Tried of being Neg Rep and Feel like Hating the forums, what the Point in Rep?




I try to Post Good stuff and fun things, but latey i am being Neg Rep and i don't really no why.
I may have gave out some bad invoice or two, but i am trying my best to help people out. I also always wanted to be friendly and well like. I never name called or Started a fight and curse people off on the freaking Forum, So why am i being Neg Rep then, because someone don't like what I am saying, so they Neg Rep me or are they just doing it for fun. I mean i had like two green Bars under my Avatar and lost that in one week it went to red. I try to help someone out and told them what I thought they should do and boom they didn't like what i said and Neg Rep me and couple other people on the Post did the same thing. I lost all by Good Rep, now kind of feeling like no one want me around these day on the Forums. Why do i want good Rep, well i wanted to be like and trying hard to get Some freaking good rep, but some jerks comes along and Neg Rep me and boom it's goes alway. I been trying to get my rep lvl back up to what it use to be but people keep Attacking me with bad rep. I mean What the deal with rep, i mean why is it bugging me that i am getting Neg Rep, I think Sometime it's pointless to post anything, if someone don't like what you say, you get Neg Rep. I think Neg Reping someone should only be use if someone is being rude, a jerk and just mean, that how i feel right now. Well these Days i am getting kind of Scared to even post anything on forums or write on it. I kind wish there wasn't a rep System on the forum, I mean you don't Unlockable Items or Money or anything for having the most rep, So can Someone tell me why we have it then, what the reason for having it. If you get red rep does that make you the Forum Villain the Enemy of All on the Forum, I just might give up on Getting Good Rep and turn off rep again, Because you no what this rep System they have up is a joke, What do you folks think of it.

Never play another NcSoft game, If you feel pride for our game, then it as well, I Superratz am Proud of all of you Coh people, Love, Friendship will last for a lifetime.

Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus



Forum Rep was intended to be a forum-wide game. I tend to take it seriously but I am, admittedly, an anomaly. If you find it affects you, I would keep it switched off. It's not intended to be taken sincerely either way.

As a tip, in serious discussions, you will get neg-repped for disagreeing with people. Don't post in serious debates unless you're willing to pay the rep.



Originally Posted by GreenFIame View Post
this rep System they have up is a joke.

EDIT: I know it's dumb, but I have to say the neg rep this got gave me a laugh. Thanks, anon.

Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the
Repeat Offenders

Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize



I know how ya feel green. The problem is everyone here seems to think their opinions are the facts, and like to state them as such. You come in because you have a serious issue you want to discuss, and people start to rag on you because they do not agree. They then give you neg rep. This is a very cliquey place from my experience. You did the smart thing to turn your rep off. It's just another way for them to pick on you.



Originally Posted by GreenFIame View Post
I lost all by Good Rep, now kind of feeling like no one want me around these day on the Forums.
Why do i want good Rep, well i wanted to be like and trying hard to get Some freaking good rep,
Well these Days i am getting kind of Scared to even post anything on forums or write on it.
If you're this worried about what random strangers on the internet think about you, you really need to work on your self-esteem.

To rip off and paraphrase George Carlin: The average person is often kind of a jerk. So half the population is even jerkier than that.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



I get hit with weird negative rep all the time, and while I do also get positive rep that more than balances it out, you can't let people's anonymous barbs get you down. No one is immune to negative rep bursts.

Also, positive rep can be very slow to come, because while people who violently disagree with you will often hit you with negative rep, just because someone likes you doesn't mean they will take time out to positive rep you. For each individual person, the reputation trade balance can be wildly different.

The bottom line is you have to want to participate in a public discussion for the sake of participating in a public discussion, even if some people won't like you. And you have to want to help people for the satisfaction of knowing you've helped people. You can't do it specifically for public accolades. In fact, deliberately saying you need public validation on an internet forum is one of the easiest ways to draw the attention of people looking to smack someone down. Trolls are attracted to blood in the water just like sharks.

If it really bothers you, turn the indicator off and make people who want to either agree with you or disagree with you do so with PMs or public forum posts. As far as I'm concerned, being offended by anonymous negative rep is like feeling threatened by being port-scanned at home over the internet. Its probably not even personal: they are just randomly bashing random pixels on a screen to feel better about themselves. The fact that you typed them is probably of no real consequence to them.

True story. Back on the old forums there used to be a star rating system. I was actually one of the few people to have a five-star rating with more than a few hundred posts at one point, until I dove into the infamous Hamidon Enhancement thread. In a span of about a month I was knocked down to 3 stars, and momentarily to 2 stars. In todays terms I was hit with the equivalent of a couple thousand negative rep points in just a month. All because it was a controversial thread, not because I was picking fights with hundreds of people in it. Stuff happens. But I took it in stride and just kept doing what I was doing, because you can't let it get you down.

Honestly, while I think there's lots of room for improvement, these boards are not all that rough and tumble compared to the average public internet forum, so its worth getting used to a little demolition derby to keep your sanity.

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I think I've gotten to 3 red bars at one point. Maybe 2.

I think I even got positive and negative rep on the same post before.

I figure that's what comes with stating your opinion. I even understand why some people avoid putting their name on the negative rep. I think some of that comes back to the advice I gave you. If they put their name, then you'd beable to neg rep them back, maybe with freinds.

