Tweets of the PAX Panel




Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I'm not sure why running slightly faster is a problem for you,
It's not...when I want to run slightly faster. It's not a problem for my /SR scrapper or my /elec brute. Do I want another speed boost on top of those? Well maybe...but can I have that choice instead of having it dumped on top of me? If I want to run at sprint speed, can't I just turn on sprint? Or is the trend to make sprint less relevant now?

...but assuming it is, let me explain what else this fixes: Rooted. Right now, my Stone/Stone Brute has to dabble into Fitness basically just to be not boring to play via being able to move at a speed faster than continental drift.
I have a stone/stone brute that took the fitness pool exactly because the build kind of demands it. So I know what you mean. Why does this mean that I need those powers inherent on everything?

There's something else this fixes: Stealth. Right now, Stealth has an inexplicable speed debuff, but that's fine, since everyone will now automatically have Swift.
I never understood the Stealth speed debuff either. I assumed it was meant to mirror the common RPG versions of hiding which always come with a movement penalty. Still...they could just as easily remove it.

I honestly don't see a downside to these changes, other than "I'd rather not," which, while I sympathise with it, is something I am beyond convinced that even the most disgruntled will quickly forget about. I know for a fact that there have been changes I've argued strongly about, that I have simply grown to ignore within... A day. If that. For instance, I didn't approve of removing Training drops from the high levels, because I enjoyed selling them, and I still feel the same way, but now that it's actually happened, I don't really feel like arguing that point, because it's far too minor.
I get what you're saying and I don't imagine this will be a complete game breaker for me. But I do feel like I have to at least question whether or not a global buff to speed, regen and jump height is necessary to fix a problem with end at the low levels.

Conversely, could they not just open the fitness pool from level 2 while making stamina inherent?

I'd always liked the fact that the game was about choice. I'm never happy when it is removed in any capacity. I'm OK with making things easier for the people who complain that they cannot enjoy low levels without stamina(regardless of my agreement with that or not).

Those same people though, often complain that they cannot enjoy the low levels without their Tier 7, 8 and 9 powers. Are we going to shuffle those upward in the power pyramid as well so low levels can be more enjoyable?



something that was "discussed" in GR beta was things that pointed to cross server teaming,that could it. also I wonder if they are switching to a different game engine?
while there have been some upgrades to the COH engine(ultra mode for example),I thought
that they were upgrading to a new engine soon.I remeember a post from BAB saying how some parts of the engine were maxed out and need an overhaul to allow for more expansion.

if they were switching engines,with issue 20 ,I could see how a longer and tighter Beta test,was needed.

ok back to the tin foil

Fluffy Bunny 1 Person SG
Rabid Bunny 1 Person VG
Both on Pinnacle
Hobbit's Hole 1 Person SG
Spider's Web 1 Person VG
Both on Freedom



For me it looks like they make Stamina inherent to make us busy discussing about it and then we forget I19 was Incarnates.
Now we got the Alpha slot with I19 and nothing else? About about the other 9 levels of Incarnates?



Originally Posted by Slashman View Post
It's not...when I want to run slightly faster. It's not a problem for my /SR scrapper or my /elec brute. Do I want another speed boost on top of those? Well maybe...but can I have that choice instead of having it dumped on top of me? If I want to run at sprint speed, can't I just turn on sprint? Or is the trend to make sprint less relevant now?
I get what you're saying and I don't imagine this will be a complete game breaker for me. But I do feel like I have to at least question whether or not a global buff to speed, regen and jump height is necessary to fix a problem with end at the low levels.

Conversely, could they not just open the fitness pool from level 2 while making stamina inherent?

I'd always liked the fact that the game was about choice. I'm never happy when it is removed in any capacity. I'm OK with making things easier for the people who complain that they cannot enjoy low levels without stamina(regardless of my agreement with that or not).
an unconfirmed feature in issue 20 requiring the extra testing are several extra sliders, similar to the 'mouse look' or 'turning' speed in the options menu geared towards run speed, jump height, and a toggle click for including a heavy limp as well.


Kittens give Morbo gas.



Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
For me it looks like they make Stamina inherent to make us busy discussing about it and then we forget I19 was Incarnates.
Now we got the Alpha slot with I19 and nothing else? About about the other 9 levels of Incarnates?
As they said before, they started with 10 designed in-concept, but were never gonna introduce 10 at once. They were going to roll them out as needed, according to Positron.

My bet is that whatever's starting I20 to go Closed Beta this early is big enough that they were worried about it making a pre-holiday launch. The slightest delay would put them into the time when holiday activities hinder work schedules even more.

Instead, they took Alpha Strike, gave it context with its own task force, added something like stamina, and probably a good scattering of other things (more tips/morality missions, some praetoria stuff that didn't make the GR cut) and package it as an issue that could reasonably launch 2-3 months after a major expansion and make the holiday window.



Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
For me it looks like they make Stamina inherent to make us busy discussing about it and then we forget I19 was Incarnates.
Now we got the Alpha slot with I19 and nothing else? About about the other 9 levels of Incarnates?
Um, it was announced months ago that only the alpha slot would be available at the launch of the Incarnate system. Then several weeks ago Posi explained that the currently planned ten Incarnate levels would be released over several issues with more Incarnate levels/abilities to probably be added after that.

i know it's a pain having to wade through the Dev and Community Digests if you're not a frequent reader of the forums. Maybe someone could throw together a thread compiling all the public info on player Incarnates from the time the concept was announced by JE to the present.

*Glances at Zombie_Man because he's so good at this sort of thing*

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
For me it looks like they make Stamina inherent to make us busy discussing about it and then we forget I19 was Incarnates.
Now we got the Alpha slot with I19 and nothing else? About about the other 9 levels of Incarnates?
Think of it this way: the choice is, give us an issue with the Alpha slot and some associated content in a couple months, or wait for 6+ months and give it all to us at once. The choice is not between giving us some or all right now. It's in their interest to release as much polished content as soon as possible, and that's what they're doing.

ronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenth ur-



Originally Posted by spice_weasel View Post
an unconfirmed feature in issue 20 requiring the extra testing are several extra sliders, similar to the 'mouse look' or 'turning' speed in the options menu geared towards run speed, jump height, and a toggle click for including a heavy limp as well.

i just want the old "gliding patrol waddle" as an option for Sprint. Oh, and sky surfing for Fly.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Proof that people are complaining about this update just to complain and nothing else: People are now whining about having swift forced on them. Oh noes! You'll run slightly faster! it's the end of the world! The game'll become too easy now! I'll never be able to toggle on sprint to go faster again!

Seriously, this is just sad. If you like the issue (and you obviously do, if you're complaining about SWIFT, of all things) then why not just some meaningful discussion to the thread? Unless the only way to get a discussion going you know how to do is to complain and doomsay about something, in which case just don't post. That simple =/


When it comes to Incarnates, it's not like this issue is the only issue that will ever be focused on Incarnates. Theres still I20, and probably I21, I22, I23, etc. What I don't get is how does this "Alpha Slot" work? Do you get it just for reaching level 50 or something? I ask because they say this Alpha Strike task force requires the alpha slot, yet theres no mention of how to get the alpha slot or what it does.

Pinny - Scrapper
Shadewing - Defender



Originally Posted by ValkyrieRising View Post
Totally agreed.

The Vanguard armor looks good with certain color combinations... and the red/blue on that picture of 'new' Apex looks horrid. He honestly looks as bad as the Merit Vendors (who I swear were designed using "Random").

Keep his established look. Just because he's helping Vanguard doesn't mean he has to dress in their armor. Case in point... ALL THE CONTACTS IN RWZ. None of them wear Vanguard armor.
Yeah, that Apex in Vanguard Armor picture made my eyes hurt.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Sorry I read the forums, I knew Alpha slot was delayed because was nothing to to with it, no endgame for it.
But I have missed those announcements...
Can please anyone show me a link, so I can read the full story?
So they have the whole idea of 10 leves, but they will be adding them slowly in future issues, with more content and endgame in each one.
Ok, I can live with it.
Im sad they not working in a revamp of power pools, animated hands and faces...



Wow....I can't believe all the kvetching about fitness becoming inherent. The devs give us a major gift, and people want to look the gift horse in the mouth, so to speak.

