Roleplay, Plots and the World.




Being somewhat of a Lore Hog I feel compelled to point out that CB's event here would be the most devistatign single attack since the Rikti war.

This is the kind of thing that would Mobilise the Freedom Phalanx, Dawn Patrol, Vindicatres, Longbow, Hero Corps, Wyvern and if it's magic related the Midnigth Squad.

Not to mention even some villian groups or individual villians would think this is too far, I for one can see Crey jumping onto this to garner some good publicity.

Simpley put, the approprate in game responce would be things way beyond our simple RP powers, it's kinda a Dev scale world altering event.

So yea, say what you want, but in my humble opinion somthing of this scale we shouldn't be doing, it changes the world too much. Of course it doesn't help that there's a fine line between big plot and world changing plot, to use Techs Arachnos invasion as an example, it was a concentrated bout of Arachnos activity that did some symbolic damage as was driven back.

That's belivable and doesn't shatter the balance of how things are in the world, heck the fact that the Freedom Phalanx spawns in Recluses Victory to try and fight helps in that matter :P

But yea, somthing this scale would have an approriate scale responce we can't simulate, unless you want the Court to be finished off screen or somthing?



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
The problem is, we are playing a game of Super Heroes and Super Villains, a setting in which some one could quite conceivably steal the moon, or turn all the buildings in the city into monkeys that they control.

If you're saying people aren't allowed to do that, well you take the Super away from the Super Villain, reducing them to the level of costumed bank robbers, actually lower than that because Weather Wizards, weather control would be too much since it'd be affecting the climate.

As for why your character doesn't react IC when OOC you don't want to?

Well that's mainly your problem, though you could always ask why Superman's not in every DC comic, and go with that.
Sorry CB, but gotta stop ya there.

Saying 'thats mainly your problem just doesnt cut it here'. Reason? A lot of peoples characters would react to something as big as the St Johns event. OOC, though, they know the liklihood of getting a result from it, i.e. nothing. Unless people know there will be a result/fallout from the reprecussions, whats the point? Its forcing people into RP, and thats not a good thing.

As for stuff like the moon stealing, sure. They could try that. They'd also have to deal with the fact that, for example, other Villains or even Heroes might have something to say about it.
For example, they'd have to deal with a cloaked Orbital Railcannon hidden behind the dark side of the moon, going by the name of Reason. Alpha wouldn't take kindly to anyone going near his pet project. To name but one.

The 'turning buildings into monkeys' one is just plain pants-on-head retarded though, lets be honest here =P

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
The problem is, we are playing a game of Super Heroes and Super Villains, a setting in which some one could quite conceivably steal the moon, or turn all the buildings in the city into monkeys that they control.

If you're saying people aren't allowed to do that, well you take the Super away from the Super Villain, reducing them to the level of costumed bank robbers, actually lower than that because Weather Wizards, weather control would be too much since it'd be affecting the climate.

As for why your character doesn't react IC when OOC you don't want to?

Well that's mainly your problem, though you could always ask why Su8perman's not in every DC comic, and go with that.
Actually, CB, the problem is that we're RPing in a SHARED world. This means you either consider other players and the wider consequences of your plots, or you WILL regret it.

And no, that's NOT a threat, it's merely me informing you of what I know will inevitably end up as a total poostorm. How do I know that? Because I've been there.

Considering the reaction such an event as this would kick off, I ask you. Are you prepared for the permanent death of any of your characters involved in this? Because you can rest assured, you WOULD be facing the combined might of virtually every single hero and armed forces in the US.

Don't believe me? Look at the real world reaction to 9/11.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



This viewpoint is from someone who still guilts herself over the way she handled plots she ran from the beginning of Union Roleplay. I still give myself mental lashings for things like the Doctor Piper Plot (Rogue Crey scientist experiments on children to try and make a Devouring Earth controlling being to use against them), the death of Hannah Rolando (Resulted in the implosion from angst of the Rooftop Generation teen SG, plot and fights at GG, so on), the two Orbis Agenda plots (One old, one more recent, both with facepalm worthy bits in), so many other plots and even recently, some personal plot with a character that I've screwed up the handling off.

