Roleplay, Plots and the World.




Originally Posted by Kyzock View Post
I'm pretty sure the Rikti didn't hold back during their invasions in regards to schools. I don't see why anyone's villainous character should have to be portrayed as any less villainous than any of the NPC villains.
And thats the entire reason people were against it. What happened to the Rikti? Thats right; theres an entire in-game zone dedicated to them with a UN backed Army waging open war against them. And backed up and sometimes hindered by Longbow. And potentially every Hero and Villain around.

Thats the sort of scale that would be frankly demanded for something like the death of 1000 school children in the heart of the City. It'd be real open warfare, which we as players simply do not have the means to do. I mean, ok, I have actually run one of the events in Union that was coming fairly close. Yet even then, it was all set to the backdrop of existing zones, namely the PvP zones. It was slightly covert-op style, which gave people a valid excuse to not hear about it. Even the grand finale was held in Recluse's Victory, so even though the Villains technically won, the fact that nothing visibly changed in the real world was plausible. The Villains got pushed out by the Freedom Phalanx (again, possible in game in RV) but they put enough hurt on the Heroes and stole the alternate dimensions City Hall flag, to prove the point that "Hey, we can do this to you in our world too...sleep with one eye open, 'Heroes'!"

Feasible and unfeasible, major impact and 'we were there' impact. S'all.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Kyzock View Post
However, when it comes to the authorative side of creating such a sub-plot, for apparently such an evil character, postponing this event and THEN unleashing it would've worked out insomuch as the sheer timing of it all. Distasteful and vile as it is, even for CoH standards, it's a legitimate threat ALL heroes have to be on the lookout for, and for truly evil characters a very possible route to inflict terror, pain and suffering upon the masses.
True evil does not require huge scale. I'm not saying it can't, we can look at real life for 'fine' examples. 9/11, several of the bombings in Northern Ireland and in England as a result of the Troubles. Terrorists use this kind of thing to great effect, though not always the effect they wished.

The Warrington bomb is a good example of this kind of event which could be used effectively in a shared universe RP setting without causing too much 'trouble.' A bomb was placed in a rubbish bin in Warrington town centre and set off during a busy shopping period. Two children were killed. It was a national tragedy and one of the events which really pushed public opinion toward a resolution to the Troubles. Big, nasty, one could say evil, but the scale is such that direct action by every hero in the country would not only be a little OTT, but also probably counter-productive.

Personally, I prefer my evil on a much smaller scale. Or, if it's on a larger scale (I ran a demonic incursion plot recently which had city-wide scale and would have resulted in the deaths of possibly the entire population if the demon hadn't been obviously intended to fail) I don't like having villains so powerful that they don't have to be careful what they're doing. Enormous death tolls should be a feature of the end-game, and so preventable.

My current villain, Rei, is really not a very nice person, but she demonstrates her evil in the way she handles individuals. She's more the serial killer type (well, actually, she's a serial killer, basically). Given time, she could easily be responsible for way more than 2000 deaths. She just does them a few at a time (and the rate things are going, she isn't going to have the time to put that many notches on her surgical kit).

I don't see why anyone's villainous character should have to be portrayed as any less villainous than any of the NPC villains.
Quite, but the purpose of the NPC villains is to fail. If an NPC villain were to attack a school with a giant robot, that would be a mission, probably a TF, and the object of the exercise would be to demolish said robot before it killed so much as a hamster in the school science labs. When Lord Recluse launches a giant, psychic spider robot at the city, heroes are dispatched to stop it before it gets there, and they do.

It's great to say that this is a comic book world and should have comic-scale villainy, but that also means it should have comic-scale results. As soon as that robot appeared, the freedom Phalanx would have mobilised and Stateman would have had the thing in orbit before the first foot stomp.

Given how all of Union participates in all these RPs, how your server has created this "shared-world" view for RP events, it's obvious that such a discussion thread about these wide-scale events has been a good thing. As an outsider looking in, however, I must say that the unwillingness of the majority of the RP populace to even acknowledge that something like this can be pulled off by a player-character is ludicrous.
Beyond it being impolite to stage an event which forces involvement, there are some particular practical aspects which come into play. One of them which is particularly apparent here is communication. I'll use a different, far older, and not villainous plot as an example.

