Roleplay, Plots and the World.




Originally Posted by Wolfram View Post
Frankly, I agree. I'd love a crossover like this. It's just a matter of getting the balance right, in all respects.
I agree. The closest I can recall to this 'umbrella' type plot is Big Lunk's Rikti War Council where representatives of almost all the active supergroups in the Unionverse actually showed up. So perhaps it could be done in a similar vain; basing the story around a Rikti threat. Or for want of a more light-hearted approach, Halloween is just around the corner. We could fashion a small plot, a common story based on the Trick or Treat events? Failing that, we could just hold a big Masquerade Party. It's been done many times before but to do one on the scale of the Ski Chalet meets would be awesome. Winter RP is hands down one of my favourites on Union because everyone from all corners of the Unionverse sets aside differences and comes together. Everyone wearing earmuffs and woolly gloves, standing around the warm fire, surrounded by picturesque snow hills and that seasonal music in the background.

I'm just hoping for more frequent events like that. Rikti Activity, Trick or Treat, Masquerade Party, Ski Chalet, maybe even a Fashion Show. I liked Bunny's idea for the Metahuman Accomplishment, Notoriety and Appreciation awards. Any of these could make for a fun, wide-reaching but non-world changing community event that could theoretically allow the involvement of all our characters. Would be rather eventful to say the least. On a personal note, it would present me and my characters a greater chance of meeting other members of the Unionverse that I wouldn't normally mingle with.



Originally Posted by Pistol_EU View Post
I agree. The closest I can recall to this 'umbrella' type plot is Big Lunk's Rikti War Council where representatives of almost all the active supergroups in the Unionverse actually showed up. So perhaps it could be done in a similar vain; basing the story around a Rikti threat. Or for want of a more light-hearted approach, Halloween is just around the corner. We could fashion a small plot, a common story based on the Trick or Treat events? Failing that, we could just hold a big Masquerade Party. It's been done many times before but to do one on the scale of the Ski Chalet meets would be awesome. Winter RP is hands down one of my favourites on Union because everyone from all corners of the Unionverse sets aside differences and comes together. Everyone wearing earmuffs and woolly gloves, standing around the warm fire, surrounded by picturesque snow hills and that seasonal music in the background.

I'm just hoping for more frequent events like that. Rikti Activity, Trick or Treat, Masquerade Party, Ski Chalet, maybe even a Fashion Show. I liked Bunny's idea for the Metahuman Accomplishment, Notoriety and Appreciation awards. Any of these could make for a fun, wide-reaching but non-world changing community event that could theoretically allow the involvement of all our characters. Would be rather eventful to say the least. On a personal note, it would present me and my characters a greater chance of meeting other members of the Unionverse that I wouldn't normally mingle with.
^ I guess you didn't bother reading other people's posts after your one this morning? You know, the ones where several people show that "wide" scale plots actually happen quite regularly, there's at least one going on right now.

Oh, and an awards ceremony? No way. That would turn out to be nothing but an epeen waving contest.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
^ I guess you didn't bother reading other people's posts after your one this morning? You know, the ones where several people show that "wide" scale plots actually happen quite regularly, there's at least one going on right now.

Oh, and an awards ceremony? No way. That would turn out to be nothing but an epeen waving contest.

Actually... none of the posts say that at all FFM.

Unless you are referring to those plots run by players, where only a select group of people can have effect/input on the proceedings?

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
You know, with a Praetorian threat on the horizon, it's likely there will be something to grow naturally out of that, and I'd rather something was grown naturally than forced.
Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
^ I guess you didn't bother reading other people's posts after your one this morning? You know, the ones where several people show that "wide" scale plots actually happen quite regularly, there's at least one going on right now.

Oh, and an awards ceremony? No way. That would turn out to be nothing but an epeen waving contest.
Sums it up nicely. Really great stuff always grows. Forcing it never works, especially not in something as organic as RP. All the best plots are ones that evolve naturally and come to fruition when the time is right, not before.

Also, forcing people into RP drains all the fun out of it. It should be something people want to take part in, not something forced on them.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
Actually... none of the posts say that at all FFM.

Unless you are referring to those plots run by players, where only a select group of people can have effect/input on the proceedings?

Nope, I was referring to the very plot that your robot incident was part of. It's a large plot with lots of scope for anyone to get involved if they want, and since you downscaled the incident, can be ignored.

