Speed Boost? Yes/No

Adeon Hawkwood



Well the only times the run speed will be really noticeable with Speed Boost is if you're already using some other run speed power or Speed Boost has been slotted with run speed. If I don't have any run speed powers on, SB doesn't make me go too much faster. Then again I'm excellent at controlling my character at the speed cap, that's one of the reasons I enjoy playing my Kin so much, she's so fast.

IMO, in a team situation, SB is a must have power, but in no way shape or form it will gimp your build if you don't have it.




Just an FYI,
Speed Boost 3 slotted with EndMod IO's at level 50 will give a targetted player:
99.5% (1.66 End/sec) Recovery
In addition to the Speed, Recharge and Resistance to Debuffs on them.
According to the current Mids (Version 1.7 - 10/05/10)

For reference,
Radiations Accelerate Metabolism 3 slotted gives:
57.9% (1 End/sec) Recovery
In addition to the 20% DMG Buff, Debuff Resistance and Status Resistances.
According to the current Mids (Version 1.7 - 10/05/10)

Nuff Said...
Coolio Wolfus leader of Coolio�s Crusaders on Union.
Tekna Logik leader of Tekna�s Tormentors on Defiant.
AE arc 402506, 'The Rise and Demise or Otherwise of Tekna Logik...'.



THIS THREAD STOPS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I am glad I only solo. And even then I still take sb.

Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.



Originally Posted by Dr_HR View Post

THIS THREAD STOPS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What's funny is it was a legit question, was never intended to be a "troll" attempt. Assumptions and threadjacks killed the point.

Bottom line, if you're a kin w/o speedboost expect the following.

1) Kicked from team because of the lack of one power out of a great set.
2) Being called selfish for not having a team buff ( o.O personally I think people are selfish to expect it)
3) Also being called any if not all of the following, n00b, horrible player, can't build a toon, etc.

That being said, all team buffs are great help and help push the team further. However a good buff doesn't make a good player. I honestly feel if the sb-less Kin on the team is pulling their weight, why reprimand him/her? I don't see any of my controllers/doms scolded for being petless, even though pets provide damage. I don't see my fire tank being kicked for not having taunt, his aura keeps aggro just fine. I don't see my toons who haven't taken the rez from their set kicked. So in the end, call me a troll, neg rep me more (not a big deal, been disabled since the beginning). It doesn't really matter in the end, because it's only a game.



Lots of people have said they would consider skipping SB to be a silly idea, but shrug and play with the character anyway. Lots of people have said they'd play with the character, just make a mental note to not team with them again. Lots of other arguments in between as well.

So in the end, try to represent everything in black and white, act like you're a victim, have fun making it sound like everyone who's pro-SB is a brainless elitist. It doesn't really matter, because nobody's buying any of it ; and, yes, doing the above makes you the textbook definition of a troll.



When you group you should have speed boost imo. I most likely would group with you once, but then honestly think you were a selfish player and not group with you again. The game is about working with your group and helping them. Yes, I know a kin has other stuff to help, but if people don't like to buff then don't play buffing sets.

I also think all buffs should be one click and buff the entire group and not expire until that buffer leaves the team. It is ridiculous that buffs need to be constantly reapplied every few minutes. I quit my demons/thermal because I could not even handle to buff my own pets constantly. They need to do something to make buffing easier for people, but until they do then people need to just deal with it the way it is or quit playing those sets.

This reminds me of the tanker I grouped with for a task force and he did not have "Roots" and we all asked why he did not take it and he said it slowed him down to much and he was not going to take "Roots" or "Granite armor". It is needless to say he was mezzed or dead most of the task force and eventually quit our team. In the end we all play our toons the way we want and that is the way it should be, but you should still consider your group and expect them to be upset.

"I have always been a fan of science fiction. It all started when my parents forced me to go to church when I was a child."



OP: No need to reduce this to a yes/no question. You've got options.

1) Take SB and spam it like a good little buffbot.
2) Take SB but don't use it.
3) Drop SB and focus on being a good Dark blaster.
4) Take SB on your second build for special teaming situations (like granite brutes).

Of these, the only choice that annoys me is 2. If you don't want to use Speed Boost, fine, so long as you're contributing to the team effort in your own way. I'm a firm believer that letting people do their own thing encourages them to do a damn good job at doing that one thing. Drop SB and take and slot Dark Pit instead, making minions insta-stunned each and every spawn? Great! Drop SB and take Vengeance on auto instead, making the team invincible as soon as any one team member bites it? Great! Drop SB and take Repel instead, shoving loose mobs back into your tentacle zone? Great!



