Tweets of the PAX Panel




Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
APPs are intended as a reward?
What is the point of the APPs, anyhow? Why were they introduced? Just curious. They're nice perks to me - either I take'em or I don't.



What Electric-Knight said because I'm feeling too lazy to type all that over again.

There was never any doomcrying on my part. I don't know who else was doing it. But it annoys me when every comment that is made against something is considered doomcrying.

I'll wait and see exactly how they go about implementing this before rendering a final judgment. I know folks have been waiting for inherent stamina for years and right now I'm not arguing against that. I'm basically only not happy with having to have 3 extra powers that I may or may not want on a given toon based on personal concept or feel of play.

If it can be done...I'd simply like a choice to build my toon exactly how I want to. Which has pretty much always been the case with this game.



Originally Posted by Psyte View Post
What is the point of the APPs, anyhow? Why were they introduced? Just curious. They're nice perks to me - either I take'em or I don't.
Issue 1 introduced levels 41-50. People's reaction was "Yeah, and? What new powers can I take in those extra 10 levels?" Issue 2 answered that question by giving us Epic Powerpools, officially renamed "Ancillary" Powerpools, because "what's so epic about those?"

The reason we were given Epics was so there was something new to take in the 40s.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Slashman View Post
There was never any doomcrying on my part. I don't know who else was doing it. But it annoys me when every comment that is made against something is considered doomcrying.
Well, for my part, I never thought you were doomcrying, and I respected your argument. I know it probably didn't come off like it (what with the "you'll get over it" tripe), but that is a valid concern. How SERIOUS it is is a matter of perspective, but I can respect that it is, in fact, a valid concern nonetheless.

It's certain other posts that bugged me.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Captain Fabulous View Post
Cause when the game is full of half-***** improvements guess what you have? A half-***** game. And that's the last I'm going to say on the subject.
Luckily, Jack took the half-assery with him when he left

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by DaemonHeld View Post
I keep seeing the term "Signed NDA" being questioned.. but haven't all of the NDA's prior to this been "digitally signed"? It seems to me that, that is exactly the case here.

I haven't been in a CoH Closed Beta requiring an NDA since CoV.. so my memory may be a little fuzzy there, but I would almost swear that the wording used then was equal to the player 'signing a non-disclosure agreement' by accepting their spot in the Beta.

True, but a lot of players seem to not take that NDA seriously. Some think its not even enforceable. Most believe the worst that could happen is they could get banned, maybe. The terms of the closed beta NDAs have always lacked the rigor of an actual contractual NDA.

There would be absolutely no question about the intent or enforceability of an actual signed contractual NDA the player had to physically sign and send to NCSoft. Because an actual nondisclosure agreement is essentially a contract between the two parties, violating an NDA is a breach of contract that theoretically exposes the violator to almost unlimited liability. Its not the same thing as violating the EULA.

It might just be a more elaborate electronic acknowledgement of the NDA rather than the informal one in all the other closed betas. Or if they are really serious about it, it might be a "download this and sign it and send it back to us" kind of thing. It depends on how seriously they intend to protect the integrity of the I20 beta.

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Originally Posted by Dalantia View Post
The player running out of endurance because they're throwing out attacks, healing, debuffs (especially high-cost ones) constantly without any regard for their ability to sustain them, plus running toggles that negate portions of their end regen is.. precisely what the Endurance system is supposed to do, from what I see. There are (supposed to be) consequences to insisting on throwing out everything you have at every moment. Lessening those consequences or their frequency is, in fact, making the game easier.

Whether that's a good or a bad thing, I leave to the opinions of others. I'm cautious toward it, personally.
If the current endurance useage system isn't a 'bad' thing, then getting stamina wouldn't be so popular. Popular as in almost everyone feels they NEED to take it. That's why the devs are making it an inherent.

And I'm not suggesting removing the endurance aspect of the game, it's a good mechanic. I like the fact I have to manage my endurance. BUT from lvl 1-20, it's simply ridiculously frustrating to run out of endurance at the end of pretty much every fight, and having to constantly rest between spawns, and it's even worse due to the fact rest is not always up. First of all, this is far more prominent on melee toons, especially when their survival depends upon running toggles on top of attacking. Secondly, you say it is intended to stop players from using 'everything they have' 'too often', but in the early levels you don't have all that much to begin with, and you need to pretty much use everything you have to win fights.