I felt niggles at my conscience when Fear Trigger shot around 40 Family members and affiliates and burned down a bar/gambling den/brothel. It should have really been 20 or so, but with the amount of rounds fired in the story... yep, another regret, I gather them like cupcakes in RP!

I think there's certain numbers and plots that can break the suspension of disbelief for some people. Not just for those involved. There are times during RP when I think "-I- (as in, the player) really don't want to get involved in this, but -Character- would." And then that's normally followed by introducing my forehead to my desk a few times.

I'm probably rambling, if so, I apologise. Tough day at work. Gonna go collapse in the corner and try and think more coherently later.



Originally Posted by Omega_Chief View Post
So yea, say what you want, but in my humble opinion somthing of this scale we shouldn't be doing, it changes the world too much. Of course it doesn't help that there's a fine line between big plot and world changing plot, to use Techs Arachnos invasion as an example, it was a concentrated bout of Arachnos activity that did some symbolic damage as was driven back.

That's belivable and doesn't shatter the balance of how things are in the world, heck the fact that the Freedom Phalanx spawns in Recluses Victory to try and fight helps in that matter :P
I...I think I may treasure this moment.

*Hangs up the Moment in a little laminated frame, with a sticker saying 'Omy approved'*


Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
I...I think I may treasure this moment.

*Hangs up the Moment in a little laminated frame, with a sticker saying 'Omy approved'*

I'm in shock that he agrees with me...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by Zortel View Post

I felt niggles at my conscience when Fear Trigger shot around 40 Family members and affiliates and burned down a bar/gambling den/brothel. It should have really been 20 or so, but with the amount of rounds fired in the story... yep, another regret, I gather them like cupcakes in RP!
See, thats fairly believable, at least for me. The Family, amongst others, must have a ludicrous high intake and outgoing set of figures. Sure, the dons and consigliers and underbosses probably skip jail in the end, but the average mobsters must come and go like the breeze. Especially in the Isles.

Hell, Alpha tends to hunt down and terminate Malta bases when he's in a bad mood, just to prove the point that, yes, they are hidden. No, he doesn't care, and he will find them. And yes, he makes all those weapons himself

Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
I'm in shock that he agrees with me...
I know, right?!

just teasing Omy

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



You've done reasonable Supervillianly before CB, when Baron eterinty attacked Steel Canyon with Dinsours.

That was some prety big supervilllany without cuasing world shattering damage or altereations.

Ultimatly though we can't change the game world, so the Supervillians plot to turn the world into monkies must fail, but by the same token the supervillian must escape to try again another day.

Our characters have no choice but to react to this, just as you would have no chocie but to acknowledge if someone blew up a building in your hometown.

And that's where it goes too far CB, we can't write it off as reasonable background event, we can't just ignore it, because it's so much bigger and more terrible then anything else.

And this is why I've been avoiding RP meets with you CB, because I can't just write your characers out of reality, yet I've quite frankly had enough of them, and of things like this.

ETA: And come on guys, as argumentative and annoying as I am, you know in the end I'm jsut looking out for the fun RP for everyone, oh and trying to keep consistant with lore!



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
The 'turning buildings into monkeys' one is just plain pants-on-head retarded though, lets be honest here =P

It was actually done by Marvel once I believe, can't remember his name but the Fantastic Four have a villain who is a Russian/Communist scientist whose special power is... he can control monkeys.

Usually attacks them with his squad of super powered monkeys, think his baboon is psychic and he has a tanker one as well.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
Actually, CB, the problem is that we're RPing in a SHARED world. This means you either consider other players and the wider consequences of your plots, or you WILL regret it.

And no, that's NOT a threat, it's merely me informing you of what I know will inevitably end up as a total poostorm. How do I know that? Because I've been there.

Considering the reaction such an event as this would kick off, I ask you. Are you prepared for the permanent death of any of your characters involved in this? Because you can rest assured, you WOULD be facing the combined might of virtually every single hero and armed forces in the US.

Don't believe me? Look at the real world reaction to 9/11.

I've always been perfectly willing to have my characters injured, maimed, killed, exiled and so on.


