Tried of being Neg Rep and Feel like Hating the forums, what the Point in Rep?




Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
"Rep was meant to be a forum game."

Translate: "Anonymously criticizing people because you disagree with them was meant to be a forum game."

That is so wrong on so many levels. My respect for the Mods dropped a lot when they left the rep system on precisely because it was so divisive and exploitative and encouraged mean-spiritedness and rewarded ignorance.
I don't want to make you look bad by agreeing with you, Zombie Man, but I agree with that.

Here starts the general reply to the thread and not Zombie Man's post

The kind of people that exploit in the game were the first ones to exploit the Rep system by starting "Power-level your Rep" threads. They then went around and used their High-Rep-power to "denounce others" often accompanied by some asinine comment that wasn't to the point, but was just an personal insult. I've come close to having death-threats attached to neg rep votes. It doesn't show that these people are respected, just that they know how to manipulate the rules.

The higher the Rep of the person that neg reps you - the more their vote neg reps you.
Vote to neg rep someone with a high positive rep, and you may end up getting a huge neg rep hit, if it bounce off them, while they barely get lowered if you have a low or negative rep.

So guess who the exploiters were most likely to denounce (aka neg rep into the Stone Age)?
Anyone that stood up against their exploitation.

Of course, all of this started when the AE came out and it was so full of exploit holes that it drew in the vermin.
The forums were much different before then, as far my experience is concerned. There were debates, but everyone was relatively civil.
Once the "AE Babies" were on the block, the friendly, helpful players were all of a sudden getting jumped by jerks in the forums. There weren't debates any more, there was massive neg-rep-ing with insult comments and "You're a jerk. You are wrong" posts (and that's to put it lightly). The kind of people that would exploit the rep system were the same people that would exploit in the game. They didn't come here to play a superhero game; they came to "dominate" through exploitation. In the end, it just shows that they are jerks as well as cheaters.

In the end, this is about a game with a world-view of comics. For the most part, there is a stark divide between what is good and what is evil. Real super heroes and/or villains stand out because of what makes them separate and individual from the rest of the world around them and not what makes them blend in.
Mini-maxing, power-leveling, and farming are not methods of exploring the game or finding uniqueness, they are about becoming the standard and ordinary. You can't explore the system if you are just trying to break it to get the best advantage out of it. You aren't exploring the game and challenging yourself as a hero or villain if you are running the same content repeatedly or being PL'd to what you assume is "greatness".
If you can't take the time to enjoy the content without needing to exploit it or break it, you are robbing yourself of the wonderment of finding something cool or learning to manipulate what you have into something more powerful than others thought possible.

I'm going to stand up for what I think is right and that means that some people will want to strike me down. That's not okay with me, but that's life.
In the end, my comments on the forums reach the eyes of those that end up making a real impact on what happens in the game. If I didn't know that was a fact, I would have let the bullies chase me away a long time ago.

The Rep System should have been shut-off; it needs to be shut off.
It is insulting that the system is still operational as it is mostly used by bullies.
Those that toe-the-line and play nicey-nice with the jerks don't have much "street cred" with me either.

I'm going to go play the real GAME part of the GAME now ... where frankly, by-and-large, the kind of jerks that would/have neg rep me here have no influence whatsoever to my game-play as they are just as cliquish in-game as they are here in the forums and I probably already have them on /gignore at any rate. So their negativity and High-Reps are meaningless in the larger scheme of things...
.... like the actual game.



Someone neg repped me(went from 121 to -14), which is fine but it is not one of my recent posts apparently as I can't seem to find the post where the neg rep was given. (and no I'm not going to search through all my posts.

I wish we still could see the comments on the easy way by clicking the user cp.

The M.A.D. Files - Me talking about games, films, games, life, games, internet and games

I'm not good at giving advice, can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?




Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Sometimes people leave very elaborate messages. Sometimes they just leave short ones. "Nice!" or "you suck" or one probably unique to me "not a dev."
Actually, that last one isn't unique to you. I've gotten that one a couple times. Generally, they're when I'm posting suggestions or commentary on poorly designed or imbalanced sets that people don't want the devs touching.