And on top of that, due to not having much in terms of powers, slotting and enhancements, there's not much you can even do to manage it, other than resting in between spawns, or flat out waiting for end to come back because rest is recharging. That's an excessive 'endurance management mechanic', and that's a big reason why so many hate the level 1-20 grind to stamina, and thats why the vast majority of toons created have stamina in their builds, me included. The only way to really 'manage' your endurance at low levels is to move reaaaaallllly slooooowly, and constantly rest or wait between spawns (or have specialized toon on the team like a kin) - that's not fostering skill, that fostering bordom and frustration.

And finally, this change is not eliminating the endurance management mechanic at all. Players with stamina still run out of endurance. Fully slotted level fifties still run out of endurance. IO'd out toons still run out of endurance. Endurance will still need to be managed, it will just lower the ridiculously difficult level it's at now - especially for the level 1-20 'grind'. And on top of that builds will be more diverse with three new power choice opportunities.

In terms of whether this change is good or bad, clearly on it's own you're seeing almost a unanimously positive reaction, because most people don't consider constantly having to rest or wait before moving on as 'fun'. If your idea of 'fun' is clicking rest every time it is up and watching your toon take a knee, I can assure you that you are in the vast minority. On the plus side, even with this change you can still click rest any time you want...



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
A person's options for controlling endurance before 20-22 are extremely limited. The "endurance system" is far too severe at this point. Just taking a toggle can totally ruin your endurance as early as level 4. You can't really slot to reduce endurance, or have the ability to get Stamina and ease the pain. It's a harsh, harsh lesson in endurance that's not really fair to players.

Besides, giving Stamina "for free" doesn't allow anyone to have any more endurance management than they had access to in the first place. It's not like everyone will run around without care anymore (unless you believe they can already do that, in which case nothing is changing anyway). The only difference is players below level 20 won't be as harshly punished for power picks.

Ugh, I shoulda just quoted this and typed 'agreed' rather than posting my rant, lol.



Originally Posted by PlanetKiller View Post
This thread:

-Typical Dev stroking for adding a small change that should of been added ages ago

-Typical bitter pvpers/people not understanding that they are just bitter pvpers

-People insulting/flaming people for attempting to have an opinion/critiquing what so many of you consider to be a "perfect game", even while said person is obviously trying to back out of the argument

-No pvp news

i am dissapoint
Originally Posted by Jetpack View Post
Originally Posted by PlanetKiller View Post
i am dissapoint
The only correct part of this post.
orly? so there was pvp news at pax and they just forgot to mention it in this thread? thats good for a moment i thought the devs were just going to curl it under the rug like they have been for the past 5 issues.

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



Originally Posted by Captain Fabulous View Post
Yes, apparently we have vastly different expectations. I have always believed if you're going to do something you should do it right, 100%, and never anything less.
So you, like, brush your teeth with monomaniacal rigor, and eat your cereal with every muscle tensed?


I'm far from being a dev fanboy but I do believe in credit where it's due.
The issue here isn't so much dev performance as a bad case of inflated expectations.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
True, but a lot of players seem to not take that NDA seriously. Some think its not even enforceable. Most believe the worst that could happen is they could get banned, maybe. The terms of the closed beta NDAs have always lacked the rigor of an actual contractual NDA.

There would be absolutely no question about the intent or enforceability of an actual signed contractual NDA the player had to physically sign and send to NCSoft. Because an actual nondisclosure agreement is essentially a contract between the two parties, violating an NDA is a breach of contract that theoretically exposes the violator to almost unlimited liability. Its not the same thing as violating the EULA.

It might just be a more elaborate electronic acknowledgement of the NDA rather than the informal one in all the other closed betas. Or if they are really serious about it, it might be a "download this and sign it and send it back to us" kind of thing. It depends on how seriously they intend to protect the integrity of the I20 beta.
There's no way they'll actually have mailed in NDA signatures, that's just absurd on a colossal level. It will simply be an electronic signature rather than the normal "signing in means you agree to abide by the NDA" method. Electronic signature is much quicker and doesn't involve sorting masses of snail mail. I don't see how so many jumped to the conclusion that it would be an actual physical signature.