But I guess you didn't read my post from this morning either.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
Oh, and an awards ceremony? No way. That would turn out to be nothing but an epeen waving contest.
Not to mention the City frowns on honoring any living heroes at all, after states said he thought it was a bad idea.



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
Nope, I was referring to the very plot that your robot incident was part of. It's a large plot with lots of scope for anyone to get involved if they want, and since you downscaled the incident, can be ignored.

But I guess you didn't read my post from this morning either.
Actually I did, but couldn't imagine you'd have the gumption to assume some one is being unaware of a plot they are involved in running.

Of course this may be you not knowing Pious/Pistol are a couple and use each others accounts...

Of course you could be just being plain argumentative for the sake of it.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by Cass_ View Post
Not to mention the City frowns on honoring any living heroes at all, after states said he thought it was a bad idea.

To be fair if what Statesman thinks, is what goes, we wouldn't have Longbow.

Likewise the City can't stop it. Freedom of the press and Freedom of speech being a big thing in America.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
Of course this may be you not knowing Pious/Pistol are a couple and use each others accounts...
Not being even the slightest bit interested in their private lives, no, I didn't know that.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
Not being even the slightest bit interested in their private lives, no, I didn't know that.
That explains it then, statements about gumption, withdrawn.

Though gumption is an awesome word and needs to be used more.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
To be fair if what Statesman thinks, is what goes, we wouldn't have Longbow.

Likewise the City can't stop it. Freedom of the press and Freedom of speech being a big thing in America.
It would still be nothing but a pee-ing contest. Even if you tried to keep it fair and hold voting, people will vote for their mates, and I don't trust anyone to tally the votes reliably anyway.

It would not work.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



To be fair Pious and/or Pistol do seem to keep missing my posts pointing out Techs Arachnos Attack plot was a wide scale thing done well.

Using the Rikti again wouldn't work in my opinion, not until we have some more news from the Devs on how that fronts progressing.

I'll second or third of whatever just letting the Devs and our own preatorian stories develop for now, a new event should grow out of that.

After all, a tad greedy to want another wide scale plot when Open Season is still ongoing :P



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
It would still be nothing but a pee-ing contest. Even if you tried to keep it fair and hold voting, people will vote for their mates, and I don't trust anyone to tally the votes reliably anyway.

It would not work.
It wouldn't be that difficult to do.

Whoever runs the contest, sets out the categories for voting. I don't know, best dressed male/female, sleekest designed robot, various categories like that.

Then people email them the votes, through the in game mail system and they tally them.

Of course there is the chance of it being corrupt, but then what major awards ceremony isn't corrupt?

Plus IC we'd get to watch the looks on peoples faces, as some one else gets the award that they were sure that they were going to get, that dagger glaring, fake smile and clap, while beaming pure hate at the winner expression.

Just like the Oscars.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
It would still be nothing but a pee-ing contest. Even if you tried to keep it fair and hold voting, people will vote for their mates, and I don't trust anyone to tally the votes reliably anyway.

It would not work.
How about badges? There are plenty that are hard to get, like some of the accolades, as well as many that just aren't very widespread. Those could make for some entertaining awards.

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Originally Posted by Omega_Chief View Post
After all, a tad greedy to want another wide scale plot when Open Season is still ongoing :P
My Pious account is not subbed at the moment so I'm using this one.

As the Open Season plot is coming to its climax, it doesn't hurt to discuss and plan something for the future. Sounds like Zortel has something in mind?



Originally Posted by Pistol_EU View Post
My Pious account is not subbed at the moment so I'm using this one.

As the Open Season plot is coming to its climax, it doesn't hurt to discuss and plan something for the future. Sounds like Zortel has something in mind?
I believe the current plan is to drop Unity Station on top of the Blood Countess's castle, then through some clever trickery, have it ricochet of the rubble and land smack bang on top of Tomb's hideout, and it's reactor core will get thrown out and smack my Ellie in the mush.

I'm sure a few people would notice that one?


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by Pistol_EU View Post
My Pious account is not subbed at the moment so I'm using this one.

As the Open Season plot is coming to its climax, it doesn't hurt to discuss and plan something for the future. Sounds like Zortel has something in mind?
Going off of Z's post it seems like she'd prefer to wait and see what'd develop rather then try to force somthing :P



Originally Posted by Omega_Chief View Post
To be fair Pious and/or Pistol do seem to keep missing my posts pointing out Techs Arachnos Attack plot was a wide scale thing done well.
Possibly because he knows that's a veritable field of pitfalls, landmines and armageddon class booby-traps...considering what happened to my plot.
We'd best leave it there.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Pistol_EU View Post
My Pious account is not subbed at the moment so I'm using this one.

