Tried of being Neg Rep and Feel like Hating the forums, what the Point in Rep?




Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
Ok well the general useage tends to violate - because it engenders unmoderated behaviour, in my experience at least. How's that? Neg rep requires a comment, where as posi-rep doesn't - and because the system is largely anonymous, comments tend to be highly spiteful. I'd be quite surprised if the mods even know (or care) who posted the comment saying "you're a complete ****!" given the the forum software. Thus there is no form of censure.
You know, I never bought the complaints with rep comments. Before when they actually showed up, you had to expressly go to your User CP and scroll down to read them, in essence specifically going to look what other people have to say about you. Now that that's gone, the only way to see rep comments left for you is to specifically check the rep for every post you have made, several days after you made it, by trying to rep your own posts. And that's if you even know that trying to rep yourself will actually show you your post's current reputation and comments.

Do you have any concept how much work and commitment that is? I don't remember half the posts I make in any given day, or the places I put them, and on the off chance I remember to check for rep, there usually just isn't any. And even then, I have multiple posts in a thread spread over multiple pages, so checking them all on the off chance that one has a message from someone saying I suck is so much work I am NOT willing to do it.

If you're systematically checking and rechecking all your several-days-old posts and looking for rep comments on them, then you have no ground to complain about the things you find. There is no excuse for why you couldn't avoid seeing them, when you have to go so far out of your way to see them you end up in another state altogether.

If rep comments bother you, then stop going back to your old posts and checking for them.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post

*Waits for clown summoning*
What... Free trial Double XP weekends aren't good enough?

I'm curious... did BABs move while there or just remain stationary?

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Oh, and I am absolutely going to go into Marcian Tobay's post history and send rep comments to posts as far back as the tracker allows.
You know... Just to mess with ya!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by GreenFIame View Post
I try to Post Good stuff and fun things, but latey i am being Neg Rep and i don't really no why.
Hey OP don't take it personally, some forumites in this very thread who had permabans on multiple sites, have full bars o' rep, so what does that tell ya about how accurate or important it is.

Cheer up, life's way worse.




Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
looking at democode... if it's anything like what the server is sent then I can say it is extremely easy to do in the sense that they can make someone run on a wall... what's hard is making it look good...

looking good and doing it right is often thee reason we are given for things not being done.
Setting up the stationary position sideways is somewhat easy (Although, you'd need the precise coordinates of the wall in question... which isn't simple in demo recording). Making someone stand sideways is simple. Just a matter of changing the character's axis.
Making the wall the ground is a different story. Each wall would need to be set up to include that traction, footfall sounds and probably other things I'm n ot aware of or thinking about at the moment.

I'm certainly not saying it is impossible though.
Still... I don't think is is "easy to make someone run on a wall".

In simple Demo Editing... A perfectly straight wall may not be too difficult, but actually coding it to happen in-game? Not nearly as "easy".
So, I don't think it is only a matter of looks.

Still, if the coding limitations don't entirely prevent it... Which, they might... Then it's possible.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
You know, I never bought the complaints with rep comments. Before when they actually showed up, you had to expressly go to your User CP and scroll down to read them, in essence specifically going to look what other people have to say about you. Now that that's gone, the only way to see rep comments left for you is to specifically check the rep for every post you have made, several days after you made it, by trying to rep your own posts. And that's if you even know that trying to rep yourself will actually show you your post's current reputation and comments.

Do you have any concept how much work and commitment that is? I don't remember half the posts I make in any given day, or the places I put them, and on the off chance I remember to check for rep, there usually just isn't any. And even then, I have multiple posts in a thread spread over multiple pages, so checking them all on the off chance that one has a message from someone saying I suck is so much work I am NOT willing to do it.

If you're systematically checking and rechecking all your several-days-old posts and looking for rep comments on them, then you have no ground to complain about the things you find. There is no excuse for why you couldn't avoid seeing them, when you have to go so far out of your way to see them you end up in another state altogether.

If rep comments bother you, then stop going back to your old posts and checking for them.

I'm not as verbose or prolific as you Sam

You might post a bucket load but I don't. My post rate is like 3 or 4 a day maybe; about 1000 per year. Yours seems to be a tad higher than that. It's easier for me to check.

Given the forum merge was what... a year ago (maybe?) I'm betting my rep fluctuates a lot more than yours, simply because your "mass" is greater. I'm also aware that I've made some controversial posts (some threads got totally deleted) and I got massive negs for them.

Yes I do check. Deal with it.

I check for several reasons. I am naturally curious, for one. I am genuinely interested in what people have to say when shielded by anonymity. It's human cruelty at it's finest, one removed.

I'm also a severe chronic depressive. Sometimes this game has been all I've had to hang on to... a place I can transfer the darkness I live in day to day into some semblance of sense. The black thoughts are my foes - and here in Paragon I can defeat them. But sometimes, just sometimes, when my green bar goes red, it's like being sniped from the tallest building in Atlas, simply for being there.

