What's the stupidest thing you've ever done?




One time I ran to an arbiter right after a mission and sold all my recipes, which was something like two to four at most. Can't recall my reasoning for it at the time, I just did; I may have had some duds leftover from my last run to the BM, not sure.

I clicked them sold, beep-beep-beep without examining them too closely. So anyway, right after I sold them my brain sort of hiccuped at me... "say, did I see purple text on that first recipe you sold?"

I keep telling myself I must not have because I would have really noticed purple text. Right?

Ah well, ignorance is bliss.



Not the stupidest thing IVE done but I see a bunch of dumb emps putting CM on tanks/scraps and not the def/troller/blasters all the time.
Mind you this is random PuG stuff.

That REALLY chaps my ***.

Originally Posted by Shadow Ravenwolf View Post
My favorite combo is Faceplant/DebtCap with the TeamWipe Ancillary

Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Yeah, I like Blasters too.



Originally Posted by JamMasterJMS View Post
Not the stupidest thing IVE done but I see a bunch of dumb emps putting CM on tanks/scraps and not the def/troller/blasters all the time.
Mind you this is random PuG stuff.

That REALLY chaps my ***.
To be fair, before I3, fire tanks had no sleep resists, and the disorient protection was in healing flames. Lotta emps back in the day HAD to CM the tank, because they were mostly fire tanks. On farms. With disorienting rock tossing wolves. Funny how the mentality stuck though eh?



I've put a recipe on for 2 billion before from pressing '0' one too many times...

It was an Impervium Armor End/Rech, quickest 100 million I've ever lost

@Fail (Used to be @Tux) and @Tuxedo Infinitus Defiant/Freedom/Champion
Favourite Toons: Prosper [Ill/Rad] Controller :: Infinitus [Fire/Elec] Blaster :: Pocket Dynamo [Fire/Shield] Scr :: Fast [Cold/Sonic] Def ::
Inspire [Plant/Storm] Controller :: Quality - SS/Fire Brute :: Double Down [DP/Kin] Corr :: Pwnz [Fire/Cold] Corr :: Fail [Fire/Son] Corr



My first hero character and I didn't know about the trams...

In Atlas and get a mission to talk to someone in Galaxy city, no direct zone connector, so I thought I had to use the sewers. Ran/corpse dragged my level 6 scrapper all the way from Atlas to Galaxy. Talking to my friend about it later, he asked me "Why didn't you just take the train?"


"Life is what happens when you are making other plans"



I used Carrion Creepers during the final battle in the ITF.



Originally Posted by Fomsie View Post
My first hero character and I didn't know about the trams...

In Atlas and get a mission to talk to someone in Galaxy city, no direct zone connector, so I thought I had to use the sewers. Ran/corpse dragged my level 6 scrapper all the way from Atlas to Galaxy. Talking to my friend about it later, he asked me "Why didn't you just take the train?"

Ahhh the newbie Days. I did almost the exact thing, except I tried using Perez park. It was not pretty, being level 7 and wondering why they stuck a hazard zone between me and new hunting territory.




Four slotted Rest

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



My main Brute is also one of my primary marketeers. I was running what my small SG calls a Diamond ITF, where we clear every spawn on every map with just the 4 of us, and only had about 5 out of 34 recipe slots free, so I had to continuously delete regular IO recipes in case a purple dropped.

I had the recipe window open while moving and accidentally hovered the mouse over it. A series of subconscious thoughts to strafe sideways, which involves clicking "D" on the keyboard, ended up deleting a Gladiator's armor Resistance, a Gladiator's Armor Resistance/Endurance, and a Gladiator's Armor 20% teleport/3% defense IO. All for the chance to get a purple drop.

The window just HAD do be centered on the Gs at that time... I've stupidly done this a few times before, but never lost that much with three strokes of a key. And you know what? I still keep that blasted prompt unactivated to this day.



I sold a respec recipe to an auto doc. I hit that sell button one too many times.

"All problems can be solved by throwing enough scrappers at it."

@Riez on Virtue, Protector, Champion, and Exalted server.



In the early days of CoV I was pretty unhappy with Stalkers... I'd made an Energy/Energy Stalker and had played him into the upper teens, but I'd really lost interest... it just didn't seem fun. He ended up sitting at about 18 for around six months. Then one day when I was giving him a try again, a friend asked about my build. I mentioned how I'd been worried about my survivability, so I didn't take that one power that took health away. But other than that, I had some problems keeping my damage up, so I had taken Barrage to try to fill the gaps.

A few minutes later I had the most lopsided respec I've ever had... I got rid of Barrage for pre-nerf Energy Transfer.

Now Stalkers might be my favorite villain AT.

As for stupid losses of huge amounts of money... I remember way back before the market was around, when the most outrageous amount of money imaginable was in trading Hami-O's after a Hamidon Raid, I once accidentally deleted my Hami-O. Was pretty devastating at the time.

