What's the stupidest thing you've ever done?




This morning I made the brilliant move of accidentally deleting a Luck of the Gambler recipe (Defense, not 7.5, but still). I managed to pull of this brilliant feat when I was at the workbench and realized I needed to get a piece of salvage for it, and accidentally right-clicked on the recipe as I was hitting the 'D' key to turn towards the salvage shelf...and the rest is history.

This bit of stupidity got me thinking: what's the dumbest thing you've ever done playing the game? It could be something along these lines, like accidentally clicking 'Group Fly' as a power choice, or accidentally slotting a power over a purple or something, or something entirely different. Tales of woe and brainlessness on a Monday, anyone?

(Archetypes might be the wrong forum for this, but I don't know what would be better...)



I believe I paid like 20,000,000 for some Hami Goo once. I was just trying to craft something before a TF, and I hit the 0 key once too many times.

Words to the wise aren't necessary- it's the stupid ones that need them.

"You're right...I forgot...being constantly at or the near the damage cap is a big turn off. Definitely not worth it."
- Vitality



  1. I took my 50 and made her second build a "joke" by taking all the kb attacks I could and then slotted them for acc and kb. Ho ho, so funny.
  2. I took the same toon and respecced her into a build I found on this forum which looked great in Mids. Then I found out the prices. It would cost around 3.4 billion. I don't love any of my toons that much. I gradually figured out a way to make the build work, but regretted it had too many travel powers for me, or maybe just flight.
  3. Same toon, I picked MA/Inv in the first place. I should have named her Bulldozer, because that's what she feels like in comparison to most of my toons.
Not a mistake, but man, I miss my Jingle Jets.



Originally Posted by magikwand View Post
I believe I paid like 20,000,000 for some Hami Goo once. I was just trying to craft something before a TF, and I hit the 0 key once too many times.
I've done the same for a random enhancement recipes over the years, one time it was a 500mil mistake.



I reformatted my hard drive about a month ago so I could repartition and give Windows more room to breathe (don't know what I was thinking giving it a mere 10 GB the first time around). Before doing so, I scoured my entire Windows partition, making sure to backup everything I could on my external drive. Application Data, everything. As for my other partition, I made a point of just copying everything in it and moving it over to the external drive as well. ...Except my CoH folder. I don't know why I left it out, but I did. I lost so many screenshots, along with AE files (fortunately the only arc I care about is already published), bind files, and saved costumes. Thankfully I had some of my oldest screenshots (from previous installations of the game) backed up along with an earlier build of the game, which at least made reinstallation take a little less time. But it was still a huge loss.

Edit: Just realized this is in AT/Powers so I guess my answer is partially off-topic, but it honestly doesn't get any stupider than this.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Does it have to be in this game?

I was once a healer in another MMO. I ended up in an impromptu group with a tank type, a second healer, and two other members. I think we had to kill some boss guy in the middle of a small castle.

I think we had just made it past the threshold of the castle entrance when we got aggro from about 8 enemies at once. The two other members died quickly, leaving only me, the tank, and the other healer. The tank started running for it and we healers were spamming our spells as fast as we could. Things were looking good when the tank rounded the top of a small hill and jumped down to the safety of the road, and both I and the other healer followed suit. But just as my feet left the ground, it occurred to me that the road is on the north side of the map and the geographic feature to the south is a CLIFF. All 3 of us died instantly. It was probably the biggest team fail I've ever seen, but was so funny to witness that none of us were able to play for about 20 minutes because everyone was crying with laughter.



Took Flurry.

On a Scrapper with a drawn weapon.

Global: @Kenka Banchou
Server: Virtue
Twitter: @mugennoken



My brother was playing his level 28 Hardcore character. "Hardcore" is another game's term which means any defeat of any kind is permanent.

He fought a building on fire in Steel Canyon. The building exploded, he took a bajillion damage, and died.



I joined a PuG once.



I had Brawl 4-slotted for acc and damage on my first toon at level 20. She was a controller.



Just earlier tonight, friends and I decided to run a sub-50 ITF. We're four, so only need two more. We head to Cimerora, and I start sending tells to anyone in the level 35-47 range who's solo (unless their comment shows they wouldn't be interested)... And here comes the stupid part.

I did this for twenty minutes without success, was villainside... *And* didn't think once to hit a global channel for eventual heroes. We eventually gave up and went to play another game for the night.

It might seem tame as a "stupidest CoH thing"... But the thing is, I've been (casually) tracking Freedom population numbers for months. I should know better.



I used all my available respecs and wanted to do another, so i saved for a loooong time and payed 80 mil for a respec recipe (they were cheaper back then). Right when I finished the whole process, I realized I did the slotting wrong. big big doh!

Triumph Lurker: mintmiki 50 emp/archer
basically, if you see a miki on Triumph, it's probably cute and it's probably me.

Huge thanks to cuppamanga and all the folks in the mac help forum for prolonging my borrowed time on this game.



On the second day of I9, one of my characters got a pair of Fairy Wings and sold them instantly for 40 million.

