Discussion: Formspring.me 4/23 Dev Q&A Transcript




I actually quite liked reading that - made me giggle in a couple of places. Sure I would have liked a bit more info on a couple of subjects and a couple of the chosen questions seem stupid (when is I17 coming, please it was announced around the same time as the Q&A!) but we are also getting the 6th b'day meet and great on the test server soon. So you never know they may come back with answers to some of the questions they didn't (or couldn't) answer this time around.

Member of GGRRR, a SG on Defiant - check out our website - GGRRR
Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
16. Has Paragon Studios redefined "player" to require your mouse to subscribe separately from your keyboard?
If your mouse has greater processing power than your gfx card, the answer is yes.



Originally Posted by Sermon View Post
Is there a technical reason why we can't have more than 36 slots?

I have 24 full slots at the moment. It's not exactly a pressing issue in my case, but I hope that it will be an option to go beyond 36 eventually!
Thing is, 36 slots is A LOT of character slots for an MMORPG. In fact, I'd venture to guess that CoH has, hands down, more character slots than any video game on the market.

(36 slots per server puts those two other MMOs made by that competitor company to shame, what with them only allowing 3 slots IN TOTAL.)



Originally Posted by Mr Bandwagon View Post
Wouldn't calling the hospital Cole Memorial mean Cole is dead?
That would imply that Marcus Cole is the only person with the last name of "Cole" on the entire planet.

My current theory is that he named the hospital after his dear old mum.



WOW. When they answered my question about the ability to switch sides solo, my jaw dropped and I shrieked so loud with amazement, I never get chosen for anything, that I disturbed my kitty who was napping by the keyboard, and brought Mark into my office at a trot.

So, I can bring a bad-*** scrapper to the Rogue Isles, and mayhaps finally get to Grandville

Happy, Happy, happy

Lisa-Still doing the Snoopy dance

So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



Originally Posted by Severe View Post
seriously two issues..one you actually had someone ask when issue 17 is?

and the 2nd issue is the fact out of all the other questions you picked this one like your doing us a favor?

who picked this question ..this question should have been ignored ..i had 2 better questions then that. and you wonder why the playerbase is dead
I wish someone would have told me I was dead before I got up this morning!



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
This ventures into territory the devs can't discuss in too much detail, so they are usually cautious try to avoid discussing too deeply. Its also something that they have historically found difficult to articulate precisely even in areas they are allowed to discuss.

I'm not as cautious, and extremely wordy.

First: we were never meant to be "equal" to 3 even minions. Even back when Statesman was making that statement, I discussed with him the fact that statement was misleading and contradicted other things he said about the game balance. What he said was that 3 even minions was originally meant to be a challenge to players, because that was the standard spawn in a mission (for one player). Obviously, when you are designing a game, you try to generate opposition for the player to overcome that is within their means to do so but generally not trivial to do so.

We were meant to be challenged by three minions, but generally win. By definition, that means we were always supposed to be superior to three even minions. Just not so superior that they were meaningless to us.

Today, that rule is just a whisper of a guideline. The devs now recognize that because of the way the level progression works, the players get more powerful relative to the critters as they get higher. And the devs now *want* the players to get more powerful relative to the critters, to provide the psychological feedback of progress. So we are "balanced against" increasingly higher levels of threat as we get higher.

But as I said, that's just a guideline. The game balance is based around a set of boundaries that define a range of acceptably balanced performance, rather than a specific "target." To the best of my knowledge, these are the parameters the game is balanced *within*:

1. Every powerset combination where the player makes reasonable choices to do so should be able to reasonably solo the core story content of the game.

2. When averaged across all of the players that play the game every powerset combination should generate performance similar to that of the average performance of all players playing all powerset combinations, to within a specific range centered around that average. This should be true under a set of different specific circumstances, such as different combat levels.

3. A player should be theoretically be able to level from level one to level 50 by playing and completing some subset of the core story content less than 100%. In addition, the amount of time for the average player to complete that content should fall within a certain leveling range. Above average players can level significantly faster without generating unacceptably high performance up to some unknown (and possibly non-specific) limit.

There are other minor rules here and there I'm aware of that I doubt you'd be interested in. The problem is that I have only a vague sense of the actual numbers involved in #2, and absolutely no idea (except what basic logic tells me) about the numbers involved in #3, and the devs are explicitly barred from discussing either. To the extent that I know anything about those quantities I'm equally barred from discussing them except in vague terms comparable to what the devs have already said in public.

This is just unfortunately one of those topics for which the devs could give answers, but for most people they cannot give satisfactory ones and would be forced to terminate the discussion at almost every turn. The fact that there are still people who think we were, are, or were ever considered to be "equal to three minions" attests to the difficulty in communicating about this specific topic. That statement was never, ever true and even when Statesman was here I worked hard to correct that misunderstanding, with only very limited success. Its just a very difficult topic to cover without falling into a lot of misunderstandings and general arguments.

Thank you for the more in depth response to the question I posed in the Q&A. It was certainly more informative than theirs. In fairness, it is more informative than I expected theirs to be but I had hoped for something more than "Is it fun?"