Heck I didn't expect Tomb to be able to threaten the Countess and live so long.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



To explain CB, this isn't like the Jokers latest scheme that Batman has to foil, what you've done and pulled is a massive crisis crossover event type thing.

And as much as they might want to characters can't ignore those, like the idocy of Countdown that the entire DC line had to suffer through.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
It was actually done by Marvel once I believe, can't remember his name but the Fantastic Four have a villain who is a Russian/Communist scientist whose special power is... he can control monkeys.

Usually attacks them with his squad of super powered monkeys, think his baboon is psychic and he has a tanker one as well.
And because Marvel do stupid things like that, it's OK for us to do similar?

Marvel don't have a shared universe with thousands of people having their input. They've got their OWN universe that they have total control over, and have screwed it over so much in recent years that their readership is nothing like it was back in the 80's.

I'll say it again. We're in a shared world. You consider other people, or you end up ostracised.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
As for why your character doesn't react IC when OOC you don't want to?

Well that's mainly your problem, though you could always ask why Su8perman's not in every DC comic, and go with that.
Sorry, doesn't wash.

It's your plotline. You should provide the out for the people not wanting to get involved. None of the rest of us knew this was coming, so we couldn't arrange to be out of town, in another reality or whatever. So tell us, without god-modding it, how you have arranged things so that our characters won't react unless we want them to.

I ask that, because as has quite rightly been said before, people will react to something this horrific. I watched the news here in the UK on 9/11, and I will tell you, I was in shock. The whole world was in shock. And it sparked a war.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



And I provided and abridged list of people who'd respond.

The real list includes just about every faction and group in the game universe capable of responding.

Arachnos doesn't go that far.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
As for why your character doesn't react IC when OOC you don't want to?

Well that's mainly your problem, though you could always ask why Su8perman's not in every DC comic, and go with that.
I'd be careful with pulling such a large world-changing plot and inviting what might be a vast majority to "just ignore it" without a real reason. If that's the "court's lore" and most of the other people follow one where this never happened, it might lead to some simply ignoring the court on a long term.



Originally Posted by Shadowe View Post

It's your plotline.
And even thats not true.
It's Brit's, aka Big Games, plot. RL seems to have swallowed him again, which is wholly understandable, s'happened to all of us. But since the start, which was pretty cool and a great concept, it's grown and grown and got really quite silly. I mean, the attack on Moth Cathedral was, in my opinion, pretty damn daft, really. I mean, you have two giant, building sized mechs attacking each other, for one thing. The only thing that comes close in-game is the Kronos Titan. Which we've now moved up to.

Less overt and more covert would be better. But, thats just one guys opinion.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Guess I should say something...

Well, as the instigator of the aforementioned personal plot, which has been cooking since HeroCon last October, I find myself in the wonderful position that I have a stunningly brilliant reason to ignore the aforementioned large-scale plot. My main, both versions of her, are well out of it. One is currently missing, and is actually a psychopathic villain who would probably have a good giggle at the news report. The other is trying her hardest to remain out of sight of all the heroes because she murdered her Praetorian dad and is an illegal immigrant to Paragon City. All in all, neither of them is going to get involved.

I'm afraid that, even if this were not the case, I would be coming up with excuses to avoid this one. I've done it with other plots not nearly as large scale as this one. In this case it would require some OOC activity, namely declaring that, as far as I was concerned, it didn't happen. Unsatisfying, but necessary. Something on this scale is just a Bad Thing. Sorry. (That's a generic statement on a plot of this scale, not a specific comment.)

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



I know it's coming back to the St Johns event again, but I would frankly make this reccomendation;

Retcon it. Yes, its clunky and horrible and ugly. But it's either that or major, unavoidable fallout for the Court. Is everyone who plays in it ok with that? The people who play with them? Because there is no realistic way this can be side-stepped.
Heck, it'd give Alpha the excuse to fire Reason at Castle Bathory. Because he could. Very easily.

