Discussion: The City of Heroes 2010 Meet and Greet Tour!




Originally Posted by Dante View Post
I was going to mention this too but hey, you beat me to it.

Some love for those of us outside of the US would be really nice.
The issue is continually money. I don't you're being snubbed; you're being resourced. They'd have to fly all of their schtuff over to Europe. The flight there is significantly further than the flight from California would be.

It's not a happy situation, and I don't think they made it lightly, but maybe it helps to know that they'd more than likely be out there if they could.

Ya know, the difference between dad not being at your birthday part because there was a car accident on the freeway and not being there because he was in the other room explaining to your mom why his secretary has her own unlabeled tape in the "Friday Night Camcorder Gallery".

Edit: That last part was too much stream of consciousness.



Originally Posted by Commander View Post
So, no Herocon this year?
That's the negative way I took it. Not that I can afford it this year either. The fifth event is going to have to be in the central US. Is that what I'd want? No, but it's what's best for the company and the fanbase. Two east, two west, one central, no overseas.

I hope those that go have fun at the events!

K5K - The Killbot 5000
A Spanner In The Works Part One, ArcID: 336662, A Spanner In The Works Part Two, ArcID: 336665, Enter Japes, ArcID: 96001
In The Darkness Creeping, ArcID: 347709, When Dimensions Collide, ArcID: 412416.



You really want to come to Florida, don't you? How about a Con in its 29th year?

Necronomicon in Tampa on October 22-24.

You have three on the West coast, and had one in New England. Stands to reason that the last one should be in the Southeastern area or the Midwest.

October in Central Florida is very nice! And one of the best beaches in the US is minutes away . . .

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Originally Posted by The_Killbot_5000 View Post
That's the negative way I took it. Not that I can afford it this year either. The fifth event is going to have to be in the central US. Is that what I'd want? No, but it's what's best for the company and the fanbase. Two east, two west, one central, no overseas.

I hope those that go have fun at the events!
We'll miss you Killbot. I'll have a drink in honor of you and all the other players overseas. They might have to carry me back to the hotel



As long as the Sheep Don and his trusty Lambert can rise once more, I am okay with this.




Sorry to hear that HeroCon "As We Know It" isn't happening this year, but I am all for spreading the love around for others. I will certainly do my best to attend either PAX West or the NorCal M&G (I'll be living in one of those two locations by the time of either event).

Even though I wouldn't be able to make it, I'd suggest GenCon or Dragon*Con, given the huge popularity of those two events. The exposure for our game could be tremendous there, especially if it's planned right!

(Of course, if you can sneak down to Phoenix ComicCon at the end of May, I'd certainly be thrilled beyond belief - I'll even bring brownies.)


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Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
We'll miss you Killbot. I'll have a drink in honor of you and all the other players overseas. They might have to carry me back to the hotel
Just make sure it's a double and I'll be happy.

K5K - The Killbot 5000
A Spanner In The Works Part One, ArcID: 336662, A Spanner In The Works Part Two, ArcID: 336665, Enter Japes, ArcID: 96001
In The Darkness Creeping, ArcID: 347709, When Dimensions Collide, ArcID: 412416.



I'm sad at the cancellation of HeroCon for this year, as my girlfriend and I consider it an anniversary of sorts, since we first met in person at the 2008 HeroCon. Maybe we can try to make the NorCal meet and greet, though.

Regardless, I understand the decision, and support those asking you to go to the Indy GenCon since everything else you're doing is on the coasts.

Added incentive: you stand a good chance of getting to meet Ascendant if you go there. I know War Witch is a fan!

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Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
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Another vote for Dragon*Con.

Hello, my name is @Caligdoiel and I'm an altoholic.



Originally Posted by McCharraigin View Post
What about having one in Texas?

I live in College Station, and Mark and I would love to attend one.

I vote for something in Texas. There's bound to be a Con in Dallas that would work. How about the Dallas Comic Con? http://www.scifiexpo.com/DCC/dallascomiccon.html I'm sure there will be at least a handful of superhero fans there.

