Tried of being Neg Rep and Feel like Hating the forums, what the Point in Rep?




Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
People red rep for neatness(guess how i know that) so that may be an issue, give your posts a once over after finishing them and that may help a little, some of your posts are kind of sloppy, and some will red you for that.
Some people will also redmark run-on sentences.



Hmm. Just pulled 90 points of neg rep in the last day or two...


What's really wierd is that I've actually gone and looked at all my posts in the last week and none of them are neg-repped.

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Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
Could you please show me where someone claimed that the developers said proliferation was not going to happen?
The developers never said "never" on these things. Plenty of players did, however. Whether out of spite, out of ignorance or out of wishful thinking, I don't know, but many did indeed say that. They were proven wrong, obviously, but that doesn't change the fact that this was said.

So can you point me towards one of these responses then?
I don't think many posts still exist that are five and six years old with all the purges, forum changes database problems, and even if they did, that's posts numbering in the millions. Going through millions of posts five years old to find an offhand comment by a person who hasn't posted since 2007 isn't really something you can reasonably ask people to do.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Is this the rep farm thread?





Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post
Is this the rep farm thread?


as usual i show up after the nerf



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
was debating giving you a negative rep for this as a joke, but figured it might actually cause green light damage and would have felt bad about that.
I got a lot of Rep both was for this, including enough red to drop a bar.

My favorite was when I posted that people that post rep anonymously make me temporarily paranoid. Someone gave me red rep and signed it "MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA". Had to respect that.



Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
Could you please show me where someone claimed that the developers said proliferation was not going to happen?
The closest thing I can think of to it is the comment on Empathy not being "villainous," (thus the development of Pain Domination) and, I believe, Energy Melee not being given to Scrappers. (Edit: And Poison, I think. There are a very few sets that are not getting ported or are questionable or problematic.) Other than that, we've also been given a general goal of "All sets to all appropriate ATs" from the devs.



Originally Posted by BlackArachnia View Post
I have been playing off and on since launch day, and even then, I would occasionally mention something that is being beta to death. At that point people would come out of the woodwork and say "The devs say it's not possible."

Weapon customization.

Power customization.

Power proliferation.


If we do not tell them what we want, how can they strive to make new things?
I think players need to be more careful when responding to requests like this because their responses often are much stronger than the reality of the situation suggests. But conversely, this is also equally mischaracterized by the people making the requests as well.

For example, no dev ever said power customization was impossible. The *closest* any dev came to this was BaB, who said that the amount of work involved was so high, it would probably be better to implement it in a future game engine rather than attempt to retrofit it into this one.

A few *players* then starting saying "the devs" said it was impossible, and I personally tried to post in as many of those threads as I stumbled across that no, the devs didn't say that.

Conversely, no one said power proliferation was impossible either. The closest was Castle who said, a long time ago, that given a choice he wouldn't arbitrarily proliferate powersets between archetypes in general. But of course, it wasn't entirely his choice. However, there was no mass numbers of players jumping in to say powerset proliferation was impossible or even unlikely. Most were simply asking for it. Some (including me) were advocating against it, or at least against some aspects of it. But that sort of opposition to an idea is entirely fair. I like it, you don't, so you say so. A lot of people now seem to characterize powerset proliferation as an example of "The Man" trying to keep them down, when that's not an accurate portrayal of reality at that time.

Here's my own view. Whether the devs have said X is impossible, difficult, or unlikely, there's no harm at all in a new player saying "I wish we had X." At worst, they should be gently pointed to prior discussions about X to familiarize themselves with the history of X on the forums.

However, new or not, when a player starts expousing how they know how easy X would be to implement, or demanding to know why the devs can't figure out how to implement X in a reasonable amount of time, they voluntarily surrrender the right to be treated with kid gloves. And this is the sort of common sense everyone is supposed to have when jumping onto the internet.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: every guess about how the game works or how development of the game works has been wrong. Every single time, from 2004 to now. Every single post that has started off with a resume, proceeded with some guesswork about how to add something to the game, and ended with an analysis of how difficult that would be, has been not just wrong, but wildly wrong, unless it has been based entirely on publicly released information about the game system.

