Important System Improvements in Going Rogue




Originally Posted by ShoeTattoo View Post
The markets have three problems. First, there are far too many markets to have a healthy level of liquidity in more than a small minority of the markets in existence. With tens of thousands of markets and 80,000+ subscribers, this amounts to nothing more than stating the obvious. The solution to this problem is also obvious, given that the number of subs is unlikely to increase 100-fold.
This whole post has me a tad confused. How are you defining "markets"? The hero and villain markets? The market for each individual item that is capable of being listed?? Also, isn't liquidity somewhat base on a random number generator to create drops, so to a certain extent the liquidity of really rare items is a bit random. Not sure what your "obvious" stated problem is or what your "obvious" solution is.

Originally Posted by ShoeTattoo View Post
Second, transparency is key to making markets strongly efficient, and providing only the "last five prices" will never be a good solution. The current limits on information provided lead to very high profits for those who stay regularly connected to the markets because they understand price movements far better than those who don't--essentially, some version of technical trading works, in the COX-verse, because historical information is only available to those who gather and remember it. Those who don't spend a lot of time at the markets end up operating at a strong disadvantage when trying to set their bid and ask prices. This leads to fairness issues, which irritates some players and drives them away from participating in the markets, and it lowers overall volume and liquidity. This is on the devs, though, as players can be counted on to do what is in their best interests and designing a system based on any other premise isn't going to work.
Meh, maybe, maybe not. For the vast majority of stuff, I really do not look so much at the last 5 bids as I do at the number available and the number bidding for a given item. The last 5 items can often include somebody that needed it "RIGHTNOW" and overpaid to get it. It is not a fairness issue so much as a patience issue for most people. They simply cannot wait long enough to see if their bid is successful, so they get frustrated and go away in a huff hating the market.

Originally Posted by ShoeTattoo View Post
Third, the transaction system for the markets currently encourages players to spend a large percentage of their time at the markets handling low value items, which lowers their motivation to participate. More generally, players incur high hassle costs as the price of their involvement in the markets, which has depressed trading volume. Reducing the hassle costs of participating, and giving players ways of quickly putting low value items onto the markets (or into item sinks), so they can focus most of their attention on higher value items, would help players feel like their time at the markets is producing more "value" and they'd be more likely to want to participate. Ergo, participation would rise.
What is a "hassle cost"? I really have no idea what you are trying to get at here. What is your definition of a "low value item" and why does the system encourage players to spend large amounts of time dealing with items of little value???

Originally Posted by ShoeTattoo View Post
If these three problems were addressed, then both Wentworths and the Black Market would be functioning better than fine. And, a market merger solves none of these problems.
Perhaps because they are not problems...somebody go get the Goat. I am sure he would be better able to address this.

Originally Posted by ShoeTattoo View Post
Of all the arguments presented to justify a merger, Arcannaville's arguments are the only ones that have any level of resonance to me. Wave it all way, and pretend that even those things that happen in plain sight while at the markets aren't actually happening at all.
Yes to the first sentence. Waving away the second sentence like it didnt happen at all.

Originally Posted by ShoeTattoo View Post
Any RP way of presenting this is full of obvious holes. Its unthematic. Its doubly ironic that this change is being made when the game is being repositioned as being about moral choice, as moral choice on the items side of the game is essentially being written out of the game. It runs the risk of turning COX into a water cooler joke among those involved in the comic-verse. It runs the risk of having some percentage of players log on their heroes, not feel heroic after they finish supplying their and other villains, and decide they'd rather play other games instead.
Any RP reason against this is full of equally obvious holes. Your RP is not greater than anyone elses RP.

Originally Posted by ShoeTattoo View Post
And, at the end of the day, a market merger doesn't even solve the three underlying problems that have prevented the markets from functioning well.
Maybe not your problems but it works for me...

The Revenants and Vengeance Imperium-Triumph, Champion & now flavoring Justice!

Tanker Tuesdays & Brutal Thursdays. If you like fun, look'em up!

Shhh! Rangle is plotting.



So Posi's super secret plan to fix the markets was to do exactly what we said to do?

Interesting. If the reason for this change was placing War Witch at the helm then well done!

is there any real purpose to the in-between states of going rogue now?
-like we had all that escrow business and limited access to markets and between player transactions that coincided with the various states along the villain to hero path that were adding inconvenience as a restriction to the process.

So now that a Rogue/Vig has no trading restrictions AND access to both red and blue side worlds is there ANY logical (as in non-rp) reason to stay as a pure vill/hero?

