me be judged accordingly. The rest is silence." -- Dinobot



I liked it, I'm willing to give up NCIS (oh Dear, dear Abby) for this

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Originally Posted by Dark One View Post

The teleporter fight?

THAT is what Heroes should've been doing instead of just showing light flashes when the two toughest characters are supposedly battling.
Use correct super hero nomenclature... That's called Bamfing, not teleporting ^.^ and it's the same effect that Nightcrawler uses in the X-men movies... wonder what their explanation for it.



Saw it, and really liked it. A few times the show made me smile.

Adding the series to my schedule of TV shows to watch. ^_^



I was worried when they just used splice-shots of the dad at the batting cages that they were going to skimp on the effects department, but the fight with the teleporter showed they just reserved their budget for the bigger stuff.

The fact that he was wounded in the back of the head made me think that perhaps he only had invulnerability on the front half of his body or something, but maybe it's just more of a drainage thing like Molly from Runaways.

As for the wife, it's neat that they're basically going with the Barry Allen TV version of superspeed for them, and at least they brought up some of those pesky physics questions.

Also, you just know that this season is only going to progress far enough in their timeline that for the finale they can reveal that the mom is pregnant, and she'll have a super-powered baby!

- CaptainFoamerang

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Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
Though it's hard seeing Julie Benz as anything other than Darla the Superspeeding Vampire at this point.
That was Darla!? Wow, didn't recognize her with the business suit and office hair. She didn't have that whinny Darla voice either.

Okay, more special effects than a half a season of Heroes.

Mom has Flash appetite, glad to see they got that right.

The end fight was great with the teleporter.

Nice that the evil mastermind is Mom's boss.

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Looks fun! Yes I agree with the in the "in one single episode they did what we NEVER saw from Heroes... but wanted."

Hellz bellz, one particular Episode of Dexter left me feeling "that" one time. ;p (and that's not even super hero themed)

I think there was even an episode of Gilligan's Island that pulled off super powers with more panache, credibility and continuity then Heroes.

I gave heroes 4 years... 4 damn years. lol

(shakes fist)



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
That was Darla!? Wow, didn't recognize her with the business suit and office hair. She didn't have that whinny Darla voice either.
Yep, twas Darla the Vamp. I had a tough time believing it too, but whatcha gonna do...



Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
Yep, twas Darla the Vamp. I had a tough time believing it too, but whatcha gonna do...
It occurred to me when I picked up almost all the Buffy seasons that Darla appeared in very few episodes, yet people still remember Julie Benz as Darla.

- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
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Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
The fact that he was wounded in the back of the head made me think that perhaps he only had invulnerability on the front half of his body or something, but maybe it's just more of a drainage thing like Molly from Runaways.
And perhaps it's an awareness thing. If he's aware of an attack, he's invulnerable. If he's not...

"Tell my tale to those who ask. Tell it truly, the ill deeds along with the good and let me be judged accordingly. The rest is silence." -- Dinobot



Originally Posted by RogueDemonhunter View Post
Looks fun! Yes I agree with the in the "in one single episode they did what we NEVER saw from Heroes... but wanted."

Hellz bellz, one particular Episode of Dexter left me feeling "that" one time. ;p (and that's not even super hero themed)

I think there was even an episode of Gilligan's Island that pulled off super powers with more panache, credibility and continuity then Heroes.

I gave heroes 4 years... 4 damn years. lol

(shakes fist)
Well... it's not like this show gets to look at heroes and see where they went wrong, like not having a focused show, but I still liked heroes for what it was.

They also have the benefit of 4 years down the road more special effects have been invented for the various powers... like Bamfing. It also helps that most of their powers are easily done via camera tricks, cheap practical tricks, or premade SFX so far.

Invulnerability is just not reacting.
Strength is making plastic props pretty much.
Super Jumping has been mastered by smallville.
Super Speed has been mastered by Heroes and Smallville.
Telepathy is just an audio track.
The "answer" power is just a camera trick along with a simple FX.
Bamfing is the hardest thing to do and it was premade and when was that made? So not really expensive...

Where as the primary power of Heroes was what? Claire's regen that is never done the same way twice and almost always needs prosthetics... that's hell of an expensive SFX after a while.