Option 5. Take SB and use is between spawns, or when a blast isn't up and have zero issues keeping an entire team buffed at no cost to your own personal damage output.

The great thing about sb (and most other proactive buffs) is that it isn't a zero sum game. You don't have to use SB at the cost of using an attack or in-combat power. Ever.

That's why any good player will tell you that in a team you don't have to use SB, in the same way that you don't have to use anything and the team will likely still complete the task. If you do choose to use it you can do so in a way that won't negatively impact your personal damage output and will positively impact every other member on the team.

You don't have to take and use SB, but as a kin if you use the power properly there is absolutely nothing you can do with your time that contributes more to the team. You can still be a good player and a good team player without the power, but you are going to have a deficit to overcome. And quite frankly you are going to have to be a really really good player to bring more to the team w/o SB than a crappy player that just spams SB and nothing else. It may suck that that is the way it is, but that's just how game mechanics work.



Another "option" I've heard (though I don't know if anyone has the guts to actually do it)...

Slot SB for runspeed. So teammates who demand it better really, really want it bad.



Originally Posted by Rigel_Kent View Post
Another "option" I've heard (though I don't know if anyone has the guts to actually do it)...

Slot SB for runspeed. So teammates who demand it better really, really want it bad.
Meh, runspeed cap, which your kin should be at already due to stacked siphon speeds. If I slotted SB beyond the base slot I'd consider runspeed so that people could keep up with me.

SB really isn't that fast. The runspeed buff is half as fast as unslotted superspeed runspeed buff
In fact base run speed+unslotted speedboost is slower running than 1 slotted swift+ninja jump... People that have issues controlling their toon with SB on them don't get a ton of sympathy from me unless it is lag/steampowered computer related.



Originally Posted by Rigel_Kent View Post
Another "option" I've heard (though I don't know if anyone has the guts to actually do it)...

Slot SB for runspeed. So teammates who demand it better really, really want it bad.

pre i13 all my kins were slotted for max runspeed in sb. It was an easy test of peoples machines.

Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.



Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
Lots of people have said they would consider skipping SB to be a silly idea, but shrug and play with the character anyway. Lots of people have said they'd play with the character, just make a mental note to not team with them again. Lots of other arguments in between as well.

So in the end, try to represent everything in black and white, act like you're a victim, have fun making it sound like everyone who's pro-SB is a brainless elitist. It doesn't really matter, because nobody's buying any of it ; and, yes, doing the above makes you the textbook definition of a troll.
Nobodies a victim, I simply voiced what I learned from the thread. No where did I state people who are pro-SB are brainless. You simply gathered all of extra stuff from your own assumptions. Now who is the troll?



Originally Posted by Gypsy_of_Paradox View Post
Nobodies a victim, I simply voiced what I learned from the thread. No where did I state people who are pro-SB are brainless. You simply gathered all of extra stuff from your own assumptions. Now who is the troll?
1) Kicked from team because of the lack of one power out of a great set.
2) Being called selfish for not having a team buff ( o.O personally I think people are selfish to expect it)
3) Also being called any if not all of the following, n00b, horrible player, can't build a toon, etc.
That was all you learned from this thread
That's some real selective readin' n learnin' there.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Originally Posted by tanstaafl View Post
That was all you learned from this thread
That's some real selective readin' n learnin' there.
Learned and knew are two different things, truthfully I was surprised at the level of passion some felt about players w/o SB. It's never bothered me when kins on my team didn't have it. I play on Infinity, we're not really picky as long are people trying. I don't play on other servers, so I can't judge them.



Just my 2 inf...

My kin's took it to slot with endmod.
I tend to only use it characters that seem to be eating endurance,
As it helps them avoid toggle drops from ooe situations.

Nuff Said...
Coolio Wolfus leader of Coolio�s Crusaders on Union.
Tekna Logik leader of Tekna�s Tormentors on Defiant.
AE arc 402506, 'The Rise and Demise or Otherwise of Tekna Logik...'.



Now who is the troll?
Well, you're either a troll or a very misguided person... I choose to respect your intellect and assume you're just trolling, if I'm wrong in making that assumption then you've got some serious work to do on your communication skills.

Simple example using your latest post :

Learned and knew are two different things, truthfully I was surprised at the level of passion some felt about players w/o SB.
That phrasing implies some of those who argue against players without SB do it for emotional reasons, or in other words, aren't rational. Not mentioning any of the rational arguments made against skipping SB also gives a tainted view of the "pro-SB" group as a whole.

