Informal Art Poll




Option 2...IF!!!... a way of reorganizing the menu option isn't too hard to do (as in would delay this project of Davids by a few weeks). There is too much clutter already and I don't want it added to.

Option 1 otherwise. I want better detailed skin pieces ASAP, and I rather not wait any more than I have too just keep the Body Paint stuff...



David, keep in mind that people do mix and match the tights options to make dresses and the sort.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Option 2, please.



Looking at my partner's character's (he's only been playing about 9 months now), i see a distinct tendency to use the new stuff, unless his concept is golden/silver age - then he uses more of the legacy items.

Personally, i am for option one, as long as the updated textures are just updated textures and geometery does not change.

And as for the legacy tails, i have at least two characters that use them old, non-animated, tails, as the "tail" is part of the outfit, not part of the person. Any of my characters that actually have tails that are part of the person use the animated tails.

Also, put me down as another that wants sets completed (steam punk boots, a mask that matches tights shiney option, etc) as well.

I reject your reality and substitue my own!
--Adam Savage from "Mythbusters"



I'd go with option 1. It's one thing on weapons where something actually changed, like weapon scale, but if you compare the issue 1 hair/faces to more current ones, it is a bit telling. Obviously changing these would have to preserve the old asthetic, but if you can use a higher resolution version it would help.

Oh, and while you're at it...can we get some of the glow mechanic on costumes/faces? I look at some coloring options lick 'lock' and 'circuits,' as well as some of the glassy-eyed 'supernatural' faces, and think that using the glow mechanic introduced on mutants would be nice. Perhpas the coloring could be introduced as a new option for tights? (i.e. tights>tights sleek> Tights glow)

*edit* One more thing: PLEASE re-evaluate the color white. In 'tops with skin.' It has a flesh hue, even when used on a non-caucasian skinned character. It looks tackier still on caucasian characters, like they're dressed in tissue paper. On other costume items, white is a light grey and not white at all.



Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
Just so we're completely clear, the hypothetical 'new' pieces would look 100% identical at distance, use essentially the same geometry, and differ only in the sense that they look crisper/cleaner/sharper up close. There would be absolutely NO impact to a toon's theme because there'd be no discernable aesthetic change.

Would you really use the legacy asset w/ older, blurrier texture if a cleaner, sharper version was available to you? If so, I'd love to understand why you feel that way.
There are two fundamental problems here, and an additional side issue:

* The CoH team has close to a 100% failure rate at delivering on the above promises, and in every such case I can recall players have been basically told to suck it up.

The arrogance level of the art team is viewed as pretty high for a reason, with cryptic pronouncements at widely-spaced intervals rather than communication, inattentiveness to player concerns, a lack of a meaningful feedback process (especially early enough in the process to actually serve any purpose), an unreasonably high error rate (what's the odds that a patch will break a previously-working costume piece?), extreme slowness to fix errors (if a database typo causes something to go missing and it takes more than one patch cycle to fix, your process has serious flow issues), and so on.

You appear to be working to fix a lot of this, and I have hopes... but we've had plenty of people come in with nice-sounding comments who fail to deliver results. Forum talk is cheap, results speak volumes. You are going to have to show us on this one.

* The trend lately seems to be toward more elaborately designed pieces to fit a specific look or set, rather than more useful pieces that can be used for many different things.

If I can draw an analogy, it's conceptually similar to a trend in Lego sets some years ago, where the number of custom oddly-shaped plastic pieces increased dramatically and the number of general-purpose bricks declined sharply. This made building the set pictured on the box easier and faster, but reduced the utility of the set for building anything else.

Personally, I'm a bit conflicted; some of the newer pieces are much crisper looking and that's usually good; however, I find myself frustrated by the "added elements" not matching what I'm trying to go for, or each other, far more often than they help. I can't even begin to count the number of times I've wasted time swearing at the costume creator because some artist decided that one piece "needed" some sort of overlay or blending layer, which changes the color so that it doesn't match some other piece that doesn't have such a layer, and the limited color picker doesn't allow me to match them up. Similar are the pieces that seem to have some element of "Caucasian" peach-ish skintone baked into them, and look really off when used on more ethnically diverse humans let alone the wide variety of colors seen in CoH.

Then there's things like the pieces that have decor elements that limit them to a very narrow range of uses, where the basic piece would be far more widely applicable. To pick just one example I ran into recently, there's a perfectly good bicorne hat model that if done properly could have been used for all sorts of historical concepts; Napoleonics, formal diplomatic dress, naval officers, and of course pirates both realistic and silly. It might even get used for unusual concepts like a hammerhead shark headpiece. However, it's got a giant white skull and crossbones plastered across the front, totally non-removable and non-colorizeable , which limits it to a small subset of silly cartoon pirates with particular color schemes and limited imagination (and the even smaller set of people making deliberate ironic use of the above).

