Roleplay, Plots and the World.





Some people will avoid RPing with you (generic "you") because they think your plots and characters are lame. Others will avoid RPing with you because they find your plots and characters offensive. Others will avoid RPing with you because they think you have failed to grasp some fundamental aspect of roleplaying in a shared world. But there will be others who don't believe any of those things, and will be happy to get involved.


So.... by that account I have failed to grasp some fundamental aspect of roleplaying?
Just because i don't take offence at CB's plots...

Edit: Also turns out i cant quote worth a damn... - My main, under construction



It was, as he said, a generic you. Addressed to everyone who was reading it, including Shadowe himself.




Originally Posted by Shadowe View Post

Some people will avoid RPing with you (generic "you") because they think your plots and characters are lame. Others will avoid RPing with you because they find your plots and characters offensive. Others will avoid RPing with you because they think you have failed to grasp some fundamental aspect of roleplaying in a shared world. But there will be others who don't believe any of those things, and will be happy to get involved.


So.... by that account I have failed to grasp some fundamental aspect of roleplaying?
Just because i don't take offence at CB's plots...

Edit: Also turns out i cant quote worth a damn...
No, not really. Your getting confused. Heres a slightly simplified version;

Originally Posted by Shadowe View Post

Some people will avoid RPing with people because they think their plots and characters are lame. Others will avoid RPing with people because they find their plots and characters offensive. Others will avoid RPing with people because they think they have failed to grasp some fundamental aspect of roleplaying in a shared world. But there will be others who don't believe any of those things, and will be happy to get involved.
You and those of us in the OS threads are in the final group; we don't mind and just carry on. The original death toll pushed me into the 'thinking he'd missed a fundamental aspect', and now that is fixed, I return to being happy to just carry on.

Seriouly, though, why all the pointing fingers and suchnot? Is there stuff going on behind the scenes I'm just not aware of? =S

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Seriouly, though, why all the pointing fingers and suchnot? Is there stuff going on behind the scenes I'm just not aware of? =S
My guess is as emotional as the thread was in the beginning, it led the the release of some pent-up tension about certain aspects and maybe even between some people. Before CBs post though I would have said things will go back to normal within a short amount of time now that everyone had the chance to air their opinions.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Seriouly, though, why all the pointing fingers and suchnot? Is there stuff going on behind the scenes I'm just not aware of? =S
For the reason behind CB's action, read the GG thread from last night on. He's taken umbridge at IC actions not involving him in any way; trying to gain some kind of moral high ground, and got called on it.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



got called on it? from what i read you simply laughed because his character Tomb is insanely evil and he was talking about ethics, you dont seem to be able to seperate real life from RP it seems.

You seriously think because he plays an evil child that he is himself, evil? maybe hes a ten year old little girl too, the fact that he does have such morals just means hes a brilliant rper.

Also it seems he was confused about the ways of a couple of heroes acted, he seemed to think they shouldnt break laws, apparently some do, ends justify the means and what not, thats fine, its how i play my Main even tbh, but doesnt make his point any less valid - My main, under construction



Originally Posted by Thunderrar View Post
got called on it? from what i read you simply laughed because his character Tomb is insanely evil and he was talking about ethics, you dont seem to be able to seperate real life from RP it seems.

You seriously think because he plays an evil child that he is himself, evil? maybe hes a ten year old little girl too, the fact that he does have such morals just means hes a brilliant rper.

Also it seems he was confused about the ways of a couple of heroes acted, he seemed to think they shouldnt break laws, apparently some do, ends justify the means and what not, thats fine, its how i play my Main even tbh, but doesnt make his point any less valid
Oh no my secret is out!

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



the fact that he does have such morals just means hes a brilliant rper.
Firstly, logical snare of massive proportions.

Secondly, as other posters pointed out, there is a lot of baiting going on. Thunderarr I don't think you're willingly doing it, but be wary of this.

Beyond that, I'm not rising to the baiting. A little reading of the actual material so vehemently disagreed with last night/this morning and some critical thought would have clearly shown that the moral outrage was at best over-exaggerated.

Forse: lvl 22 FF/NRG Defender
Tam Krannock: lvl 37 Shield/Mace Tanker
Toppa Grace: lvl 25 Fire/Ice Blaster
Red Commissar: I'm in the Queen Mother. Only more awesome. And alive



Originally Posted by Forse View Post
Firstly, logical snare of massive proportions.

Secondly, as other posters pointed out, there is a lot of baiting going on. Thunderarr I don't think you're willingly doing it, but be wary of this.

Beyond that, I'm not rising to the baiting. A little reading of the actual material so vehemently disagreed with last night/this morning and some critical thought would have clearly shown that the moral outrage was at best over-exaggerated.

