Roleplay, Plots and the World.




Originally Posted by Thunderrar View Post
Then i guess CB has succeeded with his character idea =)
If his intention was to make people feel physically disgusted by her entire concept, then sure, I guess so.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by Wolfram View Post
I'm a complete outsider here, so this may be a stupid suggestion, but why don't the GG heroes just arrest Tomb? Yes, it's a free game world, but in-character actions are supposed to carry in-character consequences, aren't they?
Because I've arrested CB's child characters a few times, for offences ranging from poisoning to mind control. They sometimes don't even wait until the next day to turn back up and tend to ham out the fact you're arresting a CHILD, how dare you arrest a CHILD? Which just causes mass hysteria from everyone and isn't particularly fun.

Done it more than once too, don't get involved any more.



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
If his intention was to make people feel physically disgusted by her entire concept, then sure, I guess so.
That is pretty much the concept behind her, she's my expression of horror at the sidekick concept and its implementation in modern comics.

Just an FYI the Teen Titan's has a higher member mortality rate than the Suicide Squad.

That said apparently Kick*** 2 will pretty much have a Tomb character in it.

And to Fans....

Tombs been arrested at the statue three times, the first time she escaped after several days, IC it was the transport (paddy wagon) getting clipped by a Rikti bomb. OOC I was still collecting the Rikti invasion badges, and didn't feel like switching. After that second arrest, I took her red side, not having her return to the statue until the incident in which I ended that incarnation of Tomb, with her being arrested over the anti-monster group The Church of Man (Wanted to call it the brotherhood of man, but brotherhood is a banned word in the AE). Sarah didn't turn up until Dual Pistols, or possibly had a one off flying visit prior to that.

I'll admit the Jill incident was a little over played, but it was just too much fun to try and make Theo quit smoking.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
That is pretty much the concept behind her, she's my expression of horror at the sidekick concept and its implementation in modern comics.
Can't say I've seen many pre-teens being treated like Tomb is.

Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
Just an FYI the Teen Titan's has a higher member mortality rate than the Suicide Squad.
This isn't Teen Titans.

Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
That said apparently Kickass 2 will pretty much have a Tomb character in it.
Kick***, whilst kinda fun, was rather OTT, especially with the Hit Girl character.

I dunno, maybe it's because I'm a parent with a 10 year old boy and a 7 year old girl, but I just find RPing these sort of things to kids to be, well, sick.

RPing kids is fine, but I just think some things go way too far. What's wrong with using adult characters?


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



To point out in regards to the space station issue, Gregarin Station has been mentioned once or twice as existing in canon.

Mr and Mrs Sinclair dropped by thier on their way to Armstrong Moon Base for their hooneymoon (Which if it has honeymoon swuits means it could possibley have a tourist industry).

So my bet is there's a lot of space stations up there actually, Longbow (Or rather Freedom Corps) might even have one, all Libby would have to do is ask gramps to doa bit of lifting for her after all.



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
Can't say I've seen many pre-teens being treated like Tomb is.

Never heard the Batman joke?

"Hey Batman you're all about sneaking in the shadows, so what's with the big yellow oval on your chest?" <insert character name>

"That's where the armour is, I'd prefer it if they shot me where I'm armoured, rather than in the head." Batman

"Fair point, but what about your side kick in the red, green and yellow?" <insert character name>

"I just explained that." Batman


What's wrong with using adult characters? Well mainly that its been done, you put the pain in the backstory, back when they were a kid and well now they are an adult... you've got Batman, or Manticore or Catwoman

It is just a concept that I enjoy exploring, take your Batman, Catwoman etc character, but rather than waiting until they are older for them to start getting their revenge, have them get the power while the hurt is still raw (though yeah Batman, pain still raw etc) how does that make them different to how they'd be years down the line?

Of course the Dawww aspect comes into it as well, as these types of characters usually get a good end, Hitgirl for example or most 'dark magical girl' characters. (except sadly in Gundam)

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



This thread seems to have derailed in to Galaxy Girl roleplayers vs Cactus Brawler and every other roleplayer who doesn't subscribe to the GG way of thinking.

I choose not to go to GG, or get involved with any GG plots, therefore not one of your 'shared' events appears in any of my characters 'realities' on the Union server. There seems to be two separate communities here, Galaxy Girl and everyone else. I suggest they stay separate as they obviously don't get along, seeing as almost all the posts against CB seem to be from that quarter, even though he's CHANGED his plot so that they don't have to become involved now!

Help Dirk Knightly the freelance detective solve a case in Arc ID:368097



CB is a GG'er also.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by Kallandra View Post
This thread seems to have derailed in to Galaxy Girl roleplayers vs Cactus Brawler and every other roleplayer who doesn't subscribe to the GG way of thinking.

