In the Age of IO's, is SR obsolete?




Originally Posted by Werner View Post
Well, yes, obviously it's a mere distraction to talk about the value of using a particular inspiration if I don't have a chart of the opportunity costs for ALL inspirations. I have no such chart, so I'm sorry to have wasted your time.
The counter argument would be SR keeping a Red around to speed kill rate or just being able to use reds or greens to improve.

Originally Posted by Biospark View Post

No worries Werner, appreciating inspiration use is a transitional skill in this game.
You can lead a horse to water.... well you know the rest.
Funny I have been thinking the same thing throughout this thread.



Originally Posted by Werner View Post
I should probably admit that while I talked about what the devs probably intended, I also couldn't give a flying rats *** what the devs intended. I care how enjoyable the game is.

Perhaps what I should have said instead was something like "I think this game would be more fun if the answer for survivability wasn't almost ALWAYS to add more defense. I think more variety of solutions would be nice, such as how Regeneration survivability benefits some from defense, but more from huge recharge. I would like to see something like Dark Armor be just as solid if you build it for resistance and healing, so that the sets have more variety in the end game. I think variety is good." It just so happens that I think this sort of variety is what the devs intended, so I used that as a poor sort of shorthand. It's more clear if I spell things out, though, and doesn't rely on a point that I think is irrelevant - what the devs intended.
What annoyed me was that while there is a LOT of +Psi Resistance kicking around (my first Invuln/SS Tanker build was designed purely to plug the Psi Resistance gap and got 40% Psi resistance...which is 10% MORE than her regular resistance levels) there is sweet bugger all way to build up the other resistances.

For Smashing/Lethal you can get tough...but there's nothing else after that and the +Resistance in the IO sets for anything other than Psi is laughable.

The devs bought it on themselves when they added a HUGE amount of +Def and +Rech to the sets and...well...not much else...

Now if I could build my Invuln/SS for 90% Smashing/Lethal resistance (which she does with just no change needed there) and say 70% Resistance to all but Psi then I would have gone that route.

As it is the only way for Invuln to increase their survivability is to go the typed defense softcap route (which I did on my second build).

So is namely the Devs fault for not really offering any other options other than +def and +Rech...



((Please! No more talk about changing Super Reflexes! Shhh! Let it be! It's fine. Really it is! I don't need any other nerfs coming my way.))



Originally Posted by Umbral View Post
Well, every set has some kind of weakness pretty much built into it. SR's is non-positional psi.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't get what you're saying here. I thought that the system takes your highest stat into account when it comes to ranged vs positional. If I'm at 45% Melee/Ranged/AoE defense, doesn't that count Psionic damage, as well? And SR almost does this by itself... doesn't that make this not much of a "weakness?"



Originally Posted by kirbyrockz View Post
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't get what you're saying here. I thought that the system takes your highest stat into account when it comes to ranged vs positional. If I'm at 45% Melee/Ranged/AoE defense, doesn't that count Psionic damage, as well? And SR almost does this by itself... doesn't that make this not much of a "weakness?"
There's abilities that do psionic damage that are ONLY typed psychic. Everything in mind control, for example. Not particularly sure what else besides mind control is pure psychic type.

Culex's resistance guide



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Funny I have been thinking the same thing throughout this thread.
Self-reflection is the true path to enlightenment.



Originally Posted by kirbyrockz View Post
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't get what you're saying here. I thought that the system takes your highest stat into account when it comes to ranged vs positional. If I'm at 45% Melee/Ranged/AoE defense, doesn't that count Psionic damage, as well? And SR almost does this by itself... doesn't that make this not much of a "weakness?"
Some psionic attacks do not have a positional marker, meaning that it would only have to check against Psi Defense before it hits you, as having Melee/Ranged/AoE defense has no effect on the power's to-hit check.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
The counter argument would be SR keeping a Red around to speed kill rate or just being able to use reds or greens to improve.
OK, maybe I see what's going on here.

The point I thought I was arguing is that even on the cheap, late game Shield Defense survivability is very good as long as you build it right and make use of purple inspirations for extra-tough fights. It was a complete diversion from the original topic of the thread, and not, in my mind, about Super Reflexes at all.

The point I now think you are arguing is that on the cheap, late game Super Reflexes is at least as survivable as Shield Defense, as long as you build it right and use a similar number of inspirations (greens are good) for extra-tough fights.

These are not mutually-exclusive assertions. They're two different topics. So we're not even arguing with each other. We're just talking past each other.

I'll address your topic first. You're right! There, that was easy. Or at least I personally feel that late game Super Reflexes on the cheap and built right is at least as survivable as late game Shield Defense on the cheap and built right. I probably could even be convinced that it is more survivable if you were trying to make that additional point. SR should be sitting at the soft cap, even on the cheap, which is a gigantic lever with which to make good use of green inspirations to stay alive in horrible situations. Shield Defense is still a purple away from the soft cap, which is easily addressed for emergencies, but not on a continuous basis. Bigger load of inspirations for similar survivability = survival advantage for Super Reflexes. But that line of reasoning neglects damage output and its relationship to survivability. I believe Umbral is claiming a 25% survivability advantage from increased damage output on Shield Defense. Me, I've never included damage output in my survivability calculations because I want indefinite survivability, not 30 second or 60 second survivability. But 30 or 60 second survivability is probably more relevant to a discussion of late game play on well-made but cheap builds. Still, if you're teaming, the difference doesn't seem likely to be nearly so large as the proposed 25%, as your survivability probably depends more on the damage output of the whole team than of you personally. But if you're teaming, all bets are off, because team buffs are probably an even slipperier slope than inspiration use. And both team buffs and 30 to 60 second survivability are outside of my area of expertise, so I'll just shrug my shoulders for now.

