Roleplay, Plots and the World.




Originally Posted by Rock_Powerfist View Post
Now to say CB's plot forces others to react is not true, just like the current GG Find Annette plot does not force other players to react. Yes CB's plot would cause a massive counter strike, but there are plenty of reasons for any character to treat it a a backgorund News story, given the vast number of heroes comparde to villains its unlikely that there would be enough bits of the Court to go around.
Again we're back onto differences of scale. None of my characters know Annette so they wouldn't get involved. Even if there was a nationwide search for her, one missing person does not demand the same response as 1,000 dead children. If you've got any good reasons why anyone who calls themself a hero (or even cares about childen such as some of my villains) would callously turn away from such a national tragedy, I'd love to hear them.

Finally, and i think this is important, CB is out there making plots that allow ANYONE to become involved in, if they wish to, what ever other faults they may have, that must be a good thing, can other say the same of there RP and plotage ?
I agree, it is good that folk are GMing plots open to anyone but there are as many downsides to open RP as there are upsides. I've even listed some in this thread. I tried doing a few and hated every second of it. I don't think it's relevant to this conversation though. Open RP is not necessarily superior to closed RP.

For what it's worth, I appreciate CB's work and agreeing to adjust his plot. If I haven't said it before, thank you.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Originally Posted by Liz Bathory View Post
I never said Liz was unkillable.. Far from it even. But she is expecting an attack which means she has several escape routes pre-worked out. As would Dr. Doom has and even the smaller villains. And I am not playing her as a small bank robbing villain.

She is a vampire and a witch. Put a stake through her heart and she will die. Silver will stop her regenerating.. A cross or any holy symbol will hurt her... Holy water too... She can not enter churches.. she can not stand on holy ground. Just watch a movie on vampires and you know she is killable.
I haven't seen you RP ig yet so please help me understand what this truely means. Do you mean by this that given the right situation (like having too many people fighting you after such a plot), you consider the possebility to let Liz die, or does that rather mean that theoretically she'll killable, but in truth no matter how many are after her, that will never happen?

Originally Posted by Liz Bathory View Post
And for that reason I purple slotted and made Elizabeth over the past years strong enouigh to solo Statesman as AV at lvl 53. It takes a while but she can do it.

Credibility is important.

If I use Elizabeth vs Statesman as excample. Statesman is still stronger in super strenghth and touchness. But she is just a tad more powerfull in debuffing spells and manpower. That is not the same.
So you're arguing that Liz is more powerful than the most powerful person in the lore because game mechanisms allow you to beat a brainless NPC?



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post

TBH, I've always found everything about the Tomb character extremely... unnerving. A pre-teen that is constantly involved in VERY adult themes? Who in their right mind wants to RP THAT kind of shizzle?

I'd be happier if CB kept her away from places like GG, but of course, I'd never tell him to do so. It's a "free game world" and he can do as he wants to; I certainly have no right to tell him what to do. But I don't have to like it, either.
I do agree with you about Tomb , she is clearly a 18+ rated concept, and should be treated as such, and given GG tight liitle community she is rather out of place there.

As to plot scale, we have differing view, nuff said, we are always going to debate that point.

As to the space station, not everyone would be happy with a large group sitting above thier heads outside of any sort of control. Further,of course it is armed , its full of supers, plus it has TP's , and an airlock which means it can drop large masses onto the earth. And please remeber not everyone like the USA and its goverment agencies.Its a matter of scale.



Originally Posted by Rock_Powerfist View Post

As to the space station, not everyone would be happy with a large group sitting above thier heads outside of any sort of control. Further,of course it is armed , its full of supers, plus it has TP's , and an airlock which means it can drop large masses onto the earth. And please remeber not everyone like the USA and its goverment agencies.Its a matter of scale.
No, the STATION is not armed. It's no more armed than a Paragon City train, or the GG statue. It has on board armed PEOPLE, but that's a different kettle of fish. It's incapable of lauching anything at the earth, and being in geostationary orbit, anything thrown out of its airlock will stay in orbit with it unless someone should manually guide it down; and that can be done without a station.

It's a civilian space station and research centre. We're on the cusp of having them in the real world too, especially if the private concern wanting to buy the ISS after it's NASA declared service life in a few more years are successful.

Sure it has TP's, that's how people get onboard; but again, that's no different to the teleport network in Paragon or the Rogues. It's not a weaponised system at all.


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Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
I call BS on this. Sorry, but there is no way that this is NOT god-moding the entire Unionverse.

2,996. Thats the number of casualties from the 9/11 attack. In the real world, that sparked off a series of conflicts that are still going on as we type. The St Johns attack was originally 2000 children, arguably just as bad as nearly 3k of mostly adults.

