In the Age of IO's, is SR obsolete?




Werner, I don't think that solution will really work unless you offer set bonuses that offer comparable forms of damage mitigation to what is capable of being achieved through building defense. People aren't going to go after other forms of mitigation because they don' offer as much as building for defense does. If the devs just keep adding more defense debuffs you get to a point where the devs have punished defense so much that everyone using it without DDR suffers, or only enough that people are so focused on building defense that there is even less diversity amongst the various powersets preferred mitigation than there is currently.

I don't think the problem is just that defense is too strong, but that other options are too weak. Defense probably needs to be nerfed a bit, and other mitigation options need to be buffed.

Unless I'm missing the point, and the idea is to make it so that sets without DDR can't utilize defense, I don't think that idea will work out as intended.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
That's understandable. And I also agree that this silly amounts of +def flowing out of set IOs is more of an end-game issue anyway.
I believe the silly amounts of -def thrown around negates this issue.

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Darklocked (dm/sd Brute)
Wardman (Fire/sd Scrapper)
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Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
The problem is not with SR, but the lack of decent choices when going for IO set bonuses. Defense and Global Recharge are largely more powerful than any other set option available, and as such you are going to see many builds try to utilize these higher values on their own characters because going for anything else simply isn't as effective. Unless IO's are changed to favor the less popular set bonuses, such as resistance or what have you, SR is going to have its' toes stepped on when entering the world of Multi-Billion Builds.

Buffing SR because it isn't 'unique' at that sort of level is the wrong way to go. The problem is with IO's, not SR.

Also, Shield Defense is likely in line for some nerfage.
Shield Defense is getting an "adjustment", though probably not enough of one.

You're right on the IOs and it affects more than just SR. Such an adjustment would go a long way to fixing several problems.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
Werner, I don't think that solution will really work unless you offer set bonuses that offer comparable forms of damage mitigation to what is capable of being achieved through building defense. People aren't going to go after other forms of mitigation because they don' offer as much as building for defense does. If the devs just keep adding more defense debuffs you get to a point where the devs have punished defense so much that everyone using it without DDR suffers, or only enough that people are so focused on building defense that there is even less diversity amongst the various powersets preferred mitigation than there is currently.

I don't think the problem is just that defense is too strong, but that other options are too weak. Defense probably needs to be nerfed a bit, and other mitigation options need to be buffed.

Unless I'm missing the point, and the idea is to make it so that sets without DDR can't utilize defense, I don't think that idea will work out as intended.
Well, the "solution" is based on a particular "problem". The devs probably never intended, for instance, that I be able to soft cap Dark Armor. It was intended to be more about utility, resistance, and healing. But when I soft cap it, I get something significantly more survivable than my Super Reflexes (outside of defense debuffs).

But let's say that after 10 incarnate levels, enemy to-hit had climbed to 60%. There's no WAY I can keep up with Katana/Dark. In fact, I'd probably just accept my lot, drop back to something more sensible like 35% to 40% defense, and call it good. It would STILL be a good character, just not stepping on defensive secondaries' toes.

Super Reflexes, on the other hand, would still find it pretty simple to soft cap. There would be more compromises in the build, but it would be perfectly doable, and the way to go. Shield Defense could still soft cap, but it's going to involve a lot more compromise, as perhaps it should. Invulnerability will probably have a hard time of it, unless surrounded by enemies on a survivability build. But it's got a lot of resistance to fall back on, plus Dull Pain. Other secondaries would probably find it impossible to soft cap. They could have very good defense, but not soft-capped defense. They would probably then play more as "intended". And if buffs are necessary to their non-defense survival abilities to bring everything in balance, well, I'm not opposed. And it isn't like Super Reflexes is really being buffed as a result. It's still a one-trick pony, and that trick is getting harder and harder to pull off. Still doable, but you're going to have to work at it.

Still, perhaps you're right about defense not being too strong, just other options being too weak. The argument against buffing IO resistance, I believe, was how ridiculously overpowered the combination of both defense and resistance could then be. But if we can use the incarnate levels to buff enemies to compensate, perhaps you could improve IO resistance to offer better levels of mitigation without having an issue.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
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I agree that in the SO game, SR is fine, but with IO's, it gets surpassed by most secondaries, not drastically so, but passed nonetheless.

