How often do you skip training for the "enhancement level"?




Come on, I know you've all done it. No one can be that eager to train when they reach 7,9,11 or even 13.

Maybe when you get higher and you have good enhancements waiting. But at low level, I wait for a "power level" ;-)



I'm not too sure if you mean not bothering to visit the trainer when you reach a level where you get more slots, or actually slotting enhancements into those slots.

Either way, I skip it until level twelve. Levelling tends to be too quick for enhancements before DOs, so I tend to level in even multiples for the first part of a character's career. I know people who laugh at me because I don't leave it until SOs or even because I'm not using IOs exclusively, but to me the difference is great enough with DOs to be worth it, and I find that visiting my local stores to be far more convenient than visiting Wentworths before forty-seven. Even if it is sometimes more pricey.



Level 3 I dont skip, because it gives you a whole 4 extra insp slots.
Other than that, if the trainer is en route to the next mission I'll pick it up, if not it can wait

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by StormSurvivor View Post
I'm not too sure if you mean not bothering to visit the trainer when you reach a level where you get more slots, or actually slotting enhancements into those slots.

Either way, I skip it until level twelve. Levelling tends to be too quick for enhancements before DOs, so I tend to level in even multiples for the first part of a character's career. I know people who laugh at me because I don't leave it until SOs or even because I'm not using IOs exclusively, but to me the difference is great enough with DOs to be worth it, and I find that visiting my local stores to be far more convenient than visiting Wentworths before forty-seven. Even if it is sometimes more pricey.

This basically. Before level 12 I only visit trainers on the even levels. At 22 I'll SO myself up fully, although I do start slotting IOs in the mid-20s , frankenslotting cheap 3-parters into things like Mez powers.

32 is when I start Frankenslotting in earnest.



Matter of convenience for me. I was running with a decent pug the other day and hit 27 in the middle of it and ignored it until we were done for the day. But then it was immediately off to WW and then the trainer (I like to see what's available before I decide where to put the slots, often doing the inventions before even leveling). If it had been a power, though, I would have gone to the trainer between missions.

Dec out.



Originally Posted by StormSurvivor View Post
Either way, I skip it until level twelve. Levelling tends to be too quick for enhancements before DOs, so I tend to level in even multiples for the first part of a character's career. I know people who laugh at me because I don't leave it until SOs or even because I'm not using IOs exclusively, but to me the difference is great enough with DOs to be worth it, and I find that visiting my local stores to be far more convenient than visiting Wentworths before forty-seven. Even if it is sometimes more pricey.
This. A lot of the time, if I'm on a fast-moving team in higher levels, I'll put off training an enhancement level too. Better to keep beating stuff up for more XP than to take five minutes out to slot those 2-3 extra enhancements.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



The only time I go out of my way to train an enhancement level is if I REALLY need those slots for a recently acquired power. If there isn't anything important that will contribute greatly to whatever I'm doing at the time it can wait until a more convenient time.

If I hit a level and happen to pass a trainer on my way somewhere, I'll take a second and train it up, but I'm not going to leave a mission to go train and come back.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



I always train when I make a level. But that's mainly because I have a lot of characters, and it's going to be a long time before I make the next level.



How often do you skip training for the "enhancement level"?
Pretty much all the way to 47. That's when I can start slotting Hami-O's

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The first 19 levels I won't skip, because that's my opportunity to slot endurance reduction. After that, it depends on what power I picked up last. Just last night, for example, I got Shield Charge, and found it so useful, I trained as soon as possible to make it more effective. If its a little used or mediocre power, I'll wait.



I only skip if the next mission is close the the trainer is not.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Almost every time, no matter the level. There are times when I skip training for "power" levels as well, though that's much rarer and is typically only when steamrolling dudes with my friends where one more power isn't going to make a difference between winning and losing. (It's pretty hard to lose in this game, anyway.)

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



I don't bother enhancing until 12 (DOs) so I skip off levels until 13+.



I always train when I level. Always.

Well, unless I somehow unusually leveled twice during a mission on a team (Frostfire, I'm looking at you).



I always skip level 3, 5 and 7.

But, thats generally because I skip 4,6 and 8 in the process.
Gotta love sewer runs!

When I'm rolling a new toon and I don't get on a sewer run I skip 3 and 5 because it's much just faster. Once I'm in my sweeping rythem I can use the boost from leveling and blaze thru the next 2 levels quicker than I can get back to Liberty. Then I go train.

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Originally Posted by Peacemoon View Post
Come on, I know you've all done it. No one can be that eager to train when they reach 7,9,11 or even 13.

Maybe when you get higher and you have good enhancements waiting. But at low level, I wait for a "power level" ;-)

I skip non power levels most of the time. Hell I don't even put any ench in till 25 then I get a full set of IO's and then do nothing till 47-50.

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
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Originally Posted by StormSurvivor View Post
I'm not too sure if you mean not bothering to visit the trainer when you reach a level where you get more slots, or actually slotting enhancements into those slots.

Either way, I skip it until level twelve. Levelling tends to be too quick for enhancements before DOs, so I tend to level in even multiples for the first part of a character's career. I know people who laugh at me because I don't leave it until SOs or even because I'm not using IOs exclusively, but to me the difference is great enough with DOs to be worth it, and I find that visiting my local stores to be far more convenient than visiting Wentworths before forty-seven. Even if it is sometimes more pricey.
I'm pretty much the same. I don't bother with Training Origin at all but at 12 I will slot DOs followed by SOs at 22. If I'm on a team or TF the odd levels only add a few enhancement slots that aren't getting anything anyway so NO I don't bother. I also tend to skip leveling, even if it means I get another power, when I am exemplared down on a Task Force. "Yeah I just hit level 38 but this is the Posi TF... I can train when it's over. Not like I'll get to use the power anyway" ((LOL))

If I'm soling and my enhancement tray is getting full anyway I'll stop by the trainer on the way to unload them. I usually don't bother with IOs until about 32,, 35 level IOs do provide the same bonus as 35++ SOs and 40 levels = 50 level SOs.

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�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



I'll skip "unimportent" level ups quite often when i'm actively doing something, then when i'm "done" i'll wonder off and level up.

Unimportent levels are, basically ehancment levels or even power levels if said power isn't going to make much of a different to my current effectiveness. I mean, in you 20's and 30's, whats another attack power with 1 slot going to really help you accomplish? While there ARE execptions (most lvl 32 powers) it's just how it is. I level at a conveniont time, or right a way when i get something really useful, esspecally right out of the box.

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Originally Posted by Peacemoon View Post
Come on, I know you've all done it. No one can be that eager to train when they reach 7,9,11 or even 13.

Maybe when you get higher and you have good enhancements waiting. But at low level, I wait for a "power level" ;-)
Me. I usually skip "slot" levels, even up to the low 30s. After that, though, I train every level.


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My philosophy has always been simple. If I'm on a team and we're rolling well, I skip "slot" levels until I hit a "power choice" level. I also don't run off to train unless the team is taking a quick break, or if we're waiting on more to join.

Outside of that, I tend to roll through the low levels so fast that running off to train slows me down.

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I usually look forward to the slot levels more then I do the power levels. >_>



I always skip training the odd numbered levels until it moves off of the even/odd system. In fact, many times when I log into a lesser played character, they have the green arrow in their level window. Of course, I'm rather absentminded, so occasionally I find out that I was sitting on a power choice for however long.



Well, lvl 3 gives more skittle slots, and lvl 4 is ninja run, after, that it's usually sewer running anyways.

Which after, more training, then whenever.

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