Also, shortly after the market was added, I saw one Hami-O which had a history of selling for 100 million. At the time, that was an unbelievably outrageous price. Then mixed in, one person had sold for 100 thousand. I like to imagine the saddest mistype ever, and someone else with a very pleasant surprise.

Edit: Oh man, I forgot one that definitely merits mentioning... my Stone/Stone Tanker never had teleport until a LONG time after he was 50. His travel power was super speed. My greatest enemy was a foot-high wall... I'd have to turn off Granite and Rooted, hop over, and then turn them back on. More than once I died before I could get Granite back up. After just dealing with that for the longest time, I ended up getting rid of Hurl Boulder for Teleport... I'd taken Hurl Boulder so I had another option to grab aggro from people across the room that would take me about twenty minutes to get to.

Proud member of Everyday Heroes (Infinity Heroes), Dream Stalkers (Infinity Villains), Devil Never Cry (Freedom Heroes), Enclave of EVIL (Pinnacle Villains), Phobia (Infinity Villains), Les Enfant Terribles (Freedom Villains), Gravy Train (Virtue Heroes), and more!

Full, detailed character list



Ok, some of my really braindead things... Mind you, I started playing back in the dark days of issue 4. I started just in time to get the 1st anniversary badge on my first char (Madam Enigma if you must know). Back before defense scaling. Before the animation tweaks to claws. Before ED even. But you all want to know what I did that was so bad?

I made a scrapper.

No wait, it gets better. I made a claw/super reflexes scrapper.

No, don't go away. It gets better still. I made a claw/sr scrapper with only Swipe and Slash for attacks until level 30, who was 3 slotting defenses at the time to intentionally challenge myself. The intitial build of Madam Enigma had Swipe and Strike for the only attacks until level 30. That's when I got Spin. I had every power from my secondary so far. I had stamina. I had Super Jump. I had Teleport, I had put slots into swift, sprint, and quickness for runspeed.

Ok, that last one isn't really stupid. But because of how fast I ran with just sprint on, I never actually used my real travel powers anymore.

Another tale of the dim bulb involves the first New Years I spent in game. I was with a friend, and we were running the Atta mission. On the highest difficulty settings. Just the two of us. We saw a HUGE group of enemies up ahead, and knew it'd be suicide to charge them. Still, we were both scrappers. And scrappers as you all know are crazy. At the stroke of midnight we charged the group. And aggroed five huge groups of trolls all at once. We never got into melee range.

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

Madam Enigma's History



Originally Posted by Biospark View Post
Ahhh the newbie Days. I did almost the exact thing, except I tried using Perez park. It was not pretty, being level 7 and wondering why they stuck a hazard zone between me and new hunting territory.
I had made it my mission with Madam Enigma to fully map out the sewers. Only took 25 levels.

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

Madam Enigma's History



reading the forums



In the old days of Issue 4 - I was on my Fire tank and the SG has an AV that was slaughtering them.

The invite goes out to me and they all cheer as I roll into the mission. One of my friends say Infernus will show us how its done! I hit taunt and instantly die as I forgot to turn on my shields.




Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
In the old days of Issue 4 - I was on my Fire tank and the SG has an AV that was slaughtering them.

The invite goes out to me and they all cheer as I roll into the mission. One of my friends say Infernus will show us how its done! I hit taunt and instantly die as I forgot to turn on my shields.

Ha... Kinda like the old days in perez when any scrapper that just came back from lvling would say "Watch this guys..." Ditto for blasters.

I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.



First toon, first day of playing, 2nd MMO.

Running along, hit a little ramp, find myself in a fountain. I couldn't get out! I'm running all around the damn foutning trying to figure out how the hell to get out.

15-30mins later, I hit the space bar and see I can jump!

My first MMO was FFXI You couldn't jump in it.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Didn't grab the name "Cordyceps" on Virtue the VERY SECOND I saw it was free... by the time I finished the costume, someone else had taken it. D:



My early days are full of them, especially since CoH was my first serious MMO.

I played my first toon, a MA/SR Scrapper, to 25-30ish without Stamina or Practiced Brawler as well as 4-slotted Brawl. To this day, I don't see how I managed it.

My first Corruptors, I thought I was just a villain Blaster. Took my blasts, ignored any powers that didn't directly benefit me. It didn't click until I had rolled and deleted a Thermal and a Sonic that my secondary was support.

I made an Elec/Ice Blaster, AR/Dev Blaster, Sonic/Electric Defender, and a Arch/Dev Blaster. All of them were deleted. I think I would have realized with the first two Blasters that I don't like Electric Blast or Devices. But, nope!

Perez Park. That's how I got to Kings Row and Galaxy City. My brother and I used the Pocket D jump jet to run across the trees. Then we discovered the train...