The truly Zen rep that I've gotten two or three times is when they leave no message, and they have rep turned off. So what I get is a reputation flag with N/A and no value. Its not positive or negative, and it has no message.
I've gotten that a number of times, though, as far as I know, it's due to individuals with low rep weight giving you positive rep. It's impossible to leave neg rep without a message. So any message that doesn't have any message and provides no rep is simply a positive rep from an individual with little to no rep weight.

I routinely get neg rep'd for various things, though I'm always amused when I get neg rep'd for being helpful by contradicting bad advice. Luckily, it's almost always countered by people giving me positive rep for being helpful and/or entertaining. I've gotten numerous neg reps from rep farmers that I simply pissed off (generally by calling out their idiocy or demonstrating that their analysis or math is bad).

As has been said earlier, I'm one of the few people that actually believes in rep somewhat. Of course, I actually believe that players should earn their levels rather than simply farming or using exploits to jump past whatever levels. I place more value on the actual earning of rewards than the simple possession of them, so it fits the theme. Many people would rather simply have stuff than earn them, so it puts me at odds with them.



Originally Posted by The_Alt_oholic View Post
The kind of people that exploit in the game were the first ones to exploit the Rep system by starting "Power-level your Rep" threads.
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Not sure how to read rep anymore.

used to have cool comments to go along with it.

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

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Originally Posted by The_Alt_oholic View Post
The kind of people that exploit in the game were the first ones to exploit the Rep system by starting "Power-level your Rep" threads.
This is more idiotic than your usual comments.

'Insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting the different results' - Einstein.

They then went around and used their High-Rep-power to "denounce others" often accompanied by some asinine comment that wasn't to the point, but was just an personal insult. I've come close to having death-threats attached to neg rep votes. It doesn't show that these people are respected, just that they know how to manipulate the rules.
Rep comments are still subject to the forum user guidelines - if you were getting them, report them to a mod. Note that if there is the "cabal" you describe, there is nothing against it in the rules or policies. Of course, it could simply be that you have a fairly unique amount of emo-whining that encourages a large number people to express their scorn of you.

The higher the Rep of the person that neg reps you - the more their vote neg reps you.
Vote to neg rep someone with a high positive rep, and you may end up getting a huge neg rep hit, if it bounce off them, while they barely get lowered if you have a low or negative rep.
You have accurately recounted the way it was explained by the devs.

So guess who the exploiters were most likely to denounce (aka neg rep into the Stone Age)?
Anyone that stood up against their exploitation.
I was wrong. This is the most emo-idiotic thing you've said.

Of course, all of this started when the AE came out and it was so full of exploit holes that it drew in the vermin.
There, there, no need to be that hard on yourself.

The forums were much different before then, as far my experience is concerned. There were debates, but everyone was relatively civil.
I'm glad you remain consistant.

Once the "AE Babies" were on the block, the friendly, helpful players were all of a sudden getting jumped by jerks in the forums. There weren't debates any more, there was massive neg-rep-ing with insult comments and "You're a jerk. You are wrong" posts (and that's to put it lightly). The kind of people that would exploit the rep system were the same people that would exploit in the game. They didn't come here to play a superhero game; they came to "dominate" through exploitation. In the end, it just shows that they are jerks as well as cheaters.
Don't forget whiners that also came out at that time..

Also, if you experienced such negative rep comments and did nothing to report it, how can you possible exempt yourself from your fair share of the blame? You can't, without being a hypocrite.

And if you did your duty and reported any such comments that you recieved, why are you still harping on it? You desperately need the attention that much? If so, that's more pathetic than any "exploit" you could deem.

In the end, this is about a game with a world-view of comics.
One day, I hope you and reality sit down and have a cup of coffee.

For the most part, there is a stark divide between what is good and what is evil.
A cursory glance through Philosophy for Dummies would show you to be typically wrong.

Real super heroes and/or villains stand out because of what makes them separate and individual from the rest of the world around them and not what makes them blend in.
No True Scotsman fallacy.

