Future Super Booster Ideas
Themes sounds like a good idea for booster pack names and add-ons. Adventure, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Horror

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius
I'd vote for the ghost pack. I'm having a devil of a time getting the right look for my banshee character - not enough tattered clothing pieces...
A Gadgetry Booster would be awesome. Jetpacks, new tech armor/costume pieces, new travel power boots/gloves, nifty temp power, an aura and or wings/cape.
As for the costume change, no idea. Probably something neat!
Because we know somebody will say it sooner or later, I'll go ahead and say it now:
A True Steampunk Booster.

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:

Oh that's easy.
Ouroboros booster. Gimme access to those costume parts so we can make Menders of our own for when the Coming Storm gets here.
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)
After the cycle begins anew, it is only logical to follow the trees back around in a cyclical fashion.
City of Heroes® Super Booster VI: Mechanized includes all new and improved costume options, three character emotes, three new Combat auras, Four new persistent auras, and a new power option tailored to characters with more robotic characters..
- New Costume Pieces: Mechanized gives more tech options and expands on some long unfinished costume options. Players will now be able to sport an all body Skeletal Robotic frame complete with new Robotic Skull face option. Included are several Tech themed back items, including the long-awaited Rocket Packs, Power Supplies, and other hardware.
- New Combat Auras: Combat Auras get an upgrade! Flashing Warning Lights- a row of lights pulse in steps from shoulder to hand, neck to waist, and hip to foot. Power Rings- A pulse of energy that travels from shoulder to hand and repeats. Scan- Random lines and grids with flashing variables emanate from the head.
- New Emotes: Three new emotes have been added to help express mechanical characters better: Inactive, rotate head, and fold up.
- New Auras: Three new auras have been added in addition to the three combat auras. These auras can unlock at level 1 and are accessible through the character creator. Data Transfer-(Face, Head, Full Body, Limbs, Full Body and Face, Upper Torso) This effect has several points of light that begin somewhere on the character and travel to another location and vanish. Sparks-(Hair, Head, Full body, Chest, Arms, Hands, Legs, Eyes, Full body and Eyes.) Plumes of sparks that burst out of the body. Surge- a steady pulse of energy from within.
- New Power: Added Firepower- All good combat machines come equipped with an energy weapon, and you should be no exception. A small retractable wrist mounted weapon that springs forth and hurls a small blast of particle energy, then retracts until needed again.
City of Heroes® Super Booster VII: Empowered Not all magic heroes wave wands and cast spells, some have been granted powers from otherworldly sources, or draw their strength from them directly. This pack is tailor made to suit those granted powers from the beyond. This pack includes many costume options to help represent your magically powered characters better, four new emotes, And a new variable bonus power.
- New Costume Pieces: The power awakens! Now you can adorn your character with Flaming wings, Glowing wings, Shoulder to shoulder helmets, knee-length skirts and dresses, glowing runes, head to toe trappings, Jewelry, New Faces, and decorative pieces.
- New Emotes: New Meditate, Draw power, Peace, and Rage emotes
- New Variable Bonus Power: Boon- When this power is used, you get the choice of Infernal Curse, or Divine Blessing. Infernal curse grants a resistance to fire attacks for a short time, Divine blessing grants a resistance to Negative energy attacks for a short time. This power is only usable on yourself.
City of Heroes® Super Booster VIII: Abominations Has everything you need for your experiments gone wrong. This pack allows you to exude your nasty presence and show just how Toxic you are. Includes several costume pieces useful in creating the best science project you can. This pack introduces new thigh options, two new aura options, and a new power, to help spread the joy.
- New Costume Options: More organic costume pieces included within. including the new Ooze and Growth Patterns, New Thigh options include Tubing, Fins, Fur, Chunks, Thorns, Blister, and Chitin. New Tails, faces, oozing head pieces, and much more.
- New Auras: New Dripping and Odorous auras for those particularly smelly or moist characters.
- New Power: Infectious This toggle power makes enemies within melee range of you to have a slight chance to be infected with some malady from exposure to you.
And Finally...
City of Heroes® Super Booster IX: Human Condition There are times when a person arises that has so much drive, determination, and sheer moxie, they can tangle with the most powerful super-humans around and hold their own. They rely on their skill, wits, and gear to even the gap, and this pack reflects their needs. included are several costume options, emotes, and the new Swing-line travel power to help the superhumanly-challenged to get around.
- New Costume Options: New Padded and leather armor options, including thigh pads and backpacks. new cape styles such as Wing, Strips, Pocket lined, and Insignia. New mask designs for both full, and open styles.
- New Emotes: Search for clues, Peek around corner, Talk to ear radio, crouching alert, three-point crouch.
- New Power: Swing-line-Using a grapple you swing to the skyline to do your deeds.
That's all I will do, since I don't know exactly what the Mutant Pack will have. but sure that's a few I could think of.