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
I'm not looking to start a flame war, but you're grasping at straws with those things you listed being things we paid for.

Also I'd like a PATCH note for when mobs were given more DOT AOE at the same time that stalkers got buffed.
I'm personally curious about how the ability to only mail one item and some inf per mail message is somehow worse than it was before we got the ability to mail things to globals at all.

I mean if the only one item and inf per message is somehow us paying for the ability to mail stuff. It just doesn't make much sense to me.

Edit: Wow, I somehow missed that new page after I got back from lunch. I thought the number of extra replies that popped up after I refreshed seemed a bit on the anemic side.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
Im sad they not working in a revamp of power pools, animated hands and faces...
Actually, if you read the tweets, they ARE looking into animated hands and faces...

geeze...some people...

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Originally Posted by Knightfox View Post
There's no way they'll actually have mailed in NDA signatures, that's just absurd on a colossal level. It will simply be an electronic signature rather than the normal "signing in means you agree to abide by the NDA" method. Electronic signature is much quicker and doesn't involve sorting masses of snail mail. I don't see how so many jumped to the conclusion that it would be an actual physical signature.
I've been in betas with physical signatures required. We got them as an email attachment were allowed to return them by fax, but we had to print them out and sign them. I don't really see that as so absurd.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



I don't understand why they are bothering with animated hands or faces at all.



Originally Posted by DaemonHeld View Post
I keep seeing the term "Signed NDA" being questioned.. but haven't all of the NDA's prior to this been "digitally signed"? It seems to me that, that is exactly the case here.

I haven't been in a CoH Closed Beta requiring an NDA since CoV.. so my memory may be a little fuzzy there, but I would almost swear that the wording used then was equal to the player 'signing a non-disclosure agreement' by accepting their spot in the Beta.

We actually went over this in a thread where people were posting wating to get into loyalty beta. PS has never "made us sign an NDA" not even a digital one. All they've done in every beta previous is ASK NICELY that people respect a list of terms we've all come to call "the NDA" if you broke it, and they found out, you were removed from Beta, and barred from future betas at their discretion.

For "Real" Betas. (Microsoft Products, the Japanese PS2-based Beta of FFXI I was in, many game-launch betas especially by SOE). You either electronically sign a legal document, or in the case of the "Japanese PS2-Beta" I had a physical document of serveral pages mailed to me in a fed ex mailer, I read through it, signed and dated it, then mailed it back to Sony, it also delt with how I would return the hardware at the end of the period, etc. etc.

When you sign a true "signed NDA" of those natures, either physically or electronically, you can actually be sued by the company for breach of contract and things of that nature. Doesn't mean they WILL, but they CAN. So no, we've never "signed" an NDA since i9, the first "Closed Beta".

I've heard/been told that the original CoV Beta had a signed NDA in some form, as did, probably the original CoH Beta. Personally I'm surprised we didn't sign one for the GR Beta, but given the nature of the loyalty rewards program and all that confusion, I suspect it was "more trouble than it was worth". So either stuff in i20 is SO big they want extra security, or they've just tired of the leaks and things they've had in the past, and have decided to move to a "real" beta model, and require signed NDAs from then on. One or the other.

Short answer: Yeah, it's very different, and no, we've never signed one before.

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
I don't understand why they are bothering with animated hands or faces at all.
Well, it's been requested on and off by quite a few people, and they might have discovered some way of doing ti that they hadn't thought about before, so it might now have moved from "wouldn't it be nice if..." to "let's see if we can make this work" - but that doesn't mean it's on any kind of priority list or anything.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by DLancer View Post
I think I've found out why i20 needs to have a signed NDA.

Many Bothan spies died to get me this information.

They're going to replace the game with WoW. All Hero characters will turn into Gnome Fighters and all Villain characters will turn into Troll Shamans.
*has nightmares of CoH NGE*

Don't even joke about this.