Plus, the trend so far has been to introduce even fewer versions of the higher-resolution pieces. For instance, I have a character that has the "Headband with wings" piece as an essential part of her look. While she enthusiastically adopted the body textures from the Mac Pack Valkyrie set when that came out, the great-looking high-res head wings that came with it don't have a "with headband" option, and due to the somewhat bizarre legacy organization of the costume pieces, can't be combined with the existing headbands; so she's stuck using the old low-res versions.

(As just one example, if the ear-covering side-head pieces such as wings, headphones, earcups with antenna, etc. were placed where they really belong in the "Ear" menu, you could mix and match them with the existing "upper face" details such as headbands any way that was needed; the requirement to even *have* a "headband with wings" option is a failure of the costume organizational system. It should be a naturally emergent case of being able to pick a headband from one menu, and side-head wings from another.)

* The organization of the costume pieces is terrible, and the user interface is poor. There's at least some hope that you might be able to argue for some UI designer time or whatever is required to make better sense of the way costume pieces are presented while doing all this, and the odds of us getting a more flexible interface going forward are increased if you have to consider multiple versions of the existing pieces.

For instance, using your example of the Tank Top piece, if you added a sub-option to it, we could start with the existing piece called "Legacy" and add a "Matte cloth" option based on the medium-light weight white cotton or poly/cotton undershirt you linked. Later on, someone might decide that this same geometry could be used for a filmier, shiny casual party top or more feminine underwear, and we'd get a third or perhaps fourth option, "Shiny cloth" and "Shiny cloth with lace" in a Valentine's pack, perhaps. At some other point, a police-themed pack might give us the distinctive vertically-ribbed undershirt worn for ventilation under body armor ("Ribbed cloth"), and an actual light body armor texture ("Light body armor"). Once you have the structure, being able to add pieces later is much easier; but if you go about replacing pieces haphazardly in situ we loose big in the long run.

Currently, you'd use the existing low-res piece for all of the above; once you start getting specific, you need to have more sub-options so that you don't make things look worse for some uses. For example, anyone currently using the tank top to represent the silk top is going to be seriously upset if you replace it with something that looks less like a sexy piece someone might wear to a nightclub and more like something someone would wear fixing their pickup in a trailer park.

tl;dr: The existing low-res pieces are used for all sorts of things that they plausibly might be; if you pick only one thing to represent in high-res and the new version is clearly that, you eliminate all of the other possibilities of what it might be. The only reasonable option that will not get players justifiably upset is to have the original general-purpose Legacy piece as an option, and add additional high-res options as you have art resources to produce them.

Miuramir, Windchime, Sariel the Golden, Scarlet Antinomist...
Casino Extortion #4031: Neutral, Council+Custom [SFMA/MLMA/SLMA/FHMA/CFMA]
Bad Candy #87938: Neutral, Custom [SFMA/MLMA/SLMA/FHMA/HFMA]
CoH Helper * HijackThis



Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
HYPOTHETICAL OPTION 1: Old assets would be removed from the Costume Creator menu and you'd have the newer, updated ones instead.

Pro: This raises the overall quality bar of the game by eliminating the oldest, least-attractive pieces; players look cooler; everything looks more consistent and modern. Less menu clutter.
Con: change is scary; perhaps some players will prefer the old pieces?
If by eliminating you mean replacing the old model and texture with a new, upgrade one for the same basic look but much higher resolution... I'd be all for that.

Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
Possible grist for the mill:
--non-animated tails were left in Costume Creator when Animated Tails were added. Do any of you use the non-moving ones at this point?
I never used the old non-animated tails, but I've got one or two characters that will actually use the animated ones now. They are way cool.

I'd be super-all-for something that adds updating the character creator so that you can have multiple colors on the tights patters, increase the model polygons and gives us the ability to texturize it with cloth, shiny cloth, leather and metal (the one thing I think CO did correctly.)

Still here, even after all this time!



Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
Just so we're completely clear, the hypothetical 'new' pieces would look 100% identical at distance, use essentially the same geometry, and differ only in the sense that they look crisper/cleaner/sharper up close. There would be absolutely NO impact to a toon's theme because there'd be no discernable aesthetic change.

Would you really use the legacy asset w/ older, blurrier texture if a cleaner, sharper version was available to you? If so, I'd love to understand why you feel that way.
I think the thing is, when you have the lower texture resolutions on items, it sort of leaves certain things open to interpretation. By making them "crisper", you run the risk of interpreting an item differently than I might. For example, in the case of the tank top, you see a typical cotton tank top. However, I might have picked it for my character because it reminded me of this, a spandex tank top. By adding those subtle folds and the fabric texture, you've created a better looking item, but you've simultaneously removed an option for me.