There seems to be two separate communities here, Galaxy Girl and everyone else. I suggest they stay separate as they obviously don't get along, seeing as almost all the posts against CB seem to be from that quarter, even though he's CHANGED his plot so that they don't have to become involved now!
Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
CB is a GG'er also.
While I'm not, and I haven't been attacked here. Not a good theory.



Originally Posted by Cats View Post
While I'm not, and I haven't been attacked here. Not a good theory.

I've gone though this entire thread thinking you were Catz, the GG roleplayer who got eaten by WoW

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post

I've gone though this entire thread thinking you were Catz, the GG roleplayer who got eaten by WoW
No, I've always been "Cats" for all my CoX career (since november 2007 to be exact, I just didn't bother to join the forums). I suspect that I'm the reason she used a "z" though, as I've already been around when Catz was still playing.



Originally Posted by Cats View Post
No, I've always been "Cats" for all my CoX career (since november 2007 to be exact, I just didn't bother to join the forums). I suspect that I'm the reason she used a "z" though, as I've already been around when Catz was still playing.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



I think this discussion has derailed enough yes...

I just want to add that there is one biiig problem still there... FFM says that villains always lose. As it is a comic book world. But thoise are NPC's. And even then they always come back. Even Dr. Doom has been believed dead so many times I don't have enough fingers.

Elizabeth is my main... and although I am prepaired to take her out of action for any lenghth of time that suits me too... (only if the plot doing that is good enough)... I am not going to kill her permanent. Just as FFM will not let Liz kill Ellie. And I will always rp a loophole for the hero to escape or be needed somewhere else if I can... Or Elizabeth to sacrifice anyone (NPC) to escape if need be.

Villains who are player characters have the same amount of untouchability as the player heroes! That makes rp hard I know. But the Open Season plot is made for old toons to be destroyed... be they heroes or villains. Those will die in the plot. Just before deleting or change. So this plot has real casualties..!

@Fanservice... I made Liz strong enough to have a chance against Statesman and the likes... I dont think she would win in a comic book fight. But she, as big powermad villain, believes she can. Just as Dr. Doom thinks he can kill Spider-Man if he has to. I never had her fight him ic yet.. I have had a fast escape from the Freedom Phalanx in a US (Patches) topic and done completely believable. You might want to check that piece. It is a nice one.

None of my villains or heroes are top level aside of Liz. As the creator of one of the biggest SG's on Union... and only leader ever since te tart... As a purple slotted lvl 50... I made her Dr. Doom/Kingpin/Magneto level. And I believe I walk that line ok. But if you want to check... read up on the rp on the forums she is in. Don't take my word for it.

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



No offense Liz, but I can't stand vampires, and my chars would off one without a seconds hesitation.

Vampires are quite probably the crappiest villains ever.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
No offense Liz, but I can't stand vampires, and my chars would off one without a seconds hesitation.

Vampires are quite probably the crappiest villains ever.
That's oke... I know Liz doesn't like catgirls either.

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



Originally Posted by Liz Bathory View Post
Elizabeth is my main... and although I am prepaired to take her out of action for any lenghth of time that suits me too... (only if the plot doing that is good enough)... I am not going to kill her permanent.
It's no longer issue, but if we were sticking with the "1000 kids dead" plotline I'd point out if you don't want the Consequences to match her Actions there's nothing but very unsatisfying RP ahead. People will want to see her locked away for good or dead. There's no rescuing the character from the scrap heap after that.

I don't want to get involved though, because my characters aren't strong enough to be world shaking Heroes. They'd be fairly useless and sidelined for people who have the "World shattering titan" backstory. Not really my thing. I don't mind people doing it, but I also don't want to get involved. Shoving a mass event that helpfully 'forces' everyone to get involved is going to be pretty unpalatable to me.



Originally Posted by Kallandra View Post
This thread seems to have derailed in to Galaxy Girl roleplayers vs Cactus Brawler and every other roleplayer who doesn't subscribe to the GG way of thinking.
The thread is well and truly derailed but being all GG against CB? Not true. I'm not a GGer either. I simply got involved because we discussed in SG chat and it looked like it could have far reaching events in the Unionverse.

And CB has been very accommodating so I'm grateful.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Hell I'm not even on the Union server. I'm mainly a forum-RP type of person, and my forum RP style is FINALLY starting to develop into some form of actual RP. I just happened to drop into this thread and read up on it, and felt like I should voice what could have been taken as reasonable solutions to such a massive, wide-scale event.

Granted there's been a few that have rebutted my suggestions. Of course there's always going to be someone that's going to argue against such compromises. Also, just about EVERYONE has made a valid point on the subject of wide-scale player events.