I would suggest a few changes to SR. One, lessen the endurance usage of the set a bit. Two, do something with elude to make it more usefull in the IO age where SR is ridiculously easy to softcap already, maybe add a heal to it.

I also agree that the biggest strength SR has, and it is a notable one, is defense debuff resists. While building defense is easy, resisting debuffs is not. Go take a soft capped defense toon with no debuff resistance into a roman mob and see how fast you get beaten down. This should be noted by those who call for further nerfs to SD. While I agree that SD should not be able to reach the same debuff resistance as SR as easily, I don't see it as a problem being done as it is (late game with very expensive HO's).

The devs should avoid weakening sets that players enjoy and improve those they avoid. I think werner has the right idea in that you can balance things by altering enemies and content without making this game city of nerfs.

And when I hear people talking about what the devs 'intended', I often think maybe they should rethink what their intent is. If I'm not mistaken, it was never originally intended for players to be able to do things like soloing av's. This forum should be evidence enough how much players love being able to build toons to solo av's. Being able to build toons to high levels of performance should not automatically be frowned upon and incite the devs to draw their nerfbats.



I don't think there is a problem with + defense in IOs, considering how many attacks debuff defense. Personally I think the amount of resistance that SR gets for losing health is laughable, I think that is the biggest issue with SR.

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Originally Posted by Cyber_naut View Post
do something with elude
Hear, hear - I hate all the tier 9 powers that make you crash and burn. An elude that provided more limited and/or different benefits but without "please kill me now that its over" feature would be very nice.

VIRTUE: Ms Pris - 50 scrapper, Brai Master - 50 tank, Candi Pain - 50 scrapper
VICTORY: Little Bertha - 50 blaster



SR's niche is that it can hit the cap with less IO slotting than the other sets, meaning you have more leeway to slot for +recharge, +HP, +regen and +damage, and also the DDR. Alternatively it can be reasonably uber cheaper. Also it can go with some sets shield can't.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



Originally Posted by Cyber_naut View Post
And when I hear people talking about what the devs 'intended', I often think maybe they should rethink what their intent is. If I'm not mistaken, it was never originally intended for players to be able to do things like soloing av's. This forum should be evidence enough how much players love being able to build toons to solo av's. Being able to build toons to high levels of performance should not automatically be frowned upon and incite the devs to draw their nerfbats.
I should probably admit that while I talked about what the devs probably intended, I also couldn't give a flying rats *** what the devs intended. I care how enjoyable the game is.

Perhaps what I should have said instead was something like "I think this game would be more fun if the answer for survivability wasn't almost ALWAYS to add more defense. I think more variety of solutions would be nice, such as how Regeneration survivability benefits some from defense, but more from huge recharge. I would like to see something like Dark Armor be just as solid if you build it for resistance and healing, so that the sets have more variety in the end game. I think variety is good." It just so happens that I think this sort of variety is what the devs intended, so I used that as a poor sort of shorthand. It's more clear if I spell things out, though, and doesn't rely on a point that I think is irrelevant - what the devs intended.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
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Originally Posted by Werner View Post
Since that would gut punch a whole lot of existing builds, that seems unlikely.

Still, it may be a fixable problem. Most of the "problem" is in end game builds. The end game is changing with ten new incarnate levels, right? Add more to-hit to incarnate enemies, increasing as the levels increase. Super Reflexes could keep up pretty easily. Other secondaries start requiring more compromises to soft cap against the new enemies, and others just can't do it any more. My Katana/Dark would be an early casualty. It's OK. I'll take one for the team.
They're doing it already. The new Praetorian enemies introduced in the rewrite of Maria Jenkins' arc are significantly more difficult than the old ones. They hurted my DM/SD, yes they did. I forgive them though, because they have really big robots.

Interestingly, the one group where every single guy has targeting drone was the easiest. Eat a medium purple, negate targeting drone. Kill. Generate more purples. Repeat. They ended up being the most boring of the new groups actually....IF you could handle them on a high enough difficulty to keep generating purples. They would probably stomp all over an SOd /SR or /SD.

Oh yeah, and DE at 50 have quartzes now. But I'm guessing "to-hit buffs so high you might as well not bother with defense" aren't what you meant.