Mini-maxing, power-leveling, and farming are not methods of exploring the game or finding uniqueness, they are about becoming the standard and ordinary. You can't explore the system if you are just trying to break it to get the best advantage out of it. You aren't exploring the game and challenging yourself as a hero or villain if you are running the same content repeatedly or being PL'd to what you assume is "greatness".
Argument ad butthurtum.

If you can't take the time to enjoy the content without needing to exploit it or break it, you are robbing yourself of the wonderment of finding something cool or learning to manipulate what you have into something more powerful than others thought possible.
Gee Daddy, can I have some ice cream?

I'm going to stand up for what I think is right and that means that some people will want to strike me down. That's not okay with me, but that's life.
It'd be better if you stood up for intelligence, reason, and maturity.

In the end, my comments on the forums reach the eyes of those that end up making a real impact on what happens in the game. If I didn't know that was a fact, I would have let the bullies chase me away a long time ago.
Would you like to borrow three nails?

The Rep System should have been shut-off; it needs to be shut off.
I absolutely agree with this. The mods implementing is as idiotic as most of Alt's posts.

It is insulting that the system is still operational as it is mostly used by bullies.
Those that toe-the-line and play nicey-nice with the jerks don't have much "street cred" with me either.
Zomg, people "toeing-the-line" - Alty doesn't wuv you. Don't be around sharp objects tonight.

I'm going to go play the real GAME part of the GAME now ... where frankly, by-and-large, the kind of jerks that would/have neg rep me here have no influence whatsoever to my game-play as they are just as cliquish in-game as they are here in the forums and I probably already have them on /gignore at any rate. So their negativity and High-Reps are meaningless in the larger scheme of things...
.... like the actual game.
Y'know, forget you finding reality, 'cause that ain't gonna happen. I'd settle for you finding maturity.

Seriously, ever notice how you are never responsible for your own woes? You blame power-gamers for your lack of enjoyment in the game, when that responsibility lies solely with you. You blame the Illuminati for you rep woes, rather than admitting that virtually every one of your posts is either idiotic, whiney, or immature.

Cowboy up and be a man.

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Originally Posted by Golden_Ace View Post
Not sure how to read rep anymore.

used to have cool comments to go along with it.
You have to go thru all of your posts individually and click on the rep icon to see if anyone left you a comment.



I turned my rep off after Zombie Man originally posted the "official" opinion of it, and for the same reasons. I do check mine occasionally, I like to know when I've actually managed to be funny and/or insightful, but why bother advertising my virtues (so to speak) when there's no difference between me and somebody in the +rep threads?

If someone thinks well of me, they'll either remember me, or I'll have to keep giving them reasons to continue thinking that way. New people should come in with no red-green prejudice, to judge me as they see fit. Those that don't like me either have me on ignore or are reading to see what laughably stupid thing I say next. Pressure to deliver from all sides, I tell ya, being gray is hard work.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
The amount of reputation points you can deliver in positive or negative rep is partially based on the amount of rep you have, I believe. Furthermore, although I'm not actually sure myself, I think if you turn off your own rep your reputation flags carry no score. So when you are flagged for rep, the flag is red if its a negative rep, green if it is a positive rep, and grey if the person flagging you has their own rep turned off.
I have noticeably changed a poster's rep by giving them green. Prof Backfire went from red to green via my "approval" a month or so ago, and I've seen a couple of others get another light lit up. My rep (currently) is very positive under the gray (amazingly, considering how much I natter on). However, when I've handed out red to those who ask for it, such as Tenzhi, I've seen no obvious difference. It may work one-way, or perhaps I should give out more red, to test things. You know, For Science.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Do you two want to get a room maybe, to resolve this undercurrent of sexual tension?
Only if you moderate us

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[JFA2010]Mod08: And I will strike down upon thee (enrious) with great vengence and .... oh wait wrong script
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Originally Posted by Primal View Post
If someone thinks well of me, they'll either remember me, or I'll have to keep giving them reasons to continue thinking that way. New people should come in with no red-green prejudice, to judge me as they see fit. Those that don't like me either have me on ignore or are reading to see what laughably stupid thing I say next. Pressure to deliver from all sides, I tell ya, being gray is hard work.
I agree.