Not having to drag all my villains through the circle of life from vill to hero and half way back again to have access to a better market and redside is something I'm pretty happy about.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
I don't have enough woot and squee to express my happiness at this decision.

Also: It's about damn time.

Don't think we aren't grateful for that. The mental image of you squeeing is enough to drive a person to self castration.



Originally Posted by Suzumebachi View Post
Wow, you haven't really been trying have you? My latest Stalker is one badge short and so far has made more than 100million inf getting this done. You just need to be a little patient bidding on the salvage and selling the IOs.
Eh, you're probably right. I can't say I stuck it out.




Originally Posted by Smurch View Post
The markets are not segregated by server. Right now the markets are Blue Side across ALL servers (one market, all servers), and red-side is one market across all servers. This will make it one market across all servers and each side, not one per server.

Agree with the rest of your post, tho
Oh hey, I didn't know that! Very cool.

It was fun.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
While I'd love to take credit for this, it's actually a weird thing that some kooky people call "supply and demand".

Artificially inflated demand maybe. Common salvage going for over 1k just isn't natural. My brother and me amused ourselves a long while back with inflating the red side alchemical silver prices, just to see if we could. We just bought everything available on the market under 20k (was well over a thousend of them at the time) and started putting some of it back up for 50k, later increasing to 100k. Worked like a charm. We maintained this for a week or 2. Once we stopped it all collapsed back to 10k-25k a piece in a day. Still rediculously expensive imo.
Seeing the wonkey price history red side Alchemical Silvers a lot of people have been doing this. Currently it sells for 250-5000inf or something.

Or what about 50-100k prices on luck charms while there are thousands in supply? (No idea if this is still the case, haven't bothered with heroside salvage in a while).

I buy just about all my common salvage for 250 inf, 10k being the absolute limit for some extreme cases. It's just a matter of patience (a few minutes to a day at max). I can afford alot more, but I just find it rediculous to do so, when all the prices are inflated artificially.

Edit: Yey, inf transfers and insp trading across sides!

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Originally Posted by PapaSlade View Post
This whole post has me a tad confused. How are you defining "markets"? The hero and villain markets? The market for each individual item that is capable of being listed?? Also, isn't liquidity somewhat base on a random number generator to create drops, so to a certain extent the liquidity of really rare items is a bit random. Not sure what your "obvious" stated problem is or what your "obvious" solution is.
Yes, he's using the term market in the rather technical sense. I.e., each item is a market.



Originally Posted by PapaSlade View Post
This whole post has me a tad confused.
Each screen with its own bid and ask screen is a separate market. For example, a level 10 set IO recipe has its own bid and ask screen which must be accessed separately, and into which data must be entered separately, from the level 11 version of the same set IO recipe, and so on.

Even if you looked only at IO recipes and IO enhancements, and ignored the presence of salvage markets and every other kind of market, there would still close to 38,000 markets (I did the math). When you consider all the markets together (Hami-Os, salvage, regular enhancements, etc), the number of markets may nearly or even actually exceed the number of subscribers to the game, depending on the figure you arrive at for subscriber totals.

There is no hope of having anything approximating good daily trading volume in more than a minor fraction of all the markets in existence, given the current ratio of players to markets. A market merger doesn't change this basic fact. And, if this key underlying cause of poor liquidity had been addressed earlier, then the markets would have already been functioning far better than they currently do, even if no other steps had been taken.



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
So now that a Rogue/Vig has no trading restrictions AND access to both red and blue side worlds is there ANY logical (as in non-rp) reason to stay as a pure vill/hero?
Crossing over fully has the advantage of being able to solo the other side's content. Regular (non TF) contacts will not speak to you or offer their missions.

SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)
Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!



Originally Posted by ShoeTattoo View Post
Even if you looked only at IO recipes and IO enhancements, and ignored the presence of salvage markets and every other kind of market, there would still close to 38,000 markets (I did the math). When you consider all the markets together (Hami-Os, salvage, regular enhancements, etc), the number of markets may nearly or even actually exceed the number of subscribers to the game, depending on the figure you arrive at for subscriber totals.
With 12 basic character slots per server and up to 21 market slots on each character, a single player can contribute to a great many "markets" at any time, so I don't see what the trouble is, or what the "obvious solution" might be.