Years ago, someone had a bright idea to celebrate the heroics of the non-heroes of the city (White Vampyr, I think, may be wrong). It was a nice idea and one I would happily get behind normally, but there were a couple of issues.

IC, the first many of us knew about it was a sort of press release sent to a lot of local businesses and such. It just so happened that my main at the time was running a courier business and so I could happily justify him receiving a copy. He was not happy. It was the way it was written, really. The idea was that it was drumming up money to build a park and monument to the policemen, firemen, hospital workers etc of the city, but it didn't just say they were heroes and should be celebrated, it seemed to belittle the efforts of Heroes.

The plot's owner explained that wasn't the idea, but they did that out of character, in the forum, and those of us (not just me) who had IC taken exception to the release explained that that was nice, but what had been written said that Heroes were basically worthless glory-seekers.

(First point about communication, and not really related to this discussion, you can't make people think something says something, just because that was your intention. It says what it says, filtered through their perceptions, not yours.)

Anyway, then the OOC arguments started. The plot owner was determined to have the city government bulldoze a section of the city (in King's Row, IIRC, the irony of which later) and replace it with a park and statue. Many of us said 'no' because it wouldn't really be there. Others said this wasn't a problem because we would agree to know it was there. We said we'd go with it if you could get the game designers to change the game map.

The problem is that we get new players, and we get people coming back after breaks, and we have people who roleplay, but don't read the forums. They aren't going to know that that block of houses doesn't exist in 'our world.' It would need to be very carefully handled within the Unionverse to be sure everyone was on-page, and that's without a constant need to reinforce it. (The irony is that, maybe a year later, the statue of Breakneck appeared outside King's Row station. Not exactly a commemoration of firemen, but certainly a memorial to the unsung heroes of the city.)

This plot has a smilar problem. Such an event would resound world wide. No one in the civilised world would not have heard about it, but we're going to have a constant situation where it would come up in conversation and people wouldn't have a clue what was being talked about. (Right or wrong, GG is one of the major public faces of RP on the EU servers, and we do attract new roleplayers all the time.)

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Originally Posted by Kyzock View Post
It's apparent such a subject is too much of an emotive event for the Unionverse RP community as a whole, however. I guess that's a good thing, but if I was RP'ing a villain on the Union server, in such an environment...I'd feel that a great disservice had been delivered upon me, I'd probably piss the whole lot of you off, and completely withdraw from the RP community.
Way off base.

This has absolutely nothing to do with being able to handle mature subjects and everything to do with being godmodded into taking part in a plot we may not wish to.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



That is true. My current personal plotline is distinctly "for a mature audience." That said, while Rei would have no qualms about killing a child, what's the point? Adults are much more 'fun.'

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Just noticed Reds post in the IC story thread, and it kinda relates to this.
Is that post claiming that two people are responsible for changing reality so that demon summoning is common practice? Im hoping its not...

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Mhmm, I read it that way as well, but looking at it a bit more, it seems that yes, it CAN be seen that way from a point of view...

...but it also seems written so that only those two and their followers were shifted into a very similar universe, but one more compatable with Demon Summoning. Which is a different and more acceptable kettle of fish.



Well, as I've stated previously, I guess it's all right that your lot has dealt with this situation as you've done. However, I still feel that I MUST reiterate certain points. Player character villains CAN and SHOULD be viewed just as threatening to world peace and order as NPC villains - that even though many who RP villains may be content with keeping their villainy "small-scale", there are those that want to take their villainy to much larger scales. Of course performing such villainous reactions is going to elicit a response from every major hero group in-game, from the Phalanx, Longbow, to Vanguard and the Midnight Squad...all groups that can be represented effectively in AE, RV and the RWZ. The truly psychotic villainous characters wouldn't be deterred by such responses ... in fact, some villains may easily be capable of overcoming such responses (Large scale groups of villains against a large scale force of heroes...)

