When did you "Beat" City of Heroes/Villains?
When I hit level 50 on the character, and finish off any arcs in progress.
EATs are considered New Game Plus content (hard mode). New characters are, well, new games.
I believe in replayability.
Current main:
Schrodinger's Gun, Dual Pistols/Mental Blaster, Virtue
Avatar: Becky Miyamoto from Pani Poni Dash. Roulette roulette~
I've considered my MM as pretty much having "beat" the game by just getting him to 50. As much as I like the red side, the market is just too slow for me to try and completly IO him.
For my scrapper, it's still a WIP. Trying to turn him into a badger (Only have ~300 badges so far) and IO him out.
I consider a game beaten when the credits roll, and then I go back for anything I missed to achieve 100% completion. Since CoX never has the credits roll, I will most likely only consider it "beaten" once I have accomplished everything I want to do on any given character. I have yet to do that for any of them.
For my main, the game was "beat" after I completed all the 40+ arcs. Most particular was the completion of the Patron Arc though.
After that I effectively beat the game. And so Far I've actually only beaten the game once. While I have another lvl50 Villain they haven't finished the Patron Arc yet.
on Hero Side, I guess you could say the same for beating Tyrant.
The Cursed Sorcerer's work will NEVER be done! He is just as immortal as Evil itself!

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!
The AE makes it kinda hard to complete all the content now
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Is this game beatable? Have you beaten it? I know that there's no right answer, but I do want to hear what people say.
For me, beating the game is completing every story arc relevant to the "Main" story in the game.* As a villain, there's one main story: The Destined Ones. Once I've completed everything connected to that, I've beat the game and am, mentally, on "New Game +" mode when exploring the rest of the game. Just occurred to me, as I only recently completed Operation: DESTINY. As I laid me down to sleep, I thought to myself two things: "FINALLY beat the dang game," and "FINALLY started the rest of the actual game". Thoughts? *I am a "Villain", so please keep that in mind. |
Paragon Unleashed, Unleash Yourself!
When my characters reach 50, they retire and I consider the game done. I derive little satisfaction from continuing, I'm not interested in more power or collecting things or farming, and the stories are not that compelling, no offense writers. If there's an interesting story arc open, they might finish it, but so far both my 50s have arrived there doing incidental stuff after completing arcs. I assume they're off doing their own thing without me along. New characters are the equivalent of me starting a new game.
I'll have to see what the Incarnate system entails before deciding whether to change this policy and bring them out of retirement. Or I might just declare a not-yet-50 as taking the Incarnate path, my 43 Fire/Storm 'troller is a good choice, it'd make sense story-wise for her too.
(Apologies if this post is contradictory or rambly, something seems off about it but my head's fuzzy. I'm up too late.)
I shall have 'beat' the game the moment I am lead designer! Muwha-ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Well, my BS/Inv scrapper has over 1500 hours logged on him, 679 badges, IO'd out, and has completed every single arc possible, so I'd say in that regard I've beat the game. Every thing listed in my signature is at 50, as well, so I've pretty much played every last little corner of this game.
50s: BS/Inv Eng/Eng Blaster Grav/Rad Fire/Stone Brute AR/Kin Emp/Arch Mind/Sonic Dark/Dark Stalker Fire/Kin Thugs/Poison EM/Inv Dark/Thermal
In works: WP/SS Tank Demon/Dark Claws/Elec Brute Elec/Psi Dominator
when it didnt get me my money.
ok better. you know, i consider individual stages of victory as part of the game, but the game itsself is kind of a transitional state for more stuff to be thrown at me. for each character, i prefer to beat the leader characters like countess crey, nemesis?, the rikti leader who im not even going to try to spell, romulous, even doc.v and various other leaders of major threats, but much like comic heroes, there is always someone badder coming up, so right now rian, seraph, dire worg, and violet are biding their time for the next big bad to show up, and my b-team is slowly knocking down the enemies one by one.maybe the shard will get revamped and i can finally get to fight rularuu, but even if that gets finished in my character's individual stories, there will always be something coming.
I didn't feel like I beat the game after my first 50, not even after my 15th 50.
The reason I feel that I have beat the game is that I have been to all the zones, and I have done all there is to do, that interests me. When I hit 2 billion officially on my Fire Kin... I was bewildered, but started losing interest. I tried then to have some wacked out goals like, Fill our SG bins with built purples and all red salvage... I made it through like 80% of that goal before I just felt that I "had" beaten the game, and there was no point in continuing. Granted by then I had doubled the amount of 50's I have too...
Looking forward to new stuff!
I considered the game beaten when Arblis finished the Lady Grey Task Force, and the full panoply of RWZ story arcs. Everything else is now just delicious frosting, but that?
I held my own against odds I never thought I could.
I saved the ******* world.
treboreleets has that right: I consider a game beaten when the credits roll, and then I go back for anything I missed to achieve 100% completion. Since CoX never has the credits roll, I will most likely only consider it "beaten" once I have accomplished everything I want to do on any given character. I have yet to do that for any of them. |