Finding a mob of Supa Trolls for the first time, back before the raves were announced. My brother and I charged them while at level... 12? We died horribly. We couldn't navigate back to Atlas, so we fled through the Hollows gate. We wound up fighting CoT in the Hollows' forest area while feeling like we stumbled into a fantasy game.

First time my brother found a CoT Spectral Daemon Lord, he was like "Hey, I found these Daemon Lords, let's kill them!" My reply? "Heck no!" But I followed anyway. The Daemon Lords in question were purple conned to us. Again, we died horribly.

Another time with my brother. He found the Field Analyst and turned his difficulty up to Invincible. We then ran a door mission. We died horribly to the first mob.

When I started playing, it was Rikti invasion week. I eagerly joined in. Without teaming. Didn't know how people were leveling off of that when all I got was a stream of 1 xp.

There's also getting lost in Pocket D...

Beyond the newbie days...

During the Mac Open Beta, I was level fourteenish and a group asked me to join a Posi. Against my better judgement, I did. Against my better judgement, I stayed through the end. We started with seven. Second mission, one quit and later one logged. We slowly pushed through mobs set for six with five of us until about 1/3 of the way. It was late, so we decided to finish tomorrow. Only me and another guy showed. We pushed halfway through the next mission, set for six, at a very, very slow rate until the third person logged on. We completed to about 85% before we all logged for a break and came back to finish later that night. Still three of us against mobs for six, but we finally won. Time to complete? Roughly 8 hours! Made good friends with the other two, but they both vanished once the game hit Live.

One thing I constantly do: if nobody is the designated tank, I will not shy away from running in and grabbing the alpha. This includes toons who cannot tank anything. I've died a lot as a result and it's joked about with my friends sometimes. On the bright side, it makes someone more capable rush in ahead of me to do the tanking so I stop getting killed so much.



Not one with any long term effects like losing loads of inf, but damn stupid at the time:

Regen Scrapper.
Old MoG
Psychic Clockwork.
'Nuff said.



First ever toon a fire/fire tank, i used to duo with a friend at the time but whenever he wasn't online I'd solo.....the first ever team I got without my friend and I was asked to tank. That was the worst idea in history, I didn't have taunt, didn't have half the toggles slotted and i died in about 3 seconds, the BLAPPER lasted longer than me

2nd story, I re rolled the fire tank about 3 months ago into a fire/fire blaster, moved the tank to defiant as i hardly used her cause I really didn't get on with how it played. Got the blaster to 50 and slotted and decided id join a MOitf. Now comes the best part... I forgot completely I had re rolled cause I used same cossies, name everything from my tank.... Obviously the MO attempt failed but the team had a good laugh at my reasoning behind running in and we restarted seeing as it was only the first mob.

Short Story I did: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=228383

DevArt Page: http://tamedragon.deviantart.com/



I frequently get involved in debates on the forums. That's pretty stupid.



New Dawn beat me to it. 4 slotted Rest with recharge TOs. Yeah, the glory days of newbness.

This isn't stupid on my part, but probably mean of me. Was hanging with a PuG that was actually competent. I got into a /tell convo with a /regen scrapper. I had to finish up, so I quit team to train/sell/whatever it was I had to do. They went on to Chimera. The scrapper had just gotten MoG as his level 49 power choice. I told him it would make him godly against Chimera... and this was old MoG. I think it was a 5 man spawn of +3 autohit trops that he ran into with MoG.... Suffice to say, his response was full of hilarity.



Originally Posted by WarronPeace View Post
New Dawn beat me to it. 4 slotted Rest with recharge TOs. Yeah, the glory days of newbness.

This isn't stupid on my part, but probably mean of me. Was hanging with a PuG that was actually competent. I got into a /tell convo with a /regen scrapper. I had to finish up, so I quit team to train/sell/whatever it was I had to do. They went on to Chimera. The scrapper had just gotten MoG as his level 49 power choice. I told him it would make him godly against Chimera... and this was old MoG. I think it was a 5 man spawn of +3 autohit trops that he ran into with MoG.... Suffice to say, his response was full of hilarity.
Actually, in issue 4 I found slotting rest for recharge was a good idea. That way it was up often enough to be worth using.

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

Madam Enigma's History



Back in one of the first Halloween events, I was flying through Bricks with my dedicated Emp, and there was a cluster (like 10-15) Elochai GMs just standing around. I don't know what the hell i was thinking, but I suddenly decided my tier 1, unslotted energy attack would certain serve them up some Justice.

I was a pumpkin pie before I hit the ground.

On a recent, non-CoH note, when reinstalled Thunderbird, there is a very fine between LOADING your backup and SAVING OVER your backup.

Stay Gold, Paragon. Stay Gold.
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.