One last thought: With the diverse conglomeration of heroism and villainy rampant throughout CoH/CoV, there's bound to be some villainous plots that DO succeed. Granted, many of these plots may be quickly foiled, given the magnitude of the event. However, there may always be other plots that go unnoticed, no matter the scale of the event.

For there to be any form of heroic response and/or heroism to any given situation, there must at first be some form of atrocious, tragic, villainous plot to unfold, and sometimes even succeed.

I think that's about all I can say on the subject. Of course I can go on and on - this really is a circular argument, because there are so many that would argue such wide-scale events should only be left to the game developers. They fail to take into consideration the very tools the developers have given to us, the players, with which to unleash our own individual stories upon the player base. Given the shared-world RP vision of Unionverse, there are STILL ways to work such wide-scale events in to where not every single RP'er on Union has to even acknowledge such events (or to just jump right into the fray!) These means may not be perfect, but they can suffice in terms of providing a means of compromise for all those involved. It's blantantly obvious there are those unwilling to compromise, unwilling to accept that any one particular player-character can execute any sort of successful villainous plot that could garner such wide spread attention and response. If anyone that played this game wasn't allowed to create such a villain (the devs truly had a remarkable vision with CoV!), why would anyone in their right mind have continued to play a game where all you could do is create a hero to combat AI-controlled baddies in an MMO environment? Granted, at the time the concept was a vision it itself - but for that vision to last as long, and hopefully even longer now, those player-created heroes needed a more appropriate level of villainous characters introduced: those villains created by other players. With the advent of the AE system, the developers have given EVERY SINGLE player an outlet that allows them to let such plotlines unfold. Granted an RP system was already in place, with the forums, chat and global channels available - now players can really perform at heroic or villainous levels. Unless they prefer to keep their heroics/villainy in the PvP zones, that is.

See, it's all a circular argument. Even I'm sitting here saying "Well, on the one hand, yeah they're (Unionverse RP'ers with squeamish stomachs) right, but then, why would the devs give us such tools at our disposal? So that we, the players, can tell an infinite amount of stories, can plot against the opposing alignment forces." This tends to work out quite well for the developers, in that they won't have to work as much, or avoid providing too many of said horrific events.



Originally Posted by Fanservice View Post
The above is pretty much why I don't want to get involved and thanks for changing it so that's no longer a problem. There's certain lines of RP I don't particular like crossing and child cruelty or death is one of them. Invincible villains (Or heroes for that matter) are also kinda a personal peeve and when nuclear weapons aren't a threat I don't really see what my characters can do.

Which becomes a compound problem when my character is totally unable to meaningfully punish people who's actions lead to the death of children. Yes we do need villains to make the RP work, but I don't *want* these kind of Villains and I would not enjoy this kind of RP at all.
Child cruelty is NOT something Liz likes or wants to do.. In this case it is totally Tomb on that. She was a mother of several herself and is not interested in hurting any. I already stated that it is one extra reason why she will hunt Tomb down herself.

I never said Liz was unkillable.. Far from it even. But she is expecting an attack which means she has several escape routes pre-worked out. As would Dr. Doom has and even the smaller villains. And I am not playing her as a small bank robbing villain.

She is a vampire and a witch. Put a stake through her heart and she will die. Silver will stop her regenerating.. A cross or any holy symbol will hurt her... Holy water too... She can not enter churches.. she can not stand on holy ground. Just watch a movie on vampires and you know she is killable.

I just hoped some people would be able to except a villain that is actually roleplayed by someone and that can give some feedback in plans or effects. Or are villains not allowed to join in forum rp? Are they to be monitored and controlled? Control that which should be impossible to control?

Anyway.. end conclusion here is that we have a group of rp-ers on Union that love the comic book extreme in hero and villain plots.. and a group that is tight but mostly are only rp-ing about school events and relationships. And they are willing to ignore the extreme part of the rp community on Union for that reason.

So be it!

