Roleplay, Plots and the World.




Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
I can't stand people who make characters who are 'everything'.

I believe people should stick somewhat to the AT types we get. That means no DBZ martial arts scrappers, who mainly use kung fu but have more energy blasts than any blaster, of course I also dis-like it when people play Blasters that are 'tougher' than tanks.
That's actually something I agree on in general (exceptions possible if plausible). I see nothing wrong with a superstrength character throwing things as Omega mentioned, but a blaster being a tank is rather odd.

It's funny we were talking about MMs before though, as for most of them, these limits of yours strip them of the ability to be (personally) more powerful than Statesman and many others, because per definition a MM doesn't "solo" anything. They always have their "minions" do most of the work and without them, they are rather weak.



if you want to see a MM's weakness drop a AoE confuse over the pets and giggle, or any of those powers that "Phase out" the pets.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
Not true actually.

Try leveling a thugs master mind, until you get a bunch of debuffs or buffs as the players powers, the pets are hellishly weak to AoE damage, which the game loves to chuck at you all the time at those levels... (Yay scrap yarders, and yay destroyers)

So its thugs, backed up by an experienced and powerful leader that become dangerous, since its the Master Mind him/her self that has all the debuffs.

And if you're talking PVE, then its bots hands down. While Thugs has the damage, Bots with the right secondary are a lot safer for AV/GM spanking.

Of course in PVP you could just beat one with confusion...

Now this is a personal pet peeve of mine, possibly along the lines of Fans and FFM and kid characters.

I can't stand people who make characters who are 'everything'.

I believe people should stick somewhat to the AT types we get. That means no DBZ martial arts scrappers, who mainly use kung fu but have more energy blasts than any blaster, of course I also dis-like it when people play Blasters that are 'tougher' than tanks.

If you can't back it with game play mechanics, don't do it. We aren't playing pen and paper after all.
Is that a limitation that applies to plot too? If not, why not and why make the distinction when the two are really no different?

And is so, then you just invalidated almost every single player plot AND character in one fell swoop, including your own.

*golf clap*


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by Eleven View Post
This whole RP thing is suppose to be a easy and harmless release from the daily toils of the real world and yet this segregation in Union RP is becoming more apparent because of over complication and over analysing of everything which has caused people to forget basic fundamentals and completely missing how simple RP concept can be built and then arguments like this crop up on regular occurrence.
I think your over dramatizing this, Union RP has worked fine for years now and nothings changed here. There was an issue with a highly visible plot people couldn't opt out of, something that's nearly always been a bad idea and practically no one is blameless of doing at least once.

I've gone over the "Power level not as advertisied" thing in other threads. I don't particularly like it when done to extremes, as it makes the character too effective to really include in a plot without fixing it all in minutes, or marginalizing everyone else who's in there. But it's not my biggest annoyance and some things just can't really be modelled in the game, or aren't because it's not a combat focused ability like Machine Empathy or certain Super Senses.

Probably my least favourite RP moment was with Fanservice Girl going along on a mission with someone who's forcefields were impervious, fast reacting and offensive. Which made me wonder as to why Kumi was even there, as she wasn't really needed.



Originally Posted by Eleven View Post
However there are others in the community that are of the PnP background and they carry that method over to the forums and the in-game. This is where that clashing starts as nether side will give any leeway in how stories or plots get created and moved forward.

Although CB has tried to be a little diplomatic and offer a consensus with a lowered death toll in his plot but the trouble is he is still being verbally bashed for thinking it up at all because it apparently violates the rules that built the legacy of PnP RP. Hence the clash here.
PnP nothing, 'Lev. I've never PnP'd in my life, and I think the original death toll was jsut plain daft. It left no room at all for any other outcome other than 'Total war on the Court, resulting in their destruction'. The original figure was only a k short of the 9/11 attacks, and all of the victims were kids.

I...really am struggling to see why people have a problem with why it was asked to be changed. I personally was quite interested in not seeing the chaos that would ensue when an entire SG was asked to disband and delete their toons, due to having been hunted down and exterminated by the US, UN and Heroes/Villains of the Isles. That was the only outcome that those figures could allow. Anything else would just be a god-moding counter-godmode spiral. And I dont want to go into that, cos we'll be here all day.

The attack? Fine. I have no problem with it. The plot? Again, no problem. Tomb? She's creepy as hell, and thus I find her an interesting and so far well written character. She might not be to everyones tastes, but thats perfectly normal.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post

I can't stand people who make characters who are 'everything'.

I believe people should stick somewhat to the AT types we get. That means no DBZ martial arts scrappers, who mainly use kung fu but have more energy blasts than any blaster, of course I also dis-like it when people play Blasters that are 'tougher' than tanks.