Edit: Werner, is your Katana/Dark build posted anywhere? I've been looking for a good one to see what I'm doing wrong. Dark Armor builds in general involve a lot of swearing and ramming my head off the desk.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



The sets that require typed defense give up a lot for that because the sets that give typed defense pretty much suck otherwise. Other than a few +HP bonuses, none of the sets that are used to cap typed defense offer any other benefits. The typed defense sets aren't even available at the higher levels, so the overall bonuses are lower and make it harder to slip in procs and the like.

Soft capping other sets requires a lot of powers. It basically requires Maneuvers, which pretty much negates the option for Hasten. Unlike SR these other sets can't devote sets to secondary effects.

With the *gratuitous* amount of -Def in the end game, the set's DDR is really good. SR really doesn't fall that far behind. Even Family and Council have -Def with the machine guns. Heck I cascaded -Def grinding Council a couple of times on /Dark. I had to SJ away while clicking pills. Against Council?

Don't get me wrong, I'd love to be able to slot up Slow resistance into Quickness, or maybe get the Recharge up a bit, but SR is not that far behind the other sets.


50s include MA/SD, MA/SR, DP/Elec, Claw/Inv, Kat/Dark, Kat/Fire, Spine/Regen, Dark/SD

First Arc: Tequila Sunrise, #168563



Originally Posted by Smersh View Post
Until you can make a DB/SD, there is still a reason to make an SR.
And Kat, and Claws. You know, pretty much the primaries I prefer to play.



OP - /SR has it's niche - it's the easiest and least expensive option for Av soloing. In addition to this, it has the easiest god-mode by allowing an "average" player to soft-cap with a single purple inspiration. I don't think this particular aspect is considered often enough, because the average player is not we forumites, who have a grasp of IO and game mechanics. Besides these points, as has been mentioned, it allows you to play Claws, Kat, and DB with it while helping achieve their top-DPS high-recharge attack chains. I wouldn't mind seeing Quickness be upped to +30% recharge, especially if Castle won't give Evasion the Brute's taunt aura.

Werner/BillZ - I am hoping that they go the route of increasing the viability of /SR's ability to more easily soft-cap in Incarnate-level content. At least my FM/SR does. My DM/Shielder is decidedly against it.

Cybernaut - Elude being altered would be nice. It would require a re-name and complete overhaul, but I think it would be much more beneficial to have it be a +Regen/+Recovery power that also gives +Resist and give it a recharge and crash equivalent to Strength of Will. I'd certainly find that much more useful compared to the obsolete T9 it currently is.



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Werner, is your Katana/Dark build posted anywhere? I've been looking for a good one to see what I'm doing wrong. Dark Armor builds in general involve a lot of swearing and ramming my head off the desk.
Please forgive the off topic, everyone.

Current build (no longer soft capped or endurance sustainable due to nerfs):

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
Still working on a solution, but this is the last variant I played with in Mids' (soft capped, probably sustainable):

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
And if it isn't obvious, I sacrifice DPS and flash for survivability. Still, I have Super Jump and The Lotus Drops, so I consider it a pretty practical build. Moreso than my AV specialists, anyway.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
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Originally Posted by jonnycash View Post
Stop with the /SD bashing, the only thing that needs to be changed on /sd is shield charge, and that's only because it's not working as intended. /sr is great without ios and is really good with them. I hate it when you guys go off the subject at hand.

Rant over
LOL no Shield Charge isn't the only problem with Shield Defense. If they really wanted to castrate Shield Defense and actually make Super Reflexes really really worth while again they'd make the defense debuff resistance in Active Defense unenhanceable and then they'd lower the radius of effect of AAo and how much damage bonus it granted.

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Nethergoat, I'd much rather see Castle correct the mistake where IOs are granting vastly more defense than they should.
O God I can't imagine the cluster **** of problems that would create.

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
O God I can't imagine the cluster **** of problems that would create.
Yeah. *chuckle* I DO believe that they shouldn't have added so much IO defense to the game. But to change it now would be epic. Even just changing the Blessing of the Zephyr set seemed to make a pretty big splash and affect a lot of people.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
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Originally Posted by Werner View Post
Yeah. *chuckle* I DO believe that they shouldn't have added so much IO defense to the game. But to change it now would be epic. Even just changing the Blessing of the Zephyr set seemed to make a pretty big splash and affect a lot of people.
Originally it was OKAY, when they decided to hybrid the defense I knew someone was smoking crack in Paragon Studies lol. If they were to change that back to the original design, it'd be a miniature GDN...

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
Originally it was OKAY, when they decided to hybrid the defense I knew someone was smoking crack in Paragon Studies lol. If they were to change that back to the original design, it'd be a miniature GDN...
It would probably be easier to just cap non-tankers at 40% extra and compensate /SR for the destruction of the set.


50s include MA/SD, MA/SR, DP/Elec, Claw/Inv, Kat/Dark, Kat/Fire, Spine/Regen, Dark/SD

First Arc: Tequila Sunrise, #168563



Originally Posted by Moonlighter View Post
It would probably be easier to just cap non-tankers at 40% extra and compensate /SR for the destruction of the set.
That would kind of defeat the purpose of having a set based conceptually around not being hit.

Unless you mean 40% from set bonuses. That....wouldn't really do anything.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
LOL no Shield Charge isn't the only problem with Shield Defense. If they really wanted to castrate Shield Defense and actually make Super Reflexes really really worth while again they'd make the defense debuff resistance in Active Defense unenhanceable and then they'd lower the radius of effect of AAo and how much damage bonus it granted.
It is really hard to get that much recharge and still softcap I could not do it and keep aidself for my AV soloing build so I am sitting at about 70% if I turn on grant cover and I stack for very short periods to get above it. I still do all right I am not /sr. I do nose dive at times because of the hole my defense cascades and I can not keep my heal going because it gets interrupted.

All they need to do to AAO is to cap the # of targets instead of shorting the radius if they think it is an issue. They could knock the cap from 10 down to 8 or adjust the % or do both is that is warranted.

Langar Thurs-Katana/SR 50; Hejtmane-DM/DA 50
Rogue Spear-Spines/DA 50; Hypnosis-Ill/Rad 50
Sir Thomas Theroux-DM/SR 50; Melted Copper-Fire/Shield 50
Byzantine Warrior-DB/ELA 50;Blade Tempo-50 DB/EA



Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
LOL no Shield Charge isn't the only problem with Shield Defense. If they really wanted to castrate Shield Defense and actually make Super Reflexes really really worth while again they'd make the defense debuff resistance in Active Defense unenhanceable and then they'd lower the radius of effect of AAo and how much damage bonus it granted.
I would hope they leave AAO as is. Its a great idea that is shared by two other sets to have a toggle that scales with enemies in range.

If SR could be given something like it, but for recharge instead, that would certainly seperate SR from all other sets in a distinctive way. My vote would be to combine Ranged/AoE defense into 1 toggle. Then turn the AoE toggle into a scaling +recharge power. Quickness may need a rework to be just movement plus something else like physical perfection.

If they combined the Ranged and AoE passives as well, that opens up 1 power to be changed into an optional power (cloak of shadows, as an example). Needing 8/9 powers from SR has always been my biggest issue with the set. Making 1-2 more powers "optional" would go a long way to improving the set.




Originally Posted by Biospark View Post
If SR could be given something like it, but for recharge instead, that would certainly seperate SR from all other sets in a distinctive way. My vote would be to combine Ranged/AoE defense into 1 toggle. Then turn the AoE toggle into a scaling +recharge power. Quickness may need a rework to be just movement plus something else like physical perfection.
I actually like this idea quite a bit. Although I doubt it will be utilized to any extent...

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Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
That would kind of defeat the purpose of having a set based conceptually around not being hit.

Unless you mean 40% from set bonuses. That....wouldn't really do anything.
No I mean cap *all* defense at 40% for all the sets, rather than deconstruct the entire IO system.

But with all the -Def at the high end I really think it's fine the way it is. Soft capped without DDR can cascade at any time, and even /SR can suddenly be in trouble if bosses get a lucky streak.


50s include MA/SD, MA/SR, DP/Elec, Claw/Inv, Kat/Dark, Kat/Fire, Spine/Regen, Dark/SD

First Arc: Tequila Sunrise, #168563