Originally Posted by Knightfox View Post
There's no way they'll actually have mailed in NDA signatures, that's just absurd on a colossal level. It will simply be an electronic signature rather than the normal "signing in means you agree to abide by the NDA" method. Electronic signature is much quicker and doesn't involve sorting masses of snail mail. I don't see how so many jumped to the conclusion that it would be an actual physical signature.
The reason some of us "jumped" to the conclusion is because an "electronic signature" means nothing more than clicking I Agree on the EULA screen in the launcher. Why mention it being signed if it isn't physically signed.

"And yes, it worries me that people know how many pipelines their graphics cards have and the bus speed of a PCIe-16x, yet don't know how to convert between bordering time zones."

[COLOR="Yellow"]Avatar by Dragonberry, coloring by Bubbawheat[/COLOR]



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
I haven't seen anyone doomcrying about it.
You obviously didn't read the earlier parts of the thread with "TamakiRevolution"'s posts then. There've been about 3-5 people doomcrying, and 1-2 supposedly /ragequitting over it. Not talking about you, just that there are people calling DOOOOOM same as always.

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
I'm far from being a dev fanboy but I do believe in credit where it's due.
The issue here isn't so much dev performance as a bad case of inflated expectations.
You know, I'm curious here. Does the fact that I'm generally happy with the game and for the most part pleased with additions to the game make me a fanboy or just the target audience?

I mean, obviously the game has its flaws, and they don't always add the stuff I'd love for them to, but what they do give me tends not to suck and is generally free.

The party pack's still too freaking expensive though.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Originally Posted by HardRider View Post
Ah come on..thats means i got to pick 3 powers on my brute now tht i wont use or can even slot..wth!. all my toons now have to find 3 powers tht i dont want.

" sob, sob...Cry, Cry "

CoX for life !!



Originally Posted by PC_guy View Post
orly? so there was pvp news at pax and they just forgot to mention it in this thread? thats good for a moment i thought the devs were just going to curl it under the rug like they have been for the past 5 issues.
I was going to say "the other true part of the post was "bitter PvPers don't realize they're bitter". But I don't have to, this post proves that for me.

My standard response to this stuff is "This game has PvP in it?" Of course I know it does, I've even done it on occasion, but the running joke is, CoX does not have PvP. The sooner the hardcore PvPers accept that, and either find something else to like about the game, or find a new game, the sooner we can all get on to important issues, like animated hair, and more RP emotes. :P

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Originally Posted by Knightfox View Post
There's no way they'll actually have mailed in NDA signatures, that's just absurd on a colossal level. It will simply be an electronic signature rather than the normal "signing in means you agree to abide by the NDA" method. Electronic signature is much quicker and doesn't involve sorting masses of snail mail. I don't see how so many jumped to the conclusion that it would be an actual physical signature.
That's not actually true. As I said before, I signed one for the FFXI Japanese PS2 beta. Also, they could ask you to fax it back, or scan it in and upload/mail it somewhere as well, in this day and age, I find that more likely. But Microsoft makes you sign and send back paper for every major beta they do, so it's certainly possible.

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Wow. I'm stunned. At no point did I ever say slots were being lost.

All I said is that slots are already at a premium on some builds, and making slottable inherant Fitness will make tight builds tighter.

I'm not complaining. I'm not upset. I'm not making a mountain out of a molehill. I am, however, bringing up a valid concern.

You get a total of 67 slots to place on a character. By moving Fitness to Inherant, I will have no way to not have those four powers. However, 1 slotted Health and 1 slotted Stamina don't really do all that much. So, by three-slotting them, that's 4 less slots I have to use elsewhere. Notice I did not say I lost the slots? Because I know I didn't. I used them where I would use them as the game currently stands now. However, in addition to that, I have to take three other powers to make up for Swift, Health, and Stamina being Inherant. If I have just enough slots for my build with Fitness as a Pool powerset, then I won't have enough with Fitness as an Inherant powerset. Not because I lost slots, but because I had to take three other powers that I normally would not have taken. And I wouldn't have taken them not because I didn't have room, but because I don't want them and/or I don't like them.

Like I said, I have no problem with them moving Fitness from Pool to Inherant. I'm just concerned that tight builds will get tighter. I'd be happy if they'd throw us a few slots that can only be used on Fitness, but <INSERT STANDARD CODE RANT HERE>.

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