There's a few things I'd like to point out to the Unionverse, however: A) Players can and constantly will continue to make toons that can easily overpower Statesman as a level 53 AV 1v1. The devs have clearly stated States is the most powerful NPC in CoH lore? OK, well, now we're talking about player-characters. Just because States or LR are the stated 'most-powerful' NPCs in CoH/CoV doesn't mean they're always going to be the hands down most powerful CHARACTERS in the game. Especially with the Incarnate system on the horizon. B) In any RP environment, players, and most notably the GMs running an RP plot, should honestly be allowed to introduce a wide-scale event. If the players aren't allowed to do so in an RP environment, then what's the point? I certainly don't see the point of having a bunch of level 50 characters running around saving kittens out of trees. C) The GMs of any RP event should be able to place limits upon players participating in their events. This is only to make it fair for ALL involved in an RP event. D) In a shared-world RP environment such as the Unionverse one, perhaps the more emotive or outrageous of any wide-scale events should be handled ... by more experienced GMs, or put up for a majority vote for all players involved in the shared-world RP to decide.

For those that want to introduce their own wide-scale RP events? Make it a closed RP type of thing or use the AE system if you can. Plus, these people can always collaborate
with others to present a well thought out plotline. Even if the plotline presents players with an atrocious, wide-scale event such as CB's. In which case the author/authors of such a plot should put it up to a vote of all involved in the shared-world experience.

((To Ravenswing: Yeah I know I kept blabbering in that previous post. /e shrug. Gimme a break, I literally don't get out much. Plus I felt like I kept going around in a circle, which I was.))



Originally Posted by Kyzock View Post
There's a few things I'd like to point out to the Unionverse, however: A) Players can and constantly will continue to make toons that can easily overpower Statesman as a level 53 AV 1v1. The devs have clearly stated States is the most powerful NPC in CoH lore? OK, well, now we're talking about player-characters. Just because States or LR are the stated 'most-powerful' NPCs in CoH/CoV doesn't mean they're always going to be the hands down most powerful CHARACTERS in the game. Especially with the Incarnate system on the horizon.
And they will continue to be laughed at by the majority of RPers on Union with the exception of those that are RPed incredibly carefully and well. I was lucky enough to take part in a plot run by a player I consider to be one of the best RPers to grace Union. One of his characters 'Avatar' form could, arguably, pimp slap Statesman around quite consierably. However the control and ability with plot writing that the guy displayed made it not only believable but also work within the Paragonverse. It helped that it was a SG centric plot, but even then it was only the fact it was incredibly well played that meant not a single person had a complaint.
With Incarnates? Who knows. We'll see when we get there.

B) In any RP environment, players, and most notably the GMs running an RP plot, should honestly be allowed to introduce a wide-scale event. If the players aren't allowed to do so in an RP environment, then what's the point? I certainly don't see the point of having a bunch of level 50 characters running around saving kittens out of trees.
We've been through this. Union has had wide scale events before. The issues that were raised have not only been done to death, they've also been resolved. /End

C) The GMs of any RP event should be able to place limits upon players participating in their events. This is only to make it fair for ALL involved in an RP event.
Agreed. Theres no point having World-saving level Heroes in a plot designed for those that break up drug rings and the like.

D) In a shared-world RP environment such as the Unionverse one, perhaps the more emotive or outrageous of any wide-scale events should be handled ... by more experienced GMs, or put up for a majority vote for all players involved in the shared-world RP to decide.

For those that want to introduce their own wide-scale RP events? Make it a closed RP type of thing or use the AE system if you can. Plus, these people can always collaborate
with others to present a well thought out plotline. Even if the plotline presents players with an atrocious, wide-scale event such as CB's. In which case the author/authors of such a plot should put it up to a vote of all involved in the shared-world experience.
See B

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
No offense Liz, but I can't stand vampires, and my chars would off one without a seconds hesitation.

Vampires are quite probably the crappiest villains ever.
Only if played by Stephanie Meyer...

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



You mean if CB had killed 2000 vampire children we wouldn't have been here arguing? Or uhm I mean discussing this. <_< >_>

The end is just a new beginning, Goodbye all my coh friends and even the enemies, its been a blast I will miss you all. Thank you Paragon team, you gave me a home from home I will always appriciate it.



RE: Being able to take on lvl 54 AV Statesman.

If we're going off game mechnics, I belive the most pwoer force in the universe is 3/4 thugs, a pyromaniac with molotov's, two tranchcoat wearing uzi weilders and a beefy biker.

G'won, try beating a thugs MM with anything other then a team of VEATs or an IO'd to the gills Scrapper/Brute, I'll wait.