So: ask for whatever you want to ask for. People may jump on you for that, but they shouldn't. If you really think you're being pounded on by know-it-alls just for expressing a preference, PM me a link to the thread and I'll jump right in if I can. But if I find out the reason why they are jumping on you is not because you're just expressing a preference or a suggestion but because you're arguing about technical details and you're wrong, I'll probably jump in on *their* side.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by VileTerror View Post
Kinda getting hung up on a strange thing there, Lisar, aren't you?

Whether or not the Devs said it first, I can attest to BlackArachnia's sentiment being valid. Some forumites leap down others' throats whenever a subject is brought up which those particular forumites consider a 'dead horse.' It's quite common, even if the specific examples which BlackArachnia listed don't have abundant source material to prove her point.

Ps: Apologies for my assumption of your gender, BlackArachnia. I was merely basing it off of my fondness for Beasties / Beast Wars.
I never seen such a claim before and wanted to know who had made it. Now it seems P.P. discussions may have been before my time...

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I think players need to be more careful when responding to requests like this because their responses often are much stronger than the reality of the situation suggests. But conversely, this is also equally mischaracterized by the people making the requests as well.

For example, no dev ever said power customization was impossible. The *closest* any dev came to this was BaB, who said that the amount of work involved was so high, it would probably be better to implement it in a future game engine rather than attempt to retrofit it into this one.

A few *players* then starting saying "the devs" said it was impossible, and I personally tried to post in as many of those threads as I stumbled across that no, the devs didn't say that.

Conversely, no one said power proliferation was impossible either. The closest was Castle who said, a long time ago, that given a choice he wouldn't arbitrarily proliferate powersets between archetypes in general. But of course, it wasn't entirely his choice. However, there was no mass numbers of players jumping in to say powerset proliferation was impossible or even unlikely. Most were simply asking for it. Some (including me) were advocating against it, or at least against some aspects of it. But that sort of opposition to an idea is entirely fair. I like it, you don't, so you say so. A lot of people now seem to characterize powerset proliferation as an example of "The Man" trying to keep them down, when that's not an accurate portrayal of reality at that time.

Here's my own view. Whether the devs have said X is impossible, difficult, or unlikely, there's no harm at all in a new player saying "I wish we had X." At worst, they should be gently pointed to prior discussions about X to familiarize themselves with the history of X on the forums.

However, new or not, when a player starts expousing how they know how easy X would be to implement, or demanding to know why the devs can't figure out how to implement X in a reasonable amount of time, they voluntarily surrrender the right to be treated with kid gloves. And this is the sort of common sense everyone is supposed to have when jumping onto the internet.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: every guess about how the game works or how development of the game works has been wrong. Every single time, from 2004 to now. Every single post that has started off with a resume, proceeded with some guesswork about how to add something to the game, and ended with an analysis of how difficult that would be, has been not just wrong, but wildly wrong, unless it has been based entirely on publicly released information about the game system.

So: ask for whatever you want to ask for. People may jump on you for that, but they shouldn't. If you really think you're being pounded on by know-it-alls just for expressing a preference, PM me a link to the thread and I'll jump right in if I can. But if I find out the reason why they are jumping on you is not because you're just expressing a preference or a suggestion but because you're arguing about technical details and you're wrong, I'll probably jump in on *their* side.
Could you bring some pie?



Rep is one of the worst features of these boards.

It is a charter for scum and cowards.

It contravenes the forum rules themselves because it enables people to make comments that are against the forum rules a) anonymously, and b) unmoderated (unless reported to board Moderators. Specifically:

2. Abuse and disrespectful behavior are not tolerated.

The purpose of the forum is to provide a platform for the exchange of ideas. Occasionally, conflicts may arise when people voice opinions. Be courteous when disagreeing with others. Debating the opinion is appropriate, however criticism against the originator of the opinion is not allowed. Disrespect can be construed as flaming, trolling, harassing, profanity, abusive language or abbreviations, personal attacks, racial, religious, ethnic, sexual slurs, or similar behavior/language.