If you can't back it with game play mechanics, don't do it. We aren't playing pen and paper after all.
For the most part I'd agree. I do get annoyed when the game simply won't allow cerain concepts (Like Jen Kerringer, who would be a DP/SR 'Something', but I can't do that. So bleah. I guess I'll mess around with her slotting more when I19 comes around)

There's a character I could rant about, but I won't, because I can see where that would take the thread.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
For the most part I'd agree. I do get annoyed when the game simply won't allow cerain concepts (Like Jen Kerringer, who would be a DP/SR 'Something', but I can't do that. So bleah. I guess I'll mess around with her slotting more when I19 comes around)

There's a character I could rant about, but I won't, because I can see where that would take the thread.
Couldn't you make a DP/Something blaster, and then max out your defenses (maybe recharge too) with Invention sets?

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
Couldn't you make a DP/Something blaster, and then max out your defenses (maybe recharge too) with Invention sets?
She's DP/Psi. Believe me, I'm trying It's a lot harder than it looks. This is why I keep pushing for a Ranged or Assault/Armour AT; it's the one massive hole we cannot fill in the types of characters we make.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Makes sense why, if there was a super tough ranged character, it'd have to have really poor damage to offset it and I doubt people are going to find that much fun to play.



Originally Posted by Fanservice View Post
Probably my least favourite RP moment was with Fanservice Girl going along on a mission with someone who's forcefields were impervious, fast reacting and offensive. Which made me wonder as to why Kumi was even there, as she wasn't really needed.
Angel Summoner and the BMX Bandit!

Mitchell and Webb explain all.

Also, yeah, there's some power limitations that make certain characters not easy to make. For example, an ex-Troll, there's no SS/Regen or Regen/SS. And if they made /Martial Arts for Blasters, I'd be tempted to remake Cindersnap.



Originally Posted by Fanservice View Post
Makes sense why, if there was a super tough ranged character, it'd have to have really poor damage to offset it and I doubt people are going to find that much fun to play.
See, this is the problem; people are so deadset that armour instantly has to mean scrapper or tanker levels of tough.

We already have a blast/armour AT. The VEATs. People blithering on about how 'Oh, a ranged/armour AT would be OP, tankmage!!1' No they aren't! Niether the HEATs or VEATs are OP'd! But they have blasts, they have armour. Why is it so hard to move that to, say, a DP/SR? Energy/Invul? Fire blast/Fire armour? It could be balanced. And I still hope it happens one day. I'd have to break my metaphorical piggy bank on character slots...

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Niether the HEATs or VEATs are OP'd!
Well now that you mention it....

It could work sure, just Power Armour for me should be tough! Lower than scrapper isn't really worth the effort for a whole secondary set.



gosh this thread has wandered wide and far.

i see what your saying about VEATs as armoured blasters, but no one like the pre lvl24 wolf spider guy, or plays a Huntsman version at higher level.

As for balance how much armour is enough to make the concept work, while at the same time keeping the damage out put in line ? take for example the Defender level of damage , would that be higher or lower than your example of a DP/SR ? what about compared to a Corr ? to fit a DP/SR into the exsisting AT structure would be tricky to do in such a way as to make the DP/SR a viable AT.



Originally Posted by Rock_Powerfist View Post
gosh this thread has wandered wide and far.

i see what your saying about VEATs as armoured blasters, but no one like the pre lvl24 wolf spider guy, or plays a Huntsman version at higher level.

As for balance how much armour is enough to make the concept work, while at the same time keeping the damage out put in line ? take for example the Defender level of damage , would that be higher or lower than your example of a DP/SR ? what about compared to a Corr ? to fit a DP/SR into the exsisting AT structure would be tricky to do in such a way as to make the DP/SR a viable AT.
Give 'em VEAT scales. Veat's have decent damage output and a decent defence output. That way both the defence and res based sets would scale to a level that was more balanced.

And *I* damn well play a Huntsman variant on my bane! Pre-24 SoA's simply aren't that bad, especially once you get the holy AoE barrage that is AoE Web, Venom grenade, Frag and Heavy Burst. Stuff dies. And it ain't you. After 24 they just get nastier. Hide? More armour? The chance to get critical damage for jamming a bayonet in someones ribs?
Nuff said.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
I can't stand people who make characters who are 'everything'.
Once again, I sit here in a complete and utter state of bemusement over this thread. It really has been a rollercoaster ride of breathtaking insanity.

Also, everyone knows that the most powerful, indestructible things in the CoX universe are those green plastic bags. I mean, NPC's are indestructibe, but the gren carrier bags stand up to being pulled on for hours by a thug and an indestructible NPC! You could easily kill Statesman by wrapping him in green carrier bags.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Originally Posted by Ravenswing View Post
Once again, I sit here in a complete and utter state of bemusement over this thread. It really has been a rollercoaster ride of breathtaking insanity.