Before people ask about that, he avoids using the railcannon on, say, a daily or even weekly basis for a number of reasons. OOC, its because I cannot be bothered to truck back to Warburg and stock up on the nukes I use as the In-Game power. IC, theres a long list.
1) Every round fired, and the energy needed to fire it, is incredibly expensive. That Alpha can get away with it at all is due to the fact that, hey, he's a criminal and a tech genius. He can leech money with comparitive ease.
2) Keeping cards close to the chest. For now, theres little more than dark rumour that annoying the Techbot can get you in a big heap of trouble. The sparse usage keeps people edgy and worried, their imagination doing more work than a high-cal shell could ever do.
3) Secrecy. Reason is a big investment and one of Alphas top pet projects. He keeps her running quiet and cloaked on the dark-side of the moon, in geo-stationary orbit. He does not want it advertised that she's there, or someone would go up and either try and commandeer it for irressonsible(er) use, or to destroy it. Both of which would require him hunting them down and killing them.


Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Shadowe View Post
1) Dev-driven story lines.

2) Wide-effect Player Plots.

3) Large-scale Player Plots.

4) Personal Character Plots.
Hmm. I see the opposing argument better now. Shadowe as always, makes a good point.

I am and always have been, of the opinion that we players cannot and should not create wide-effect player plots. It's something only the Devs (like Marvel or DC execs/writers) can do, as they alone control CoX cannon. Having said that, most of the community plots I mentioned earlier were merely large-scale and I believe Open Season is too.

I am sure CB did not intend his Saint John plot to grow beyond the scope of the groups already involved and a few other characters witnessing the atrocity. If it's decided that the atrocity of 850 dead, including children would spark an all-out global investigation, and ultimately the incarceration of Tomb, then either one, so be it, or two, retcon the scale.

Back on a more general level, I stand on the belief that in a shared world, roleplayers shouldn't always expect to have the option to ignore plots around them. If something is happening in Paragon City and your hero stumbled on it, don't moan about not having the choice to ignore it. Rikti War, Requiem War, Heroes for People, if your character can't reasonably ignore it, then don't. Play on, right?



Personally I say wait and see what Game, Pious and Bathory want to do with the situation.

Edit to add:

I'll also try and keep my bitter amusement about how it's a shared continuity only when I'm the one getting told off for messing with it, when it's some one else I'm told to use the 'ignore it' option to a minimum.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Agreed with /retcon.

Or tone it down. A lot. Blow up one classroom, but let the kids be in the playground. Kill a couple. We all know that people die in comic-books (or not...), but an atrocity on this scale would be responded to in a big way.

I've been avoiding saying what my characters' responses would be, because I know full well that it would just turn into a pointless e-peen-waving contest, and frankly, I RP to have fun, not to get frustrated at other people.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



Originally Posted by Pious View Post
the incarceration of Tomb, then either one, so be it, or two, retcon the scale.
Ah, but there would BE no incarceration for Tomb. There would be an extermination for Tomb, and likely the entirety of the Court AND all Hunters involved, too.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by Pious View Post
I am sure CB did not intend his Saint John plot to grow beyond the scope of the groups already involved and a few other characters witnessing the atrocity. If it's decided that the atrocity of 850 dead, including children would spark an all-out global investigation, and ultimately the incarceration of Tomb, then either one, so be it, or two, retcon the scale.
No Pious, actions on this scale would lead to Tomb being killed and the Court being torn apart by almost every group (Villian and Hero) in the game.

There's a line and it was crossed.



Originally Posted by Shadowe View Post
Agreed with /retcon.

Or tone it down. A lot. Blow up one classroom, but let the kids be in the playground. Kill a couple. We all know that people die in comic-books (or not...), but an atrocity on this scale would be responded to in a big way.

I've been avoiding saying what my characters' responses would be, because I know full well that it would just turn into a pointless e-peen-waving contest, and frankly, I RP to have fun, not to get frustrated at other people.
When CB first posted the article, it was 2000 kids. I PM'd him and told him, nice and politely, that it was going way to far. I suggested toning it down to at the MOST, a dozen dead. That kind of thing is STILL a horrific event, but the much smaller scale makes it far more feasible to keep running as a plot.

The alternative is retcon, or extermination, really...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by Omega_Chief View Post
No Pious, actions on this scale would lead to Tomb being killed and the Court being torn apart by almost every group (Villian and Hero) in the game.

There's a line and it was crossed.
I have to agree here. The only realistic result would be literally total destruction for the ones responsible.