Roleplay, Plots and the World.




Originally Posted by Eleven View Post
I am in the same vain as CB and others that use the game mechanics to help inspire the essence of my characters or to offer a visual representation of what they are capable of doing.
Inspiriation is good! I myself played CoX before I PnP'd, however if we went off soley game mechnics to be the exact judge of what RP characters were or wern't capable, it'd be silly. Take the MA set for example if we go off game mechnics then every single martial artist in CoX uses teh exact same moves. Always.

And if there were canonicallys everl hundred heros capable of solong Recluse/Villians capable of soloing statesman, don't you think one of them would be impresioned/dead by now?

Originally Posted by Eleven View Post
This whole RP thing is suppose to be a easy and harmless release from the daily toils of the real world and yet this segregation in Union RP is becoming more apparent because of over complication and over analysing of everything which has caused people to forget basic fundamentals and completely missing how simple RP concept can be built and then arguments like this crop up on regular occurrence.
RPers will always have arguments and differences of opinions, we're all highly creative storytellers who all of our own view on things, which of course leads to lots of interesting debates and quite a few arguments unfortunatly.

And in this case it's not over analysiing! It was a collosal death toll, you know the kind thatrarley happens and has collosal consiquences when it does, CB's initial intentions were to creat such collosal consiquences as Tomb wanted people to go to war with Vampires/Demmons.

But what do I know, my characters exist to do more then forever run IC missions or stand around complainign they're not doing IC missions :P /notaseriouscomment

Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
I can't stand people who make characters who are 'everything'.

I believe people should stick somewhat to the AT types we get. That means no DBZ martial arts scrappers, who mainly use kung fu but have more energy blasts than any blaster, of course I also dis-like it when people play Blasters that are 'tougher' than tanks.
You know me and you know the characters I was mentioning, they're definatly not 'everything' the Tank is very tough, because tanks are very tough. All but one of my other characters bar one are actually far weaker then game mechenics would suggest, as them beign *** with bullets tends to be fatal :P.

Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
PnP nothing, 'Lev. I've never PnP'd in my life

*Weeps into Word Document entitled 'Tech's Dark heresy Character*



Right nice to see it has moved on to a less heated discussion. As for Characters being every AT, I think I am a bit guilty of that with two of my Characters, it was pretty much related to the heroes/villains that can solo AV's. So I have the MM version of that Character that beat Recluse, so as a solo story where do you go then? So I used the VEAT story as a continuation of that Characters story, does that mean said character abandons all the MM skills? Which was a bit of a sticking point, so I kept both versions.

Then theres also the question of what is a MM without minions? AT wise not minionless MM, as well the character may not want robots/ninjas/zombies following them around all the time. So I went with a corrupter version pretty much the powers the MM would be without minions. Then for character reasons it became a stalker/scrapper, as they get a sword and the character history was from the dark ages so was logical to me. Even then though I stuck to the equivlent secondary power the same as the corr had only the armour not blaster set. But that character in question was never strong enough to be a tank or a brute. So while it seems OMG WHAT ARE YOU DOING? I think that was one way to pull it off, especially with something/dark as dark powers are pretty common so can do multi AT Characters with such powers.

I think the real way to do this is well realise what the character is at its base, in that case I went with corrupter mostly. Though as pretty much any character can learn how to use swords or guns I didnt see letting that character have swords or guns really mattered. My reasoning to that was any one can be trained in that and a dark ages charater would be trained in swords anyway. Plus things likes swords and guns are not really a power, like say throwing lightning or radiation. They are mroe a skill. Then again there is the trouble of a robotic character, who is saying a robot cant upgrade itself. You know one glove or powerpack fires bolts of radiation, the next day different setting fires electric.

That said what I personally dont like to see is say a character one day being a I dunno Dark/Dark Defender then the next day a illu/elec troller. as the powers are totally different so how can it be the same character. Though again sinse we can now colour powers really any power can be made looks wise to fit any character so it is a tricky thing to limit where as before it was a lot easier to define. So pretty much the devs ruined my whole argument *shakes fist*.

In the end of the day, I think the most important thing is how you Roleplay it, most things don't cause trouble unless you decided your character can do everything and is good at everything and so on.