Personally, I'm not that detail oriented, but you have to keep in mind that other people are. Any change you make to the costume creator in going to be met with some complaints. I tend to be more of the mind of "more is better" myself. Yes, it will create more clutter, but then the costume creator, itself, is "showing its age" and could use some of that improvement to quality to make this less of a concern.



Personally I'd prefer you take into account computer speeds etc. before making the decision to update them. If a really large number of people are still using old computers, removing the low rez stuff might leave them only with newer pieces that look crappy on their machines.

That said, I personally prefer the replacement method. Just don't take anything out unless you're putting in something very similar: for instance, there's only one male ponytail option, so if that got taken out there would be no more ponytails period. Having your character suddenly lose the hairstyle they've had for 4 years with nothing that looks very similar left to replace it would suck tremendously.

Active (Freedom): Setna (Ice/Psi Dom), Arram (WP/KM Tank), Tesmiel (Elec/SS Tank), Astredax (Robot/Dark Mastermind), Operative Vidali (melee fortunata)

Retired (Virtue): Gaav (Inv/EM Tank), Baqra (Fire/SS Tank)



Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
I'm voting Option 1.

And I concur with Bill about the pieces that have associated patterns, that specific pieces pattern should be at the top of the list not the bottom. It's rather annoying to select Bio-Organic head/chest/etc and the have to scroll to the bottom of the pattern list for Bio-Organic.
Here's a little tip I've learned: If the piece you are looking at has an associated pattern, hitting "reset" on the pattern automatically brings up the correct pattern for that item rather than going back to "none".



Option 2, please! That updated tank top may look more realistic with creases, but I may like the smooth one we have now in some cases. I'd prefer to have more choices than lose a look I have now and really like.

Also, thanks for letting us chime in!



Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
Sure. Not saying that this is in the queue or anything, but take a look at the tank top. Currently, it's a simple cut-out without any details. Now look at a real-world tank top (like this one and note the trim and stitching along the edges and bottom. Also note the subtle folds and even subtler fabric texture. These are things that could be improved in an updated texture. Would it still be a plain white tank top? Of course! But it'd be a lot more realistic and convincing.
As far as this example goes, I think that is a great idea, but I have used the existing tank top to blend with tight pants before, for a smooth, sleek look.

I am not one of those people that would freak out about this change, it's an alt I rarely play, just giving an example of how even things like that can be used.

Personally, I really think this would be a case-by-case basis, and there will be people that will flip out if a piece is replaced completely, no matter how simple.

Still, I would love to see a not-skin-tight T-Shirt...

@Incarnadine - 50s on Victory:
Electric-Boogaloo (Electric/Psy Dominator) | Floating Flame (Fire/Psy Blaster) | Guldo Golem (Stone/Mace Tanker) | Hornak (Elec/Elec Brute) | Insatiable Greed (Demon/Dark Mastermind) | Solar Explorer (Plant/Thermal Controller) | TimeTraveler (Kin/Ice Defender) | Verranil (Emp/Archery Defender)



Reading though, I'd actually lean towards Option #2 now. I hate to diminish people's creative options and the simple fact is when you remove things (even for supposed better things) you're doing just that. In the case of the low-res head wings, they might make shoddy looking wings compared to the high-res option but they make better looking fins for fish characters or ridges for reptilian characters, etc. I'm always interested in how people creatively work the costume options and taking options away from them just seems like a bad move.



I vote for option 1. I see this way to much on my male characters particularly with hair styles and facial hair styles. Most of the low res items for any part of the body just clash horribly with the newer stuff.

Shadowy Presence - Absolutely, positively worse than playing a Kheldian... --Myrmydon



Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
Anything's possible with enough dev time allocated, but my gut feeling is that almost everyone would prefer the look of 'new tights' and that 'classic tights' would gather dust. The goal would be to polish up the assets you already know and love, so they essentially look the same...but better.

Also, I still feel that this introduces unnecessary clutter into the system, reduces new user-friendliness, and ultimately hurts the game experience.
That's exactly how I feel, so I'll toss my vote towards "Option #1".

Continue to rock on David and tell Jay we miss him 'round these parts

Edit: I also agree with the caveat presented in the below post.



I vote for option 1, but with a caveat: Improve whole-texture pieces, but please do not transform "pattern clothes" into entire textures. Let me explain:

Any costume piece which is an entire, full texture or even more a specific geometry shape with a single texture associated to it should be improved and its legacy version discarded, in my opinion. New items should always replace the item they are intended to improve on. Only if the item is significantly different should a legacy version be retained.