Character index



Originally Posted by ShoeTattoo View Post
There is no hope of having anything approximating good daily trading volume in more than a minor fraction of all the markets in existence, given the current ratio of players to markets. A market merger doesn't change this basic fact. And, if this key underlying cause of poor liquidity had been addressed earlier, then the markets would have already been functioning far better than they currently do, even if no other steps had been taken.
This is only REALLY a problem if real retail considerations were present... storage, shipping, personnel and genuine scarcity of natural resources, to name a few.

Given that this is computer code, none of that matters; there's no warehouse somewhere in California filled to the brim with chunks of brass. The devs threw out a ton of different kinds of possible loot to meet every possible desire or need. It's not all going to move. Honestly, who cares?

It was fun.



Haha! I guess we finally get to see that all the doom and gloom nay sayers that have always claimed complete apocoplyptic destruction if the markets were merged.

Very happy to here it...wish it would have happend about 2 years ago.



Don't you use Architect Entertainment? Like, a lot? Isn't that still a joint venture of Dr. Aeon and Crey Corporation?
We don't have a choice; if we want to use MA we have to do it through AE. The vast majority of players I've spoken with not only ignore the stupid backstory (really, I have no idea why anyone at PS thought that was a good idea) but treat MA stories as if they were "real" and not holodeck shennanigans.

Thanks to reward merits, I do have a choice as to how to get stuff.

Well, then. RP-wise, you can't purchase goods from other players who do use the market.
I know. I won't. I'll get what I want with merits; my drops will be thrown out, vendored or shipped to characters on the same side that can use them.

Huge items of power are stored in a vault by a magic hippie-chick that can't keep anything protected.
The number of items lost by MAGI in the game's storyline is one.

The world is being invaded by an alien race that only attacks one very small city on the coast of North America. Oh, and that little group of islands over there.
Those are the only areas portrayed in the game. Canon fiction on the game's site gave a (stated) incomplete list of other cities attacked.

Enemies on the streets are capable of having their intestines sliced out of them and tossed a quarter mile away but they're able to be teleported to a hospital and repaired even though the PPD doesn't seem to be able to track anyone attached to this teleportation system.
Defeated enemies "fade out" so that players can write in their fates, except when specified.

Pedestrians can shove aside characters that weigh a ton and can rip thousand pound boulders out of the ground.
Now you're just being pedantic.

I think you're assuming an asymmetry of power. If what you say were true, it would be impossible for any sufficiently public person to keep any secrets whatsoever.
In the City universe, it would be. If someone wanted to know something about you badly enough, they'd be able to.

That's justified because just as there are psychics and clairvoyants scrutinizing things, there are also psychics and clairvoyants hiding things.
Doesn't work. The defenders have to be everywhere all the time; the attackers can be anywhere at any time.

Even if you assume that they cancel out, that just gets you back to a real-world equivalent situation, which the corrupt Wentworth's still loses. Fraud requires that you commit more frauds to cover up the initial fraud, which then require more's unsustainable.

But also, it's utterly impossible to have a sufficiently complex fictional world with no inconsistencies - much less a game world where fun often has to override fiction.
And if it were somehow logically necessary for there to be a merged WMD market you might have a point here, but it isn't even remotely necessary so you don't.

Basically Wentworth's is an arms dealer is what you're saying. Wentworth's the corporate entity would not be shut down. If some of its managers are dirty they will be fired, indicted and sent to prison for illegal arms sales. Wentworth's the company will be fined by the government and then get back to business.
I guarantee you that if Lockheed Martin was caught selling missiles to the Taliban the penalties would not be limited to some managers getting fired and the company fined. I also guarantee you that the first time any corporation is caught shipping Enriched Plutonium to terrorists will be their last.

And you're assuming that just because people KNOW that some of Wentworth's goods are dirty that they can PROVE it. The devs just said that they can't. The lawyers aren't just going to stand by while you shut down a legitimate business because Sister Psyche said she read someone's thoughts.
The Freedom Phalanx has never been very keen on due process, and they're supposed to be the exemplar heroes. There is no shortage of supers who would simply torch Went's and sort out the bodies later. (What do you think Malta would do to Wentworth's if they found out Went's was supplying supervillains?) Also, again, if you come up with solid evidence that someone is shipping plutonium to terrorists, no one is going to particularly care about how you got it. I'm sure that even moreso in the City universe than in ours, "national security" is still the root password to the Constitution.

Yeah, Venture's reasoning kind of blows my mind. It assumes that because something IS corrupt on some level, it will necessarily be brought down in total with a snap of the fingers.
Things like plutonium and alien technology are not just flat-screen TVs and iPods that can fall off a truck if the right people are paid off.