The end is just a new beginning, Goodbye all my coh friends and even the enemies, its been a blast I will miss you all. Thank you Paragon team, you gave me a home from home I will always appriciate it.



Originally Posted by Omega_Chief View Post


*Weeps into Word Document entitled 'Tech's Dark heresy Character*
I don't consider it 'PnP' until it's actual pen and actual paper! XD
How the smegging frag do you weep into a word document anyway?

*watches Omy's computer fritz and blow up in his face*
Oh...that's how...Neat

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



While admittedly short on posting time today, I probably should have been able to clarify my own opinions on specific details on the subject being discussed here.

I agree with those that say the the original death toll what is was is more than likely unworkable for a continuing the story. Again be fair to CB, he has given consensus and lowered the number for the purpose making the plot carry on with a more realistic conclusion.

Now to offer my defence of being over dramatic over the way people have debated in this thread, I have to say that this debate has not been kept within the confines of this thread and has ventured into other forms of conversation that I have had to listen to. As in actually listen to over Skype.

And people have really not been happy! And really I can see their frustration. They have been accused of making big events happen and then not allowing their characters to suffer the consequences. However, I have heard plot plans going for weeks in advanced that would have said characters suffer consequences for their actions and this is coming from the toon's creator themselves.

Now fair enough, that alone would be me being "over dramatic" about this situation. Unfortunately it has become apparent to me that a lot of the arguments between some of the RP'ers here are primarily based on a general dislike of each other because of some past history ether of some argument/fight over something involving this game and in some cases, more personal matters (And no, I am not going to name names or try to sly a pointed finger at anyone!).

That's what I take issue with more so than anything else. Personal animosity towards someone is going to inevitably poison a reasonable group debate and potentially drag others into rivalries they don't ever need to be dragged into. So yes, there are some here arguing for the sake of it because they just do not like each other.

Can't speak for anyone else but I have already made it known on other areas of the RP forum that I hate being dragged into that sort of crap and feel I am forced to choose sides, to which I end up choosing nether and walk away from it all.

Now for the charge of saying people were over analysing when they were not.....


They were going onto Long Island NY, district council websites to try to say that a school wouldn't hold that many students anyway and that none of them would have been there at that specific point. And then went as far to suggest that Tomb's psychological personality was inaccurate because that mentality would not manifest in a person until she reached her 20's!....among other things.

What on Earth would be classed as over analysing?

Could be said I don't have to get involved in any of this if I am so iffy about it. Thing is I wasn't really expecting to get dragged into all this as virtue of allowing my SG and toons to get itself into Open Season. Then again, no one wants to be accused of being someone who takes their ball and goes home.

I need vodka.

Credit goes to FrankyT49 for animated avatar

List of toons on Union Handbook

Leon Tasker: "Dunelm Group! What is your profession?"

Dunelm Group: "OOOOORRRAAAAH!"



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
I don't consider it 'PnP' until it's actual pen and actual paper! XD
How the smegging frag do you weep into a word document anyway?

*watches Omy's computer fritz and blow up in his face*
Oh...that's how...Neat
Maybe Omy is really Kevin Flynn. o_O

Or, more realistically, printing it out first always works.

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




Well written post is well written. Despite the need for vodka
Let me run through it, if I may;

Originally Posted by Eleven View Post
And people have really not been happy! And really I can see their frustration. They have been accused of making big events happen and then not allowing their characters to suffer the consequences. However, I have heard plot plans going for weeks in advanced that would have said characters suffer consequences for their actions and this is coming from the toon's creator themselves.

Now fair enough, that alone would be me being "over dramatic" about this situation. Unfortunately it has become apparent to me that a lot of the arguments between some of the RP'ers here are primarily based on a general dislike of each other because of some past history ether of some argument/fight over something involving this game and in some cases, more personal matters (And no, I am not going to name names or try to sly a pointed finger at anyone!).
It may be fair enough for the characters creator to not mind the consequences. But they alone aren't the only ones that would have been effected by this.

Let me try and slap it into diagram form, 'cos my description tends to get too convuluted.

St Johns attack
Robot has the Courts symbol on it -> Tomb actually behind it
Court blamed for attack - Attack scale on par with 9/11 in real world, other catastrophies in Paragonverse
Full on war waged against Court. UN, USA, other outside forces.
Death/destruction of every character in the Court.

