Tried of being Neg Rep and Feel like Hating the forums, what the Point in Rep?




Originally Posted by SiGGy View Post
Did anyone else hit the OP with a negative after reading that monotonous whine?
Way to be a dick. You win a cookie.

There's a reason I turned my rep off as soon as I realised I could and it's not because it was red (last I checked, it still wasn't, even after making an *** of myself multiple times). It's because it worthless, useless, pointless and other words with -less appended. If it were intended to be a computer emulation of reputation, it failed utterly, because that's not how reputation works. People like Arcana, Bill Z Bubba and so on have a reputation not because they have a number of coloured bars under their names, but because we all know who they are, what they stand for and what they do. THAT is reputation. Not a number in field somewhere.

By the same token, I don't judge people on their reputation, for the simple fact that I suspect people with their reputation hidden may well have more than people putting it on display. The only people I actually take reputation seriously for are those with massive negative reputation, and not because I think they're notorious, but simply because I find trying to garner a lot of negative reputation as a badge of honour is juvenile. So sue me.

Reputation as a game sucks. The only fun part about it was having a list of comments people sent you in your User CP, but they took that out. Now there's no use for it left.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



@OP, just switch the thing off if it's annoys you so much. Problem solved.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Way to be a dick. You win a cookie.
What flavour is it? The flavour of your pain and suffering I hope, yum, salty!

"Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these. It might have been."



I can't believer no one's said this yet.....




Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
So GG has all the power :O
Which must bring great responsibility

I'v never given anyone any rep, green or red, for anything, ever - the whole rep thing is just silly

If I have any comment I want to make, I say it in public, or via a PM.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I just turn it off and speak my mind, whether i land up on the popular side or not. I don't see much reason for the rep system except to stir up some ego war. Unlike others, I do not feel that a glowing rep is some how a badge of honourt hat validates your point. Especially when most of the people with good rep seem to get it by spamming pointless drivel which appeals to the lowest common denominator.



Originally Posted by SiGGy View Post
Did anyone else hit the OP with a negative after reading that monotonous whine?
Nice post, way to be an a**.

Hit you with the same btw. Hit others with plus rep. Which btw Westley had the best post lolrep.

I want to than all of you for the constructive posts since green is a friend of mine, it's nice to see him get some helpful and constructive replys.

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I remember when I was told that rep system was a good idea by a certain number of posters.

*starts laughing at the irony*

I still stand by the fact that the old star system had to be eventually TURNED OFF as a reason for the mods to have never introduced the rep system in the first place.

/e sarcasm: Apparently it worked so well the first time, that the "fail" just had to be tried again.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Why the drama over rep....?

My finding is people randomly and inexiplicably post positive and neg rep on things with little basis in content...

One post I made saying "Thats a valid point, I stand corrected" Got the neg rep "harsh".....blink blink...

I people put positive rep, Im happy...if people put negative rep, Im happy...I dont see what the issue is.



I just turned off my rep, Greenflame. It was just easier to deal with that way. E-peen waving was never my thing.



I just turn it off and speak my mind, whether i land up on the popular side or not.
I leave mine on and speak my mind. The system appears to work just fine.

Be well, people of CoH.



I keep mine off against the slim chance that someone might trust me in one instance because I happened to say something amusing in another instance. That would be unwise.

That said, rep is not entirely meaningless, and the possibility that your reputation score has something to do with your own behavior and not just the random cruelty of others bears a little consideration. In fact, the more likely you are to leap to the latter conclusion, the more likely I consider the former.

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uh, BlackArachnia?
I don't think yours is actually turned off at the moment.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I get hit with weird negative rep all the time, and while I do also get positive rep that more than balances it out, you can't let people's anonymous barbs get you down. No one is immune to negative rep bursts.

Also, positive rep can be very slow to come, because while people who violently disagree with you will often hit you with negative rep, just because someone likes you doesn't mean they will take time out to positive rep you. For each individual person, the reputation trade balance can be wildly different.
I neutral rep this post!