One minor nitpick: I didn't say "equal," I said "roughly equivalent" to convey in two words what you explained above.

There are other minor rules here and there I'm aware of that I doubt you'd be interested in.
I am, in fact, interested and would appreciate hearing your thoughts on it.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Originally Posted by Mr_Zek View Post
I wish someone would have told me I was dead before I got up this morning!

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



The part about the per-server character limit not going up was really disappointing to me. I do agree with Evilanna that 36 slots is a lot, but there' something about CoH that really encourages (just mine? hope not) altitis and so while 36 slots is nice more would be better.

Much, much better. Enough that I'd pay for it, as a matter of fact.



Originally Posted by Mr Bandwagon View Post
Wouldn't calling the hospital Cole Memorial mean Cole is dead?
Maybe its Monica Cole ?

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



What is the next booster pack and when is it going to be released?

War Witch: The next booster pack, as you have already asked about, is the Mutant Pack! We're working to get it to you before we release the Expansion. I can't give specifics, but you'll dig it!

Have you considered any extra travel powers with-in the game?

[Castle] As a matter of fact, we always discuss new travel powers and had a meeting this morning to discuss this. (NOTE: To clarify, there are no new travel powers planned for Going Rogue!)
1+1 = 2!! Tunneling power for the mutant pack! lol

Classic Dungeon Crawl Arc ID: 2232-"A satirical look at your average dungeon"
Down the Rabbit Hole Arc IDs: 24346 24397-"Rescue a little girl from an insidious dream invader."



Originally Posted by Resolve View Post
The part about the per-server character limit not going up was really disappointing to me. I do agree with Evilanna that 36 slots is a lot, but there' something about CoH that really encourages (just mine? hope not) altitis and so while 36 slots is nice more would be better.

Much, much better. Enough that I'd pay for it, as a matter of fact.
Yeah, I didn't get the answer I was hoping for. But at least now I know that I better get comfortable playing on a server other than Virtue because I have way to many characters to make with the new heroic/villainous combos that are possible from switching sides.

Classic Dungeon Crawl Arc ID: 2232-"A satirical look at your average dungeon"
Down the Rabbit Hole Arc IDs: 24346 24397-"Rescue a little girl from an insidious dream invader."



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Hopefully, you'll be pleased. I've been playing the set in our internal playtests the last couple weeks and I'm having a blast.
How can you be having a blast when you're playing a control set, ha ha get it? Blast....control....yeah

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Originally Posted by FitzSimmons View Post
I'm pretty sure the DR to pve thing was a joke. PVPers are bitter and have raised this before. "How would you PVE-ers like it if you had to deal with DR?" So on and so forth.

I hate pvp now. I hate the fact that the rules are different and they're not documented anywhere. It sucks balls. Big balls. HUGE balls!
And yet, here I am, a PvE-er who's *asking* for Diminishing Returns to come to PvE. Not only wouldn't I mind, I'd cheer for it. The PvE-ers who wouldn't like it are the same crew, or at least the same mentality of the hard core PvP crowd who min-max to hit the caps. Diminishing Returns reduces that hard-target obsession.

And in fact, we *do* have DR in the PvE world, it's called ED, which, once the IO system came out, is regarded by most PvE-ers who understand game mechanics and balance, a good thing.

Originally Posted by British Battler View Post

Bloomin cheapscates, when Villains hit as a retail we got FOUR per server, here they go giving us just TWO slot tokens.

This is the only gripe I have though at he moment.
CoV gave us an extra 4 free slots.

Then, for no specific reason, Paragon Studios gave us another 24 slots! That's 24 slots! Extra. Without having to pay for them.

Well, except for the fact that the 24 extra slots were locked and we have to pay to unlock them.

However, Paragon Studios gave everyone 2 free unlocks (Slot Tokens) when they gave us the 24 extra slots.

Then they gave us a free Slot Token for every year you've been subscribed to the game as Veteran Rewards.

Now, they're giving us 2 more free Slot Tokens for Going Rogue.

Paragon Studios has been very generous with this feature they could have charged dearly for, like WoW does.

And they gave us two months of FREE SERVER TRANSFER so people can move characters around in preparation for GR. Which is another service that other games charge dearly for.

Again, they've been exceedingly generous.

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
And yet, here I am, a PvE-er who's *asking* for Diminishing Returns to come to PvE. Not only wouldn't I mind, I'd cheer for it. The PvE-ers who wouldn't like it are the same crew, or at least the same mentality of the hard core PvP crowd who min-max to hit the caps. Diminishing Returns reduces that hard-target obsession.

And in fact, we *do* have DR in the PvE world, it's called ED, which, once the IO system came out, is regarded by most PvE-ers who understand game mechanics and balance, a good thing.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Elric View Post
The Q&A was useless.

I'm sorry,but i can't help but be upset this whole thing. If you can't answer the questions that you know everyone has at the tip of their tongue, then please don't hold a Q&A.
I didn't expect them to answer as many questions as they did. Yeah, it kinda sucked that some of the questions people apparently submitted were simple stuff that could of easily been gleaned from the forums, but they did answer some good questions as well. Such as about the slots - not the answer I was hoping for (can we get a few more slots than that?) but it's nice knowing the answer. Nice bit about knowing that spears would be a weapon for a staff powerset. It was good getting the main concern with the hero respec - wave timers - back in their minds.