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



Originally Posted by Kyzock View Post
See, it's all a circular argument. Even I'm sitting here saying "Well, on the one hand, yeah they're (Unionverse RP'ers with squeamish stomachs) right, but then, why would the devs give us such tools at our disposal? So that we, the players, can tell an infinite amount of stories, can plot against the opposing alignment forces." This tends to work out quite well for the developers, in that they won't have to work as much, or avoid providing too many of said horrific events.
Ah but the AE can be abused to make Farm missions, missions be shot down if thier content is too graphic.

And above all player villians can' stand up to the Canonical ones, and as RPers we can't deny Canon, just because we can tell an infinate amount of tories does not give us right to tell infinate stories.

And for the record, this isn't about squimishnes, not for me anyway, it's about how such a thing would require a responce we can't do,a fter all an AE arc is an AE arc, we can't have the world eb actually changed now can we? Which is what the circunstances intially demanded.

Again sure you can -attempt- a big huge world altering plot jsut fine, attempt is the key word though, because it's a foregone conclusion OOC hat you'll fail.



Originally Posted by Liz Bathory View Post

I never said Liz was unkillable..
So you didn't say...

Originally Posted by Liz Bathory View Post
She expects an attack... even big nuclear ones. She also made sure there are ways to survive this whole thing.
Because I think you did and that sounds fairly unkillable to me, added on top of

Originally Posted by Liz Bathory View Post
And most of the court are 'almost' impossible to destroy permently.
I mean maybe Liz is fine, but she's not alone in this by any means. I never said my problem was with Liz specifically, you yourself pointed out that there are people I'd have a problem with though.

Originally Posted by Liz Bathory View Post
Anyway.. end conclusion here is that we have a group of rp-ers on Union that love the comic book extreme in hero and villain plots.. and a group that is tight but mostly are only rp-ing about school events and relationships. And they are willing to ignore the extreme part of the rp community on Union for that reason.

So be it!
Well that wasn't condescending at all! Don't take cheap shots, there's a fair few plots going on at GG nearly every night, it can be difficult to keep up with them even.



Originally Posted by Liz Bathory View Post
I just hoped some people would be able to except a villain that is actually roleplayed by someone and that can give some feedback in plans or effects. Or are villains not allowed to join in forum rp? Are they to be monitored and controlled? Control that which should be impossible to control?

Anyway.. end conclusion here is that we have a group of rp-ers on Union that love the comic book extreme in hero and villain plots.. and a group that is tight but mostly are only rp-ing about school events and relationships. And they are willing to ignore the extreme part of the rp community on Union for that reason.

So be it!
Villains are perfectly allowed. I proved that with Operation Escalation.
What isn't accepted is stuff that basically strongarms people into situations they don't want to be in. This is still a game, and still a story. It's as much a story that belongs to other players as to ourselves.

The way the event was originally, there was only one logical outcome; The utter anihilation of the Court and all it's members. That also strongarms the game world into a responce we simply can't create in game.
Was everyone in the Court asked if they'd be happy to have their toons their hunted down by civil powers with a lot of backing?

It was still pretty big evil, it was a freaking corrupted Kronos Titan. But it got toned down for a number of reasons, all of them sensible.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.




It's times like this, I wish I had the patience I did ten years ago.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



I get the impression that Kyzock does not comprehend how Unionverse works and that he gives advice on how his RP server works, which doesn't apply to the Unionverse.

The Unionverse is the overlapping world that Union RP happens in. The Newspaper thread and such depict what anyone on Union could comment on as having happend.

Under that veil of Unionverse are the pockets of RPers that tend to stick to their own group with their own plots. These plots -might- become public knowledge and part of the Unionverse, but that doesn't have to be so. They can keep it within their group (Like I think Kyzock is used to).
But if it is mentioned in the Newspaper thread (or IC stories thread to some extend), then it's part of the Unionverse.

So in part we do have the RP world that I understand that Kyzock is used to, but on top of that we have a layer of common knowledge with on top of that the actual MMO game world.

I hope I've managed to explain Unionverse correctly, feel free to point out if I'm wrong, though!

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



OH I get the idea. As to my RP thing, well it's mostly kept to the forums, due to game mechanics and other limitations that have been pointed out. On top of all that I have severe altitis, having over 160 toons in-game already.