See, there happens to be a line between game mechnics and RP, and while the former can at times be a usful guidline to the latter, not using common sense or using what you can do as the former as an excuse for claiming you're silly powerful just doesn't sit right with me.

Not to mention RP fighting style can differ greatly from what;'s used in game! Such as my super strength chracter who mostly attacks by throwing hings (Usually enemy robotic minions) at enemies, nothing like this in game, but it's reasonable.

Another would be the character who's only power is to turn invisible/intangible, of course I had to get them to level 20 odd using MA/WP to get the whole power pool, but in any RP situation they'd loose so hard to just about anyone, dispite the fact they could comfortably beat lower level enemies in game.

I hope my point is getting across here.



Originally Posted by Kyzock View Post
Hell I'm not even on the Union server. I'm mainly a forum-RP type of person, and my forum RP style is FINALLY starting to develop into some form of actual RP.
Don't get me wrong, you're welcome to share your opinion, but I'd really like to know why changing how things are handled in the unionverse is so important to you when you're not even part of it.



Originally Posted by Omega_Chief View Post
RE: Being able to take on lvl 54 AV Statesman.

If we're going off game mechnics, I belive the most pwoer force in the universe is 3/4 thugs, a pyromaniac with molotov's, two tranchcoat wearing uzi weilders and a beefy biker.

G'won, try beating a thugs MM with anything other then a team of VEATs or an IO'd to the gills Scrapper/Brute, I'll wait.

See, there happens to be a line between game mechnics and RP, and while the former can at times be a usful guidline to the latter, not using common sense or using what you can do as the former as an excuse for claiming you're silly powerful just doesn't sit right with me.

Not to mention RP fighting style can differ greatly from what;'s used in game! Such as my super strength chracter who mostly attacks by throwing hings (Usually enemy robotic minions) at enemies, nothing like this in game, but it's reasonable.

Another would be the character who's only power is to turn invisible/intangible, of course I had to get them to level 20 odd using MA/WP to get the whole power pool, but in any RP situation they'd loose so hard to just about anyone, dispite the fact they could comfortably beat lower level enemies in game.

I hope my point is getting across here.

Not true actually.

Try leveling a thugs master mind, until you get a bunch of debuffs or buffs as the players powers, the pets are hellishly weak to AoE damage, which the game loves to chuck at you all the time at those levels... (Yay scrap yarders, and yay destroyers)

So its thugs, backed up by an experienced and powerful leader that become dangerous, since its the Master Mind him/her self that has all the debuffs.

And if you're talking PVE, then its bots hands down. While Thugs has the damage, Bots with the right secondary are a lot safer for AV/GM spanking.

Of course in PVP you could just beat one with confusion...

Now this is a personal pet peeve of mine, possibly along the lines of Fans and FFM and kid characters.

I can't stand people who make characters who are 'everything'.

I believe people should stick somewhat to the AT types we get. That means no DBZ martial arts scrappers, who mainly use kung fu but have more energy blasts than any blaster, of course I also dis-like it when people play Blasters that are 'tougher' than tanks.

If you can't back it with game play mechanics, don't do it. We aren't playing pen and paper after all.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
If you can't back it with game play mechanics, don't do it. We aren't playing pen and paper after all.
This is where the main cause of this separation in the Union RP community is.

I am in the same vain as CB and others that use the game mechanics to help inspire the essence of my characters or to offer a visual representation of what they are capable of doing.

I do this because my background has been that of a gamer. I never did any pen and paper RP, or table top stuff. Very much more into visual representation than complete imagination, albeit there is a need for a degree of imagination still in RP.

However there are others in the community that are of the PnP background and they carry that method over to the forums and the in-game. This is where that clashing starts as nether side will give any leeway in how stories or plots get created and moved forward.

Although CB has tried to be a little diplomatic and offer a consensus with a lowered death toll in his plot but the trouble is he is still being verbally bashed for thinking it up at all because it apparently violates the rules that built the legacy of PnP RP. Hence the clash here.

I could go more into people's personal feelings towards a fictional character but really given the amount of RL crap I am dealing with I don;t want to go down that road. This whole thread's existence is simply depressing.

This whole RP thing is suppose to be a easy and harmless release from the daily toils of the real world and yet this segregation in Union RP is becoming more apparent because of over complication and over analysing of everything which has caused people to forget basic fundamentals and completely missing how simple RP concept can be built and then arguments like this crop up on regular occurrence.

Credit goes to FrankyT49 for animated avatar

List of toons on Union Handbook

Leon Tasker: "Dunelm Group! What is your profession?"

Dunelm Group: "OOOOORRRAAAAH!"