Thing is, they could turn off rep or make so that only positive rep is enabled.

The former is the better solution.

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[JFA2010]Mod08: And I will strike down upon thee (enrious) with great vengence and .... oh wait wrong script
@enrious, @sardonicism, @MyLexiConIsHugeSon
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I got... too much... time on my hands



Speaking of rep and all...
How should a person go about reporting abusive/offensive/inappropriate rep comments to a moderator?

The system really is stupid. Unless, it is just a trap for trolls and jerks. They send anonymous rude/offensive/rule-breaking comments, thinking they can get away with it... and, whamo, they get sent to Siberia!! Maybe?

I just find it odd. Reply to people on the boards. Have some taste and respect and... Oh, never mind. I expect too much from humanity... never mind people hiding behind the anonymity of the internet.

I call it like I see it. Never shy from saying what I want. I do it with respect. Often times with an attempt at humor. To my surprise, the rep thing has been steady and positive. Still... You make some posts in certain topics and you get hit with some BS comments. I found it funny though... Two negative comments (simple and rude ones, at that) and they only knocked 4 points off of my total, hehehe. Hey, idgits... You need bigger friends.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by enrious2 View Post
Rep comments are still subject to the forum user guidelines - if you were getting them, report them to a mod. Note that if there is the "cabal" you describe, there is nothing against it in the rules or policies. Of course, it could simply be that you have a fairly unique amount of emo-whining that encourages a large number people to express their scorn of you.
It's a little known fact that the Rep Cabal is a sister organization to the Forum Cartel.



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
The system really is stupid. Unless, it is just a trap for trolls and jerks. They send anonymous rude/offensive/rule-breaking comments, thinking they can get away with it... and, whamo, they get sent to Siberia!! Maybe?
Actually, they get stuffed into a cardboard box and mailed to Abu-Dhabi.



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Speaking of rep and all...
How should a person go about reporting abusive/offensive/inappropriate rep comments to a moderator?
The best way is to send a PM to a forum moderator, along with the exact comment that you feel is in violation of the forum guidelines.

The system really is stupid. Unless, it is just a trap for trolls and jerks. They send anonymous rude/offensive/rule-breaking comments, thinking they can get away with it... and, whamo, they get sent to Siberia!! Maybe?

I just find it odd. Reply to people on the boards. Have some taste and respect and... Oh, never mind. I expect too much from humanity... never mind people hiding behind the anonymity of the internet.
Oddly, I'm an eternal optimist.

Take, for example the anonymous negative rep I got for the above post - " As much as Alty is annoying, that was just uncalled for."

Now, if that person had let me know, I may have been willing to discuss it with him and perhaps they could persuade me that I was wrong. However, by doing it anonymously, all it tells me is that they fit into the category of everyone else who leaves anonymous neg rep, cowards.

I have never seen the argument for taking seriously someone too afraid to stand by their own opinions, and I certainly don't now.

I call it like I see it. Never shy from saying what I want. I do it with respect. Often times with an attempt at humor. To my surprise, the rep thing has been steady and positive. Still... You make some posts in certain topics and you get hit with some BS comments. I found it funny though... Two negative comments (simple and rude ones, at that) and they only knocked 4 points off of my total, hehehe. Hey, idgits... You need bigger friends.
I did give up trying to even say that rep usage was rational, because it isn't. It's chaotic idiocy in it's finest, thus I gladly participate.

Until, that is, the moderators do the right thing and turn it off.

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Originally Posted by enrious2 View Post
Until, that is, the moderators do the right thing and turn it off.
I'm not even sure what bit of insanity prompted them to turn it back on in the first place. Maybe because there's no moderator left who remembers the whole Star Rating idiocy.