It is never truly gone, as long as there is someone left to remember.
Unknown_User won't give his real name: Themes sounds like a good idea for booster pack names and add-ons. Adventure, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Horror |
Dec out.
I will go for a gothic pack, the baron coat from the magic pack certainly added one good piece, but generally id prefer more decorative formal outfits for male and female characters with more ornate patterns on them, perhaps some new facial details with more piercings would be nice? I also have heard many people describe a Victorian pack, but i'll let them describe it better than i could.
Anything that would have something like this, only much smaller and with collapsible wings for when you're not in flight:
Goodbye, I guess.
@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online
nightblade7295@gmail.com if you want to stay in touch
I love these ideas
But I'd like to see somthing where the Ranged weapons peices get some love. Assault Rifles, Pulse Rifles, Bows and Dual Pistols are due for some new models me-thinks
Also, a Slingshot power that would be handy for pulling mobs, great for Melee classes.
Costume peices would include more military, scifi military, western and medieval archer's garbs.
Don't know what it would be called, wouldn't really be a theme like some mentioned here.
One thing I've always wanted.
City of Heroes: Enemy Mine: Wanted to be park of the Freakshow pack, a Commendant in the 5th Column or just love to party it up with the Carnival of Shadows, well now you can.
New Costume pieces:
Carnival of Shadows Face mask, Bodices and boots (female only, Bodice comes in Harlequin, Seneschal and Ring Mistress versions, boots have Harlquin or Ring Mistress pattern options).
Strongman Helment and shoulders (male only, Helmets come in the Bronze, Iron and Steel variants).
Freakshow chest details and cybernetic arms.
5th Column and Council face mask, 5th Column/Council armoured chest (with or without medals).
Wyvern helmets and chest details.
Legacy chain helmets and shoulder options.
Spectral Pirates shoulder parrot (for male and female).
Crey tank armour variants, Special agent robotic hand and comms unit options.
New temp power: One of us: a temp toggle (like the GvE jetpack), the crooks and criminals (or heroes and heroines) all think you're one of them (Works like the midnight costume/Freakshow disguise for a short period of time).
I would probably pay twice the normal booster pack price for a booster pack like this one.
Sadly the devs are about as likely to do this as the sun is to turn into a chocolate marshmellow...
How about one that lets you slot the old ones. :P
Oh that's easy.
Ouroboros booster. Gimme access to those costume parts so we can make Menders of our own for when the Coming Storm gets here. Michelle aka Samuraiko/Dark_Respite |

I have a Mender Quaver who really needs a more obvious costume so people stop asking (she's a Widow too, not exactly the most direct look).

One thing I've always wanted.
City of Heroes: Enemy Mine: Wanted to be park of the Freakshow pack, a Commendant in the 5th Column or just love to party it up with the Carnival of Shadows, well now you can. New Costume pieces: Carnival of Shadows Face mask, Bodices and boots (female only, Bodice comes in Harlequin, Seneschal and Ring Mistress versions, boots have Harlquin or Ring Mistress pattern options). Strongman Helment and shoulders (male only, Helmets come in the Bronze, Iron and Steel variants). Freakshow chest details and cybernetic arms. 5th Column and Council face mask, 5th Column/Council armoured chest (with or without medals). Wyvern helmets and chest details. Legacy chain helmets and shoulder options. Spectral Pirates shoulder parrot (for male and female). Crey tank armour variants, Special agent robotic hand and comms unit options. New temp power: One of us: a temp toggle (like the GvE jetpack), the crooks and criminals (or heroes and heroines) all think you're one of them (Works like the midnight costume/Freakshow disguise for a short period of time). I would probably pay twice the normal booster pack price for a booster pack like this one. Sadly the devs are about as likely to do this as the sun is to turn into a chocolate marshmellow... |
/holds the Dev team up at Pulse carbine point.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
A Gadgetry Booster would be awesome. Jetpacks, new tech armor/costume pieces, new travel power boots/gloves, nifty temp power, an aura and or wings/cape.
As for the costume change, no idea. Probably something neat! |
As for the costume change you're looking for, I'd suggest "encase" where the piece rapidly snap over the current costume, like super powered armor encasing each limb and then torso and head. Or perhaps "scan" where a 2D square of light drops through your character digitizing them into a shimmering pattern, then a second 2D sheet drops through your character establishing the new costume.
I'd also like to suggest wild west and colonial/patriotic packs. The former, especially since I've seen many cowboy attempts over the years. wild west can also include elements of mexican, chinese, and native american as well as "weird wild west" which harks back to steampunk a bit. I'll be happy if they give me a pancho, and Clint Eastwood's hat.

OK, I've got to do this before this thread goes too much farther, or I won't be able to stand it.
Can we get a Flu Booster?
The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.
Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?
A: You crash into another one.
I want a Lovecraftian Booster, assuming that the Mutant Booster doesn't fit the bill. Some ideas:
Face tentacles.
A tentacle tail, with eyes and mouths.
Rularuu-like animated eyes for a chest piece, or possibly elsewhere.
A large preferably animated mouth for chest or face (I mean, the whole face being a mouth).
A bunch of tentacle or insectile arms for the back, with eyes and mouths; like the Crab Spiders but more organic.
Lovecraftian Wings; I'm picturing wings with eyes or mouths at the joints.
The Booster Power would be some sort of long recharge Fear aura, with as weird and creepy a visual effect as possible.
Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth
An Ouroboros pack would be cool.
Steampunk/Victorian would be cool, complete with new period weapons.
Accessories - back options for fixed wings, tramp stamps, backpacks and quivers; shoulder options for necklaces and upper arm tattoos; glove options to add bracelets; lower leg options that add ankle bracelets. The human pack above would go well with this. I would actually rather these were added in small batches over time to the free game.
After the cycle begins anew, it is only logical to follow the trees back around in a cyclical fashion.
Also going to echo my support for a Lovecraft pack if for nothing other than the fact that I adore Lovecraft and would kill for a set of back tentacles ala Lasher. <3
Would love an Ouroboros booster as well, or if not then at least a way to unlock the belt/chest strap/badge in game so we could make our own.

Comments aside I also forgot to mention the other idea that I'd really like to see implemented. An Alien Pack would be very useful and probably receive a wide range of use. Right off the top of my head I'd love to see a shorter set of antennae ala Gazoo, or some different types of faces (i.e. Grey alien, extra eyes without the detail option) possibly a few monstrous heads so we could have a big bulbous alien head, or a customizable face underneath a glass dome for those who don't breath Earth's atmosphere. Throw in some alien space suit tech, possibly some Buck Rogers flavored outerspace gear for those of us who prefer the Martian Manhunter style and we'd have a pretty solid booster. Could include a holophone emote, one for fiddling with an alien gizmo, perhaps even one to just look around in amazement at the strange planet you find yourself on. Kind of at a loss for a power but the first two things that spring to mind would be either an alien blaster pistol of some sort that fires a stun ray for a disorient effect on an enemy (useful for those without much mitigation) or a long-cooldown teleport power that would allow you to set a way point in a zone and teleport there (I'm thinking once every 30-60 minutes to avoid overuse and possibly disabled in PVP) but we already have a ton of vet/prestige teleports so it might be a little lackluster, or not, all depends.
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As per the Q&A with the devs earlier today, I figured I'd start up this thread as I couldn't find one. War Witch mentioned that after the release of the Mutant Pack (which they're trying to get out before GR) the concepts they could work with for future boosters are nearly limitless. She also mentioned that if we have any suggestions we should put them in a dedicated thread, so here we are.
What would you all like to see in a future superbooster as a theme? Any specific ideas that you'd like to see implemented? How about ideas for powers to be included with the booster pack similar to what we've gotten so far?
The first idea that springs to mind for me, which I've mentioned a time or two in discussions would be a Ghost Pack. Could include some newer tattered clothing options, maybe a wispy cape/cloak of some sort, and an aura option to make your character look like the ghosts in game (or perhaps tintable if you don't like bright green) along with transparency so we don't have to take a stealth power to look ethereal. No actual stealth, just slightly see-through like War Witch and Woodsman. For a power to include with this I'd suggest a sprint-level movement toggle with a unique animation like ninja run. When toggled on it would make your character levitate off the ground similar to hover or perhaps something newly animated and ghostly looking. Not an actual flight power, simply a sprint alternative that would make your character float at ground level for a more ghostly appearance. Preferably could be toggled on with ninja run for a fast-moving float.
So what are your ideas fellow CoXers? Pirates? Aliens? Merfolk? Undead? Golden Age? Medieval Knights? Space Rangers? Killer Sloths? The possibilities are endless and if we let the devs know our ideas then it's all the more likely they'll make it to the game some way or another. So let's get the ball rolling folks! What do you want in the next Super Booster?