This is unless the universe was god-moded further and saying 'Oh, they couldn't kill us all, etc etc'. It would happen. US armed forces, Freedom Phalanx, a bunch of other Hero and possibly even Villain SGs, ALL versus the Court. They would ALL die.

And thats simply not fair on all the other players who are in it. I personally don't mind the Court; it's another RP super group, whats to dislike? I may not see eye to eye with all the players that are part of it, but thats niether here nor there. I can't just shrug and wave away the destruction of a SG full of other peoples chars, nor can I just fudge it to 'oh they ran away' or some fail reasoning like that. It had to be fixed to avoid breaking.

That's what I take issue with more so than anything else. Personal animosity towards someone is going to inevitably poison a reasonable group debate and potentially drag others into rivalries they don't ever need to be dragged into. So yes, there are some here arguing for the sake of it because they just do not like each other.

Can't speak for anyone else but I have already made it known on other areas of the RP forum that I hate being dragged into that sort of crap and feel I am forced to choose sides, to which I end up choosing nether and walk away from it all.
I've probably made it fairly clear before who I don't see eye to eye with. But I'm never going to let that get in the way of RP so long as the RP is being handled ok. God-moding an entire setting isn't being handled ok, frankly. CB changed it and was agreeable and decent about it. Others...weren't. I'm going to leave it at that. But I for one am arguing for the sake of 'Stuff not being snarfed up on a Unionverse level', not just because I don't like people.

Now for the charge of saying people were over analysing when they were not.....


They were going onto Long Island NY, district council websites to try to say that a school wouldn't hold that many students anyway and that none of them would have been there at that specific point. And then went as far to suggest that Tomb's psychological personality was inaccurate because that mentality would not manifest in a person until she reached her 20's!....among other things.

What on Earth would be classed as over analysing?

Could be said I don't have to get involved in any of this if I am so iffy about it. Thing is I wasn't really expecting to get dragged into all this as virtue of allowing my SG and toons to get itself into Open Season. Then again, no one wants to be accused of being someone who takes their ball and goes home.

I need vodka.
The fact about the schools numbers and them being on or just off holiday was valid. The over-analysis of Tomb? Yeah, what I said; over-analysis. The world can be pretty messed up, people! But theres a difference between one messed up character and actively messing up a game setting.

Did ya get your vodka?

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Eleven View Post
They were going onto Long Island NY, district council websites to try to say that a school wouldn't hold that many students anyway and that none of them would have been there at that specific point. And then went as far to suggest that Tomb's psychological personality was inaccurate because that mentality would not manifest in a person until she reached her 20's!....among other things.
Now getting school numebrs would eb silly, as Paragon is a fictional city we don't have the numbers for, all I recall from rading this thread and talking t some of the aprticiapant is people going over to US websites to look up the term dates as there was some confusiona s to if kids would even be in school or not.

Doesn't seem like over analysing to me.

Leaving the Tomb stuff out of course, I'd rather not go near Tomb, OOC or IC.



Originally Posted by Eleven View Post
They were going onto Long Island NY, district council websites to try to say that a school wouldn't hold that many students anyway and that none of them would have been there at that specific point. And then went as far to suggest that Tomb's psychological personality was inaccurate because that mentality would not manifest in a person until she reached her 20's!....among other things.

What on Earth would be classed as over analysing?
They said that term hadn't started yet (Got American Friends, so I'd know!) and no one said the latter.

Yeah that'd be over-analysing, but neither of those things have happened in this thread. I think you're getting a little hysterical over this. Relax.



Originally Posted by Fanservice View Post
They said that term hadn't started yet (Got American Friends, so I'd know!) and no one said the latter.

Yeah that'd be over-analysing, but neither of those things have happened in this thread. I think you're getting a little hysterical over this. Relax.
You missed the part it seems where I said this debate left the quarantine of this thread and got out to other forms of media.

Credit goes to FrankyT49 for animated avatar

List of toons on Union Handbook

Leon Tasker: "Dunelm Group! What is your profession?"

Dunelm Group: "OOOOORRRAAAAH!"