I bought a whole heap of expensive but useless rubbish to boost his passive regen, not really a great idea for a Kinetics Defender.

Much later, I spotted the +Regen unique in Health and decided to respec and sell it. I accidentally typed 4 million instead of 40 million (its current worth) and it sold immediately for 6.
At this point in time this was more money than I'd ever seen in game, just gone.

I've since learned how the market worked, and made my first 100 million with this guy.



I jumped in the middle of all the Heroes on the last mission of the LRSF when asked to die for veng.




Aside from the very basic noob stupid thing (fire/ tanker without any toggles >.>) it was in a LGTF.

I was on my blapper, and i realized Dragon was a fire AV...meaning no mezz! I got all excited and told the team i'd tank/solo him. My blapper is pretty tough with the fighting pool, APP and sets.... but as soon as i jumped, 6-7 Mentalist held/sleep me and i lost everything and died. That was when toggles shutted down with mezz.

It was pretty embarassing.

"It's a scrapper. If he can't handle it, no one can." -BrandX



Old market UI. Was 300 mill short of the cap, and had yet to claim sales off of 3 hecatombs. I noticed a tiny button with even tinnier script on it. So tiny I couldnt read it. Figuring what could it hurt, I clicked it. Apparently it was the hit the cap instantly button, and I lost 600mill... hard lesson to not click anything you can't read...



Originally Posted by Zophar_Shinta View Post
I jumped in the middle of all the Heroes on the last mission of the LRSF when asked to die for veng.
Are you on virtue? I saw someone do it once, jumped directly on numina.

"Why did this guy just warn all the heroes we're here? O.O "

"It's a scrapper. If he can't handle it, no one can." -BrandX



Originally Posted by Smurphy View Post
My brother was playing his level 28 Hardcore character. "Hardcore" is another game's term which means any defeat of any kind is permanent.

He fought a building on fire in Steel Canyon. The building exploded, he took a bajillion damage, and died.
I'm pretty sure you meant he was fighting the FIRES and not the building itself... But it's funnier to imagine him taking potshots at a building.

As for me? Oh man, I know I've had several "oooh what the FRIG, That was so DDUUMMB >_<" moments, but I can't seem to remember too many specifics.

The only one that comes to mind was a "ninja badge race" that was being held on virtue: All level 1 characters, no badges, no temp/vet powers, and you had to race around and find certain exploration badges in each green zone. Well that was supposed to be easy, as I've made a habit of getting all the exploration badges possible on a level 1 character. One of the other rules was that hospital trips WERE allowed (this was all reinforced by a judge flying around with you). Well, after spending ten minutes trying to figure out how to get the badge on top of the bridge in IP (instead of just running up the line...), i finally saw it... being guarded by a +20 Family goon. Well i ran, hit the badge and jumped off the bridge as he shot me... anti 1-shot code saved my life, i crashed into the water and i gleefully swam away to shore.

... just as i got there (like 5 minutes later), my judge asked why didn't i just die and hosp it.

I felt like a moron. My pride cost me first place =(


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



I'm going to pull out on of my tales of old from my newbie days.
Me and my friend were new to the game and playing our level 14 ish blasters in Kings Row. We were street sweeping and we run across a park filled with maybe 4 clockwork Paladins.( I think that's the max right?) These were the first GM's we ever saw. We deduced that one of them must be the leader, and if we kill him they will all die. So we, 2 level 14 blasters, commenced an assault on 3-4 Paladins. What ensued was a terrifying run through the streets of KR, being followed by a huge robot.



In atlas park, my level 2 scrapper was kitted by a hellion through two groups of level 4 hellions and into a pair of level 5 clocks. I never did catch that guy.

On my dark stalker, I currently have the Serendipity Endurance IO slotted into hide. I don't have Murky Dweller at all, and my only defense with more than 4 slots is my status resist (Obsidian whateveritscalled) with a full set of Aegis proudly doing F*%^-all except buffing psi. And hide is the only one with 4 slots. If you can really count it as having 4.

on the market mistakes, wasn't me, but someone bought one of my absolute amazements (market price of about 60m) for 888,888,888.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



I tried the Mender Silos task force.


With my Ice/Ice blapper.

And attempted to solo Nosferatu.

Oh yeah.

Originally Posted by Smurphy View Post
My brother was playing his level 28 Hardcore character. "Hardcore" is another game's term which means any defeat of any kind is permanent.

He fought a building on fire in Steel Canyon. The building exploded, he took a bajillion damage, and died.
On the other hand, pretty awesome way to go. Heroism-wise, I mean.

Ice/Ice Blaster. Dedication to concept is an ugly thing.
Claws/WP Brute. Sex without the angst.
Every CoX character lies somewhere on this spectrum.



I took Flurry, SS, Hover, Fly, CJ, SJ, Recall Friend, and TP on my first character. (WP/WM Tank)

My first time flying through IP, I spotted Lusca. I thought, "Neat, a giant octopus... let me get closer. Oooh, I can target it. I'm a tank, I can probably take it on. What? I'm dead? From an octopus!?"

Thank you, Champion.