So...a few things here from my opinion about fitness becoming inherent.

1. I've always felt that SOMETHING needed to be done endurance management in the game. Every single time I start a new toon, I "suck air" until level 22 with stamina and SO's.

2. Since I've now been a long time player in the game, and know how to build my toons, it has always really burned me that I have all those cool looking powers available to me to choose from my primary and secondary, but in the first 20 levels I have to spend FIVE power pick on my travel power and fitness pool. Now lets put that in a bit more perspective. You get first 2 powers at level 1, then a power each even level after that, for a total of TWELVE power picks in your first 20 levels. So FIVE of those have to go off to power pools. Potentially SIX powers of the first twelve going off to power pools if you're determined to pick up Recall Friend or Hasten.

3. Slotting. Yes, this will probably make slotting interesting. However, it I feel it will still help flesh builds out. One thing, IMO, that people are forgetting are that there are TONS of power picks out there that really only need 1-3 slots. Combat Jumping, for instance, really only need 3 slots. A Hami Def/End, a LotG +Rech, and a Karma -KB. Hasten only needs 2 slots. Being of course, 2 level 50 recharge IO's. Build Up + Aim really only need two slots. The mez protection powers from SR and Shield only need 2 slots. Hover only needs the one slot it comes with. Superjump and Superspeed really only need the 1 slot they come with. Sprint only needs 2 slots, and that only to fit a stealth IO in it. Recall Friend only needs the one slot that comes with it. Due to the flight speed increase, Flight now also needs 3 slots max, rather than having to slot it up to have any kind of decent speed. I think people are seriously overlooking the plethora of powers out there that AREN'T slot hungry.

4. More freedom of power picks. You know what removing the necessity of the fitness pool means to me? It means I can actually reasonably now fit Hasten in on EVERY character! No more worrying if a build has enough "skippables" to fit in extra power pool choices! Heck, all my characters could even have recall friend now too! It means not having to critique my builds so hard for what is skippable and what isn't.

In short, to me, this change means more fun PLAYING the game, and more fun BUILDING my characters.



Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
Sorry I read the forums, I knew Alpha slot was delayed because was nothing to to with it, no endgame for it.
But I have missed those announcements...
Can please anyone show me a link, so I can read the full story?
So they have the whole idea of 10 leves, but they will be adding them slowly in future issues, with more content and endgame in each one.
Ok, I can live with it.
Im sad they not working in a revamp of power pools, animated hands and faces...
It was delayed because the testers thought it was a grind to get, and the devs would rather it feel fun to get the first slot and not feel like a grind.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Just in case no one has found this yet, I had a quick look on Youtube and I've found some of the footage from yesterday. The below link will take you to the guy's channel and you can watch the video's from there.

Click for Videos

Edit: Oh dear God there's a horrible high pitched noise throughout all the videos. If you can stand it feel free to watch it.



I'm just looking forward to running around Praetoria on my Primal Toons. I hope they remove Loyalist/Resistance Lounge restrictions for Primals. I wanna chill in the Loyalist Lounge.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
It was delayed because the testers thought it was a grind to get, and the devs would rather it feel fun to get the first slot and not feel like a grind.
The slot opening was not the grind. The grind comes in making the enhancemets when all components are non-tradeable

@Blood Beret(2)Twitter
I am a bad speeler, use poorer grammar, and am a frequent typoist.
MA ArcID: 1197
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill



Originally Posted by Blood_Beret View Post
Currently fitness pool doesn't effect Kheld forms. Since it will be inherent now, will the Kheld forms get the bonus's from it?
I doubt it will. From what I can tell from whats been said so far there aren't any real changes being made to the powers themselves beyond moving them from a selectable pool to the inherent section.



Originally Posted by Slashman View Post
First thing is...if endurance management is the basis for this change, why make the entire fitness pool inherent? Stamina alone as an inherent would work fine.

Second thing is...I get swift and hurdle regardless of if I want them or not. I can tell you right now, that playing a character who already has a passive speed boost power like a /sr or /elec scrapper or brute, I don't feel the need to go any faster than I do without turning sprint on. I hate my characters to feel too zippy, depending on the build. That's a personal preference that I don't think is all that outlandish.