This applies to “public” threads, private messages, visitor messages on user profiles, reputation comments and calendar notes.
  • Flaming is defined as posts which are designed to personally berate or insult another.
  • Trolling is defined as deliberately posting derogatory, inflammatory comments/threads in order to bait other users into responding. Trolling or accusing someone of being a troll is also a form of trolling and is not permitted.
  • Posts similar to “Moderator Notified” or “Needs thread lock” are discouraged, as these types of posts are a form of trolling. If a thread is in violation of the forum rules, use the notify moderator button or PM a moderator directly.
  • Personal attacks include, but are not limited to insulting a poster directly:

    Example: “You are stupid, you suck, and you should [censored].”
Thus unless you notify a moderator directly the poster gets away with it.

It cannot be turned off - only the display can be turned off - thus is is non-consensual: If you want to post on the boards, you have to have it. (I checked but I couldn't see anywhere in the FAQ or Forum Rules that it is made clear that you can be neg repped without realising it.)

The argument that "it allows me to comment on the thread without detracting from the conversation" is specious because invariably those who do rep, positive or negative contribute to the thread anyhow, and it is not a comment on the thread itself - it comments the poster of the thread, board wide.

With older "Star" systems, the thread itself could be graded - but this system permits (undoubtedly a very small number of) sad individuals to form what is effectively a vendetta against people who post simply because they are "not one of us" or many other reasons.

Sure, forum wars happen all the time but it's curious that this topic is frequent, yet there is no official word from Paragon Studios on their double standards of operation.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
With older "Star" systems, the thread itself could be graded - but this system permits (undoubtedly a very small number of) sad individuals to form what is effectively a vendetta against people who post simply because they are "not one of us" or many other reasons.
Interestingly enough the star system still exists although it doesn't seem to get much use anymore.



....why ....why ask....why ask about rep......*sigh*



Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post
Interestingly enough the star system still exists although it doesn't seem to get much use anymore.
Different stars. The old software had stars for posters, similar to the Jolly Ranchers we have now, as well as stars for threads.



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
Thus unless you notify a moderator directly the poster gets away with it.
The same thing is true for PMs. For that matter, the same thing is mostly true for public threads as well. The odds of a mod stumbling across a forum violation without it being reported are not high.

Whether you think the rep system is a good idea or not, its a bit over the top to try to claim that the system literally violates the forum rules. Nowhere in the forum rules does it say you can't send anonymous messages to other posters, and they are only anonymous to you, not to the forum mods if you report them. They are just as accountable for what they say in reputation flags as they are in PMs or public posts.

There is no actual double standard. And exaggerations are only interesting for humorous ends, they never really help a situation even in terms of getting attention to them, because it tends to be the wrong attention.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
"Rep was meant to be a forum game."

Translate: "Anonymously criticizing people because you disagree with them was meant to be a forum game."

That is so wrong on so many levels. My respect for the Mods dropped a lot when they left the rep system on precisely because it was so divisive and exploitative and encouraged mean-spiritedness and rewarded ignorance.

As far as the 'game' aspect goes, it's so easily rigged with 'raise the rep' threads that it doesn't even fit the definition of a 'game.'

To not see that and still defend it is... indefensible. They still won't gain my full respect until it's completely gone.

I don't need to anonymously neener them (or anyone else) to get my point across -- I made it quite clear.




Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
Could you bring some pie?
Careful, last time I got neg repped was because the part I quoted was too long... go figure.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
The same thing is true for PMs. For that matter, the same thing is mostly true for public threads as well. The odds of a mod stumbling across a forum violation without it being reported are not high.

Whether you think the rep system is a good idea or not, its a bit over the top to try to claim that the system literally violates the forum rules. Nowhere in the forum rules does it say you can't send anonymous messages to other posters, and they are only anonymous to you, not to the forum mods if you report them. They are just as accountable for what they say in reputation flags as they are in PMs or public posts.

There is no actual double standard. And exaggerations are only interesting for humorous ends, they never really help a situation even in terms of getting attention to them, because it tends to be the wrong attention.

Ok well the general useage tends to violate - because it engenders unmoderated behaviour, in my experience at least. How's that? Neg rep requires a comment, where as posi-rep doesn't - and because the system is largely anonymous, comments tend to be highly spiteful. I'd be quite surprised if the mods even know (or care) who posted the comment saying "you're a complete ****!" given the the forum software. Thus there is no form of censure.