I'm also very much from the old school: Stand up and be counted - say what you want to say and hold to you words. I know you and I have disagreed, but I have always been at pains to tell you "to your face" how I feel - never to snipe from the shadows. I believe this is my strength and weakness.

My objection to rep (speficially negative) is simple: I am happy for you to disagree with me, and argue and fight with me on the boards. But I want to argue "face to face." If you disagree, that's fine. You know that because you and I have been there. But if you and I disagree, we can at least come to a point where we agree to disagree and then leave it alone. Snipers... well that's what a this forum's become.. there's no recourse.

Bet you one thing, if every neg rep comment was posted in the forum with the poster's name, the snipes would stop.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



We don't have rep over on the Unleashed boards. Instead we have Karma, which is ONLY a number and is VERY slow to move. You can only move someone's karma one notch at a time, and even that is limited by time.

I think it's a much more elegant system than this weighted "rep" system, and much more democratic. The big jerks get the big neg, and the more helpful/funny people get the most positive karma.

Instead, this system seems much easier to move in a much faster manner, in BOTH directions. Golden Girl went from unbelievably high to negative two or three bars, all the way back up again to super high, all within a couple days.

That doesn't seem to happen with an unweighted karma system.

I said it before and I'll say it again, lolREP.



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Setting up the stationary position sideways is somewhat easy (Although, you'd need the precise coordinates of the wall in question... which isn't simple in demo recording). Making someone stand sideways is simple. Just a matter of changing the character's axis.
Making the wall the ground is a different story. Each wall would need to be set up to include that traction, footfall sounds and probably other things I'm n ot aware of or thinking about at the moment.
It's not just walking up walls, it's the ability to transition between different angles of incline, which is something the engine doesn't currently do, nor indeed something which would look good if it did it, not with the complicated, fiddly terrain we now have. The ground has a universal orientation: down is down, up is up. You can't give walls that kind of orientation because they vary far too much, and you can't just go off polygon orientation because a lot of locations have polygon widths smaller than our character's footprint. How would you feel if you went through horizontal every time you went up a sidewalk?

The other problem is clutter on the waylls. We've all seen that a curb a couple of inches tall is too tall for us to walk and we need to jump it. Even assuming we can jump OFF a wall, rather than UP from a wall, you still have the problem of falling DOWN not towards the wall.

This also brings in the can of worms which is vertical-less travel. Right now, jumping is the equivalent of flying straight up with some degree of horizontal movement along the way. If you're jumping off walls, then presumably this would be the equivalent of jumping not up, but off the wall, so inclined sideways, which will either need to be several motions at once or rotate our axis of "upness" in ways the engine currently has no precedent for.

To put it in a nerdier way, what we have now is reminiscent of a character-centric polar coordinate system, whereas what would be needed for wall-running to work is a spherical coordinate system.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
I check for several reasons. I am naturally curious, for one. I am genuinely interested in what people have to say when shielded by anonymity. It's human cruelty at it's finest, one removed.
That's part of the problem. If you keep going to check, you have to accept that some comments are going to be unpleasant. When rep comments were being fed to our User CP, I had about one comment a week to the effect of "cermons are for the church" or "you're an idiot," but because I chose to read them, willingly and knowingly, I gave up my right to complain about what I saw. It's the equivalent of putting a poster on ignore because you don't like what he says - if you keep stealth-reading his comments and they still piss you off, that's not a problem with the system.

You are given the tools to ignore reputation. Actually, no. You ignore reputation by default, but are given the tools to see it if you really want to. If it bothers you, don't look at it. If you choose to look at it, you need to accept the consequences. You can't have it both ways.

And if you think removing the anonymity will make the comments stop, you only need to look at this thread to see that this couldn't be farther from the truth. The whole of the Internet represents anonymity. The people who don't care about being ******** aren't going to care about sullying a moniker on an internet forum, and people like me who stick to what they say aren't likely to make use of anonymity to begin with.

All of that said, I don't leave rep comments outside of specific outliers, like bigots or racists or such. If I have a problem with a post, I say so. It stems from my disrespect for reputation. If I ignore its meaningfulness, it doesn't make sense for me to rate people. It's like saying you hate the Internet on an Internet forum.

I will say one thing, though - if you want to feel good in the forums, you basically have to make a point out of it, as people here are very responsive to these kinds of things. But if you expect the forums as a general thing to be relaxing and reassuring, this is very much a vain hope. If anything, the forums are a stressful place that's liable to ruin your fun of the actual game, and that's not a a criticism of the people involved. The forums are only interesting when there's an argument, otherwise there's not much point in posting the obvious, and arguments are simply tiring and dreary, especially when people get entrenched.

Maybe I'm just immune to fun, but I don't find this place to be relaxing in the slightest. Fun, sure. Often exciting. But not relaxing.