That wasn't entirely clear! I thought the aftermath was on Skype, not the problems you have. Really not much we can do about that, the threads stopped short of going that crazy. What people do on Skype we can't help.



Yea, we were only basing off what we could see, which certianly wasn't what you've been through alright.



Originally Posted by Cats View Post
Don't get me wrong, you're welcome to share your opinion, but I'd really like to know why changing how things are handled in the unionverse is so important to you when you're not even part of it.
Just offering what I still continue to think as alternative solutions to such a situation. Beyond that it was offering advice on how to prevent and/or stop such a situation.

I totally understand how an event such as the school attack would require the involvement of anyone even remotely involved in it i.e.: Unionverse RP'ers. Everyone had been in a total uproar over the entire situation to begin with. I was also pointing out some more obvious things as to players building up their characters as they do and the fact players have several other resources at their disposal for such RPs.

Why did I even give that much of a damn to offer my opinions, advice and observations? First off the entire CoH universe is built around conflict between good and evil. Now that GR has been introduced there's new levels of heroism and villainy in play. Next up, there's the whole thing of "Who would even, in all possibilities and realities, think up such a cruel, sick and twisted plot?" notion. I would like to point my digital finger eastward, towards the Rogue Isles, yet again with GR in play now such villains can be anywhere now. Also, everyone seems to overlook other types of threats involving mass deaths: such as artificial intelligence advancing beyond human controls, attempting to wipe out its creators - which in most sci-fi works involving such plots means all of humanity. What if some sinister AI was responsible for such an attack? Everyone is gonna say "EMP them back to the stone ages!" Ok - what if the AI had defenses against such things? Finally - I voiced my opinion on the matter because I'm currently involved in a forum-based open RP that involves the sudden relocation of all of Paragon City (well insofar as the characters participating know is the entire city of Paragon...) to a far-off planet known as Patches. This would definitely constitute a wide-scale event, yet it was imaginatively thought out and presented to anyone that reads the forums by another PLAYER. So, according to the vast majority of the Unionverse players, such an RP would be a developer-level wide scale event, yet it's NOT. Why would the devs want to even let such a thing happen? There's plenty of conflict and strife to be had right here on this planet. Well, what happens when the very planet the city finds itself on is basically chaos, anarchy and conflict incarnate? At any given moment, according to the very story of this particular planet, a chunk of it could get smashed into smithereens by another incoming chunk from a different planet. It provides a very creative outlet for all to interact with the oddest of aliens, for heroes to overcome the sheer engineering feat of the planet to save their city, for any villains finding themselves stranded in Paragon at its time of relocation a chance to work with the heroes, or perhaps work against them. I've found it a nice way to introduce a couple of villainous characters that would seek to obtain the power of this very unique planet.

Now I'm going to take an opportunity to point out CoH's very apparent "T for Teen" rating. Again, with CoH being centered around the eternal conflict between good and evil, this very game with all it's RP elements allows players of a varying age range to introduce any number of plotlines for RP purposes. What if this particular plot of having a giant robot smash into a school had come from a teenager that plays this game? From a teenager's point of view, such a target would be one of the most obvious of things to use to elicit an heroic response - hell perhaps even a lure to attempt to take out as many heroes as possible. In this day and age, who really knows what anyone is capable of anymore? In the fictional environment of CoH/CoV ... good and evil can be represented at all age levels.

There you have it. In the end, everyone takes what they will out of this in their own way. Good triumphs over evil, decency prevails...yet there can be no good deeds without there first being an evil, atrocious, tragic and/or horrific strike.



Originally Posted by Kyzock View Post
Just offering what I still continue to think as alternative solutions to such a situation. Beyond that it was offering advice on how to prevent and/or stop such a situation.
And again you're allowed and even welcome to do so, but at the same time, players of the unionverse are allowed to use them or not, and as far as I can tell, the answers have been given to you a few times already now, which is the reason I asked.