Now back to my topic. What I'm claiming is that even on the cheap, late game Shield Defense survivability is very good as long as you build it right and make use of purple inspirations for emergencies. Built right, you'll have 32.5% defense or higher, even on the cheap, at least in the late game. That's one small purple from the soft cap. The difference between 32.5% and 45% defense is taking 2.5 times less damage. So when the chips are down, like in a double pull, a single purple should make it about as easy or easier than a normal spawn. And even 32.5% defense is quite a bit, and makes a noticeable difference in survivability. My point, basically, is that Shield Defense on the cheap isn't doomed to face planting regularly. It's actually quite good. There may be better Scrapper choices for cheap survivability (like arguably a soft-cap SR popping greens in emergencies), but Shield Defense even on the cheap is very solid with a reasonable build and reasonable use of inspirations.

Now, DO you think Shield Defense sucks even with a good late game build if that build is cheap? Or were we simply not on the same topic, as I suspect, and thus arguing over nothing? Or am I still way off base on what YOU were trying to say, and also thus arguing over nothing?

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks



I don't know how people can afford ios on so many characters other than for the final 50 slotting. I mean I have work and stuff, playing at 15-20 min bursts now and then, never was able to get far in crafting and money sucks in this game like all mmos.



Originally Posted by BloodFairy View Post
I don't know how people can afford ios on so many characters other than for the final 50 slotting. I mean I have work and stuff, playing at 15-20 min bursts now and then, never was able to get far in crafting and money sucks in this game like all mmos.
I've mostly only used cheap stuff and SOs for leveling, though at this point, I've stuck a bunch of Steadfasts, Kismets, Knockback Protections of several types, Miracle uniques, Numina uniques, and Performance Shifter procs in the base. Those are good for leveling. But really, most characters level with just a Steadfast and a Kismet. Frankenslotting in the mid 30s is fairly typical as well, generally to address endurance problems as I stack on the toggles. Total influence spent is probably in the 10-20 million range for my average leveling build, which is less than I earn while leveling.

That said, once you get the hang of it, making influence is easy. Just playing on your 50s gives you a lot of influence. Farming speeds that up a lot. And of course you can play the market, and the high end marketeers earn 2 billion or more per week.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks



Originally Posted by BloodFairy View Post
I don't know how people can afford ios on so many characters other than for the final 50 slotting. I mean I have work and stuff, playing at 15-20 min bursts now and then, never was able to get far in crafting and money sucks in this game like all mmos.
The Market.

I have a level 29 scrapper that I haven't transferred any inf to from any other characters of mine, and she has 600 mill+ inf.

Culex's resistance guide



Originally Posted by Werner View Post
I'd suggest that Super Reflexes' niche is soft cap defense plus capped defense debuff resistance. I can assure you from playing a soft-capped Katana/Dark that having no DDR is a noticeable Achilles' heel.

But with enough influence spent and a probably-unintended Hamio trick, I would suggest that Shield Defense can be made everything Super Reflexes is, and more. So perhaps Super Reflexes is obsolete for multi-billionaire power gamers kitting out an end game toon. Other than that, nah, not really. Super Reflexes is still a good set.
Except you can't use Claws with Shields?



Originally Posted by Werner View Post
A horrible mistake that we can only hope the devs will address soon.
They did with the new Faux-Claws set, Kinetic Melee.



It's ALMOST as good in every category ('cept AoE, I suppose), but not quite!

Miserya - 50 EM/ELA Brute (Perma-shelved)
Adriana Rayne - 42 Katana/Dark Scrapper
Cyberpulse - 26 Super Strength/Willpower Brute
Steel Heart - 24 Invuln/Super Strength Tanker



I have been playing a Claws / SR almost exclusively for the three months prior to GR and have tinkered her build ad-nauseum as some may have noticed. I have tried to read all the SR posts on this forum, as much as time allowed, and know I still have a ton to learn.

My observations about SR are:

1) Gee Whizz I like it! Compared to any other toon I have played in my 9 months it has the best feel of being really Super-Heroic. It is a Claws so sometimes I feel a little Damage shy compared to my only other really useful toon a S/L soft capped Rad/MM Blaster, but taking slightly longer to finish x8 mobs in pretty much complete safety is really nice.

2) Green pills are fine for an unlucky streak, but if you have a useable Tough as I do at 17+% then one or two orange seem to pull the teeth of almost all mobs, barring PSI. This leads too --

3) The scaling damage resistance just seems useless untill you are so low in the red that any boss or leut. hit may one shot you. If I were to suggest a change to SR I would join in saying to allow resistance slotting in some or all of Dodge, Agility and Lucky. Or, as has already been mentioned in Practiced Brawler, allowing that to also affect the scaling resist.

Oh, does anyone know if orange pills affects the Scaling Damage Resist,
perhaps that is why orange pills seem so extra good?