With a PM you know who sent the message and in a public forum it's obvious.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I think players need to be more careful when responding to requests like this because their responses often are much stronger than the reality of the situation suggests. But conversely, this is also equally mischaracterized by the people making the requests as well.

For example, no dev ever said power customization was impossible. The *closest* any dev came to this was BaB, who said that the amount of work involved was so high, it would probably be better to implement it in a future game engine rather than attempt to retrofit it into this one.

A few *players* then starting saying "the devs" said it was impossible, and I personally tried to post in as many of those threads as I stumbled across that no, the devs didn't say that.
Yeah - as far as I know, the only thing the devs have said "never" to are running on walls, because it simply can't be done with this engine, and clown summoning
Everything else that some players claim the devs have said "never" to have actually just been things they said were either not possible at the time - usually pre-NCSoft buy-out - or involve too much work to be practical.

Conversely, no one said power proliferation was impossible either. The closest was Castle who said, a long time ago, that given a choice he wouldn't arbitrarily proliferate powersets between archetypes in general. But of course, it wasn't entirely his choice.
I think other good examples of the personal opinion of devs being taken as company policy and signs of the future direction of the game would be Sexy Jay's apparent dislike of furries, and Castle saying he'd prefer not to have an underwater zone.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Castle saying he'd prefer not to have an underwater zone.
That's BaB. Castle I think isn't crazy about a moon zone. Of course, just like Castle can't speak authoritatively about animations and BaB can't speak authoritatively about the powers system, neither has the final say on what zones we get. That's doubly in the realm of War Witch's territory (both in terms of having more zone author expertise, and in being their absolute ruler and all).

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
That's BaB. Castle I think isn't crazy about a moon zone. Of course, just like Castle can't speak authoritatively about animations and BaB can't speak authoritatively about the powers system, neither has the final say on what zones we get. That's doubly in the realm of War Witch's territory (both in terms of having more zone author expertise, and in being their absolute ruler and all).
I'm sure it was Castle who said it too...

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



What I find so strange about the rep stuff is that I've had posts that I was surprised to see never got any responses.

Then, much later on, after reading about how the rep comments worked, I went back to that post (Actually, a few of them) and they had rep comments, but zero replies!

It really does baffle me as to why people send those instead of just replying, hehe.
I can see doing both, I suppose.

I find that I like giving positive rep, since those who have it on probably don't mind.
I can't recall ever giving bad rep... But if I did, I would sign it (I think I did that once and I can't recall who or why).
I would also reply in the post, most likely.

I always sign any rep message, because... Well, that's just weird to do it anonymously.

GreenFlame, I have to wonder (as others have mentioned) if your grammar, spelling and layout of your posts may be a negative factor.
While I, personally, wouldn't neg rep someone for that (I'd only neg rep for abusive jerky behavior... but then I would also report the person anyway, furthering my confusion about the reason to ever neg rep)...

If someone uses poor grammar and spelling, many people see it as a sign of laziness. On the contrary, if that person is battling through a language barrier, that swings it quite the opposite direction.

Anyways... rambling here...

I don't really understand the need for neg rep when, in my opinion, anything worthy of such a thing should result in a reporting. What... are we supposed to neg rep people for disagreeing with us? Hehe...
That and... if someone says something out of line... I find it better to let them know straight forwardly. If publicly seems wrong, then a PM will do.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Yeah - as far as I know, the only thing the devs have said "never" to are running on walls, because it simply can't be done with this engine, and clown summoning

*Waits for clown summoning*




I have talked with you in the game and on the forums and find you to be a good and helpful person. But no matter how good and helpful you may be, someone will always disagree with you. Some of those that disagree with you may be just as nice or they may be jerks.

It's not worth the effort or the mental anguish to try and figure out why other people disagree with you to the point that they click a little button that results in negative reputation.

Just go with the flow and keep being the best you that you can be and let the others worry about themselves. You can't control what other people think or do and you'll be happier if you don't try to or even think about it.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post

*Waits for clown summoning*
looking at democode... if it's anything like what the server is sent then I can say it is extremely easy to do in the sense that they can make someone run on a wall... what's hard is making it look good...

looking good and doing it right is often thee reason we are given for things not being done.