There's Crey, of course, which is the biggest example that counters Venture's sudden discovery of standards.
At the end of the Crey storyline, the Countess is in jail and the company is circling the drain. Yes, I'm ignoring what Manticore (the former dev) said, on the grounds that a) it's not in game and b) if it was, it would be the final notification that superheroes in Paragon City need to quit, relocate or turn vigilante and start killing suspects. For that reason I double-dog dare the developers to actually implement a storyline post "The Evil Countess Crey" that actually says she beat the rap and it's back to business as usual. Good luck explaining how that happens without the PC being involunatarily flipped to at least vigilante, since proving your innocence in said arc requires proving the Countess' guilt.

There are so many contradictions in this game large and small and so many moronic fallacies that would make the whole thing fall apart if you took it literally. So you don't.
This argument is basically "the whole storyline is crap so who cares". Well, I do.

The problem here is that the two markets are actually extremely abstract conceptualizations.
No, they're not. They're great big buildings in four parts of the city where superhumans go to sell and buy things that make them more powerful. The idea that they're some kind of abstraction does not pass the smell test. If the market wasn't supposed to be concrete then it shouldn't have been implemented in this fashion.

Inspirations, for example, are not "potions" in the in-game fiction. They are literally inspirations to higher performance.
Actually, inspirations are not defined. They are whatever you think of them as.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by ShoeTattoo View Post
Each screen with its own bid and ask screen is a separate market. For example, a level 10 set IO recipe has its own bid and ask screen which must be accessed separately, and into which data must be entered separately, from the level 11 version of the same set IO recipe, and so on....

There is no hope of having anything approximating good daily trading volume in more than a minor fraction of all the markets in existence, given the current ratio of players to markets. A market merger doesn't change this basic fact. And, if this key underlying cause of poor liquidity had been addressed earlier, then the markets would have already been functioning far better than they currently do, even if no other steps had been taken.
I'm very confused by this definition of market.

What you're saying is that in order for the market to function properly, we have to have tens of thousands of each item for sale and bidding at any one time.

I haven't done the math, but it seems to me that's impossible even at WoW's subscription rates - unless you're proposing that the devs should reduce the amount of marketable goods.

Furthermore, isn't the blue-side market general considered to work well?

ronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenth ur-



Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
The only people I can genuinely imagine having dire problems with this are The Wentworth's, the group of RPers that are extremely well known for RPing the collective group of WW employees. I genuinely feel bad for them, as they in particular may have the most legitimate claim to being strong armed into RPing differently.
It's nice of you to think of us, Marcian. Thank you! I am confident we will have no trouble at all with whatever may eventually come to light. It's true we do enjoy our harmless RP, but we certainly can't expect everyone to take our perspective as canon, nor are we inflexible about the future. In fact, I imagine this sort of speculation about our personal morality will make for very entertaining dialogue in game. We're looking forward to the fun and profit!



Isn't a villain getting something from the market like someone stealing things from a store? (Infamy can be thought of as intimidation or something in this instance.)
You don't boycott the store because it was robbed.

It seems to me that you are going out of your way to invent a reason to not use a service instead of thinking of a reason everyone would.

SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)
Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!



Originally Posted by CaptainMoodswing View Post
Crossing over fully has the advantage of being able to solo the other side's content. Regular (non TF) contacts will not speak to you or offer their missions.
Ya I know, which pretty clearly indicates that the rogue/vig status is the most useful as it has the least restrictions and the most content accessible.

They talked about rewards for staying loyal, it makes me wonder what they are to make up for losing access to an entire game world now that all the other negatives of being between states and crossing over fully have been eliminated.

This is a great change and I applaud War Witch (or whoever pulled the trigger on it). It just seemed like they were using some of the inconveniences to transitioning as actual content during the process. By removing it it sort of seems like they will need to shore up the difference with solid "loyalty" rewards. Which may or may not be in place already.



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
And if it were somehow logically necessary for there to be a merged WMD market you might have a point here, but it isn't even remotely necessary so you don't.
It's not logically necessary - it was necessary for the game mechanics they're introducing in GR, and to improve the market's performance for villain-side players.