Yes, they had to market-speak more than we (or they) would of liked. Yes, some of the questions were... questionable. But overall, we did get some nice new info.

So it wasn't worthless/useless.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



War Witch: ... War Witch! Double teaming, dead and undead versions...
. . .I'll be in my bunk.

"...his madness keeps him sane.": My Profile on VirtueVerse
Can You WIN the Internet? MA Arc #85544
Inhuman Resources - At Work with IE #298132
Task Force Mutternacht #349522 <-- 1st AE Challenge



no offense but that was a waste of 5 minutes of my life. Nothing new was learned, except new dance emotes. ooo I'm soo excited.

Next time a Q&A comes up, don't answer questions that have already been answered in forumns or on main website, that is just counter productive.



Yeah, it would have been nice to hear more detailed new information on stuff... But really, what did you expect, or assume, would come out of this?

As for the useless questions that were answered, based on Castle's response, it sounds like they were each given a stack of questions and told to answer each and every one that they CAN answer, excepting for duplication, and to not bypass a question simply because it's assumed to be common knowledge.

It takes up valuable developer time, but I think the 'blame' should lie at the questioners' feet as they should have at least checked the forums for any answers they might be seeking. (Note - this assumes the people angry about the 'uselessness' of this Q&A are looking for someone to hoist on the yardarm. )

A question I wish that would have been answered is whether the 'doppelganger' storyline is going to have some kind of copy of the mission-holder, and if this tech will be expanded into other areas of the game.

At any rate, I appreciate the devs taking time out of their day to run the Q&A...

Test Subject 42 - lvl 50 Sp/DA Scrapper
Oku No Te - lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper
Borg Master - lvl 24 Bots/traps MM

Nyghtfyre - lvl 50 DM/SR Scrapper



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
And in fact, we *do* have DR in the PvE world, it's called ED, which, once the IO system came out, is regarded by most PvE-ers who understand game mechanics and balance, a good thing.
If you think that balance means homogenization, sure.

IOs only require it because you can only slot one of each type of IO. Without that rule, ED would have no particular purpose for IOs, and builds could be MUCH more diverse.

"But then everybody would use triple aspects or a few types of enhancements!"

Then that means that triple aspects are unbalanced and some enhancement types could get other multipliers.

ED only makes sense in the context of other aspects of enhancements that don't make sense. They are anti-variety, confusing, and an unsophisticated form of pseudo balance.

BTW I did not play CoH in issue 5 (in before "you just want to be overpowered" ad hominem).

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



Originally Posted by Terror1 View Post
Wow i did not know you people don´t like vodka. VERY interesting.
I answered that one. For all I know, the rest of the team drinks nothing BUT vodka. I'm more of a pale ale guy in case you were curious. Cheers!

David Nakayama, Lead Concept Artist
COH Concept Art Gallery now open at



Sorry didnt have time to ask this during the Q&A, but...

Can get the vomit emotes??

Miss Arc #147491: Rise of Bedlam
AKA Iron Smoke @Champion Server



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Hmm. Some of it was interesting little tidbits...

Will you ever change or update the Loading Pictures when you enter a zone?? by Magma09
[David Nakayama] Yes, this is in the works!

I didn't know that. But I'm glad I do now.
Cool, man. Tried to drop some confirmation for you guys, and I hope you enjoyed seeing the new hospital design as well.

David Nakayama, Lead Concept Artist
COH Concept Art Gallery now open at



Originally Posted by PC_guy View Post
Am I the only one that is angered/confused by people asking for DR in PvE?
You're not the only one. The very idea of DR in PvE is a teeth-grindingly bad idea.

Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
I'd be all for Diminishing Returns coming to regular PvE.
Et tu, Zombie Man?

The best comics are still 10�!
My City of Heroes Blog Freedom Feature Article: "Going Rageless?"
If you only read one guide this year, make it this one.
Super Reflexes: the Golden Fox of power sets!
WARNING: I bold names.



when we respec after changing sides we get that sides epic/patron powers, but which AT matches to which AT? is it brute to scrapper? brute to tank? corr to blaster? dom to controller? and what about vice versa? scrapper and tank to brute?

/gignore @username is the best feature of this game. It's also probably the least used feature.
Originally Posted by Nights_Dawn View Post
Hazy is right
Can't get enough Hazy? /chanjoin robo's lounge today!



Originally Posted by Terror1 View Post
This was not really much of a Q&A. It was more PR to promote GR and all question about issues existing within the game currently were avoided.
Yes, I got the same feeling. Very disapointing

One small comment: Marketing maybe needs to be represented in the real world and not of the forums as much. Need more people playing the game...

Broomhilda BS/Regen/BM Scrapper, Fiddle Faddle Shield/ElecM/BM Tank,
And many others..
Dev's With all the Great new content, Please!! dont forget to fix the bugs with the old content. There is a storm a brewing because they are not getting fixed. If its a problem that no one is reporting them? Well Maybe you need to look at your tech support then..