In the Age of IO's, is SR obsolete?




I think the subject speaks for itself but I suppose I'll explain a bit more. For my first GR toon I was planning on making a DB/SR scrapper (because it seemed ub3r cool ) and then I realized the following; why bother with SR since many secondaries can do what SR can, with the added bonus of other utilities and whatnot, by just IOing it up. I realize it would take a bit more work for other sets to soft cap than SR, however, I feel the point remains valid.

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Originally Posted by Cheeze_Head View Post
I think the subject speaks for itself but I suppose I'll explain a bit more. For my first GR toon I was planning on making a DB/SR scrapper (because it seemed ub3r cool ) and then I realized the following; why bother with SR since many secondaries can do what SR can, with the added bonus of other utilities and whatnot, by just IOing it up. I realize it would take a bit more work for other sets to soft cap than SR, however, I feel the point remains valid.
I think SR could stand for a small buff. It's a very solid secondary. DDR and scaling resists are very underrated, but yeah, it's hard to argue for it when you see the capabilities of a well-IO'ed shield defense or WP.

I'd love to see the taunt aura in the brute version of evasion given to scrappers as well and I'd like quickness or perhaps practice brawler give a little bit or innate regen - say equal to what health gives.



I'd suggest that Super Reflexes' niche is soft cap defense plus capped defense debuff resistance. I can assure you from playing a soft-capped Katana/Dark that having no DDR is a noticeable Achilles' heel.

But with enough influence spent and a probably-unintended Hamio trick, I would suggest that Shield Defense can be made everything Super Reflexes is, and more. So perhaps Super Reflexes is obsolete for multi-billionaire power gamers kitting out an end game toon. Other than that, nah, not really. Super Reflexes is still a good set.

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Originally Posted by Cheeze_Head View Post
I think the subject speaks for itself but I suppose I'll explain a bit more. For my first GR toon I was planning on making a DB/SR scrapper (because it seemed ub3r cool ) and then I realized the following; why bother with SR since many secondaries can do what SR can, with the added bonus of other utilities and whatnot, by just IOing it up. I realize it would take a bit more work for other sets to soft cap than SR, however, I feel the point remains valid.
Personally I'm very tempted to agree with you. The only thing that SR has going for it is that it has the highest DDR out of all secondaries. Scaling resists are (IMO) partially useless because even if you get higher resist on lower HP, fact is you have lower HP to take damage anyways, so no benefit outta that unless you build specifically for great Max HP bonuses, which still won't be that much since the bonuses from sets to Max HP aren't that spectacular. I'd go with Shield Defence for a much effective version of a positional defence based power set that has a *LOT* more to offer than SR has. 1) Against All Odds to boost your damage. 2) *some* resist. Even though it's only like 15% it's still constant and stacks nicely with tough. 3) Shield Charge. 4) If you have good recharge on the build putting Membrane Hami-Os in Active defences will allow the DDR from it to actually stack as well, which helps a lot against enemies like Cimeroreans and Long Bow.
Too bad you can't go DB/SD lol.

For a DB scrapper I would recommend going with /WP though. I've tried DB with SR all the way to 50 and IO'd it out, and while it's a nice combo, my DB/WP scrapper has a LOT more to offer and is much more sturdier than my /SR (built for capped S/L defence and 34% everything else where 1 small purple would softcap me) because he has very high regen, very high max HP thanks to set bonuses and High Pain Tolerance, and he has 50% Resist to Smashing and Lethal. Not to mention /WP is much more easier to level up with than /SR since /SR is such a late bloomer.


Originally Posted by Werner View Post
I'd suggest that Super Reflexes' niche is soft cap defense plus capped defense debuff resistance. I can assure you from playing a soft-capped Katana/Dark that having no DDR is a noticeable Achilles' heel.

But with enough influence spent and a probably-unintended Hamio trick, I would suggest that Shield Defense can be made everything Super Reflexes is, and more. So perhaps Super Reflexes is obsolete for multi-billionaire power gamers kitting out an end game toon. Other than that, nah, not really. Super Reflexes is still a good set.
That's a very good point. However, I wouldn't say "multi-billionair". It takes a LOT less than that to make a very decent /SD toon unless you're making use of the PvP Glad Armor 3% Defence IO.

@Sparky Jenkins || Freedom Server | Union Server
Main Hero: Inferno Sparky - Fire/Fire Blaster
Main Villain: Kerry Astrid - Fire/Cold Corruptor



I'd say yes, SR has had some of its territory encroached on by IOs. If cost isn't an issue and you dont mind having a visible shield, it has very little unique going for it, it even takes half your career to get any decent AoE defence and its a tight build.

Blaster /Devices is in a similar boat -anyone can get Stealth and the increased chance to hit of Targetting Drone through IOs.

Same with weapon sets that offer +Acc or sets that have -Def as a secondary, they're less valuable than they used to be.



Yeah until you can get DDR with IOs I'd say SR still has its niche. I do agree that SR could do with a small buff like +max health or prehaps even instead of +res having +def as health goes down.



The only thing /SR has over /SD for a high-end player is the ability to use all of the Scrapper primaries instead of only half of them. That said, going for the top Claws attack chain, for instance, will be much easier on SR than it is on WP, but survivability wise SR loses to both.

EDIT: I'd like to add, though, that /SR is a top choice for anyone without much influence, though. It's much easier to raise your survivability to soft cap on a /SR than it is on /SD or /WP if you have limited funds.

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

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Originally Posted by Valheru_fury View Post
Yeah until you can get DDR with IOs I'd say SR still has its niche. I do agree that SR could do with a small buff like +max health or prehaps even instead of +res having +def as health goes down.
Making scale defence instead of scale resist would just ruin the set IMO. I'd say what the other said before in this thread. Give it a Max HP Boost, or even some +Regen to actually make the scaling resists worthwhile.

@Sparky Jenkins || Freedom Server | Union Server
Main Hero: Inferno Sparky - Fire/Fire Blaster
Main Villain: Kerry Astrid - Fire/Cold Corruptor



You might be right, but I am really happy that there are some sets left that work with minimal IO (or no) investment. SR is one of them, that plays just fine with standard IOs.

Originally Posted by Megajoule
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The problem is not with SR, but the lack of decent choices when going for IO set bonuses. Defense and Global Recharge are largely more powerful than any other set option available, and as such you are going to see many builds try to utilize these higher values on their own characters because going for anything else simply isn't as effective. Unless IO's are changed to favor the less popular set bonuses, such as resistance or what have you, SR is going to have its' toes stepped on when entering the world of Multi-Billion Builds.

Buffing SR because it isn't 'unique' at that sort of level is the wrong way to go. The problem is with IO's, not SR.

Also, Shield Defense is likely in line for some nerfage.



Originally Posted by Cheeze_Head View Post
I think the subject speaks for itself but I suppose I'll explain a bit more. For my first GR toon I was planning on making a DB/SR scrapper (because it seemed ub3r cool ) and then I realized the following; why bother with SR since many secondaries can do what SR can, with the added bonus of other utilities and whatnot, by just IOing it up. I realize it would take a bit more work for other sets to soft cap than SR, however, I feel the point remains valid.
I believe the problem stems more from +def in set bonuses being too available, and it being too easy for other sets to get substantial amounts of +def. The soft-cap is an extreme amount of survivability.

95% DDR cannot be ignored either, on my extremely expensive fire/shield I only have 91.1% a lot of the time, but that means I am getting my defense debuffed almost twice as much.

I wouldn't say /sr is obsolete, the DDR, +rech, ease of softcap, and scaling resists are all great tools, I just personally prefer to spend more money on my /sd to compensate for its holes.

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Originally Posted by Wanted_NA View Post
Making scale defence instead of scale resist would just ruin the set IMO. I'd say what the other said before in this thread. Give it a Max HP Boost, or even some +Regen to actually make the scaling resists worthwhile.
Scaled +def would be a horrible idea, especially if we're talking about IOing prospects since the primary problem with */SR is the fact that +def is already so easy to get ahold of. It's also completely counter to the entire idea behind the scaling resistances, which were meant to soften the blows as you get lower on health, because, unlike almost every other set out there, SR can't rely on its mitigation mechanisms to perform in the short term.

Honestly, the best solution isn't to find some magical way to buff SR. SR is fine as is (if not a bit too strong thanks to virtual immunity to defense debuffs). What needs to be done is bringing SD down to sane levels of performance. Simply removing the ability to enhance the DDR in Active Defense with HOs would go a long ways toward doing that (though that would require Castle actually deciding that his new sets shouldn't blow everything else out of the water).



Originally Posted by Umbral View Post
Honestly, the best solution isn't to find some magical way to buff SR. SR is fine as is (if not a bit too strong thanks to virtual immunity to defense debuffs). What needs to be done is bringing SD down to sane levels of performance. Simply removing the ability to enhance the DDR in Active Defense with HOs would go a long ways toward doing that (though that would require Castle actually deciding that his new sets shouldn't blow everything else out of the water).
Yes Shield Defense's ability to absorb more inf than would normally be spent on half a dozen builds to achieve what SR easily manages while having lower recharge does blow super reflexes out of the water.

{/ end sarcasm}



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Yes Shield Defense's ability to absorb more inf than would normally be spent on half a dozen builds to achieve what SR easily manages while having lower recharge does blow super reflexes out of the water.
Because everything else that it's already packing (like that massive dose of permanent +dam) doesn't more than make up for the fact that it's got lower base survivability (and doesn't get the pittance of +rech that comes with rolling SR). SD is a beast even without IOs. The entire argument that it's somehow balanced around having lower survivability to make up for the higher damage capabilities gets thrown out the window rather quickly when you realize that the additional damage you're getting allows you to kill things substantially faster than they're able to kill you. It doesn't matter if you have lower survivability if the additional damage capacity you get let's you kill things fast enough that your lower survivability doesn't matter (which is definitely true where SD is concerned) and, in fact, actually provides you with a higher level of survivability because you're exposed to such a proportionately small amount of damage.

If SR is actually allowed to maintain even remotely close to the same degree of survivability (which, when you're softcapped, pretty much means "how much DDR do you have?"), while maintaining every other imaginable advantage, there's not much point in arguing balance. SD is massively overpowered. I've played SD, and I've crunched the numbers for it. It doesn't matter how you try to spin it: SD is overpowered (why do you think everyone and their cousin is putting together builds and/or toons with SD?) and not by a little bit.



Stop with the /SD bashing, the only thing that needs to be changed on /sd is shield charge, and that's only because it's not working as intended. /sr is great without ios and is really good with them. I hate it when you guys go off the subject at hand.

Rant over

Johnnycash-''Morning bright eyes!!''
Mrs johnnycash-''P*****F im sleeping''



Originally Posted by jonnycash View Post
Stop with the /SD bashing, the only thing that needs to be changed on /sd is shield charge, and that's only because it's not working as intended. /sr is great without ios and is really good with them. I hate it when you guys go off the subject at hand.

Rant over
Because it's not just SC, AAO is also stupidly powerful.

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Originally Posted by Silas View Post
Because it's not just SC, AAO is also stupidly powerful.
AAO is indeed very powerful. If we look at the offensive niches of SD and SR it's obvious that SD is more powerful. 20% Recharge vs. ~80% Dmg in the best case scenario, I need two to four IOs/IO sets to get the +20% Recharge for my /SD, but I don't think it's even possible for a non-claws/DB scrapper to get constant +80% Dmg if they aren't /SD.

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

My Katana/Inv Guide

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Originally Posted by Umbral View Post
Because everything else that it's already packing (like that massive dose of permanent +dam) doesn't more than make up for the fact that it's got lower base survivability (and doesn't get the pittance of +rech that comes with rolling SR). SD is a beast even without IOs. The entire argument that it's somehow balanced around having lower survivability to make up for the higher damage capabilities gets thrown out the window rather quickly when you realize that the additional damage you're getting allows you to kill things substantially faster than they're able to kill you. It doesn't matter if you have lower survivability if the additional damage capacity you get let's you kill things fast enough that your lower survivability doesn't matter (which is definitely true where SD is concerned) and, in fact, actually provides you with a higher level of survivability because you're exposed to such a proportionately small amount of damage.

If SR is actually allowed to maintain even remotely close to the same degree of survivability (which, when you're softcapped, pretty much means "how much DDR do you have?"), while maintaining every other imaginable advantage, there's not much point in arguing balance. SD is massively overpowered. I've played SD, and I've crunched the numbers for it. It doesn't matter how you try to spin it: SD is overpowered (why do you think everyone and their cousin is putting together builds and/or toons with SD?) and not by a little bit.

Everyone is building SD toons because shield charge is a very nice power and when you go to make a new shield charge toon there is no warning that the powerset is under review and will likely be changed soon.

If you don't have insps or a build up power AAO fully saturated contributes about 28% of total damage output, if you have a buildup power that's down to about 24%. Not really such a big deal seeing as you have to 10 enemies tin a tuant aura to get it, and its time average in combat will be less if you are actually killing things.



Originally Posted by Cheeze_Head View Post
I think the subject speaks for itself but I suppose I'll explain a bit more. For my first GR toon I was planning on making a DB/SR scrapper (because it seemed ub3r cool ) and then I realized the following; why bother with SR since many secondaries can do what SR can, with the added bonus of other utilities and whatnot, by just IOing it up. I realize it would take a bit more work for other sets to soft cap than SR, however, I feel the point remains valid.
Until you can make a DB/SD, there is still a reason to make an SR.

Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

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I still have my DB/SR fully tweaked out. Here's the things he does better then the tweaked out non /SR builds I have.

1. Exemplar! I can play that toon down to level 15 and still have 30 Def to melee and ranged. I have full attack chains down to that level as well. I seriously doubt there's a better positron runner then that toon and it's his normal everyday walking around build. And level 21 (once I get access sweeping strikes) there's a real sweet spot for high damage plus vastly superior defenses vs the badguys you face.

2. At level 50 I run with +33.5 global damage (running assault) while soft-capped. Shields may trump that due to AAO, but IMHO that's a shield issue, not an IO issue. And shields can't use katana, db, claws, or spines.

3. I've never had a travel power on that toon... now especially with ninja run, I see no reason to ever want one.

4. Extreme recharge damage chains... having quickness is like having 2 free purple sets. That's not a small thing. (it's a small thing compared to AAO, but it's still a niche power)

Now... that said, what I didn't list was "ultimate level 50 greatness"... if that's your number 1 goal, then, yeah... I think /sr has been obsolete since /shields was released. But /SR is not without it's benifits. I think personally, I like the flexability I have to soft cap easily and have left over room to fill up on other goodies (like +damage, + recharge, and lower level IOs for improved exemplaring).

I gotta make pain. I gotta make things right. I gotta stop what's comin'. 'Least I gotta try.



I beg to differ. It is still the easiest secondary to soft cap defenses cheaply. My Claws/SR scrapper is also near perma-Hasten, with purples, you could conceivably be perma, if you wanted to. I don't need a travel power with Swift/Hurdle, Quickness, Ninja Run, and IO's. Can you do better with Shield Defense with it's added resistances and AAO? Sure no doubt. I merely pack a good amount of oranges and use Tough to offset the blig blows when I do get hit. I farm well enough with it as it is. Perhaps the only problem is when I exemplar down of course, but I can deal with it.

I do not think SR needs any improvement, nor any changes whatsoever. I'm already a whirling blender of death, what more do I need?



I may be going off subject but what are some good but not to expensive IOs i could slot in my MA/SD scrapper?



My most powerful character is a DB/SR scrapper, and she's quite happy with her SR. She has little use for the cowards who lurk behind shields rather than facing danger like a woman.

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Originally Posted by SnakeRogers View Post
My most powerful character is a DB/SR scrapper, and she's quite happy with her SR. She has little use for the cowards who lurk behind shields rather than facing danger like a woman.
I would venture to say it's braver to take blows and simply lessen the impacts with a shield moreso than it is to duck, weave and dodge every hit coming at you. I'm looking at you, /SR.

Stop dancing like a fairy and take a hit like a scrapper.