A private space station is easy to avoid or not know about. High tech cloaking devices. Government silencing orders and FBSA secrecy measures. Or simply the fact that, given we have alien invaders and super science tech on Paragon earth, a mere space station isn't all that out of the ordinary.

2k of dead school children is a big deal. It would result in a massive fallout. Yes, everyone would be involved, wether they liked it or not, because there would be no room NOT to join into something so massive. It's strongarming and god-moding everyone. There are no two ways about it.
And as the person who ran Operation Escalation, yes, yes I can say that my plots can do that too.
no its not BS, it opinion, loads of people have ignored wide scale plots your KG invasion plot was ignored by many , others pointed out that it should have triggerd a mass US responce vs the rouge Islands, but still where ahppy for you to run it and they ignore it .

9/11 was such a major shock because it was the first major attack on the US since Pearl Harbour ..however in the CoX verse that is not the case, there is a huge list of events far greater than 9/11, many of which heroes treat as background News.

And i did take pains to point out i full agree that there would be a major responce , but no way does that mean every hero HAS to join in, or are you claiming that no one would stay back to deal with all the other events in a normal Cox day/week etc. ? are you saying that Villain groups would not exploit the diversion of US law enforcement resourses ?

And yes a private spacestation is ignorable ..i ignore it, but its still there, its still one of the most powerful cutting edge technological events in human history, it still places huge power in the hands aof a group of Supers that answer to no one but themselves .. (( yes i am taking an certain view point here, but its as valid as any .))



Originally Posted by Rock_Powerfist View Post
And yes a private spacestation is ignorable ..i ignore it, but its still there, its still one of the most powerful cutting edge technological events in human history, it still places huge power in the hands aof a group of Supers that answer to no one but themselves .. (( yes i am taking an certain view point here, but its as valid as any .))
It's cutting edge in the REAL world. In the superscience world of CoH? Not so much. It's even canon that there's a Vanguard base on the moon.


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Originally Posted by Rock_Powerfist View Post
no its not BS, it opinion, loads of people have ignored wide scale plots your KG invasion plot was ignored by many , others pointed out that it should have triggerd a mass US responce vs the rouge Islands, but still where ahppy for you to run it and they ignore it .
You mean like that time Recluse launched a full scale invasion of paragon backed by the Jade Spider? (He even attacked Croatoa!) Why i sure do remember the massive US counter attack there... oh wait they didn't, because teh heros sent Arachnos home packing.

Techs invasion plot was little more then a surge of activity in PvP zones, which happens all the time without triggering responces like this because things have become just a fact of life for everyone.



And yes a private spacestation is ignorable ..i ignore it, but its still there, its still one of the most powerful cutting edge technological events in human history, it still places huge power in the hands aof a group of Supers that answer to no one but themselves .. (( yes i am taking an certain view point here, but its as valid as any .))
There's a moon base run by the US government, and an undersea research facility IIRC. The former is out from Eastgate, the latter... Armstrong Lunar Base. It crops up in badges and minor story arc details IIRC. Technology jumped up by leaps and bounds when the Rikti invaded and their tech was reverse engineered.

Zortel went to Washington to have a chat. D.C, not the state. The terms and conditions of Unity Station are as follows:

1: No Earthward facing offensive weapon systems. This means no orbital cannons, no lasers, no missiles, so forth. All that's on the underside of the station is the shields that protect it from the mundane (Radiation, debris, so forth) and can be bolstered to protect against the non-mundane.

2: It has spaceward pointing scanning equipment and shares data with various scientific bodies, and the military. Its purpose is both civilian (to monitor the stars) and military (To watch out for alien invaders. Several Rikti Motherships did leave Earth's atmosphere after all. Any unexplained/unannounced invasions from deep space can be explained by various means.)

3: It has regular, if unannounced inspections by a team of DATA, NASA and DoD scientists to check things are all above board.

4: It shares research done inside the station with other scientific bodies.

5: That it houses a system that, in times of emergencies, could be used to aid communication between relevant organizations.

The station's main purposes are for research, training, habitation and to provide a non-Paragon based command center, so that if a strike say, took out Unity Tower (Which will soon be sold off as the group downsizes their earthbased presence to a smaller building), that the group would not be left headless.

Also, Zorielle had to turn over some of her private research data to the government as well to get the go-ahead. They went for the eye-teeth in getting the best deal for them.

(Interestingly, the comms system was supposed to be 'Herolink', an IC way of facilitating communication between superheroes and quickly sharing locations and arranging back up to arrive. I just kind of forgot about it.)