As the Open Season plot is coming to its climax, it doesn't hurt to discuss and plan something for the future. Sounds like Zortel has something in mind?
It really depends on what happens in Issue 19 and 20.

There's been rumours about Rulaaru and the threat of the Praetorian Invasion. Either one of them would have super groups reacting, which would present the natural opportunity for supergroups to co-ordinate their efforts with others, like with the Rikti War Council, but different. I'm not sure of the how's, why's or where's, but it's just something to keep in mind.

If X comes to fight, then the UV at least will react. I'm sure the Militia will as well, and The Corporation, and every other SG/VG out there.

What comes from that comes down to initiative, what fits, and working with what is given to us in the invasions/attacks.

I'm not sure I'd want to Colony Drop Unity Station. It's gorgeous inside.



Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
It really depends on what happens in Issue 19 and 20.

There's been rumours about Rulaaru and the threat of the Praetorian Invasion. Either one of them would have super groups reacting, which would present the natural opportunity for supergroups to co-ordinate their efforts with others, like with the Rikti War Council, but different. I'm not sure of the how's, why's or where's, but it's just something to keep in mind.

If X comes to fight, then the UV at least will react. I'm sure the Militia will as well, and The Corporation, and every other SG/VG out there.

What comes from that comes down to initiative, what fits, and working with what is given to us in the invasions/attacks.

I'm not sure I'd want to Colony Drop Unity Station. It's gorgeous inside.

Amen to that. The nice thing about the Rikti invasions was that most of the hard work was done by the Devs. We just needed to respond to it.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Originally Posted by Dante View Post
Amen to that. The nice thing about the Rikti invasions was that most of the hard work was done by the Devs. We just needed to respond to it.

Indeed. The sheer amount of player fiction coming out of that was brilliant! Won me a creative genius prize, too!


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
Indeed. The sheer amount of player fiction coming out of that was brilliant! Won me a creative genius prize, too!
First time for everything, I guess...

*ducks and runs*

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I am rather saddened that it has come to this, but to continue to enjoy role playing in the Unionverse, I shall have to tailor my view of it and remove those characters and players I can simply not get along with.

From this point on they no longer exist in my, or my characters view of the Unionverse.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.




Overdramatic, much?

The way I read this is "I can't get my own way, so I'm gonna just ignore anyone and anything I want, rather than taking part in the shared world that hundreds of people have tried to work together to roleplay in". (I'm willing to concede that you probably don't intend it to come off that way, but that's how it seems to me.)

Absolutely nobody has said that you can't play whatever character you want. Absolutely nobody has said that you can't play whatever plot you want. The only argument anyone's made that you seem to take exception to is that you created a plotline that was too public and too extreme to not generate a widescale response that we, your fellow players, cannot adequately represent in-game.

You want to play an abused character, do so. More power to you. That's your choice. Some people will avoid that character because of their own preferences, but as long as you make no attempt to force interaction, nobody will actually care.

You want to have villains plot to blow up a school, kindergarten, nursery, maternity ward, do so. More power to you. That's your choice. Some people will avoid the plot because of their own preferences, but as long as you either don't let it actually happen, or leave it as a mystery for people to solve (rather than a big red target pointing at someone else's characters) who are interested in doing so in your plotline, nobody will actually care.

You want to have some villainous organisation secretly kidnap homeless people off the streets, or enhance existing villain groups, or anything you like that's hidden from the public eye, do so. More power to you. That's your choice. Some people will avoid the plot because of their own preferences, others because they don't want to get involved, but as long as you make no attempt to push people into interacting with your plotline, nobody will actually care.

Some people will avoid RPing with you (generic "you") because they think your plots and characters are lame. Others will avoid RPing with you because they find your plots and characters offensive. Others will avoid RPing with you because they think you have failed to grasp some fundamental aspect of roleplaying in a shared world. But there will be others who don't believe any of those things, and will be happy to get involved.

The whole point of this thread has been to point out that there has to be give and take in the plots we choose to throw at the world, and the one conclusion that everyone seems to have reached is that as long as the plot would not essentially guarantee action on the part of NPCs who are outside player control, you can pretty much get away with anything you want.

And (again, how I'm reading things) because the overall consensus is that a plotline you chose to implement crossed that line, you are announcing (unnecessarily) that you intend to ignore certain (unnamed) people and plotlines. You could have just done it.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*