Dec out.
I have lots of lots to do before I even consider this game beaten. I have never done a hamidon raid. Never a abandoned sewer thing. Haven't even done all the taskforces including the Statesman one.
I only have two 50's (one hero, one villain). I only did one mothership raid ever. And I know I'm forgetting a whole other lot of things I still have to do.
I would consider it beating if I had one character who has all the task force badges, explorer badges and probably day job badges. Not that I am really trying to get them in a hurry either.
The M.A.D. Files - Me talking about games, films, games, life, games, internet and games
I'm not good at giving advice, can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?
I only consider the game done on one of my characters. Completed every arc, no more contacts to get, purpled up pretty well and have every badge i can feasibly get or am interested in makeing an effort for. So that character has more or less completed the game for me until we get new content. I do still bring it out almost every day however. Of course there's my other 11 50's yet to 'complete' the game as i consider it, and the rest of the alts in action.
I "beat" the game when I got a 50 in every AT (plus duplicates). But then I haven't IO'ed all 25 of them yet, they all haven't completed the game's content, and many of them will be Incarnates.
You can't beat a constantly updating MMO as sure as you can't win being that kid on the beach trying to fight back the tide.
The Story of a Petless MM with a dream
I have a 50 in every AT, but Scrappers and Dominators are my favorites.
I Consider the Game Beat whenever i start getting bored with it.
I've got a 50 of each and every AT. i've got almost a 50 of each Tanker primary.
sometimes i'll PL to try and soem kind of loot (purple or simply inf.) other times i'll run a bunch of TFs at every chance.
but every now and then the annoying sensation that i've been here and done this way too many times (namely i start falling asleep even when rested) to count and THEN i consider the game beat. so i take a lil break, just enough for a new issue to come out and then its all shiny, new and in desperate need on being conquered, mastered and beaten again
Never I guess. I felt accomplishment when I got certain characters to 50 and then when I casually purpled my warshade but I didn't feel like I beat the game.
I suppose looking at some of my characters' builds I might feel they have beat the game when I get them to 50 and retire them.
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
I felt like I beat the game after I got one 50 of each AT.
@Deadedge and @Dead Edge

Peace through power! Freedom is slavery!
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from a yo-yo
Melancton goes way back with the folks known on Earth as the "Circle of Thorns." In a war lasting a generation, their analogous organization was annihilated on his home world.
When apprised of their activity on Earth, he volunteered to come out of retirement to terminate their activities with extreme prejudice here as well.
When there are no more green flames with tortured victims writhing in their midst, the job will be done.
"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"
"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."
I beat the game when I completed every single arc in the Ouropillar, including the Kheldian arcs on a Controller.
I beat the game again when I got every badge that can be earned (veterans don't count; I can't do anything to make them come faster).
I beat the game again when I started leading Hamidon raids and they were successful.
I beat the game again by finding a nasty exploit which awarded me Bug Hunter.
I beat the game again by making a billion inf in a single day in the market.
And I beat the game again by completing the "dream build" for my character, which includes five Panacea sets and costed about 14 billion inf.
I'll beat it again when I switch to Villain and get every Villain arc in their Ouro, too; and when I get every Villain badge. I don't have enough information to know how to "win" at Incarnates, but I'm sure there's a way to win there.
www.SaveCOH.com: Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!
You cannot 'beat' an MMO.
You can stop playing it for several reasons or it could get shut down...but that's about it.
Can you ever complete a MMO? Isnt that the draw of a game like this? There is always a way to improve?
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
Is this game beatable? Have you beaten it? I know that there's no right answer, but I do want to hear what people say.
For me, beating the game is completing every story arc relevant to the "Main" story in the game.* As a villain, there's one main story: The Destined Ones. Once I've completed everything connected to that, I've beat the game and am, mentally, on "New Game +" mode when exploring the rest of the game.
Just occurred to me, as I only recently completed Operation: DESTINY. As I laid me down to sleep, I thought to myself two things: "FINALLY beat the dang game," and "FINALLY started the rest of the actual game".
*I am a "Villain", so please keep that in mind.