I was merely attempting to point out several vialble alternatives for the Unionverse RP populace. It felt as if quite a few actually took offence at such alternatives because of the entire "shared-world RP" of Union. That's all fine and dandy, but at the end of the day, if anyone really has taken the time, they can still build toons that can be on par with that of NPC heroes/villains, and technically anyone playing the game can still RP their toons as being equal to if not more, heroic/villainous than current in-game NPCs.

It's not 'game-breaking' or anything. It's just the way it is.



There are certainly viable alternatives if you want to build such a villain. But as I said before, the problem is publicity or put another way, visibility. If the actions of the current villain I'm using for my plot were to become public knowledge, they'd generate the same kind of national response. But because they've kept their actions secret, only known to a few, and the heroes investigating of course, the public isn't alerted. Ergo, no-one needs to be involved other than those currently in the plot. Then there's things like time travel, alternate dimensions, hidden circles etc that can form artificial walls around those players who want to be involved in the plot and those that don't.

But once it spills out into the community, especially an event as big as this was initially, because of the shared world, there's an expected response otherwise it becomes chracter breaking to deny its existence IC.

Once again, it's not about being squeamish about the subject, it's about making sure you're not dragging other people into your plot unwillingly.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Originally Posted by Kyzock View Post
One last thought:
I think that's about all I can say on the subject.
I honestly don't know what to say. Really. Um... Yeah.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Originally Posted by Kyzock View Post
That's all fine and dandy, but at the end of the day, if anyone really has taken the time, they can still build toons that can be on par with that of NPC heroes/villains, and technically anyone playing the game can still RP their toons as being equal to if not more, heroic/villainous than current in-game NPCs.
It's a bit like characters who claim to be stronger then Statesman really, as he's canonically the strongest hero on Primal Earth, simpley put if we're going to RP in the CoX setting we have to stick by it's canon, otherwise what's the point? We may as well just go and create our own unvirese and so on, why even play :P



Originally Posted by Omega_Chief View Post
It's a bit like characters who claim to be stronger then Statesman really, as he's canonically the strongest hero on Primal Earth, simpley put if we're going to RP in the CoX setting we have to stick by it's canon, otherwise what's the point? We may as well just go and create our own unvirese and so on, why even play :P
Technically... people can build toons that can solo Statesman at AV 53...

Making them... stronger than Statesman...

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
Technically... people can build toons that can solo Statesman at AV 53...

Making them... stronger than Statesman...
Irrelevant. Game lore tells us that Statesman is the strongest meta. That Sister Psyche and Penny Yin are the strongest psychics, that Doctor Science is the smartest man etc etc etc.

Go beyond those, and you're beyond the game lore, off canon, and thus subject to ICly being ignored or even ridiculed (as I often did when people turned up claiming to be the creator of the universe etc... It's happened!).


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by Omega_Chief View Post
It's a bit like characters who claim to be stronger then Statesman really, as he's canonically the strongest hero on Primal Earth, simpley put if we're going to RP in the CoX setting we have to stick by it's canon, otherwise what's the point? We may as well just go and create our own unvirese and so on, why even play :P
And for that reason I purple slotted and made Elizabeth over the past years strong enouigh to solo Statesman as AV at lvl 53. It takes a while but she can do it.

Credibility is important.

Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
Irrelevant. Game lore tells us that Statesman is the strongest meta. That Sister Psyche and Penny Yin are the strongest psychics, that Doctor Science is the smartest man etc etc etc.

Go beyond those, and you're beyond the game lore, off canon, and thus subject to ICly being ignored or even ridiculed (as I often did when people turned up claiming to be the creator of the universe etc... It's happened!).
Being able to reach the same level as one of the top NPC's is one of the mail reasons many play this game. We can therefore we will. THe game canon is saying that under the idea that those characters are well known.

Also.. I am still talking about characters not much higher then that. As that is actually possible. Reality shifters and gods are not in this context. I am against them as much as you are.