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Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
I still stand by the fact that the old star system had to be eventually TURNED OFF
The old star system wasn't too bad, actually. Most people had a number of stars right in the middle. The old system *tended* to have high star rankings by the most useful people (devs, people who wrote guides, gave good advice, etc). Some of the really mean-spirited people who insulted people a lot, well they had really low ratings. It took a lot to really move someone's star rating too, once they had a lot of ratings. Sure, you could skew the system, but it was not nearly as volatile as the current one.

Of course, they only turned the system off when Statesman went from 5 stars to 2 stars in about a week, on the heels of one of his pronouncements. I can't remember if it was when ED / GCN / GDN happened, or if it was one of his many self-inflicted PR nightmares (and I don't mean just the times when he said something unpopular, either). But at some point his rating plummeted from 5 stars to 2, and lemme tell ya, a guy like him with as many stars as he had, for it to be moveable at all, much less to be moved to a 2 .... woof. The hate was thick. Anyway, all of a sudden, the devs didn't think the system was fair and it got removed. Coincidence? Perhaps.


Random AT Generation!
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Originally Posted by VileTerror View Post
uh, BlackArachnia?
I don't think yours is actually turned off at the moment.


It should be....

*ducks into account to figure this out*

edit: Well fixed that... I hope.

And I actually had 4 stars :baffle:



Originally Posted by Pimpstress_Bambi View Post
I completely agree with you. The way this board is set up, new people come in a make a comment on something they feel strongly about, and get bombarded with mean comments. Why is it that when someone posts an idea people have to come back rudely and make comments as if they were the devs themselves? Is it so hard to say, I understand why you think this is a good idea, but I do not agree? Do they really have to be rude, and then turn the conversation to grammar? New people get scared away from these boards, and a lot of them are veteren players, that actually have a little knowledge to share. Besides isn't this board here to improve the game? If we scare everyone away how are we going to do that?
I have been playing off and on since launch day, and even then, I would occasionally mention something that is being beta to death. At that point people would come out of the woodwork and say "The devs say it's not possible."

Weapon customization.

Power customization.

Power proliferation.


If we do not tell them what we want, how can they strive to make new things?



Originally Posted by BlackArachnia View Post
I have been playing off and on since launch day, and even then, I would occasionally mention something that is being beta to death. At that point people would come out of the woodwork and say "The devs say it's not possible."

Weapon customization.

Power customization.

Power proliferation.


If we do not tell them what we want, how can they strive to make new things?
Could you please show me where someone claimed that the developers said proliferation was not going to happen?



The old row about power set proliferation was that the devs wanted to keep the uniqueness of the ATs. Whether the devs actually said that or not, I have no clue. I never read a statement like that. But because it came up so often prior to happening, a portion of the forum base simply got annoyed when ever it was brought up, and had a canned response it seemed.



Originally Posted by BlackArachnia View Post
The old row about power set proliferation was that the devs wanted to keep the uniqueness of the ATs. Whether the devs actually said that or not, I have no clue. I never read a statement like that. But because it came up so often prior to happening, a portion of the forum base simply got annoyed when ever it was brought up, and had a canned response it seemed.
So can you point me towards one of these responses then?



Kinda getting hung up on a strange thing there, Lisar, aren't you?

Whether or not the Devs said it first, I can attest to BlackArachnia's sentiment being valid. Some forumites leap down others' throats whenever a subject is brought up which those particular forumites consider a 'dead horse.' It's quite common, even if the specific examples which BlackArachnia listed don't have abundant source material to prove her point.

Ps: Apologies for my assumption of your gender, BlackArachnia. I was merely basing it off of my fondness for Beasties / Beast Wars.



Originally Posted by VileTerror View Post
Kinda getting hung up on a strange thing there, Lisar, aren't you?