Not really Forse, not really at all.

The very idea of people being above the law, or putting themselves above the law, and then having the gumption to act as if they are right after doing so?

it offends me on a very deep level.

If its okay for you to break the law when you feel the need to, then what value is the law at all? Why are you defending it? Why is it okay for you to break it but not others? Are you some how better than everyone else?

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by Thunderrar View Post
got called on it? from what i read you simply laughed because his character Tomb is insanely evil and he was talking about ethics.
So uh, what about me, Fans, Z and Shad? Y'know everyone else having that debate with CB over in that thread who you seem to have convinantly missed?

Are we just laughing at Tomb? Or are we trying to point out the flaws in his argument?



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
Not really Forse, not really at all.

The very idea of people being above the law, or putting themselves above the law, and then having the gumption to act as if they are right after doing so?

it offends me on a very deep level.

If its okay for you to break the law when you feel the need to, then what value is the law at all? Why are you defending it? Why is it okay for you to break it but not others? Are you some how better than everyone else?
Quite simpel really, Heros are given powers similar to law enforcment agencies so they can enforce the law.

Y'know, arrest people and all that, s'what the hero licence does, so no they're not above the law but there are allowances to let them colelct evidence, beat up criminals and do things like that.



I would just like to point, when I said I was removing the players that I have a problem with from my view of the Unionverse, I meant just that, I have them on ignore, and thus can no longer see their how was it put best?

Ah yes their "holier-than-thou-opinionated-pettiness-that-no-one-cares-about".

I can no longer see that.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Ive been following this thread for a while now and in truth it saddens me, now before I say why im going to say firmly that I am on no ones side in this debate.

Firstly the whole point of late has been over a plot regarding how a large tragic event can affect others and their own RP worlds, but therein lies the issus, it shouldnt.
The Corp for example ran massive plots interspersed with other large RP groups and as of now in their own world have half the run of Warburg with a deal brokered with Blitz.

Now that would surely affect some others on union and ruffle feathers in the rest but its a world created by the folks in the corp and its affiliates - if others choose to accept it great, if not, great, thats the beauty of the game.

Secondly the point of the debate itself, what should have been a great intellectual debate seems to end up a catfight of old rivalries between people who cant let bygones be bygones and as eleven noted, it thus affects the argument in turn. This is something ive followed from other threads relating to this, from a community which I myself have stayed in the shadows of because of these instances alone, and frankly its a shame.

Mainly due to the fact that all those involved are very intelligent and very creative individuals which enrichen this game and the server, but if you guys cant get some kind of hatchet buried its going to get silly, and I for one feel its a shame to have lost people such as Eleven over this stupidity.

Its a game folks and we all play it for the same reason, to have fun.

Peace out guys, love you all.

Art of War Co-Leader - Union *Global@Warscythe*

"The box said Windows Vista or better - so I installed Linux"



Originally Posted by Omega_Chief View Post
So uh, what about me, Fans, Z and Shad? Y'know everyone else having that debate with CB over in that thread who you seem to have convinantly missed?

Are we just laughing at Tomb? Or are we trying to point out the flaws in his argument?
Exactly my point, you were having a discussion about it all, while he just laughed giving absaloutely nothing to the argument, useless pointless and incredibly petty - My main, under construction



The moderator unlocked this thread because people said the discussion was getting interesting and that people would behave. Please don't prove them wrong, if you've got issues with someone stick them on ignore and/or take it up in PM's. Publicly announcing it isn't going to lead anywhere productive, there's no need to stir.

So yeah, not touching that one and moving on.

Warscythe seems to have a pretty good grasp of where that middle ground sits. I know the Corp has done some big stuff and I've even delved into it on occasions. Which is what I like about Unionverse there's things that have happened in the past that people bring along with them as history, both large events and small that makes the world seem a little more alive.

As long as they don't get so big as to start dragging in people who never showed any interest in the first place, or require people to see the world differently to how it's generally portrayed. If I do a short bit of RP in Dark Astoria, I don't want to find out a few days later that everyone's pretending Dark Astoria is fine and that what I thought was a quick plot in a shadowy city devoid of life actually doesn't make any sense any-more.



Originally Posted by Thunderrar View Post
The feelings presented by CB is his own opinion and how he thinks the law or heroes should act, not Tombs, his character, his ficitonal character
I think the point trying to be made (Though probably not one that'll go anywhere) is that CB is saying he's refusing to play with hypocritical characters who believe their own sense of righteousness in their actions somehow excuses any misdeeds along the way. The obvious parallel being that since he *plays* one of these (If not Tomb, then almost certainly Twilighter and Nega have gone there), it rings just a little hollow.