DC has always claimed Superman to be their strongest.. still he was killed by a creature stronger then him. It is a nice way to make your main characters.. your flagships... special. But even though Superman is said to be strongest there have been stronger villains there occassionally. It is a measure system.

If I use Elizabeth vs Statesman as excample. Statesman is still stronger in super strenghth and touchness. But she is just a tad more powerfull in debuffing spells and manpower. That is not the same.

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



Originally Posted by Liz Bathory View Post
If I use Elizabeth vs Statesman as excample. Statesman is still stronger in super strenghth and touchness. But she is just a tad more powerfull in debuffing spells and manpower. That is not the same.
And therein lies our wiggle room. Statesman is the STRONGEST, but there are more powers out there than just strength, and this is what we can use to beat the top level NPC's.

All good heroes have a weakness, the stronger they are, the more debilitating their weakness. Superman has kryptonite, which can take his powers and even kill him. The villain that killed him was, I presume, Doomsday? He wasn't stronger or tougher than Superman. However, he had greater reserves of energy, and it was that which enabled him to beat Supes (although beat is questionable, as they BOTH fell down dead at the same time).

But that still doesn't mean our characters are more powerful than the top level NPC's; merely that we have other abilities that we can use to weaken them and thus beat them.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



But Statesman would always beat LIz , he is not dumb , he would just bring along holy water and crossed and a bunch of stakes, he would do it in day time , and rip holes in any buildings to let in sunlight .

Anyone can build a toon that can solo AV 53 Statesman . But that is pure mechanics, and has nothing to do with playing the game, and nothing to do with RP.

Some people play within the game, others like to strech it as far as possible , others will step outside the game. When it comes to RP the same is true, either we except that and restrict our RP actions to agreed boundaries or we accept seperate RP strands.

Personally i have RPed at GG , Pok d some closed SG/VG RP settings , and randomly with PUG RP. In all cases i can say i have found bits of other players RPing, character or plotage , that i have felt i have to ignore for a range of reasons, it happens, its a imperfect game.

Now to say CB's plot forces others to react is not true, just like the current GG Find Annette plot does not force other players to react. Yes CB's plot would cause a massive counter strike, but there are plenty of reasons for any character to treat it a a backgorund News story, given the vast number of heroes comparde to villains its unlikely that there would be enough bits of the Court to go around.
And before i get shouted at, YES i agree Tomb would become deadmeat, yes the US airforce would be bombing villains into the stone age, and yes its the sort of plot i would avoid like the plague.

However if CB's plot is world News , would not a private Spacestation, run by a group of US based Supers not also be world news ? and would it not have a world wide reaction by other power groups, and nations .

Finally, and i think this is important, CB is out there making plots that allow ANYONE to become involved in, if they wish to, what ever other faults they may have, that must be a good thing, can other say the same of there RP and plotage ?



Originally Posted by Kyzock View Post
OH I get the idea. As to my RP thing, well it's mostly kept to the forums, due to game mechanics and other limitations that have been pointed out. On top of all that I have severe altitis, having over 160 toons in-game already.

I was merely attempting to point out several vialble alternatives for the Unionverse RP populace. It felt as if quite a few actually took offence at such alternatives because of the entire "shared-world RP" of Union. That's all fine and dandy, but at the end of the day, if anyone really has taken the time, they can still build toons that can be on par with that of NPC heroes/villains, and technically anyone playing the game can still RP their toons as being equal to if not more, heroic/villainous than current in-game NPCs.

It's not 'game-breaking' or anything. It's just the way it is.
We're not arguing that.

For example, part of my character Krimzon Commander's story is his hatred of Captain Mako, a hatred that is reciprocated in no small part due to Krimzon wearing one of Makos own teeth around his neck, having smacked him repeatedly in the face.

This is entirely possible in game. I ran Makos patron arc and, lo and behold, ground the slimy little fish into pulp on the floor.

What we have here is along the lines of me saying Krimzon tore Makos arm off. Which is clearly utter BS. Its not doable in game. Its also god-moding the entire Unionverse into saying everyone else has to acknowledge that Mako only has one arm, and that Krimzon was thge one to do it.