Also, is the base regeneration rate for all toons too low now as well? Because we're all getting a permanent, free boost to regen via Health.
If they are basing this decision fully or in part on how many people take Stamina, they have no way to separate those who would take Stamina alone from those who would still take Health and a speed power (like me).

This should still be an opt in for players.
Standard code rant applies, but I'm going to guess the minority is going to have to lose out on this. And I do expect that folks who actively do not want extra movement speed, health regen and/or endurance recovery (as opposed to those who don't mind them, but would accept them) are a minority. I'm going to guess that adding a completely new system to allow you to choose whether or not to accept the new inherent is probably too much effort for them to put into this. (I realize that you could just choose to never respec again, but I don't really consider that a "solution".)

As I posted earlier in this thread, we could just as easily have gotten a new inherent that globally reduces end consumption. So that slotting it reduced end costs across the board for all powers, still leaving people to determine if they needed extra recovery or not.
And that would be a completely different change. Think of this in terms of K.I.S.S. - this is likely the least possible overall change in the balance of high-end characters, in either direction. Every alternative approach that people are proposing, including changes in endurance cost, changes in base recovery rates, etc., have completely different balance points than what we have today because of how the recovery algebra is laid out.
I just don't know how to describe it better. Doing things this way means the top end of recovery doesn't change, but more people get closer to it. Any other version of improving recovery (or end burn) is more complicated.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by PeerlessGirl View Post
That's funny, people keep saying that, but my card runs the game maxed out at 1920X1200 with everything on ultra except Ambient Occlusion, which is 2 notches down from Ultra (which no one should ever run anyway) and in Grandville I get between 30 and 45ish FPS at all times.

Then again, I am running a GTX 470...

Mostly just pointing out, it's not the game's fault if your card can't handle it.
Actually it is the games fault. I have an up to date system as well. And my card is a gtx 260, so I failed to see your point. I specifically built this system to compensate for the graphical lag that they refused to fix. Thats why I say moving to another API might have better performance than open gl.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Call me crazy, but...

What did we pay for the Blaster Defiance changes?
Only partial mez protection and less damage than we could do before.

What did we pay for the ability to mail stuff to ourselves?
Try mailing more than one item at a time. Oh, that's right, you can't.

What did we pay for the Stalker changes?
Giving mobs tons of DoT AoE damage that essentially neuters Stalkers.

What did we pay the ability to have our villains take Epic powers?
You mean those watered-down not-even-as-good-as-the-tier-1-versions-other-ATs-get powers? Those? Oh yeah, and don't get me started on the "improved" version of Focused Accuracy.

What did we take for the damage increases Kheldians got, as well as the ability to activate Dwarf Form while held?
Do people still play Kheldians? I haven't played my PB in over 4 years. It's just too painful.

Look, I can fully understand that "there's always something to ruin it" feeling. I used to feel the same way until the NC Switchover and Positron's promise to "give the players what they want." But since then? Haven't felt that way at all. At no point since then has it felt like someone was deliberately sitting down and designing annoying crap into good changes just to mess with us.
I'm not looking to start a flame war, I'm just expressing my cautious optimism. I hope I'm wrong and this change comes with absolutely no strings attached.



Originally Posted by Blood_Beret View Post
The slot opening was not the grind. The grind comes in making the enhancemets when all components are non-tradeable
Pretty much this.

Also I'm "meh" about the Stamina Inherent.

If it comes with a nerf, /shrug, wouldn't surprise me, but would be aweful in a lot of people's view.

I just can't find the energy to care.

Every thing else announced is full of win.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Captain Fabulous View Post
Only partial mez protection and less damage than we could do before.

Try mailing more than one item at a time. Oh, that's right, you can't.

Giving mobs tons of DoT AoE damage that essentially neuters Stalkers.

You mean those watered-down not-even-as-good-as-the-tier-1-versions-other-ATs-get powers? Those? Oh yeah, and don't get me started on the "improved" version of Focused Accuracy.

Do people still play Kheldians? I haven't played my PB in over 4 years. It's just too painful.