Originally Posted by Kyzock View Post
Finally - I voiced my opinion on the matter because I'm currently involved in a forum-based open RP that involves the sudden relocation of all of Paragon City (well insofar as the characters participating know is the entire city of Paragon...) to a far-off planet known as Patches. This would definitely constitute a wide-scale event, yet it was imaginatively thought out and presented to anyone that reads the forums by another PLAYER. So, according to the vast majority of the Unionverse players, such an RP would be a developer-level wide scale event, yet it's NOT. Why would the devs want to even let such a thing happen? There's plenty of conflict and strife to be had right here on this planet.
And this is where alot of players from the unionverse will most likely disagree, and they are allowed to do so, remember? Also developer-level wide scale does not mean they will want to do it, but rather they are the only ones allowed(able) to do it. We are here for roleplay, messing with key elements of the canon is their job.



Originally Posted by Kyzock View Post
I voiced my opinion on the matter because I'm currently involved in a forum-based open RP that involves the sudden relocation of all of Paragon City (well insofar as the characters participating know is the entire city of Paragon...) to a far-off planet known as Patches. This would definitely constitute a wide-scale event, yet it was imaginatively thought out and presented to anyone that reads the forums by another PLAYER. So, according to the vast majority of the Unionverse players, such an RP would be a developer-level wide scale event, yet it's NOT.
First, PLEASE, could you break your posts in to smaller paragraphs? You make them very difficult to read.

Secondly, the only reason your Patches thread works, is because each of the US RP threads appears to be a seperate universe from any other. Therefore, it's not really a wide scale event as it's not happening on Primal Earth as such.

This is NOT the case with Unionverse RP unless the thread creator explicitly states that at the very start. All events that happen are seen as happening in the Unionverse version of Primal Earth. Such conflicts as this one are the price we pay for a persistent world; but the benefits far outweight the conflicts, most of the time.

The only real problem we have is with certain people assuming there are OOC issues with certain players, when the problem is almost always IC only.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by Kyzock View Post
Just offering what I still continue to think as alternative solutions to such a situation. Beyond that it was offering advice on how to prevent and/or stop such a situation.
The majority of your alterenate solutions all seem to boil down to "Break down the Unionverse and switch over to the American way of doing things" or at least that's the feeling I keep getting.

Originally Posted by Kyzock View Post
Why did I even give that much of a damn to offer my opinions, advice and observations? First off the entire CoH universe is built around conflict between good and evil.
Soley good and evil? Not an exploration of how super powers effect people and the world around them? About what constitutes a hero (Especially now GR is around)? Matters of how fixed fate is particularly in city of Villians?

Yes there's lots of heros vs Villians, but how many missions/canon events have you/other heros foiling said evil plots -before- they're commited rather then just ranomly stopping them? To name a common one, defusing bombs, this is a comonly attempted form of mass destruction mass casulty thing, though most commonly you charge in and stop the villians and defuse thier bombs before they kill people.

Originally Posted by Kyzock View Post
There you have it. In the end, everyone takes what they will out of this in their own way. Good triumphs over evil, decency prevails...yet there can be no good deeds without there first being an evil, atrocious, tragic and/or horrific strike.
This is where we disagree, sure there can be good deeds, unless a mugging or bank robbery are atrocious, tragic and/or horrific strikes now? Most of the game is spent investigating various villian groups to stop these plots before they happen which is usually how RP goes as well, at least how I've seen it anyway, so I disagree, you don't have to have the evil, atrocious, tragic and/or horrific strike first, in fact all you need is the villian to plan, prepare and attempt to impliment it, at which stage you foil him.

And that's how you can have a large scale threat without inducing a world changing responce to deal with it.

Originally Posted by Kyzock View Post
Finally - I voiced my opinion on the matter because I'm currently involved in a forum-based open RP that involves the sudden relocation of all of Paragon City (well insofar as the characters participating know is the entire city of Paragon...) to a far-off planet known as Patches. This would definitely constitute a wide-scale event, yet it was imaginatively thought out and presented to anyone that reads the forums by another PLAYER. So, according to the vast majority of the Unionverse players, such an RP would be a developer-level wide scale event, yet it's NOT. Why would the devs want to even let such a thing happen? There's plenty of conflict and strife to be had right here on this planet. Well, what happens when the very planet the city finds itself on is basically chaos, anarchy and conflict incarnate? At any given moment, according to the very story of this particular planet, a chunk of it could get smashed into smithereens by another incoming chunk from a different planet. It provides a very creative outlet for all to interact with the oddest of aliens, for heroes to overcome the sheer engineering feat of the planet to save their city, for any villains finding themselves stranded in Paragon at its time of relocation a chance to work with the heroes, or perhaps work against them. I've found it a nice way to introduce a couple of villainous characters that would seek to obtain the power of this very unique planet.
As mentioned, this works because of your "Every RP Thread is it's own continiuity" policy, os anything that happens in that thread only happens in the 'Patchesverse' as it was, with no influence over any others.

