Discussion: Formspring.me 4/23 Dev Q&A Transcript




Originally Posted by David Nakayama View Post
I answered that one. For all I know, the rest of the team drinks nothing BUT vodka. I'm more of a pale ale guy in case you were curious. Cheers!
Alexander Keith's IPA for the win!



that was an interesting tidbit to me as well, are they designing new pools for flipped characters, or are they going with general analogues, like tankers to brutes or scrapps to stalkers(and before anyone hops on me, i DID say general, not exact). I'm wondering if that would really work out, defenders and blasters both could have arguments made as to them being closer to corrupters, and mms really are functionally different than any blueside at, so this does lead to some interesting questions.

the other, less pressing thing was the spear/staff comment. having been part of a few discussions on the topic, i could certainly live with fudging the animations but it is interesting to have a set encompass both a cutting weapon, which should be lethal damage, and a bludgeoning weapon, which would be staves. it will be interesting to see the resolution of it, if and when it happens.



Originally Posted by British Battler View Post
You'll be telling me next that our monthly subs don't go towards paying the staffs wages as they work on the "Free" updates they produce a few times a year to keep us playing here.
That's one of the more ridiculous straw man arguments I've seen in a while. Straw man arguments don't work when it doesn't look like a straw man, but instead, like a big pile of excrement. Instead of pushing over the straw man, you simply fall into it.

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Originally Posted by David Nakayama View Post
Cool, man. Tried to drop some confirmation for you guys, and I hope you enjoyed seeing the new hospital design as well.
I liked the new hospital concept art Mr. Nakayama (do you live in the mountains by the way?) The Praetoria concept art is really slick and nice, and judging by the (few) screenshots I've seen Praetoria is just as slick as its concept art.

One question: Are all the hospitals in Praetorai named "Cole Memorial" like how all the Rogue Isles hospitals are named "Black Heart Memorial," or does each hospital have a unique name like the Paragon City hospitals?

I really, really hope it's the latter because all the RI hospitals having the same name is my number one pet peeve for CoV. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it!



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
That's one of the more ridiculous straw man arguments I've seen in a while. Straw man arguments don't work when it doesn't look like a straw man, but instead, like a big pile of excrement. Instead of pushing over the straw man, you simply fall into it.
You know, all I was saying was that apart from this one thing...only 2 extra character slots per account, compared to the last retail release is poor, a few more posts may not be as vocal as myself, but you really do not seem to really want to be bothered on it apart say we should be happy with it. You have decided it's fair, and that's it. As for bringing in Straw man arguments, well thanks for that, didn't have a clue what you were on about, I would call that an over reaction ans maybe a tad sensitive. But it has proved to me the lengths you will go to and ignore any discussion about it just to try and rubbish someone else. Any arguments and discussion put forward do not seem to matter at all if it does not conform to your view point, as any little bits will just be quoted and rounded on anyway. I maybe should have put some and bin the post to lighten it up a bit, but then again, I don't think that would have mattered really.

Overall, we both must like this game, otherwise we still wouldn't be around playing it after so long, but 2 slots is what we got with an issue when they expanded the overall slots to 36 and brought out the VEATS (think it was the same time), so just 2 when we have a Gamechanging product like Going Rogue seems to do it a diservice, as many people have filled all there slots with charaxters already, might be only able to afford the new release at the time and want to play more that 2 new characters in Preatoria, heck each AT is getting a new powerset to start AND we're getting a new starting zone. With all the teaming and leveling madness, even if you have a couple of slots and play on more than 1 server with mates (RL and online) those 2 slots are not going to go far.

Maybe another free server transfer window during the 6th Anniversary Festivities could help with this, now we know what we're getting, as a lot of people only play on 1 or 2 servers mainly and may have some "Storage" slots available to place characters put out to pasture to give them room for when GR hits. Yes people knew GR was coming out, but many probably expected more than 2 tokens, and a few might have been expecting another 12 purchaseable slots with 4 or 5 with the box. For many they may have already planned what they were doing with GR, but maybe before they knew about Kinetic Melee and Elec Control, as Pistols and Demons were known about but no others so a new plan needs to be worked out. Anyway, just a few ideas and discussion points for everyone, but I probably already know the reply I will read in the morning



Originally Posted by Daemodand View Post
Your daughter is right. It's OK.
It's scary how often my daughter is right these days... :shocked:

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

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- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



Originally Posted by Mutant_Mike View Post
But really, what did you expect, or assume, would come out of this?
A Q&A session?



Originally Posted by Terror1 View Post
A Q&A session?
Agreed, we expected actual answers, the Devs shouldn't have answered the, "Stupid Questions" and just ignored them.

My Lego Models http://www.flickr.com/photos/30369639@N07/ lemur lad: God you can't be that stupid... I'm on at the same time as you for once, and not 20 minutes into it you give me something worth petitioning?
Lady-Dee: Hey my fat keeps me warm in the winter and shady in the summer.



Originally Posted by TargetOne View Post
Me too! If I could pay a one-time fee of, say, $10-$15 to expand the maximum to 72 slots on a server of my choice (*cough*Virtue*cough*), I'd be happy. Heck, I might even be willing to pay an extra monthly fee (a couple of bucks) for the privilege. This, on top of the existing cost to buy extra slots!