Also, everyone knows that the most powerful, indestructible things in the CoX universe are those green plastic bags. I mean, NPC's are indestructibe, but the gren carrier bags stand up to being pulled on for hours by a thug and an indestructible NPC! You could easily kill Statesman by wrapping him in green carrier bags.
The chickens are even worse.

So much so that the emote had to be janked from the AE!

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



There are a lot of threads hereabouts regarding "ultra-amazing-everything" characters and how to handle them (particularly from the point of view of playing one), so I'm not going to go into that again - I think if people want to discuss them in detail, those threads could be necro'd.

This does raise one interesting thing that's also been covered elsewhere, though, which is "game mechanics - do they matter in RP?"

In many respects, yes. Game mechanics (and also game lore, which says that Statesman is the strongest, toughest, most hard-hitting SOB out there... except Recluse) are there for a reason - they provide a limit to the capabilities of characters on the things that the game engine covers. So, damage output, combat skill, defences, whatever. If the game says you have these things, then it makes sense to RP having these things, and if the game says you don't, then it doesn'y make sense to RP having them.

However, not everything is covered by "The Rules" (i.e. the game mechanics) and that allows a lot of flexibility.

One concept I'm particularly fond of is that of the "Special Effect" (yep, I'm a Champions PnP fan), which basically says that the game mechanics let you do X, but it's up to you to define what X actually means in the game world. Here's a good case in point: Your character is effectively immortal. No matter how much of a pounding your character takes, when he drops to the floor, you hit "Go to Hospital" and PING! you're back at full health and endurance. For my main, I've translated that into "a sufficient burst of energy, such as that from the medical systems at the hospitals, is enough for him to rebuild his body instantly, healing all wounds". That's my special effect. Other people have turned Energy Blast into Water Blast (which isn't a bad translation), because the special effect results in the same thing when the powers are used.

On the other hand, though, I do not believe that characters should be restrained by the game mechanics except where those mechanics directly affect a character's interaction with other characters or the game-world. So, something like Ellie's (to borrow FFM's toon to illustrate a point) super-hearing is allowed. Unfortunately, her vulnerability to loud noises isn't modelled in the game world (I would actually love some form of enhancements that reduced certain attributes in favour of others - so Ellie could take vulnerability to Sonic effects, and gain elsewhere), but that's for RP to sort out.

If everyone approaches RP with the perspective that each other person is a rational human being whose aim is not to win an e-peen-waving contest, then the RP that can be had is awesome. Unfortunately some people believe it is, and that causes a lot of problems. For the most part we manage, we cope, we discuss and we compromise.

I would consider it a great thing if some sort of arbitration panel could be created within the Unionverse, so that those of us who are interested in RPing fairly and maturely can go to the panel for rulings on outcomes and so forth, but I can't see it happening, because there's no way everyone would agree.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



Originally Posted by Shadowe View Post
One concept I'm particularly fond of is that of the "Special Effect" (yep, I'm a Champions PnP fan), which basically says that the game mechanics let you do X, but it's up to you to define what X actually means in the game world. Here's a good case in point: Your character is effectively immortal. No matter how much of a pounding your character takes, when he drops to the floor, you hit "Go to Hospital" and PING! you're back at full health and endurance. For my main, I've translated that into "a sufficient burst of energy, such as that from the medical systems at the hospitals, is enough for him to rebuild his body instantly, healing all wounds". That's my special effect. Other people have turned Energy Blast into Water Blast (which isn't a bad translation), because the special effect results in the same thing when the powers are used.
HP for me is the special effect. 0 Is not death/ Rezes arent' returning people from the death. 0's kind unconciousness, or badly injured.

Back in WoW, we played it like this: Once defeated and rez'd, a character had taken an injury, and we simply played it like that. Further deaths meant more injuries, and time spent at the healers of Silvermoon once off the mission.

In game, I sometimes translate hit points to a different type of thing.

Take Fear Trigger for example. She wears a suit of light combat armour, but she's still a young adult female underneath. Her psi abilities, particularly Drain Psyche, represent her telekinetic shield. It can take a certain amount of damage before it breaks and a serious injury gets through. She can leach off others to bolster it (Drain Psyche's -Regen Foe + Regen Self), she can apply a burst of telekinetic will to restore it (Respite), should it burst she'll either mediport hack or use a burst of will to restore herself (Awaken), and with practice and training can boost what it can take (Health, +Regen IO Bonuses), and perhaps in time even how much it can take (If they ever give Blasters Psychic Mastery with Mind Over Body)

Nachtbrecher's represents his Dark Will. He can use this to drain the soul energy of others (Dark Regeneration, Dark Consumption, Soul Drain, Siphon Life) to boost his own abilities. (Health, Recovery, Damage). If he takes enough damage and starts to lose form, he'll either restore himself with the soul energy of his foes (Soul Transfer), summon the will from the depths of his nether powers to restore himself (Awaken) or go incoporeal and reform at a special ritual site in his home in the city. (Go to Hospital.)



i have no problem with Special Effects and powers that the game doesnt cover, up to the point where they are used to efect in-game powers and effects, the very simple example when some one say they know some one is stealth / invis because they can super- smelling, hearing, see energy fields, have x ray sight etc. Here i feel game powers must the winner.