See, we know we can come up with ideas for Dev scale events, but we can't impliment them the way Devs can, and as almost the entire RP set in the Unionverse takes place in the game, this is where the issue comes up. We don't want to relocate to soley foprum based RP just so someone can pull off a Dev-scale eevnt once in a while, which as stated would have to be in another continuity anyway, becuase not everyone wants to play "City of Heros/Villians on a bizarr alternate planet".

Players can have tons of interesting ideas it's true, and I'm not saying they should, just that certian ideas won't work with a shared RP unierse like we have, and it's quite an amazing feat really, and I don't think any of us EU RPers wants to see are community torn up like you're suggesting.

In the end it all boils down to this, CoX is a setting that exists and has in many cases things which are immovable and perfectly defined, teh Devs are like the grand GMs dictating the shape of the universe, while we players make our own plots within this.

If this isn't what you want, the question springs up with "Why are you RPing in CoX then?".

I feel compelled to note that as this is a text based medium and you can't tell how I'm phrasing this, it's not meant to be an attack in any way shpe or form, more an honest question.



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
the only reason your Patches thread works, is because each of the US RP threads appears to be a seperate universe from any other. Therefore, it's not really a wide scale event as it's not happening on Primal Earth as such.
Originally Posted by Omega_Chief View Post
As mentioned, this works because of your "Every RP Thread is it's own continiuity" policy, os anything that happens in that thread only happens in the 'Patchesverse' as it was, with no influence over any others.
Actually, this isn't the case at all. Bar a few exceptions, all the RP threads we've run over the years have taken place in the same continuity. It's just that we're very loose and laid-back when it comes to maintaining that continuity - or rather, not maintaining it. We're free to take or leave whatever we want in the lives of our characters, and no one would ever call someone out on that.

For example, your character may remember the time that zombie plague swept through Paragon and the Striga volcano erupted...or they might not. If you enter a conversation thereabout, it's just as acceptable to say 'oh, I remember that' as it is to shrug it off and move on to another topic. Of course, the most common response is around in the middle (since there are many more plots than any single person can keep track of running around here ), which usually results in a storytelling that entertains and adds someone new to the characters who were originally involved - even though the events themselves have long since passed.

Mind you now, this isn't a global, sever-wide community like you guys seem to have. Rather, it's a small group of people from all the American servers (and at least one from Union now; yay, Techbot ) who just like to RP and aren't really picky about the details. In the immortal words of the Joker, we

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Pious here. This is characteristically optimistic of me but you know what would really be a nice thing to do? Just for the sake of bringing something tangible out from the flames of this debate and into fruition; an actual player-ran Unionverse plot. Now this is the important bit; it would need to be a plot so well ran it successfully transcends most of the well-expected woes of the player base. A story that is neither Dev-scale nor wide-scale, one that most of us can agree to subscribe to and though it negates the whole point of such a plot, still allow those who'd rather step out of it all, to do so ICly. So nothing massive or world-changing but still carrying enough momentum to reach the -hearts- of our characters; the heroes and villains of our beloved Unionverse. Can such a plot actually be enjoyed? Could it possibly be agreed on by the majority of the active Union Roleplayers? If not, then perhaps our 'shared' world... isn't so truly shared.



I just think it would be a wonderful thing to have at least this once, a story we've -all- contributed to, at some level. A common event we can all share and proudly speak of as a real and successful Unionverse plot. It seems previous attempts have been made but largely fell only to a select group of supergroups. Should we at least try a more unique and evenly spread story? Possibly one already seeded into cannon by the Devs but grown into a plot we can all relate to and participate in? Is there sufficient interest? Are people accepting and willing? Off to work for now, back later tonight.



Originally Posted by Moderator12 View Post
Back by Popular demand...