Originally Posted by LiquidX View Post
I'm not even sure what bit of insanity prompted them to turn it back on in the first place. Maybe because there's no moderator left who remembers the whole Star Rating idiocy.
I wasn't around for it, but I've been around forums for a long time. I could have told them this would happen.

People are people, regardless of the forum.

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[JFA2010]Mod08: And I will strike down upon thee (enrious) with great vengence and .... oh wait wrong script
@enrious, @sardonicism, @MyLexiConIsHugeSon
If you haven't joined a global channel, you're not really looking for team.



Actually a mod once joked about having the "easy job" so the rep system was left on in the new forum to make them have more work.



GreenFIame gets my generic screed:

Aren't games fun to play, I mean i seen people get tick off getting Neg reping over dumb things.
Tears, I tell ya! This game ends in nothing but tears.

Dec out.



Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
Actually a mod once joked about having the "easy job" so the rep system was left on in the new forum to make them have more work.
That's flat un-American.

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[JFA2010]Mod08: And I will strike down upon thee (enrious) with great vengence and .... oh wait wrong script
@enrious, @sardonicism, @MyLexiConIsHugeSon
If you haven't joined a global channel, you're not really looking for team.



This is all indeed troubling... so, I shall hereby go forth and add rep to EVERYONE who posts in this thread.

Edit: Dammit, ran out of Rep before I got to Samuraiko!

Oh well.
Until next time!

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Rep is a game, and a pretty stupid one at that. I see people with their bars full of rep who I've never heard of before, and I immediately think, "Must've posted in one of those idiotic 'Gimme rep!' threads." Mine probably is pretty much accurate. I've tried to be helpful in posting answers in Player Questions threads, and it goes up. I post news about the Paragon Wiki or Titan Network, and it goes up.

I'm a huge anti-farming person, and whenever I post anything about people exploiting the game, it gets dinged. Of course, I personally view any negative rep from a farmer as positive rep, so there have been quite a few threads when I lost a green jellybean or two and thought, "Well, that must have pissed them off, so I did a great job on that one!" It's not out of malice, I'm not that mean. It's because if I get dinged for standing up for the long-term health and playability of the game against those who are only interested in short-term rewards, I'm actually pretty damn proud of that. It's the "good" kind of negative rep.

I've thought about turning my rep off before just so that they don't have the satisfaction of thinking they're making me mad or sad or whatever, but then I think, nah, to hell with 'em. I want them to know how much their reputation mods mean to me (-->||<--). To be honest, I kind of even want to flaunt in their faces the fact that even though they can post their whiny little comments, even though they may even take a jellybean away from me, my reputation is still green.

At any rate, sometimes I give out reputation, but I give it out in like a 10-to-1 ratio of good-to-bad reputation. I don't give trolls negative reputation because I feel like they want it. Like someone else said, it's like a badge of honor to them. Besides, the most frustrating and evil thing you can do to a troll is to give them a complete lack of attention. It drives them nuts. Curiously (or maybe not), I tend to also give people reputation who have theirs turned off. I have no idea if it even tracks it, but I figure if they're curious about reactions to their post, maybe it at least keeps the comments. I positive-repped The_Alt_oholic's post above, and he has his turned off. I positive-rep Memphis_Bill and Samuel_Tow all the time, and they're probably blissfully unaware of it, but what the hell. It makes me feel good.

The most important thing to keep in perspective to me isn't just what the absolute rep value is, but what you expect versus what happens. When I post an anti-farming comment, I know it's going to get negative-repped with "u suk" comments, but I've also gotten some really good positive-rep comments that inevitably prove to me that there are good players out there who "get it." Plus, when I see how nasty people are and how badly the devs are treated for decisions that are great ones for the future of the game just because some people want an "I win!" button and the devs won't give one to them (or in some cases, take one away that they inadvertently gave to them before), I can't feel too badly about a stupid jellybean or two.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



See? I knew as soon as I mentioned something about farming above, this one would likely get dinged, too. Someone even posted a comment saying something about, "for agreeing with The_Alt_oholic." So there you go, an excellent lesson in Reputation 101: Just How Trivial It Really Is.

This is me:
This is me not caring:

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)