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
No, the STATION is not armed. It's no more armed than a Paragon City train, or the GG statue. It has on board armed PEOPLE, but that's a different kettle of fish. It's incapable of lauching anything at the earth, and being in geostationary orbit, anything thrown out of its airlock will stay in orbit with it unless someone should manually guide it down; and that can be done without a station.

It's a civilian space station and research centre. We're on the cusp of having them in the real world too, especially if the private concern wanting to buy the ISS after it's NASA declared service life in a few more years are successful.

Sure it has TP's, that's how people get onboard; but again, that's no different to the teleport network in Paragon or the Rogues. It's not a weaponised system at all.
FFM , i am not saying UV has plans to take over the world, BUT if it was a Villain SG up there, say the Corparation, or the Court, such statements as you have just made would not be accepted, and as i pointed out, not everyone likes and agrees with the aims of every other SG / VG and goverments.

If Recluse had a spacestation there would be a TF to stop him using it in some world domination plan.

Such a station is a globaly huge stratigic asset, its is a world defining event, it opens a new epoc in human history.

thats all i am saying, in trems of scale it is huge.



Originally Posted by Rock_Powerfist View Post
Such a station is a globaly huge stratigic asset, its is a world defining event, it opens a new epoc in human history.
No it's not, because there are already canon elements in space, such as a moon base. There are almost certainly government space stations too that we've not heard about, but we HAVE heard about the moon base, which makes government space stations likely too.

It's just another civilian satellite joining the already crowded orbital pathways (even in RL).


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
No it's not, because there are already canon elements in space, such as a moon base. There are almost certainly government space stations too that we've not heard about, but we HAVE heard about the moon base, which makes government space stations likely too.

It's just another civilian satellite joining the already crowded orbital pathways (even in RL).
FFM isnt the whole issue about non canon events, not ones set up by the Devs?

if we are talking canon events why are there not vast numbers of heroes in Dark Astoria trying to save the vast numbers of men , women and children there?



Originally Posted by Rock_Powerfist View Post
FFM isnt the whole issue about non canon events, not ones set up by the Devs?

if we are talking canon events why are there not vast numbers of heroes in Dark Astoria trying to save the vast numbers of men , women and children there?
Um, because Dark Astoria has been given up to the ghosts? There's no one alive there, just ghosts and monsters, apart from a couple of staff in the hospital and guards by the gates.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
There's a moon base run by the US government, and an undersea research facility IIRC. The former is out from Eastgate, the latter... Armstrong Lunar Base. It crops up in badges and minor story arc details IIRC. Technology jumped up by leaps and bounds when the Rikti invaded and their tech was reverse engineered.

Zortel went to Washington to have a chat. D.C, not the state. The terms and conditions of Unity Station are as follows:

1: No Earthward facing offensive weapon systems. This means no orbital cannons, no lasers, no missiles, so forth. All that's on the underside of the station is the shields that protect it from the mundane (Radiation, debris, so forth) and can be bolstered to protect against the non-mundane.

2: It has spaceward pointing scanning equipment and shares data with various scientific bodies, and the military. Its purpose is both civilian (to monitor the stars) and military (To watch out for alien invaders. Several Rikti Motherships did leave Earth's atmosphere after all. Any unexplained/unannounced invasions from deep space can be explained by various means.)

3: It has regular, if unannounced inspections by a team of DATA, NASA and DoD scientists to check things are all above board.

4: It shares research done inside the station with other scientific bodies.

5: That it houses a system that, in times of emergencies, could be used to aid communication between relevant organizations.

The station's main purposes are for research, training, habitation and to provide a non-Paragon based command center, so that if a strike say, took out Unity Tower (Which will soon be sold off as the group downsizes their earthbased presence to a smaller building), that the group would not be left headless.

Also, Zorielle had to turn over some of her private research data to the government as well to get the go-ahead. They went for the eye-teeth in getting the best deal for them.

(Interestingly, the comms system was supposed to be 'Herolink', an IC way of facilitating communication between superheroes and quickly sharing locations and arranging back up to arrive. I just kind of forgot about it.)
Z i am not attacking your station as a RP event , merely using it as an example of an event that is on the global scale , heck the fact you could get DATA, NASA and DoD to agree to work together must be a big event in its own right ..)

Secondly i am trying , and clearly failing, to point out that there is often more than one view point.