Whether or not the Devs said it first, I can attest to BlackArachnia's sentiment being valid. Some forumites leap down others' throats whenever a subject is brought up which those particular forumites consider a 'dead horse.' It's quite common, even if the specific examples which BlackArachnia listed don't have abundant source material to prove her point.

Ps: Apologies for my assumption of your gender, BlackArachnia. I was merely basing it off of my fondness for Beasties / Beast Wars.
No biggie Vile. I actually based my toon after Spider-Girl but it comes to the same thing in the end. As for the player/forumite, yeah I am a guy, but I do not put myself out there as being single or *ahem* 'playful' to put it tactfully.

@Lisar. Your search fu is probably better than mine, I did not start reading the forums untill just prior to Issue 5. Slashman pointed out to me the GDN. If you want specific examples, feel free to look. Me? I could barely find the CO thread I know is in here. :blush:



If you want some positive rep, then POST HERE

like everyone in this thread has said many times, rep is a game. don't take it personally. The best compliment another poster can make about your posts is to quote it to back up their argument.

For example, when someone says, "THIS!" and then

Originally Posted by GreenFIame View Post
the rep System they have up is a joke.
That's when you know (not "no") that people approve of what you are saying.

Triumph Lurker: mintmiki 50 emp/archer
basically, if you see a miki on Triumph, it's probably cute and it's probably me.

Huge thanks to cuppamanga and all the folks in the mac help forum for prolonging my borrowed time on this game.



Originally Posted by BlackArachnia View Post
The old row about power set proliferation was that the devs wanted to keep the uniqueness of the ATs. Whether the devs actually said that or not, I have no clue. I never read a statement like that. But because it came up so often prior to happening, a portion of the forum base simply got annoyed when ever it was brought up, and had a canned response it seemed.
As a maker *of* some of the canned responses, you're reading too much into them (at least mine.) While I may start off with an opinion, they're created (in my case) as a shortcut to the discussion, instead of 10 pages of "Well, this" "No, this," with the same arguments coming up. If there are developer comments, they're put in there. The usual arguments for or against are put in, with reasoning behind them.

Thus, the person posting can get an overview of what's happened before, and if they can find a way to modify the idea or come up with an alternate way to "make it work" (barring a developer's "no, we're not going to do that" such as AT/powerset change respecs) they can do so without getting sidetracked by pages of back and forth.

(An example of modifications that got in - vehicles. We've had multiple reasons they traditionally wouldn't work, yet some people want to just "leave/show up in style" - so a temp power that works much like a mission teleporter might work. It still has multiple problems dealing with the character itself, but it gets around a lot of the other objections.)



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
As a maker *of* some of the canned responses, you're reading too much into them (at least mine.) While I may start off with an opinion, they're created (in my case) as a shortcut to the discussion, instead of 10 pages of "Well, this" "No, this," with the same arguments coming up. If there are developer comments, they're put in there. The usual arguments for or against are put in, with reasoning behind them.

Thus, the person posting can get an overview of what's happened before, and if they can find a way to modify the idea or come up with an alternate way to "make it work" (barring a developer's "no, we're not going to do that" such as AT/powerset change respecs) they can do so without getting sidetracked by pages of back and forth.

(An example of modifications that got in - vehicles. We've had multiple reasons they traditionally wouldn't work, yet some people want to just "leave/show up in style" - so a temp power that works much like a mission teleporter might work. It still has multiple problems dealing with the character itself, but it gets around a lot of the other objections.)
I am not pointing out names, mainly in part due to the fact that I got over myself and realized that alot of the harsh responses were not personal but fed with frustration. I do know that I have been on the recieving end of one of your responses before, but whether that dealt with Market Economics or the Spine Customization, I could not answer. It's like the character slot issue in EQ2. The devs keep saying, "Tech can't support it." Really it is "We would lose to much money from people dropping Station Exchange, and our contract with a 3rd party company does not allow it."

From my point of view, unless someone wants to start the thread all over again, try to do a search, and read the comments before you post. If someone does post it, calmly point out it's an old issue.