It's never bothered me when kins on my team didn't have it. I play on Infinity, we're not really picky as long are people trying. I don't play on other servers, so I can't judge them.
"It's never bothered me because I'm not picky" is, for all intents and purposes, the same thing as "if it bothers you, you are picky".

On top of that, adding servers into this is just asking for flames. To lump everyone in the same group, and a group depicted pejoratively at that, based on their appartenance to one side of an argument or one server is bound to get some of these people annoyed.

Consider the whole post. It's a passive aggressive mess, staying just vague enough to be able to deny any wrongdoings, but still full of not-so-subtle implications baiting people. It's in this post, and in every other post of yours I've read in this topic, even including the OP. If you genuinely aren't trying to provoke people, I'd suggest reconsidering the way you type on these boards.



Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
That phrasing implies some of those who argue against players without SB do it for emotional reasons, or in other words, aren't rational.
His post didn't really imply that, but it might as well have, since it's true.

I don't imply it. I state it flat out. You don't have to look any further than Siggy's posts in this topic for proof.

"It's never bothered me because I'm not picky" is, for all intents and purposes, the same thing as "if it bothers you, you are picky".
Actually that's a logical fallacy. But hey, it's your strawman, have fun beating it up if you like.

Do you actually have anything to say about the topic of SB or are you just here to crap on other people's posting styles?



Originally Posted by Gypsy_of_Paradox View Post
It's never bothered me when kins on my team didn't have it. I play on Infinity, we're not really picky as long are people trying. I don't play on other servers, so I can't judge them.
That's also been my experience on Victory. I've never been on a team where a kin was kicked for not having SB (or any toon kicked for not having a particular power). I guess I've just been lucky to avoid the few bad apples.

I think grouping issues are often blown far out of proportion on the forums. I usually do not encounter the horror stories with groups, even PUGs, that are reported here with regularity. Or maybe it just is restricted to certain servers, although that seems unlikely to me.



Why is people just repeating what other people have said....-.-



Originally Posted by Dr_HR View Post
Why is people just repeating what other people have said....-.-
Forum buffs wear off too quickly and need to be individually applied.



My first CoH love was a Kinetics Defender back in US beta. Every time I attempt to revive the love affair though, it comes to an abrupt end a few levels after procuring Speed Boost. I imagine spending the rest of my career as a buffbot and that's usually enough to stop playing until I forget the reasons why and start up another one. Speed Boost is awesome. It's overpowered. As a Kinetics Defender, you generally serve your team a lot better by acting as a buffbot, than to blast.

I really wish the devs would change how this power works. A simple "fix" would be to make it a PBAoE with longer recharge. The recharge and run/fly boost should be halved, but recovery kept at present levels. Perhaps adding a similar penalty in recharge and run/fly speed for the caster. Another "fix" would be to turn it into something resembling an AoE Siphon Power; an AoE slow/-recharge debuff (moderate), with a buff for allies centered around the caster. This would be more useful for Defenders than for Controllers, which would do a little to restore balance (Kinetics is a much superior set on Controllers).

Yeah, I know I'm dreaming.



Originally Posted by Seraphael View Post
As a Kinetics Defender, you generally serve your team a lot better by acting as a buffbot, than to blast.
I'm with you so far, because Primaries are more powerful than Secondaries. Defenders buff better than they blast because buffing is their primary. And Blasters are better at blasting than Defenders because blasting is the Defender's secondary.

And then you say this:

Originally Posted by Seraphael View Post
This would be more useful for Defenders than for Controllers, which would do a little to restore balance (Kinetics is a much superior set on Controllers).
Hmmm, given that Primaries are more powerful than Secondaries, how does this make sense?

Or more tactfully, what in your experience makes you say this? Are you saying that the kinetics buffs synchronize better with the control sets than with blast sets? (Just trying to see where you're coming from.) Because Kinetics, like Rad, like Storm, (like blast sets) is a much superior set as a Primary than as a Secondary.



Originally Posted by Dr_HR View Post
Why is people just repeating what other people have said....-.-
Not as funny as PB's response: People don't always read long threads. They read the first page (maybe the first couple), then leap to the last page and maybe read that, then post.

While that technique tends to repeat what others have said, it can save the replier a lot of time and speak directly to OP, instead of getting caught up in whatever impassioned/tangential/trolling debates tend to have been evoked in a thread that goes on for more than a few pages.

(I'm assuming that was a serious inquiry, and not a veiled complaint.)



Wry smile...well...if you team, yes, take it because to a lot of people faster is better.

However, don't give SB to to the team's clutz. Said clutz will smash into walls slowing the team down while they wait for him/her to catch up...true story

Lisa-Biggest clutz of all

So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung