Speed Boost? Yes/No

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by ForumSniper View Post
So the kin gets to be your personal buffing slave. Sounds like a great job.
You need to read better.



I've deleted more kins than I care to think about because of the EXACT topic of this thread.

Maybe I've just been on a lot of crappy teams, but I got attitude anytime I did anything BUT SB. My Kin/Sonic defender got booted from a team in the middle of an AV fight because I had the audacity to (GASP!) use my secondary to reduce the AV's resistance. The leader sent me a tell saying: "That's what you get for not Speed Boosting me"....completely ignoring the fact that he had SB the entire time. The same guy told me that Kinetics is a crappy set and SB is the only thing it's good for.

Bottom line (for me at least): A lot of people are jerks about telling people how to play their characters and what powers should and shouldn't be taken, and I refuse to cater to them. If you want a Kinetics that will play their character how YOU want them to, I'll gladly quit the team to make room for them. I don't tell other people how to play their characters, and I'm not going to let them tell me how I should be playing mine.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.






We get it. You think the thread is worthless. Ironic then that your posts are among the most worthless ones in it.

If you dislike this thread so much, why don't you just quit clicking on it and move on?



I agree. Srsly.

Originally Posted by Dr_HR View Post

H: Blaster 50, Defender 50, Tank 50, Scrapper 50, Controller 50, PB 50, WS 50
V: Brute 50, Corruptor 50, MM 50, Dominator 50, Stalker 50, AW 50, AS 50
Top 4: Controller, Brute, Scrapper, Corruptor
Bottom 4: (Peacebringer) way below everything else, Mastermind, Dominator, Blaster



Originally Posted by Gypsy_of_Paradox View Post
I've had a Dark/Kin corr waiting to be IO'd, mainly been avoiding it because of the question. To take speed boost or drop it......

I know most would prefer every kin to have speed boost. But, I absolutely hated buffing my team every minute on my road to 50. I've seen maybe 4 kins total in my years here that don't have SB. It never bothered me as I focus my toons to solo regardless of AT. I don't want to "have" to rely on outside buffs that might not be there.

So the question is, how many people would it piss off? I mostly won't take it in my final build, just wanting to get the general idea of what others think.
My opinion is screw anybody that has a problem with you not taking speed boost. Build your characters for your enjoyment above all else. If somebody doesn't care for the way you build your character, then they don't have to team with you.

You have absolutely no obligation to appease anybody with how you build your character.



Two of my very best characters are Kins (with s/b), and they could hardly be more different. One is a Defender with a dedicated "force multiplier/team leader" build. Everything about her is intended to make her more effective in a support role. While like most Kin players I occasional;ly grow weary of being a "buff bot" with her, mostly I'm fine with it. It's what she does...well, that and manage a "herding cats" sort of RP SG! With her, I generally keep s/b up most all the time, unless the tactical situation or team mates' preferences dictate otherwise.

The other is a /Kin Controller, a multi-billion inf, mostly purple IO set build who can solo a good few AVs...and has. When she's teamed, I make it clear to people that she'll give 'em their "blaster crack" when she can, but that she's got a lot more than that to offer. Most all players seem to understand that and are cool with it.

So what I'm getting at is that there are a lot of possible approaches. I've never not taken the power with a Kin (I have others, too...despite letting my second account lapse, I still have about 80 alts... =P ), but some use it a lot more than others.

"And in this moment, I will not run.
It is my place to stand.
We few shall carry hope
Within our bloodied hands."



After this much time in the game, do we really need 16 pages of discussion that could be answered with the dual build opion??

one build for solo
one build with sb

Miss Arc #147491: Rise of Bedlam
AKA Iron Smoke @Champion Server



Originally Posted by Kractis_Sky View Post
After this much time in the game, do we really need 16 pages of discussion that could be answered with the dual build opion??

one build for solo
one build with sb
If the person wants to make two builds that is a perfectly fine option. But if for some reason the person doesn't care to make two builds, then he/she should just pick the powers he/she wants and get rid of teammates that don't like it.




Simply its your toon take what you want, live with your choice.

I don't care what set you have there is always some power that you want to skip completely or leave to last. There are powers you never slot beyond the first dot.
If others don't like how you play they can quit, or not choose you. It really is that simple, after all its just a game not a job.



If you are going to team, I would recommend it. However, as a Corruptor, don't worry about keeping everyone boosted at all possible times. You have better things to do. I mean, what is the point of a Corruptor having that Scourge inherent, if said Corruptor is not actively doing whatever it takes to cause that inherent to kick in.

As a Dark/Kin you are primarily a debuffer instead of a buffer. Just like as a Corruptor, you are a hurter instead of a healer.