I've still got a couple of unused slots I paid for but can't really use 'cause I already have 36 allocated on Virtue.

Seriously, a "character slot" is really just a bunch of numbers in a database. It couldn't take more than a few kilobytes at most to represent a character's appearance, powersets, bio, contacts, badges, etc. And storage is dirt-cheap nowadays. There's no compelling reason why they HAVE to limit the maximum to 36, especially if players are willing to pay for more.

Why even allow us to buy extra slots, or grant them as rewards, if you're going to put an arbitrary, artificial limit on the whole thing?
I think I've found your problem! You need to play on a server other than virtue.



Some new goodies incomming.

A nice thing would be a harder date for the GR expansion :-)



Originally Posted by British Battler View Post
You know.. but I probably already know the reply I will read in the morning
I'd like more slots, too. That doesn't mean the Devs haven't been generous in the past. It's the insistence that the Devs are obligated to give us more else they're doody-heads is what I was pushing back against in this thread.

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I dont know if I missed this, but has there been anything said about the very likely possibility that the entire playerbase will switch to vigilante because its the most advantageous. Having access to both contents and the hero side market is just too strong a benefit to ignore.

Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.



Originally Posted by David Nakayama View Post
Cool, man. Tried to drop some confirmation for you guys, and I hope you enjoyed seeing the new hospital design as well.
Did indeed like it a lot
One quick semi-artsy question; Any chance of a cinematic intro to the game? I feel the team really missed a trick with that; the cinematics for CoV release and suchnot were really, really cool, as was the GR one. Some manner of intro cinematic, which could also be used as a 'general' promotion for the game, would be great, imo.

And, really off-topic; gizza job?

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by British Battler View Post
You know, all I was saying was that apart from this one thing...only 2 extra character slots per account, compared to the last retail release is poor, a few more posts may not be as vocal as myself, but you really do not seem to really want to be bothered on it apart say we should be happy with it. You have decided it's fair, and that's it. As for bringing in Straw man arguments, well thanks for that, didn't have a clue what you were on about, I would call that an over reaction ans maybe a tad sensitive. But it has proved to me the lengths you will go to and ignore any discussion about it just to try and rubbish someone else. Any arguments and discussion put forward do not seem to matter at all if it does not conform to your view point, as any little bits will just be quoted and rounded on anyway. I maybe should have put some and bin the post to lighten it up a bit, but then again, I don't think that would have mattered really.

Overall, we both must like this game, otherwise we still wouldn't be around playing it after so long, but 2 slots is what we got with an issue when they expanded the overall slots to 36 and brought out the VEATS (think it was the same time), so just 2 when we have a Gamechanging product like Going Rogue seems to do it a diservice, as many people have filled all there slots with charaxters already, might be only able to afford the new release at the time and want to play more that 2 new characters in Preatoria, heck each AT is getting a new powerset to start AND we're getting a new starting zone. With all the teaming and leveling madness, even if you have a couple of slots and play on more than 1 server with mates (RL and online) those 2 slots are not going to go far.

Maybe another free server transfer window during the 6th Anniversary Festivities could help with this, now we know what we're getting, as a lot of people only play on 1 or 2 servers mainly and may have some "Storage" slots available to place characters put out to pasture to give them room for when GR hits. Yes people knew GR was coming out, but many probably expected more than 2 tokens, and a few might have been expecting another 12 purchaseable slots with 4 or 5 with the box. For many they may have already planned what they were doing with GR, but maybe before they knew about Kinetic Melee and Elec Control, as Pistols and Demons were known about but no others so a new plan needs to be worked out. Anyway, just a few ideas and discussion points for everyone, but I probably already know the reply I will read in the morning
batt, you ignored me the first time, but cov also cost more than gr does. for base gr, it is 30 bucks usd, for cov it was full price, either 50 or 60 bucks at launch(i forget the exact amount, someone else will likely fill in that blank.), we got more because we paid more. for the difference in price you could get far more than 2 slots.



Originally Posted by Terror1 View Post
A Q&A session?
we got one, the developers didnt answer questions for things that they didnt have an answer to, and they didnt answer questions with the answers that people wanted to hear, but they reflected the reality of the game. we rarely get major info in these(usually we get less, the spears answer, the revelation of epic/patron changing, and the tentative release window for the mutant pack,the moral switch timer, and how many bleeding slots we are getting, as well as the future of boosters were information) so this was not out of line with usual q and a's. particularly with ww giving a "state of the game " address next week. yeah the release date and powers question were poorly chosen, but otherwise it was a standard q and a, teasing, not revealing.



Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
I dont know if I missed this, but has there been anything said about the very likely possibility that the entire playerbase will switch to vigilante because its the most advantageous. Having access to both contents and the hero side market is just too strong a benefit to ignore.
well, since you said entire playerbase, i can reassure you. of my 30+heroes, none are going vigilante, so there you go, the entire playerbase isnt going vigilante, problem solved, have a cookie



Originally Posted by Jerikko View Post
no offense but that was a waste of 5 minutes of my life.
Incidentally, I get that same feeling from reading your post.