Going to leave him pretty pressed for people to interact with on Union too. I'd love it if there were heroes that don't ever compromise on the law, but even Kumi has on occasion and she usually tries really hard not too. And got seen as pretty darn weird for doing so for a long time, as did Rhi who unlike Kumi has grown out of it, though into a way of seeing it all that few others have.

I don't think there is a perfect Hero anyway. Different approaches yield different results. Strict adherence to the law is too inflexible but compromise is a potentially slippery slope. No one's perfect, not even Superman, that's part of what comics are about. Exploring what it means to be a hero and making tough choices. Morals get tested, sometimes they have to sit aside or be revised and it leads to character growth!



....right forget it, as Forse said im out, not going to keep reading if your just going to moan about other chars and players, esepcially considering hes decided to ignore certain people and so cant possibly post back and wouldnt even if he could.

Edit: Wrote this before i saw Fanservice's post, but im still gonna get out of this before anything escalates - My main, under construction



Originally Posted by Thunderrar View Post
got called on it? from what i read you simply laughed because his character Tomb is insanely evil and he was talking about ethics, you dont seem to be able to seperate real life from RP it seems.
Please, actually pay attention and READ the posts in there. Plenty of other people were explaining the camera part. I was more interested in his laughable attempt at injecting real life objections in to it, taking the moral high ground that the law is the law and that's that; when he has the cheek to have a child who, according to her history, was horrificly abused and tortured.

He get's his back up as some fictional camera planting, yet is fine with fictional child abuse.

Get it now?

Originally Posted by Thunderrar View Post
You seriously think because he plays an evil child that he is himself, evil? maybe hes a ten year old little girl too, the fact that he does have such morals just means hes a brilliant rper.
Tomb is not evil, she's insane. Made so thanks to the abuse she went through.

Moralistic people do not do such things, even in fiction. Hence, CB's moral high ground is nothing of the sort.

Originally Posted by Thunderrar View Post
Also it seems he was confused about the ways of a couple of heroes acted, he seemed to think they shouldnt break laws, apparently some do, ends justify the means and what not, thats fine, its how i play my Main even tbh, but doesnt make his point any less valid
No laws have been broken, despite CB's repeated words to the contrary. He is absolutely 100% completely and utterly WRONG on the issue.

If he believes otherwise, then time for him to PROVE it.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
Not really Forse, not really at all.

The very idea of people being above the law, or putting themselves above the law, and then having the gumption to act as if they are right after doing so?

it offends me on a very deep level.

If its okay for you to break the law when you feel the need to, then what value is the law at all? Why are you defending it? Why is it okay for you to break it but not others? Are you some how better than everyone else?
And yet you can't see how utterly offensive a horrificly abused child character, is?

You've lost it, dude. Totally.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



And now I start to see why people roll their (metaphorical) eyes when GG comes up. Because of stuff like this.
I'm out too. I'll still be in the OS thread and plot, because that is cool and fun. Will also be in in-game RP, dealing with it as it comes up and not putting anyone on ignore, because in my opinion it's silly, petty and counterproductive. Make of that what you will.
But this circle-of-blame isn't fun. So I'm off.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Odd's are the mods will lock this thread again soon, anyway.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Well at least Fanservice noticed what I was trying to say, and yet the cycle carries on, like I noted before I implore you guys to stop this vicious cycle of blame and blie against each other as your just turning folks off what is considered to be one of the most welcoming servers in a great game.

Youre all intelligent people, just drop it and carry on, theres a whole community out there who would dive in to RP and the universe we have if your talents were instead focused on expanding what we have instead of berating each other over minor quibbles just because of some age old emnity.

As I said guys its a game, and were all here for the same reasons.

Peace out.

Art of War Co-Leader - Union *Global@Warscythe*

"The box said Windows Vista or better - so I installed Linux"



Sorry about all this. I was hoping it would have been dropped last night,but sadly not. Even I got involved again with a post. Arguing on the internet? It's just too tempting at times.

It's making us look like fools though, so yeah, drop it, dropping it, dropped it.

Got issue 19 to look forwards to, what with the Incarnate Story Arc, Alpha Strike task force and so on. And then 20. And then... so on and so forth.

And maybe one day that coming storm will actually come.



Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
And maybe one day that coming storm will actually come.
Darn Weather controllers!



Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
For the stars, climb every mountain higher?

Now I dont know whats worse, the fact that Zortel quoted an S-Club 7 song, or the fact that I knew thats what it was straight away, god help me.

Art of War Co-Leader - Union *Global@Warscythe*

"The box said Windows Vista or better - so I installed Linux"