I'm not looking to start a flame war, I'm just expressing my cautious optimism. I hope I'm wrong and this change comes with absolutely no strings attached.
I'm not looking to start a flame war, but you're grasping at straws with those things you listed being things we paid for.

Also I'd like a PATCH note for when mobs were given more DOT AOE at the same time that stalkers got buffed.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Slashman View Post
It's not...when I want to run slightly faster. It's not a problem for my /SR scrapper or my /elec brute. Do I want another speed boost on top of those? Well maybe...but can I have that choice instead of having it dumped on top of me? If I want to run at sprint speed, can't I just turn on sprint? Or is the trend to make sprint less relevant now?
I look at it this way - the same annoying crap that people have been complaining about since practically day one is being slowly weeded out. Travel has consistently been made easier both with "teleporters" of all kinds and with better, less costly travel powers. Now we get a constant speed buff on top of a vastly sped-up Sprint, to the point where that might actually "do" for those hard men and women who enjoy making "all human" concepts.

For those of us who don't? Well, put it this way - you don't have to slot it, you don't have to use Sprint. They're there, but if you don't like the speed-up, you don't have to use them. True, Swift on its own is a not-insignificant buff, but with nothing (or Flight Speed) in its default slot, it's not that bad.

I'd always liked the fact that the game was about choice. I'm never happy when it is removed in any capacity. I'm OK with making things easier for the people who complain that they cannot enjoy low levels without stamina(regardless of my agreement with that or not).
Here's the thing - it is a foregone fact that most people will take Stamina by level 20. I don't and never have, so understand that that's saying something for me to say this. It is a foregone fact that people do. Once you accept this, then freeing up three more power picks, yet adding no more slots, IS, in fact, an improvement on the amount of choice you have access to. Once this goes through, it will be much more a choice of what to take, rather than what to skip and, to be honest, that's a choice I prefer.

Right now, in most people's minds, no matter what AT you play, no matter what your powersets, no matter what, there are three powers you need to take, and take them by level 20 - Swift/Hurdle, Health, Stamina. Every time on every character. The game offers you 24 power picks, but it doesn't really. It actually offers you 21, because three of those, at least, will be Stamina. Making Stamina inherent gives you three power picks back. Not only that, it makes your choice of what to take even harder, because you have to balance what you want to take, vs. what you can slot. Which is what I've been doing all along anyway.

The less I HAVE to take, the more freedom I have to take what I WANT to take. Obviously, this cannot be taken to extremes, like I can't play a Scrapper with no attacks because I "wanted" to take all four travel powers and their pools. But when every single person is cashing in several opportunities to choose for the same thing, then there is a problem, and that problem needs to be fixed. Making that one singular focal point free for everyone is one such solution.

An on that note: I told you so, Arcana.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
Sorry I read the forums, I knew Alpha slot was delayed because was nothing to to with it, no endgame for it.
But I have missed those announcements...
Can please anyone show me a link, so I can read the full story?
So they have the whole idea of 10 leves, but they will be adding them slowly in future issues, with more content and endgame in each one.
Ok, I can live with it.
Im sad they not working in a revamp of power pools, animated hands and faces...
Certainly. Check out these two posts by Positron:

Post 1
Post 2


Originally Posted by Positron View Post
So we mapped out a system that had both: really-cool-things-with-really-cool-rewards that existed over 10 pseudo-levels that could be released as needed. Breaking it down like that allows us to a)ensure that we are consistently-adding-stuff and b)make them really-cool.
Originally Posted by Positron View Post
I think our mistake was in communication. We communicated to you that we had designed 10 Incarnate Levels. We designed 10 levels to make sure we would have enough content and system to meet your demands. We likely should have only announced 3 or 4, hindsight being 20/20. Will there be more? Probably. We want to see how the first ten go so when we design the next set we can iterate on it.
Originally Posted by Positron View Post
Oh, and I will take this opportunity to clear up some confusion. There are currently 10 slots for the Incarnate system. These will likely not all be in one single issue, but doled out over several.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Lady_Sadako View Post
So wait... does this mean we all now get inherent Swift and Hurdle, instead of having to choose one or the other?