I knew exactly what was this was going to be - a PR move to get me all giddy about Going Rogue. Hell, the inclusion of exclusive concept art was a dead give away.

No one really should have expected them to answer the hardball questions. Everything was filtered through the marketing department.

"I saw my advantage and took it. That's what heroes do." - Homer Simpson.



Originally Posted by terrible_deli View Post
Incidentally, I get that same feeling from reading your post.

I knew exactly what was this was going to be - a PR move to get me all giddy about Going Rogue. Hell, the inclusion of exclusive concept art was a dead give away.

No one really should have expected them to answer the hardball questions. Everything was filtered through the marketing department.
theres a difference not answering hardball questions and answering questions that they have A) already answered or B) are easily accessible which most of the questions they picked fall under one of those two.

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



Originally Posted by Hazygreys View Post
when we respec after changing sides we get that sides epic/patron powers, but which AT matches to which AT? is it brute to scrapper? brute to tank? corr to blaster? dom to controller? and what about vice versa? scrapper and tank to brute?
Each AT get's it's own. While the general purpose can be cross-matched (Blaster/Stalker, Corrupter/Defender, etc) each AT is still unique in what "holes" it has - which is what APP/PPPs are to fill.

Originally Posted by OutRage View Post
Wait. Didn't Stalkers get an accidental sneak peak of their Epic Ancillary Pool during Feature Update Issue 17 Beta?
Yeah, and I don't think any were an exact match for anything live - also, we got the standard "This isn't even beta-firm yet" bit from Castle.

Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
I dont know if I missed this, but has there been anything said about the very likely possibility that the entire playerbase will switch to vigilante because its the most advantageous. Having access to both contents and the hero side market is just too strong a benefit to ignore.
They've mentioned rewards for those who stay "pure".
Originally Posted by PC_guy View Post
theres a difference not answering hardball questions and answering questions that they have A) already answered or B) are easily accessible which most of the questions they picked fall under one of those two.
PC_Guy - you've been around long enough to understand how marketing is on letting the news out of the bag. And yeah, there were some of the already answered, but there was some good chunks that were new and/or more clearly stated.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



When's I17 coming out?



Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post

PC_Guy - you've been around long enough to understand how marketing is on letting the news out of the bag. And yeah, there were some of the already answered, but there was some good chunks that were new and/or more clearly stated.
I understand how marketing works, i think its crap but i still understand it.

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
we got one, the developers didnt answer questions for things that they didnt have an answer to, and they didnt answer questions with the answers that people wanted to hear, but they reflected the reality of the game. we rarely get major info in these(usually we get less, the spears answer, the revelation of epic/patron changing, and the tentative release window for the mutant pack,the moral switch timer, and how many bleeding slots we are getting, as well as the future of boosters were information) so this was not out of line with usual q and a's. particularly with ww giving a "state of the game " address next week. yeah the release date and powers question were poorly chosen, but otherwise it was a standard q and a, teasing, not revealing.
Yes but it was stupid, the definition of stupid to have a Q&A with things that we already knew from other interviews and common sense.

Frankly I could care less if the Dev Team likes Vodka, it has nothing to do with the game or other questions like what non-COX characters do the Devs like, etc...

Those were questions that shouldn't have been asked for something like this.

Plus, if Marketing wasn't going to let them answer any of the hardball questions, then why did they even have a Q&A at all.

It was pointless.

My Lego Models http://www.flickr.com/photos/30369639@N07/ lemur lad: God you can't be that stupid... I'm on at the same time as you for once, and not 20 minutes into it you give me something worth petitioning?
Lady-Dee: Hey my fat keeps me warm in the winter and shady in the summer.



Originally Posted by Robo_Knight View Post
Yes but it was stupid, the definition of stupid to have a Q&A with things that we already knew from other interviews and common sense.

Frankly I could care less if the Dev Team likes Vodka, it has nothing to do with the game or other questions like what non-COX characters do the Devs like, etc...

Those were questions that shouldn't have been asked for something like this.

Plus, if Marketing wasn't going to let them answer any of the hardball questions, then why did they even have a Q&A at all.

It was pointless.
robo, im going to be polite here, but you are just being overly dramatic about this. as i said, this is about as much in line with information as past q and a sessions, if YOU found nothing of value, do not assume none of us did. part of the reason for the closeness of the community to the developers is that we do see their more human sides as well, so yeah silly questions like the vodka one was just that, a little communtiy nod, if there had been a better question that they could have answered with what they are allowed to say now, the likely would have but there wasnt. please try to be rational here. and maybe you could toss around the term stupid a bit less, it can come back at you.



I wish they would have hit the vodka before the session and actually told us something...



Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
Each AT has access to different Epic sets.

Basically, he's asking what sets/powers will each AT have to choose from on the other side.
My understanding is each AT will have tweaked power sets available to it.

IE Brutes will have Epic pools made to fit them, and Blasters will have patron pools tailored to fit them etc.

Probably just tweaks of existing stuff but I'm pretty sure that's how it's going to break down.

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker