In the Age of IO's, is SR obsolete?




Why is SR > SD? As has been pointed out, you can't use claws with SD. Therefore, SR wins.

That out of the way, having to doublestack SD's mez protection to get toward capped DDR doesn't sound fun. While I have PB on auto for my claws/sr, I don't let the damn thing fire off until I see it blinking up top right.

I do miss the added run speed and +recharge from quickness on my SD characters. When I'm playing my SRs, I miss the damage buff from AAO. While I enjoy the constant dam-res that SD provides, I can't sit in the red amongst an aggro cap of enemies and stay alive like I can with my SR. (There's a reason I gripe about brute SR being better than scrapper SR, folks, and that reason is why I pack as my HP and regen I can into my main's build.)

There's good and bad with each set. If you want to push out the most damage, you go for SD. If you don't want to deal with cascading defense failures and be a faster, leaner and sexier killing machine, you go SR.

Pick the one that feels good and roll with it. AAO will eventually get punched in the face, but I'll enjoy it until it does and continue to enjoy it after it does.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by SnakeRogers View Post
My most powerful character is a DB/SR scrapper, and she's quite happy with her SR. She has little use for the cowards who lurk behind shields rather than facing danger like a woman.
Originally Posted by Stolid View Post
I would venture to say it's braver to take blows and simply lessen the impacts with a shield moreso than it is to duck, weave and dodge every hit coming at you. I'm looking at you, /SR.

Stop dancing like a fairy and take a hit like a scrapper.

Now, now, ladies, we're all scrappers here. How we deal with incoming damage is not nearly important as the fact that we can dish it out.

We're not a bunch of whiny tanks now, are we? No.

Smashing someone in the face with a shield is extremely satisfying. It is also extremely satisfying to stand in the middle of an aggro cap of +4 CoT and laugh as they flail about you unable to connect enough to matter.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Just what are you insinuating here?

Oh, you don't think I read these forums?

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Wanted_NA View Post
Originally Posted by Werner View Post
But with enough influence spent and a probably-unintended Hamio trick, I would suggest that Shield Defense can be made everything Super Reflexes is, and more. So perhaps Super Reflexes is obsolete for multi-billionaire power gamers kitting out an end game toon. Other than that, nah, not really. Super Reflexes is still a good set.
That's a very good point. However, I wouldn't say "multi-billionair". It takes a LOT less than that to make a very decent /SD toon unless you're making use of the PvP Glad Armor 3% Defence IO.
I'm talking about getting DDR to Super Reflexes levels, which to me means perma double stacking Active Defense, which means huge recharge, which means lots of purples and Luck of the Gambler globals, which means huge cost. I agree that you can make a great Shield Defense toon for less. But that Shield Defense toon wouldn't then be "everything that Super Reflexes is, and more", because its DDR would still allow for cascading defense failure. So to me, while it might arguably be better than Super Reflexes, it at least isn't better in every way, and Super Reflexes still has a niche.

Originally Posted by Umbral View Post
Simply removing the ability to enhance the DDR in Active Defense with HOs would go a long ways
Yup. And in combination with the Shield Charge nerf, would probably be plenty. Changing Active Defense in this way would affect VERY few people, most of them powergamers who should be aware of the discrepancy in performance, and that this isn't generally desirable in a game. Shield Defense would still be very, very good. But Super Reflexes' niche would be preserved, even in the top tier builds.

Originally Posted by jonnycash View Post
Stop with the /SD bashing, the only thing that needs to be changed on /sd is shield charge, and that's only because it's not working as intended. /sr is great without ios and is really good with them. I hate it when you guys go off the subject at hand.
The subject is "In the Age of IO's, is SR obsolete?" It's very difficult to discuss that without discussing the main other secondary that arguably makes Super Reflexes obsolete. Ignore the elephant in the room if you want, but when the question was, "What the hell is this giant thing in the room?" I think discussing it is on topic.

I also believe that the only proposed nerf to Shield Defense so far in the thread was "removing the ability to enhance the DDR in Active Defense". This affects almost no one. It is also likely "not working as intended", so if you accept that as a reasonable rationale for nerfing Shield Charge, well, there you go.

(Edit: I think Against All Odds was also mentioned. Not sure I agree it's a problem, but it does mean that Active Defense wasn't the only thing mentioned.)

I agree that SR is great. That doesn't mean it isn't obsolete. A race car might be very fast, but it'll still lose the race if there's an even faster race car.

Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
Increase the recharge buff of Quickness to 30% and the slow resists to 60%, add +10% max end, +10% recovery, and allow End mod sets to be slotted.

Add +10% max HP and +30% regen to Practiced Brawler and allow heal sets to be slotted.
Before Shield Defense was released, Super Reflexes was considered by many to be the top of the heap. You don't buff #2 unless you also buff #3 - #8, and then you're just asking for a giant mess, because there's no way you'll get the balance for all seven other sets exactly right, and then we're right back where we started. I DO believe that Quickness provides too little compared to Hasten. I'm just not sure we can make even reasonable buffs to Super Reflexes without creating a mess.

Edit: I feel like I should perhaps clarify my position. I think Super Reflexes is slightly obsolete - in one obscure corner of the game that I happen to care a great deal about, top end level 50 builds, and only because Shield Defense can step all over Super Reflexes' tricks in that specific case. I don't think Shield Defense is massively overpowered. I don't think Super Reflexes is at all underpowered. I have two Shield Defense characters at 50, and I was very upset by the news that they were nerfing Shield Charge, and I whined about it stridently. But I'll agree that it's justified. One of my Shield Defense characters is using the Hamio trick, and I'll be upset if they nerf Active Defense to not have buffable defense debuff resistance. But if it ever happens, which I doubt, I would agree that it was justified. If I were a dev, that is as far as I would go if I even went that far, and then I'd see how things played out, particularly with Going Rogue and Incarnate levels coming up, which is almost certain to shake up any established order.

Edit: Clarifying further, I DON'T think that IOing up other secondaries to the soft cap makes Super Reflexes obsolete. 95% DDR is VERY nice, and worth taking Super Reflexes for. I have a soft-capped Katana/Dark that, generally speaking, is significantly more survivable than my DM/SR. However, if I were joining an unknown group for unknown content, I would prefer to bring along my DM/SR. He has ENOUGH survivability for almost any situation, and won't be debuffed into uselessness the way my Katana/Dark can be. Quickness is nice too.

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"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
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I'm just not sure we can make even reasonable buffs to Super Reflexes without creating a mess.
Considering all the buffs that SR had to receive in order to fix it over the years, I find that I have to agree. SR needs no buffs. At all. I certainly wouldn't mind a power order shuffle along the lines that brutes received, but even that I don't see as necessary.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Considering all the buffs that SR had to receive in order to fix it over the years, I find that I have to agree. SR needs no buffs. At all. I certainly wouldn't mind a power order shuffle along the lines that brutes received, but even that I don't see as necessary.

I don't think the power order CAN be shuffled. For the same reason brutes didn't get Energize any earlier when they changed Conserve Power into it in Electric Armor.

They couldn't give the same power order to SR scrappers because it would very likely break thousands of characters. You might get something to happen if you would be okay with every SR scrapper in the game getting auto-deleted in order to push the change through. Since you are VERY unlikely to see that happening, scrapper SR is unlikely to change.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
You know what?

I'm over in the brute forums right now, busting my rump and trying to defend the notion that a brute should by no means be pigeonholed into the role of a "tank," and this is the thanks I get? You call me a whiny tank!?

That's it, the gloves are off you sissy scrapper. Go off on your own and solo your +4/x8 mobs. I'll do it too, it just takes longer. Go off and solo your AVs. I'll do it too... just with shivans... or ... no I won't solo AVs. But I'll survive them, damnit!

Screw you guys, I'm going home.

*The above is an overly dramatic and sarcastic reaction, not meant to be taken seriously.

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Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
I don't think the power order CAN be shuffled. For the same reason brutes didn't get Energize any earlier when they changed Conserve Power into it in Electric Armor.

They couldn't give the same power order to SR scrappers because it would very likely break thousands of characters. You might get something to happen if you would be okay with every SR scrapper in the game getting auto-deleted in order to push the change through. Since you are VERY unlikely to see that happening, scrapper SR is unlikely to change.
Perhaps there would be a way to grandfather in people who had taken powers that were no longer available at that level.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
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Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
You know what?

I'm over in the brute forums right now, busting my rump and trying to defend the notion that a brute should by no means be pigeonholed into the role of a "tank," and this is the thanks I get? You call me a whiny tank!?

That's it, the gloves are off you sissy scrapper. Go off on your own and solo your +4/x8 mobs. I'll do it too, it just takes longer. Go off and solo your AVs. I'll do it too... just with shivans... or ... no I won't solo AVs. But I'll survive them, damnit!

Screw you guys, I'm going home.

*The above is an overly dramatic and sarcastic reaction, not meant to be taken seriously.
Times like these I miss rep. Thanks, Dechs... I needed that laugh.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Werner View Post
Perhaps there would be a way to grandfather in people who had taken powers that were no longer available at that level.
Didn't they do that when they changed the level at which Taunt was available? It certainly didn't delete all the tanks on every server.

I want the taunt aura for Scrapper /SR. Stupid ****** runners. I can't kill stuff when it's running away. If I had that taunt aura I'd be happy with my minimal investment toward soft-capping freeing up slots for all kinds of other stuff.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Considering all the buffs that SR had to receive in order to fix it over the years, I find that I have to agree. SR needs no buffs. At all. I certainly wouldn't mind a power order shuffle along the lines that brutes received, but even that I don't see as necessary.
I want a taunt aura too. That would make my DM/SR complete.



Originally Posted by MunkiLord View Post
I want a taunt aura too. That would make my DM/SR complete.
I hear and agree 1000%. But Castle has already told me in no uncertain terms, "Hell, no."

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
It is also extremely satisfying to stand in the middle of an aggro cap of +4 CoT and laugh as they flail about you unable to connect enough to matter.

Try holding the aggro of FIVE RIKTI MAGUS ... solo ... for 4+ minutes, waiting for the cavalry to arrive.

And after you've done that once ... DO IT AGAIN ... on the same Mothership Raid, without faceplanting even once.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Originally Posted by Cheeze_Head View Post
I think the subject speaks for itself but I suppose I'll explain a bit more. For my first GR toon I was planning on making a DB/SR scrapper (because it seemed ub3r cool ) and then I realized the following; why bother with SR since many secondaries can do what SR can, with the added bonus of other utilities and whatnot, by just IOing it up. I realize it would take a bit more work for other sets to soft cap than SR, however, I feel the point remains valid.

For me the answer is yes .... and No.

To elaborate, here is a build that I have been working on for one of my toons which switches the focus to +regen. Not having to worry so much about soft-capping thru IOs means that you can go after something else. Hence why so much +regen.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |




Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post

Try holding the aggro of FIVE RIKTI MAGUS ... solo ... for 4+ minutes, waiting for the cavalry to arrive.

And after you've done that once ... DO IT AGAIN ... on the same Mothership Raid, without faceplanting even once.

I jumped into the bowl and grabbed U'kon's aggro before the raid leader said it was time to go after him. The Raid Leader yell at me for jumping the gun and I had to hold his aggro for a long damn time, while arguing in global that the Raidwipe couldn't be my fault because the GM was still trying to hit me and only me.

Somebody just didn't call out a bomb. That's not my fault.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Umbral View Post
Scaled +def would be a horrible idea, especially if we're talking about IOing prospects since the primary problem with */SR is the fact that +def is already so easy to get ahold of. It's also completely counter to the entire idea behind the scaling resistances, which were meant to soften the blows as you get lower on health, because, unlike almost every other set out there, SR can't rely on its mitigation mechanisms to perform in the short term.

Honestly, the best solution isn't to find some magical way to buff SR. SR is fine as is (if not a bit too strong thanks to virtual immunity to defense debuffs). What needs to be done is bringing SD down to sane levels of performance. Simply removing the ability to enhance the DDR in Active Defense with HOs would go a long ways toward doing that (though that would require Castle actually deciding that his new sets shouldn't blow everything else out of the water).
The bolded part confuses me, as I've heard nothing but "Dual Pistols isn't uber" and complaints about Kinetic Melee.

So, how would it be that Castle thinks all his new sets must blow the others out of the water?

As for Shield being better than SR. Sure, if you want all your toons to make use of a shield. Oh yeah! That's a big concept power if I ever heard one! That's why so many super heroes make us of a Shield! They're just so popular among the superheroes in comics!

SR isn't bad at all. If they were to ever buff it, I'd hope they would say "You know what? Let's up that plus recharge of Quickness to 33% maybe 35%"

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Like /dev, SR has definitely had some of its shine stolen by the IO system.

It's still a nice set, but now anyone with a big pile of cash can recreate much of its utility.

It'd be nice if they could figure out a way to make it unique again.

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Nethergoat, I'd much rather see Castle correct the mistake where IOs are granting vastly more defense than they should.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Nethergoat, I'd much rather see Castle correct the mistake where IOs are granting vastly more defense than they should.
Since that would gut punch a whole lot of existing builds, that seems unlikely.

Still, it may be a fixable problem. Most of the "problem" is in end game builds. The end game is changing with ten new incarnate levels, right? Add more to-hit to incarnate enemies, increasing as the levels increase. Super Reflexes could keep up pretty easily. Other secondaries start requiring more compromises to soft cap against the new enemies, and others just can't do it any more. My Katana/Dark would be an early casualty. It's OK. I'll take one for the team.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
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The main thing keeping me from making an SR or SD character is annoyance w/ clicky status protection.

Culex's resistance guide



Originally Posted by Werner View Post
Since that would gut punch a whole lot of existing builds, that seems unlikely.

Still, it may be a fixable problem. Most of the "problem" is in end game builds. The end game is changing with ten new incarnate levels, right? Add more to-hit to incarnate enemies, increasing as the levels increase. Super Reflexes could keep up pretty easily. Other secondaries start requiring more compromises to soft cap against the new enemies, and others just can't do it any more. My Katana/Dark would be an early casualty. It's OK. I'll take one for the team.
Tohit flat out negates defense, so I'd rather see more defense debuffs if they go that route.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Tohit flat out negates defense, so I'd rather see more defense debuffs if they go that route.
Well, OK, but that was the point. I think it'd be much better to negate some defense as you level than to nerf IO defense. The idea is that your character still performs just as flawlessly as ever against all the enemies you're used to facing. You weren't nerfed at all. Oh? What? Those new enemies? The ones you're going to need to face to get even better? Yeah... they're... a little harder.

OK, yes, debuffs would have similar effect. But generally speaking, I'm just not a fan of debuffs. I'd rather the enemy simply be better than that the enemy make me weaker, even if the net effect is the same. I want to see tigers tearing each other apart, not tigers debuffing each other into kittens.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks



That's understandable. And I also agree that this silly amounts of +def flowing out of set IOs is more of an end-game issue anyway.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
That's understandable. And I also agree that this silly amounts of +def flowing out of set IOs is more of an end-game issue anyway.
Yep. And I think an end game issue could be addressed with an end game (incarnate levels) solution, whatever that might be. I think that would be much better than doing it with nerfs, even if the net result for continued leveling is the same.

And if that leaves imbalances in place for level 50s with no incarnate levels, does it matter? It's almost like worrying in great detail about balance at exactly level 37. We'll hit it and move right through it. It's good to not be terribly unbalanced, but it isn't terribly unbalanced, so I'd call it good enough if it's just one more rung on the ladder.

Not that they'll do a great job of balancing the incarnate levels. To me, getting everything perfect out of the gate is basically impossible. But it just seems like a golden opportunity to address any lingering issues in a way that simply wasn't available before.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
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