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Originally Posted by Abraxxus View Post
Wizard World in Philadelphia. You know you wanna...
Seconded! (After all, look at my location.)

Though I personally would like to see a Meet and Greet at Wizard World since I could get to the Convention Center by public transportation, I do see the merit in a midwestern location. Maybe one at Wizard World could be something to consider for future Meet and Greets, though.

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Dragon Con!

The MMORPG track has its own website here



Originally Posted by BlackSun17 View Post
New York ComicCon
I agree...New York Comic Con! Please!!!!!!!

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It saddens me as i read the posts suggesting they attend dragon-con that i realize that pax west and dragon-con are essentally the same dates, making that highly unlikely..

I am sad doctor.



If you're looking for a gaming convention on the east coast that would be eager to have you, might want to look at MAGFest. It's not the biggest con in the world but it's pretty stellar in terms of having a good time and getting things done.

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My Arcs: #4827: Earth For Humans. #6391: Young Love.



Originally Posted by Cobalt_Azurean View Post
True story. On my server alone, there's four or five people that I know of that live in my area, and they'd love to attend a Meet and Greet.
Well as you know Cobes, I'm one of the people living in your area(ish) and all the people I know, myself included, just don't think Origins is worth going to anymore. We all, however, go to GenCon every year, and every year I've been looking for the CoH booth to no avail.

My vote is for GenCon Indy!



How about the Hartford Convention Center in Hartford Connecticut?

Come on, CT deserves at least one Convention.

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Another vote for Origins, in part because I'm about 2 hours driving time from there and also I'm already planning to go anyway, also there's a grass roots effort to plan something there.

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Originally Posted by fallenz View Post
Umm Gen Con?
GenCon would be cool, or Wizard World in Chicago.

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Originally Posted by Johnny_Velocity View Post
Dragon Con!

The MMORPG track has its own website here
Heh, I'm not sure "DC-mmo" is the best URL they could have used for. I mean, I know that the DC is referring to Dragon*Con, but still...

You really should go for either Atlanta or Chicago. Both are cities that need some Paragon Studio love, both are HUGE regional hubs (cheaper airplane tickets!), both have sizeable conventions you could tag onto.

If I can be totally selfish, I'd vote for Dragon*Con in Atlanta--it's just down the road from me. If you decide to go with Dragon*Con in Atlanta, let me know if you need any help with prep, planning, setup, or arrangements. Needless to say, if you do Dragon*Con, I'm there. If you do Chicago, I'll understand, but I'll probably try to make the NorCal one instead.

Shoot, if you do Dragon*Con, since I'd already planned on saving up for HeroCon, maybe I'll freak everyone out and do Dragon*Con AND NorCal. (If I do, though, I want a "Roadie" badge.)

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by Slate_Golem View Post
Well as you know Cobes, I'm one of the people living in your area(ish) and all the people I know, myself included, just don't think Origins is worth going to anymore. We all, however, go to GenCon every year, and every year I've been looking for the CoH booth to no avail.

My vote is for GenCon Indy!
Nice. Thanks for weighin' in, Slate. Good to know.

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Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Heh, I'm not sure "DC-mmo" is the best URL they could have used for. I mean, I know that the DC is referring to Dragon*Con, but still...
They used to have dragoncon-mmo.org, but a few years ago something screwy happened with their host and renewing, and it ended up being squatted

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PAX is on west & east coast, meet and greets once again on coastline. How about loving for us central states?? There is A-kon in Dallas, Texas, though I admit this year is short notice (beginning of June) but there is future years. Plus the largest military base in the US (Ft. Hood) is only 3 hours away. Give some loving to our troops

@Naa - Liberty Server




Originally Posted by Spectreblade View Post
Seconded! (After all, look at my location.)

Though I personally would like to see a Meet and Greet at Wizard World since I could get to the Convention Center by public transportation, I do see the merit in a midwestern location. Maybe one at Wizard World could be something to consider for future Meet and Greets, though.
Agreed! Although I realize that some other regions need the love, I'm in Philly as well, so I hope for a Meet & Greet here someday.