Remember the Message Forum Rules and Guidelines and keep it clean!
Thank you.

Originally Posted by Pistol_EU View Post
Pious here. This is characteristically optimistic of me but you know what would really be a nice thing to do? Just for the sake of bringing something tangible out from the flames of this debate and into fruition; an actual player-ran Unionverse plot. Now this is the important bit; it would need to be a plot so well ran it successfully transcends most of the well-expected woes of the player base. A story that is neither Dev-scale nor wide-scale, one that most of us can agree to subscribe to and though it negates the whole point of such a plot, still allow those who'd rather step out of it all, to do so ICly. So nothing massive or world-changing but still carrying enough momentum to reach the -hearts- of our characters; the heroes and villains of our beloved Unionverse. Can such a plot actually be enjoyed? Could it possibly be agreed on by the majority of the active Union Roleplayers? If not, then perhaps our 'shared' world... isn't so truly shared.
There's one currently going. The current one of Hunters vs Monsters. It's wide enough that anyone can join in that wants to, yet easy to ignore if you don't. It's ONLY problem was the scale of CB's incident, and now that he's scaled that down to a reasonable number, it's returned to where it was before; large enough for plenty of folks to have lots of fun, yet small enough for people who aren't interested to let others deal with.

IMO, it's exactly the right sized plot for the Unionverse. Obviously, you can't not step on EVERYone's toes, but the fewer toes the better.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Hey I can't include every single thing in one post. CoH involves numerous subjects beyond just good vs. evil, but in the end it all boils down to good vs. evil. It all is a journey, with no set destination point.

That's what all stories and RP plots are SUPPOSED to be anyway: Journeys. Currently the Unionverse RP'ers are on a journey to RP their characters within the confines of the established canon of CoH lore, which is fine and dandy to do. I imagine it's quite a difficult struggle, and a balance HAS to be maintained.

Also: Yes, CoH is a grand story delivered to us all by the game's developers, yet it's also one where we the players can transcend the story given to us, by introducing our own unique characters.

To answer Omega Chief's question as to why I'm RPing in CoH: I don't RP in-game very much. As a matter of fact, I limit my own in-game RP activities to Pocket D, mostly watching others, reading the local chat as it scrolls by. I have too many alts to bring in, because I have altitis.

So, I keep my RP activities to the forums mostly, which is a good exercise for me. It keeps my typing skills up, allows me to deliver some massive backgrounds for certain characters while keeping other backgrounds limited. I feel it provides me more flexibility with certain characters as well. It's also teaching me, because like so many people tend to do, I'm very guilty of god-modding characters, going over the top, so on and so forth. It's already helping me to become a better member of RP society.

Well, good luck with the future endeavors of the Unionverse.

-----------------------------------Nothing Follows-----------------------------------



Originally Posted by Pistol_EU View Post
If not, then perhaps our 'shared' world... isn't so truly shared.
Nice try Pious, but no one ever said we shared every bit of RP, that's not even possible and you very well know that. What we share is basically the canon and a history of player created stories, and considering the amount of players, that's alot.

For every plot there is, there will be people who won't join in for many different reasons. One such reason could be trouble in RL and because of that either not much time or interest, another one could be that they are running a plot at the same time themselves. And of course, one that has been named as a reason not to take part in the plot we were talking about here is people having different views on how strong player characters should be, what they are able to do and what's considered an atrocity and what daily routine aswell as some other things.

Now we can either all get into an argument over every plot there is (or just have very weird RP because of different views), or we simply don't join plots we don't want to take part in and agree on what we all can agree on.



Originally Posted by Pistol_EU View Post
I just think it would be a wonderful thing to have at least this once, a story we've -all- contributed to, at some level. A common event we can all share and proudly speak of as a real and successful Unionverse plot. It seems previous attempts have been made but largely fell only to a select group of supergroups. Should we at least try a more unique and evenly spread story? Possibly one already seeded into cannon by the Devs but grown into a plot we can all relate to and participate in? Is there sufficient interest? Are people accepting and willing? Off to work for now, back later tonight.
Frankly, I agree. I'd love a crossover like this. It's just a matter of getting the balance right, in all respects. Big enough that there's a role for every hero, not so big that everyone feels compelled to join in (we can't and shouldn't force people to take part). Memorable enough to keep people talking about it for years to come, not so momentous that everyone who wasn't involved ends up looking bad. Compelling enough to draw people in, but sticking to content that everyone's comfortable with. A lot of the boundaries are hazy and thus it's usually best to err on the side of caution.