As Shadowe said the PnP champoins was excellent for these little enhancments that flesh out and make a character unique, in Cox its a bit harder to make the powers fit, on a most basic level how Super is Supersmelling ?.. there was a nice example of this in the Find Annette chat about FFM's Ellie trying to track, which had the best smelling power a dog or a bear. Getting the level of the in game powers balanced takes the Devs vast amounts of testing (( well i hope they test )) were as us RPer c\ant do that we have to try it and see, each time we drop in what seems a reasonable power and hope.



Originally Posted by Rock_Powerfist View Post
there was a nice example of this in the Find Annette chat about FFM's Ellie trying to track, which had the best smelling power a dog or a bear. Getting the level of the in game powers balanced takes the Devs vast amounts of testing (( well i hope they test )) were as us RPer c\ant do that we have to try it and see, each time we drop in what seems a reasonable power and hope.

I think I balanced that quite well actually. Ellie's sense of smell is very good (as good as a cats), but not as good as a dogs, especially a bloodhounds. A bear is better, but a bear is impractical and would scare people. An anteater is better yet, but would alarm people. Plus, Ellie knows a dog's sense of smell is better than a cats,b ut doesn't know about the others.

Then, of course, there's the Rogues; which are apparently "full of far too many varied scents to find anything, let alone Annette". She tried and it was just overwhelming. As a sea port, fishing would likely be a major industry, and the smell of fish overpowers much! Not to mention all the bodies...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
I think I balanced that quite well actually. Ellie's sense of smell is very good (as good as a cats), but not as good as a dogs, especially a bloodhounds. A bear is better, but a bear is impractical and would scare people. An anteater is better yet, but would alarm people. Plus, Ellie knows a dog's sense of smell is better than a cats,b ut doesn't know about the others.

Then, of course, there's the Rogues; which are apparently "full of far too many varied scents to find anything, let alone Annette". She tried and it was just overwhelming. As a sea port, fishing would likely be a major industry, and the smell of fish overpowers much! Not to mention all the bodies...
i am sure as a super cat Ellie could tell one fish from another .. i am also sure Ellie would not like to be a dog no matter how good its smellopowers was.

It would be fun to have drug sniffer bears at airports ..that would really make people think twice ...however not anteaters as they would think they where on the drugs.



Originally Posted by Rock_Powerfist View Post
i am sure as a super cat Ellie could tell one fish from another .. i am also sure Ellie would not like to be a dog no matter how good its smellopowers was.
Ordinarily, no way. But there's nothing Ellie won't do for those she cares about, especially if they're in trouble or hurt.

She's incredibly loyal to those she cares for, sometimes violently so. Hurt her friends at your peril, villains!


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
HP for me is the special effect. 0 Is not death/ Rezes arent' returning people from the death. 0's kind unconciousness, or badly injured.
This is how I've always seen it too. I also don't regard hit points as a measure of how injured you are; it's a combination of factors best summed up as "ablative plot armour." Most of the damage you take represents near misses, glancing hits, flesh wounds, blows you managed to roll with, until you're overwhelmed.

Wolfram may have a power called "Resurrect" in-game, but RP-wise I would never attribute to him the power to actually raise the dead.

Originally Posted by Rock_Powerfist View Post
i have no problem with Special Effects and powers that the game doesnt cover, up to the point where they are used to efect in-game powers and effects, the very simple example when some one say they know some one is stealth / invis because they can super- smelling, hearing, see energy fields, have x ray sight etc. Here i feel game powers must the winner.
This is a tricky one for me. My oldest RP character is the Portent, whose defining "power" is probably his vast array of sensors and scanner devices. In-game, this is reflected in the fact that he has Targeting Drone, Tactics and a +perception IO; combined, these raise his perception to the in-game cap. The question is, how much IC detection ability is therefore reasonable? Obviously I would never "auto-detect" something or someone without first checking with the player concerned.

Knights Exemplar: Wolfram, Autumnfox, Starlit Spirit.
Militia: The Portent, Wavekite, Mr. Sandman.
The Cadre: WarpLocke, Zajin.
Numerous others.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Give 'em VEAT scales. Veat's have decent damage output and a decent defence output. That way both the defence and res based sets would scale to a level that was more balanced.

And *I* damn well play a Huntsman variant on my bane!
I too have a Huntsman, it's very viable believe me. For a while I've played with someone who never started a mission for his team below +4 x8.