Originally Posted by The_Thorny_Devil View Post
See what I mean?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I don't even know how to check who gave me rep, or how to disable it.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
To put it in a nerdier way, what we have now is reminiscent of a character-centric polar coordinate system, whereas what would be needed for wall-running to work is a spherical coordinate system.
Exactly! Well said
So, what you're saying is that it's a sticky mess... *drum hit*
Hehe, in the quiet of my mind, "traction" included those well-detailed issues. Then I lost my train of thought.

Anyway, GreenFlame... I like your avatar! So, that's something!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
What... Free trial Double XP weekends aren't good enough?

I'm curious... did BABs move while there or just remain stationary?
He moved around a bit, jumping from ground to the wall, but I don't recall him running from one plane/facet to the next.

He then went to Pocket D and fought himself in the Monkey cage. BaB won every round. This was more than a year ago from what I recall.




Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post
He moved around a bit, jumping from ground to the wall, but I don't recall him running from one plane/facet to the next.

He then went to Pocket D and fought himself in the Monkey cage. BaB won every round. This was more than a year ago from what I recall.

Didn't he also turn himself into a seagull too?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Didn't he also turn himself into a seagull too?

And he raaaan
He ran so far awaaay.

Oh. So sorry! The 80's caught up with me for a second there.


Whew! Almost started daydreaming about big hair, and gallons of Aqua Net!

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I'm sure it was Castle who said it too...

I'm pretty sure it was Castle that said he wasn't crazy about a moon zone.

it was a long while back. of course if you just made a zone on the moon it would be pretty barren unless you added other things. I'm trying to remember I think someone around here wrote a fairly decent description of a Moon Zone about 5 or so years back.

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



Originally Posted by Golden_Ace View Post
I'm pretty sure it was Castle that said he wasn't crazy about a moon zone.

it was a long while back. of course if you just made a zone on the moon it would be pretty barren unless you added other things. I'm trying to remember I think someone around here wrote a fairly decent description of a Moon Zone about 5 or so years back.
The one I'm thinking of was pretty recent - I'll see if I can find it.

EDIT: Found it - it was from the Pocket D anniversary event: - and it was quoted in a post that you made

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by dbuter View Post
I don't even know how to check who gave me rep, or how to disable it.
To disable:
Click on "User CP" up top.
Click on "Edit Options"
Uncheck "Show your reputation level."
Scroll to bottom of page, hit "Save changes."
Revel in the grey.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The one I'm thinking of was pretty recent - I'll see if I can find it.

EDIT: Found it - it was from the Pocket D anniversary event: - and it was quoted in a post that you made
What? I'm suppose to remember all my posts? I'm not even sure Big Blue could do that.

Actually I was thinking of an interview that was done several years ago.

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
Forum Rep was intended to be a forum-wide game. I tend to take it seriously but I am, admittedly, an anomaly. If you find it affects you, I would keep it switched off. It's not intended to be taken sincerely either way.

As a tip, in serious discussions, you will get neg-repped for disagreeing with people. Don't post in serious debates unless you're willing to pay the rep.
Aren't games fun to play, I mean i seen people get tick off getting Neg reping over dumb things.

Never play another NcSoft game, If you feel pride for our game, then it as well, I Superratz am Proud of all of you Coh people, Love, Friendship will last for a lifetime.

Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
If you're this worried about what random strangers on the internet think about you, you really need to work on your self-esteem.

To rip off and paraphrase George Carlin: The average person is often kind of a jerk. So half the population is even jerkier than that.
well I got pretty pure amount of Self-Esteem and i had a hard time in my life with facing Depression and Mother who Was Sick. I Kind of met Alot good people over innernet and i was hoping to meet more people in the future, Some of them became Real life friends like Philly Girl and Zephyr Deathblade.

Never play another NcSoft game, If you feel pride for our game, then it as well, I Superratz am Proud of all of you Coh people, Love, Friendship will last for a lifetime.

Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus



Originally Posted by GreenFIame View Post
Aren't games fun to play, I mean i seen people get tick off getting Neg reping over dumb things.
I see people getting ticked off playing Street Fighter and other video games all the time.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



I certainly don't play THIS game for fun!
I'm a hopeless addict. I need my fix, or I get the jones REAL BAD!



Originally Posted by dbuter View Post
I don't even know how to check who gave me rep, or how to disable it.
Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
To disable:
Click on "User CP" up top.
Click on "Edit Options"
Uncheck "Show your reputation level."
Scroll to bottom of page, hit "Save changes."
Revel in the grey.
As for looking at the rep comments:

1. Click on your forum name.
2. Select 'Find more posts by Your name'.
3. Click on post in list.
4. Click on Rep Scales for that post.

Results: If someone rep'd it, you'll see a window listing the rep and comment, if one was left.

I there was no rep you will see "This post has not received any reputation. You currently have XXXX reputation point(s)." .



I look at it this way, people tend to hate anyone who speaks plainly and honestly and refuses to hew to what's popular just to be liked. So I wear my negative rep as a badge of honor.

If the majority of people liked me, I'd feel I was probably doing something badly wrong.