Knights Exemplar: Wolfram, Autumnfox, Starlit Spirit.
Militia: The Portent, Wavekite, Mr. Sandman.
The Cadre: WarpLocke, Zajin.
Numerous others.



Well as said, the current Open Season plot line was doing this just fine until it breached the level where people not interested could no longer ignore it. Personally I won't ever join a 'Massive' plot as I find that unless you really, really ham up your capabalities you get lost as background noise while the plot itself unravels into a million sub plots that are almost impossible to keep up with. Eventually resolved by the few 'lead voices' in a rather unfufiling climax in which the bit part players stand around twiddling thier thumbs.

Which isn't to say you can't have 'Save the World!' plots, but a sense of urgency near the climax is best for those. Else you have people sitting around waiting for a chance to resolve it all and it starts to drag something awful and the whole things gets a bit farcical as others try to join in right at the end, so those there from the start spend an awful lot of time explaining what's happened to others to get them up to speed, sometimes more time than they actually spent participating and that's not much fun at all.



Originally Posted by Kyzock View Post
That's what all stories and RP plots are SUPPOSED to be anyway: Journeys. Currently the Unionverse RP'ers are on a journey to RP their characters within the confines of the established canon of CoH lore, which is fine and dandy to do. I imagine it's quite a difficult struggle, and a balance HAS to be maintained.

No where near as difficult as you'd think, so long as you keep your characters powers and abilities reasonable. But then again I favour mid to low powered heroes myself, might be really good at one thing, but that one thing doesn't come up very often :P

Originally Posted by Kyzock View Post
Also: Yes, CoH is a grand story delivered to us all by the game's developers, yet it's also one where we the players can transcend the story given to us, by introducing our own unique characters.

The best way to think of it is that if we were a comic book continuity, the Devs would be the ones who came up with all the big Crisis Crossover events and wrote the issues for say Superman and Batman.

While we players do the smaller crossovers and write issues for Green Arrow, The Question and Power Girl :P

Originally Posted by Kyzock View Post
To answer Omega Chief's question as to why I'm RPing in CoH: I don't RP in-game very much. As a matter of fact, I limit my own in-game RP activities to Pocket D, mostly watching others, reading the local chat as it scrolls by. I have too many alts to bring in, because I have altitis.
Originally Posted by Kyzock View Post

So, I keep my RP activities to the forums mostly, which is a good exercise for me. It keeps my typing skills up, allows me to deliver some massive backgrounds for certain characters while keeping other backgrounds limited. I feel it provides me more flexibility with certain characters as well. It's also teaching me, because like so many people tend to do, I'm very guilty of god-modding characters, going over the top, so on and so forth. It's already helping me to become a better member of RP society.
Ahhh, thanks for the answer, it helped

It's just like I was saying, there's a bit of a disconnect between the two styles of RP we have on the two serverlists.

See unlike you over there on the US servers we never had a massive huge community and so it just naturally evolved into a single server community where most people have at least heard of everyone else’s characters or SGs in passing.

(I feel compelled to add I too suffer from Altitis, having two and a half pages of characters, the upside is I have a character and style of RP for almost every occasion :P)

Heck we didn't really even have Open RP threads until just before the forum merge!

Anyhow, I'm rambling now, I just hope I've helped get across some of the differences in our way of thinking and RPing, which is why your ideas for fixing i weren’t quite so well received.

Originally Posted by Kyzock View Post
Well, good luck with the future endeavors of the Unionverse.

Thank you, I wish you good luck and much fun with your RP also!

Originally Posted by Pistol_EU View Post
an actual player-ran Unionverse plot

You mean like the hundreds we've run? Or are in the process of running? Heck I've said it before I'll say it again, Techs Arachnos attack was a great example of this kind of plot.

Heck Open Season was doing just fine until the school incident as many have said, just didn't appeal to me.

If I wanted to strike down creatures of darkness with holy golden light I'd go play Exalted :P