I'm not really trying to convince you to use the markets, but I'm just curious... if War Witch had got on and said, "Hey folks, even though the markets are merged mechanically for player convenience, our lore is that they are still separate - all bids are anonymous, so you can pretend the extra bids are coming from other NPC characters on your same side." Would you have a problem with it? In other words, can there ever be something that's mechanically true, but that you ignore for the purposes of RP?

ronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenth ur-



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
We don't have a choice; if we want to use MA we have to do it through AE. The vast majority of players I've spoken with not only ignore the stupid backstory (really, I have no idea why anyone at PS thought that was a good idea) but treat MA stories as if they were "real" and not holodeck shennanigans.
So I note that you have no problem rewriting the game's canon when you need to, which is a good and healthy approach. So why the sudden hangup?

Originally Posted by Venture View Post
Things like plutonium and alien technology are not just flat-screen TVs and iPods that can fall off a truck if the right people are paid off.
Except APPARENTLY THEY ARE, given that I can get these things by beating up a random Freakshow.

Originally Posted by Venture View Post
At the end of the Crey storyline, the Countess is in jail and the company is circling the drain. Yes, I'm ignoring what Manticore (the former dev) said, on the grounds that a) it's not in game and b) if it was, it would be the final notification that superheroes in Paragon City need to quit, relocate or turn vigilante and start killing suspects. For that reason I double-dog dare the developers to actually implement a storyline post "The Evil Countess Crey" that actually says she beat the rap and it's back to business as usual. Good luck explaining how that happens without the PC being involunatarily flipped to at least vigilante, since proving your innocence in said arc requires proving the Countess' guilt.
At the end of the one in Heroes, you mean, which was written before City of Villains and all ITS Crey storylines appeared. She and Crey are a persistent evil that can never be truly defeated, which is why they keep showing up in new zones and getting new storylines. Are you not familiar with the serial nature of superhero comics, or how villains are never truly vanquished once and for all? Just tell me you've heard of Lex Luthor, who has been openly responsible for crimes against humanity and was also the President.

At this point, honestly, it's like you're being deliberately obtuse.

Originally Posted by Venture View Post
This argument is basically "the whole storyline is crap so who cares". Well, I do.
1) No it isn't. My argument is "a shared universe written by a lot of people over a long span of time is going to have a ton of contradictions, so why act like that's not the case when you can just ignore what you want?" If you equate "contradictions" with "crap," well, we're at the root of the problem here.

2) You didn't actually address my point. The game is FULL of fallacies (not to mention a high level of moral ambiguity, intentional and otherwise). Why is this one the end of the world?

Originally Posted by Venture View Post
No, they're not. They're great big buildings in four parts of the city where superhumans go to sell and buy things that make them more powerful. The idea that they're some kind of abstraction does not pass the smell test. If the market wasn't supposed to be concrete then it shouldn't have been implemented in this fashion.
God, I'd love to see the regulatory body that oversees a store that freely sells enriched plutonium, devastating computer viruses and manifested shards of the fabric of reality to anyone who has enough money. I can't IMAGINE how there might be some corruption in an institution like that!

It was fun.



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
We don't have a choice; if we want to use MA we have to do it through AE. The vast majority of players I've spoken with not only ignore the stupid backstory (really, I have no idea why anyone at PS thought that was a good idea) but treat MA stories as if they were "real" and not holodeck shennanigans.

They're great big buildings in four parts of the city where superhumans go to sell and buy things that make them more powerful. The idea that they're some kind of abstraction does not pass the smell test. If the market wasn't supposed to be concrete then it shouldn't have been implemented in this fashion.

Those are the only areas portrayed in the game. Canon fiction on the game's site gave a (stated) incomplete list of other cities attacked.

At the end of the Crey storyline, the Countess is in jail and the company is circling the drain. Yes, I'm ignoring what Manticore (the former dev) said, on the grounds that a) it's not in game

Defeated enemies "fade out" so that players can write in their fates, except when specified.

Actually, inspirations are not defined. They are whatever you think of them as.
Okay, so you consider sources outside the game canon unless they conflict with your view of how the ingame world should be (the partial list of cities attacked by the Rikti is, btw, found in the same posts of "former dev" Manticore as the Countess Crey stuff). Also, great big buildings in the gameworld that are required to interact with a system cannot be safely ignored, unless they're the only way of interacting with said system, in which case it's totally okay.

Glad we got that sorted out.

Character index



*"/em protest"s War Witch and Positron*



Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
Glad we got that sorted out.
aaahahahaha big ups, Gale.

It was fun.



I honestly think I am going to cry with happiness !!!!!

My fear was that people would totally abandon redside because the blueside market was better..

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-