I wouldn't worry about it. Though I admit, some of the negative rep comments are just stupid. "You're dumb" as a negative rep? Really? People should be held accountable for better comments than that

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection




Remembering the stars system we had on the old boards (that got turned off some time ago,) I was rather surprised to see this "rep" system show up. Turned it off the first day because I knew it'd be just like it is now - a waste, basically. Last time I even cared about the rep was testing - think it was Leandro's script to check it (I'll test stuff, regardless, I find it interesting.) Looked, went "huh, ok" and haven't paid attention since.

My real rep is based on what I say (or don't,) not a bunch of bars and anonymous comments. Arcanaville, FatherXmas and the like would always have "positive rep," AFAIC, no matter what the silly little dots decide to do from one hour to the next. That's all that counts to me. (And enough "neg rep," well, that's what the ignore list is for.)



the problem with rep is that it gives people an exscuse to say "proplr don't like you some reason so your advice is probably bad or wrong" which creates a loop that generates more neg rep... it's a horrible thing that turns into a boys club that only those willing to form a small cabal of people actually have good rep and are listened to... It happens on a lot of forums I've seen. Luckily there is an off switch here.



Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
Forum Rep was intended to be a forum-wide game.
That's the way I treat it. It's like an XP bar waiting to be filled with either red or green. I'd prefer red, but I apparently don't go around kicking the right kittens for it.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Yeah, my rep is lower than what I remember it being earlier today...

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Negative Rep them back!
See. Someone agreed! >_> Now only if I knew who I negative repped as I haven't negative repped anyone in like two weeks. So I could return the favor! It's like tag, only with green and red bars!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Red rep is for villains.

Green rep is for Martians.



Just as long as we all agree not to call it that other thing you guys were sayin...



Unfortunately, most people don't sign their rep comments (especially the negative ones). Mine fluctuates wildly but I just leave it. Either people will like something I post, hate something I post, or ignore it altogether. The ones who REALLY dislike me will just put me on /ignore (a very handy feature, btw).

So don't let the rep thing get to you - if, however, while checking your rep, you get something excessive (racist, hate crime, etc), report your post with the rep in question and notify a mod.


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More reason to take rep with a grain of salt.

Apparently my current reputation is immediately below BillZBubba, Golden Girl, and macskull. Ok, macskull is pretty well respected on the forums and Golden Girl posts about breasts a lot, but Bill's quit the game like forty or fifty times already. If all those rep points came from ATI video card users AMD would have a market cap ten times higher than Intel's. It seems obvious to me that clearly, sometimes the system just malfunctions.

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
More reason to take rep with a grain of salt.

Apparently my current reputation is immediately below BillZBubba, Golden Girl, and macskull. Ok, macskull is pretty well respected on the forums and Golden Girl posts about breasts a lot, but Bill's quit the game like forty or fifty times already. If all those rep points came from ATI video card users AMD would have a market cap ten times higher than Intel's. It seems obvious to me that clearly, sometimes the system just malfunctions.
Well don't forget there's a +REP me thread somewhere too. So, you can't really judge anything by that.

And while I don't recall seeing your rep ever hit the red, GG's was 3 red bars in for a bit then it JUMPED to max green bars.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Well don't forget there's a +REP me thread somewhere too. So, you can't really judge anything by that.

And while I don't recall seeing your rep ever hit the red, GG's was 3 red bars in for a bit then it JUMPED to max green bars.
Shoot, I forgot to put a smiley in my post again. Here we go:

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
and Golden Girl posts about breasts a lot
That's so not true - I just said I wanted us to have chests as realsitic as the new Mother Mayhem model
And the total number of posts for that request is way lower than the number of posts requesting the Resistance glowing armor when the first screenshot of it came out - it's just a natural thing that happens with any new costume part that we see

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
Unfortunately, most people don't sign their rep comments (especially the negative ones).
Ah, blissful anonymity. I give rep for silly things, usually, and the rep I give doesn't always match up with the comment I leave. I don't generally bother signing it, but I've taken credit for it when someone questioned it openly in a thread before.

And for the record, I once gave Dark_Respite negative rep. Not out of malice, or even dislike of the comment in question, but rather because she said she was expecting it and I just had to oblige.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Who cares?

EDIT: To clarify I meant, "who cares about the entire topic of conversation" not "who cares about Tenzhi".



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
And for the record, I once gave Dark_Respite negative rep. Not out of malice, or even dislike of the comment in question, but rather because she said she was expecting it and I just had to oblige.
Oh that was YOU! (Ironically, that was the only negative rep I received for that post, despite what I'd thought. The rest was positive. Much to my astonishment.)

That's okay, though - I've gotten seriously dissed via neg rep. But I don't lend much credence to peope whose idea of criticism is "u suk."


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Originally Posted by Camper View Post
Who cares?

EDIT: To clarify I meant, "who cares about the entire topic of conversation" not "who cares about Tenzhi".
Go with both statements and make sure that apathy is suitably conveyed, I say.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
That's so not true - I just said I wanted us to have chests as realsitic as the new Mother Mayhem model
Well, yeah. Well that and you think the chest slider pushes breasts too far apart. Also, those pictures of spandex-clad heroines. And also that you can't use small breasts on your characters because then they wouldn't match your own real life chest.

Hmm, now that I think about it, it actually makes no sense that your rep would be as low as mine is.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)