Is that clear enough?

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Rock_Powerfist View Post
But Statesman would always beat LIz , he is not dumb , he would just bring along holy water and crossed and a bunch of stakes, he would do it in day time , and rip holes in any buildings to let in sunlight .
Of course he would. Liz is a villain, villains ALWAYS lose in comics.

Originally Posted by Rock_Powerfist View Post
Now to say CB's plot forces others to react is not true, just like the current GG Find Annette plot does not force other players to react. Yes CB's plot would cause a massive counter strike, but there are plenty of reasons for any character to treat it a a backgorund News story, given the vast number of heroes comparde to villains its unlikely that there would be enough bits of the Court to go around.
The original scale of CB's plot was utterly impossible to ignore for anyone calling themselves a hero. It literally forced people to either react to the plot, or break character to ignore it. It was far too big to treat as a background news story.

As for the "Find Annette" plot, that's certainly not world affecting. It's a single missing person and only those who know her would have reason to be concerned about it.

Originally Posted by Rock_Powerfist View Post
And before i get shouted at, YES i agree Tomb would become deadmeat, yes the US airforce would be bombing villains into the stone age, and yes its the sort of plot i would avoid like the plague.
TBH, I've always found everything about the Tomb character extremely... unnerving. A pre-teen that is constantly involved in VERY adult themes? Who in their right mind wants to RP THAT kind of shizzle?

I'd be happier if CB kept her away from places like GG, but of course, I'd never tell him to do so. It's a "free game world" and he can do as he wants to; I certainly have no right to tell him what to do. But I don't have to like it, either.

Originally Posted by Rock_Powerfist View Post
However if CB's plot is world News , would not a private Spacestation, run by a group of US based Supers not also be world news ? and would it not have a world wide reaction by other power groups, and nations .
Why? It's completely unarmed in any way, shape or form; though it DOES have plenty of passive defenses such as shielding. Besides which, government agencies WERE involved in its creation, but not being part of the SG, you wouldn't be aware of that.

Originally Posted by Rock_Powerfist View Post
Finally, and i think this is important, CB is out there making plots that allow ANYONE to become involved in, if they wish to, what ever other faults they may have, that must be a good thing, can other say the same of there RP and plotage ?
Yeah, he is. He's out there making plots that can't be ignored by people that WANT to ignore them.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by Rock_Powerfist View Post
Now to say CB's plot forces others to react is not true, just like the current GG Find Annette plot does not force other players to react. Yes CB's plot would cause a massive counter strike, but there are plenty of reasons for any character to treat it a a backgorund News story, given the vast number of heroes comparde to villains its unlikely that there would be enough bits of the Court to go around.
And before i get shouted at, YES i agree Tomb would become deadmeat, yes the US airforce would be bombing villains into the stone age, and yes its the sort of plot i would avoid like the plague.

However if CB's plot is world News , would not a private Spacestation, run by a group of US based Supers not also be world news ? and would it not have a world wide reaction by other power groups, and nations .

Finally, and i think this is important, CB is out there making plots that allow ANYONE to become involved in, if they wish to, what ever other faults they may have, that must be a good thing, can other say the same of there RP and plotage ?
I call BS on this. Sorry, but there is no way that this is NOT god-moding the entire Unionverse.

2,996. Thats the number of casualties from the 9/11 attack. In the real world, that sparked off a series of conflicts that are still going on as we type. The St Johns attack was originally 2000 children, arguably just as bad as nearly 3k of mostly adults.

A private space station is easy to avoid or not know about. High tech cloaking devices. Government silencing orders and FBSA secrecy measures. Or simply the fact that, given we have alien invaders and super science tech on Paragon earth, a mere space station isn't all that out of the ordinary.

2k of dead school children is a big deal. It would result in a massive fallout. Yes, everyone would be involved, wether they liked it or not, because there would be no room NOT to join into something so massive. It's strongarming and god-moding everyone. There are no two ways about it.
And as the person who ran Operation Escalation, yes, yes I can say that my plots can do that too.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.