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
Um, because Dark Astoria has been given up to the ghosts? There's no one alive there, just ghosts and monsters, apart from a couple of staff in the hospital and guards by the gates.
yes , given up , so it is ok to ignore ? (( and yes i know as a Dev plot there is naff all game mechanics wise we can do , but we are talking RP are we not ? ))



Originally Posted by Rock_Powerfist View Post
FFM isnt the whole issue about non canon events, not ones set up by the Devs?

if we are talking canon events why are there not vast numbers of heroes in Dark Astoria trying to save the vast numbers of men , women and children there?
Sorry, but this doesn't make sense to me. Am I allowed to create a character and say that he's the ruler of the Rogue Isles, because Lord Recluse was put in place by the devs and thus doesn't count?

Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
I'd be happier if CB kept her away from places like GG, but of course, I'd never tell him to do so. It's a "free game world" and he can do as he wants to; I certainly have no right to tell him what to do. But I don't have to like it, either.
I'm a complete outsider here, so this may be a stupid suggestion, but why don't the GG heroes just arrest Tomb? Yes, it's a free game world, but in-character actions are supposed to carry in-character consequences, aren't they?

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Originally Posted by Wolfram View Post
Sorry, but this doesn't make sense to me. Am I allowed to create a character and say that he's the ruler of the Rogue Isles, because Lord Recluse was put in place by the devs and thus doesn't count?

I'm a complete outsider here, so this may be a stupid suggestion, but why don't the GG heroes just arrest Tomb? Yes, it's a free game world, but in-character actions are supposed to carry in-character consequences, aren't they?
Because most attempted arrests at GG usually end with the arrestee godmodding their way back out either right then or the next day. Then showing their face at the statue again.

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




Originally Posted by Wolfram View Post
Sorry, but this doesn't make sense to me. Am I allowed to create a character and say that he's the ruler of the Rogue Isles, because Lord Recluse was put in place by the devs and thus doesn't count?
no, sorry Wolfram , you would need to scroll back a few more posts to follow the debate.

what was being said was that RP events can still be significant, even if the Devs have already set in place something this case comparing a Vangaurd moon base to a SG owned and run Spacestation.

In your example it would be like you taking ownership of some other ((made up )) group of islands.

EDIT and as to the Tomb issue ..what Crazy D said.



Originally Posted by Wolfram View Post
I'm a complete outsider here, so this may be a stupid suggestion, but why don't the GG heroes just arrest Tomb? Yes, it's a free game world, but in-character actions are supposed to carry in-character consequences, aren't they?
For 2 reasons.

1) That requires the player involved to go along with the actions of the heroes, and remove Tomb from RP permanently. I'm not saying anything about CB here, but far too often in the past, heroes at GG have TRIED to take action against villains there, but the player hasn't gone along with it and just godmodded their way out of it.
2) OOC knowledge != IC knowledge. They can't arrest her if they don't know what she's been doing, and AFAIK, they don't. My characters certainly don't.


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Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
For 2 reasons.

1) That requires the player involved to go along with the actions of the heroes, and remove Tomb from RP permanently. I'm not saying anything about CB here, but far too often in the past, heroes at GG have TRIED to take action against villains there, but the player hasn't gone along with it and just godmodded their way out of it.
2) OOC knowledge != IC knowledge. They can't arrest her if they don't know what she's been doing, and AFAIK, they don't. My characters certainly don't.
i have to fully agree with FFM here , if you make a plot that means your toon is a criminal, you have to agree to be arrested and be out of the RP portion of the game for a suitable amount of time, not two days and "oh i escaped from the Zig ", and in the case of of the orginal version of the CB Tomb plot killed.



None of my characters do either, and are unlikely to find out. If Theo in particular was to find out however it'd probably cause a Heroic BSOD. He'd still carry her off to the police though.

A good way of dealing with characters like that (Children not being children) is to play innocent and dump a bucket of D'Awww on them. Not many RPers can resist D'Awww.

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Originally Posted by Forse View Post
None of my characters do either, and are unlikely to find out. If Theo in particular was to find out however it'd probably cause a Heroic BSOD. He'd still carry her off to the police though.

A good way of dealing with characters like that (Children not being children) is to play innocent and dump a bucket of D'Awww on them. Not many RPers can resist D'Awww.
You'd need more than a bucket with Tomb. Ellie finds her majorly creepy.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by Forse View Post
Not many RPers can resist D'Awww.
That's mostly because of the massive amount of angst that's the norm and thus guarded against, the D'Awww slips through the armour!

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Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
You'd need more than a bucket with Tomb. Ellie finds her majorly creepy.
A skip.

Full of running acid chainsaws.

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
You'd need more than a bucket with Tomb. Ellie finds her majorly creepy.
Tomb is about the creepyest Character i have encountered, and i am not limiting that to just CoH.