Any costume piece which is a PATTERN (i.e. colour mask), be it just a basic pattern or a piece used in Tights with Skin should be preserved AS A PATTERN. I don't want to walk into the game one day and realise that the Sports Bra pattern has been transformed into the Sports Bra texture with stitching and creases and suchforth. If it was a pattern before the changes, it should be improved to be a higher-resolution sharper-line pattern after the changes. If an actual texture is made, it should be added as an extra option.

Just as an example, I have a high dislike for the female Tank Top costume piece right now, because although it's a good piece, it's a full texture swap, which made it one of the items that couldn't be used when I was experimenting with a more muscular texture. Keep patterns as patterns, and do add to them, please.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



In general, I'm up for option 1, because leaving low-res textures in the game is going to look jarring, and people with lower-end machines won't realize how ugly they've made their characters look. We already have this problem, to some extent; some of the textures look like they go well together, if you're on a low-end machine, and they just don't.

But I do have at least two characters that use a non-animated tail, because it's supposed to be part of the costume, not something growing out of their bodies; girls dressed up like cats, not anthropomorphic females. So that may have been a bad example.

P.S. My first choice would be "none of the above." My first choice would be to redirect the art department towards making new environments and re-detailing the oldest environments. We have nearly a thousand costume parts, but only about a dozen types of zones.



Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
HYPOTHETICAL OPTION 2: We leave the old version alone and put the new version immediately below it in the Costume Creator.

Pro: Nothing is 'taken away.'
Con: Outmoded art remains, clashes progressively more with newer, modern assets. Menus swell with 2 options for each basic piece, making it harder to navigate.
This one, if there was a simple 'Show/Hide Legacy Pieces' toggle.

Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
Possible grist for the mill:
--non-animated tails were left in Costume Creator when Animated Tails were added. Do any of you use the non-moving ones at this point?
Personally no. However, the new tails have almost identical models/textures.

A counter to this is the Gladiator shoulders being replaced with a newer model that was slightly different, and the older one being removed.

[CENTER]Euro side: [B]@Orion Star[/B] & [B]@Orions Star[/B][/CENTER]



Option 1. There are a bunch of legacy pieces that I would never consider using with anything more recent, because the relative textures make my characters look like they're mixing clothes with body paint. The fact that I'm not building Stripperella makes this less than ideal, and removes a large number of options from my palette. I'd love updated versions of a lot of the pieces, both male and female.

My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.



I'm going to go with option 1, myself. The older parts are ugly, and the costume editor is a mite cluttered as it is. We don't need to double the options with all those old legacy textures. All the faces were altered slightly for City of Villains, and although people complained, in practice I just have not seen a practical difference.

Really, the only problem with some of the revisions have been when the new costume piece is significantly different than the old version. The old suit jackets had a different "build" to the body than the new jackets, and people still miss the old thigh-high boots. If the textures are going to look exactly the same, just with higher resolution, by all means, replace.

We need some matte versions of the new reflective textures, though, especially the ones that are extremely reflective. I had at least one costume go wierd on me, because Tech Sleek went from mildly metallic-looking to ZOMG SHINY. That would be an example of the new pieces being noticeably different from the old ones.

Arc #41077 - The Men of State
Arc #48845 - Operation: Dirty Snowball



Ordinarily I'd really go with "replace everything and take the yucky old pieces out"... but sometimes the "new" pieces are ugly and don't work well for what the old piece was being used for. So, I'm torn.

As far as the tank top goes... you know, I'd say replace all the "painted on" pieces for sure, but don't automatically replace them with something that looks wrinkled and curled and weird. Not everyone wants their heroes to be wearing ill-fitting clothing!



Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
Just so we're completely clear, the hypothetical 'new' pieces would look 100% identical at distance, use essentially the same geometry, and differ only in the sense that they look crisper/cleaner/sharper up close. There would be absolutely NO impact to a toon's theme because there'd be no discernable aesthetic change.
Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
Duly noted. If shiny finish and/or geometry were altered, I wouldn't have a problem with leaving the legacy version.
In light of these, I support option 1.



if it's just a clean up job I say option 1

I'd kinda like to see the differance tho, I'm visually based so, if theres a way to see some peices before and after so i can see the differances



How about adding a Legacy Tailor contact to a specific Icon/Facemaker location (or to all such locations); move all the old school pieces there for minimized menu clutter.

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
As far as the tank top goes... you know, I'd say replace all the "painted on" pieces for sure, but don't automatically replace them with something that looks wrinkled and curled and weird. Not everyone wants their heroes to be wearing ill-fitting clothing!
I disagree completely. Do not replace "painted-on clothes" with anything other than better painted-on clothes. There is a place for tops with skin textures, and there is still a place for tops with skin patterns. I do not want to have all tops and all bottoms "bonded" with the skin texture for no good reason.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.