Discussion: Formspring.me 4/23 Dev Q&A Transcript




Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
She does have a big honking sword, which I actually believe you've seen. It's the basic Legacy Broadsword, which ends up being the biggest sword a female has access to, and by a fair margin.

Err... I can't post pictures of it because the mysterious stranger didn't include the sword in. If I had to guess, I'd say it wouldn't have made for as good a demonstration of the texture, but I wouldn't really know. I don't know this person, so I'm just guessing. He or she did send me an angry letter lamenting about how he or she wanted to put on the male upper legs texture on the picture, as well, but was unable to for reasons that weren't explained. I would guess technical ones, but I wouldn't know. I would never dream of doing any of this, myself, but I'm kind of sorry that my mysterious benefactor came up short. Oh, well

Here's hoping for the future, though. I honestly feel there is at least SOME leeway that can be had with this line of artwork.

I certainly hope so - goodness knows I have a truckload of concepts that would look even better with something like that; and a hundred truckloads of concepts I had to scrap because it isn't available.



Hey, folks. I'm packing up the art discussion and moving it over to City Life on an ongoing basis. We'll be discussing all things art-related in CoX, so feel free to drop by.

David Nakayama, Lead Concept Artist
COH Concept Art Gallery now open at



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
You know, some anonymous person who I know absolutely nothing about and have never met before dropped this unusual, probably illegally-created image in my inbox. Apparently some kind stranger took pity on my poor argument and decided to something that I don't understand and know nothing about and apparently create a female model with what looks like a fairly muscular torso. I'm sure that whoever this person is could get in trouble, so it's a good thing he remained anonymous.
Can anyone confirm if it's really illegal or against the EULA to make a screenshot like that? I've played around with demo editing, and found out that I can achieve a similar look by copying and pasting parameters to the PARTNAME command from one character to another. Isn't it equal to for example replacing your character with a car, or replacing your pets with your other toons to get a team pic? If this is prohibited, is there any other types of demo editing which is illegal to use for screenshots or machinimas? I love to experiment with demo editing, but I don't want to break the rules.

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Originally Posted by David Nakayama View Post
If something is simply not going to happen, I'll always try to level with you guys and explain why it's the case. Thanks for understanding!
Okay, can you explain why we won't be getting 4 slots per server with this expansion like we did when we bought City of Villains?

I see that the question of character slots was brought up and not answered - as far as I can tell - multiple times - here and in other threads.

I see no reason to go "Champions Online" with us in regards to character slots.

If we can get what we came to expect as far as new character slots with an expansion, then please explain why it is the case.

Why is it that 2 is some how the magic number, or was this a joke?




Originally Posted by The_Alt_oholic View Post
Okay, can you explain why we won't be getting 4 slots per server with this expansion like we did when we bought City of Villains?

I see that the question of character slots was brought up and not answered - as far as I can tell - multiple times - here and in other threads.

I see no reason to go "Champions Online" with us in regards to character slots.

If we can get what we came to expect as far as new character slots with an expansion, then please explain why it is the case.

Why is it that 2 is some how the magic number, or was this a joke?

That isn't a question that David can answer. He is Art chief. Extra slots sounds like production to me, but at any rate, it's someone other than him.

Also: Did you have to resuscitate this thread? Aren't you making this same point elsewhere?

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Originally Posted by The_Alt_oholic View Post
Okay, can you explain why we won't be getting 4 slots per server with this expansion like we did when we bought City of Villains?

I see that the question of character slots was brought up and not answered - as far as I can tell - multiple times - here and in other threads.

I see no reason to go "Champions Online" with us in regards to character slots.

If we can get what we came to expect as far as new character slots with an expansion, then please explain why it is the case.

Why is it that 2 is some how the magic number, or was this a joke?

Bringing back a thread a month and a half dead just so you can berate the Art Lead about your not getting enough free slots with the release of GR? You could have at least addressed your complaint to the right people in a private PM.



Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
Bringing back a thread a month and a half dead just so you can berate the Art Lead about your not getting enough free slots with the release of GR? You could have at least addressed your complaint to the right people in a private PM.

Uh, well, you aren't David Nakayama.

They said that they would address issues.

The first post is ::

Originally Posted by Sermon View Post
Is there a technical reason why we can't have more than 36 slots?

I have 24 full slots at the moment. It's not exactly a pressing issue in my case, but I hope that it will be an option to go beyond 36 eventually!
I didn't see it addressed.

Am I late to complain?

The system isn't out yet. People complain all the time about things in the game that have been going on for years.

If the villain players have been able to complain enough after-the-fact to get Influence/infamy (and it is unclear, but I'm assuming information) all bound together into one kind of currency, then I am definitely not late to complain.

So if the Art Director can't answer then maybe The Ocho can?

PM them? Why? These are forums. I could only hope that other players would be taken-aback at the "2 character tokens" is "additional character slots" controversy.
Maybe you are implying that you run the forums, but you don't.

People make suggestions and complain all the time, they don't have to do it quietly in a groveling manner.

I was asking months before this thread was started. Honestly, I wasn't paying much attention to it as I figured specifics would be listed on the game information pages.
It isn't.
If they aren't trying to hide the fact that "additional character slots" is "2 character tokens" (just 2 as far as I can tell - not 2 per server - just 2.), then are doing a good job of accidentally forgetting to tell people through the normal channels of communication.
This is game box info. It's not some in-game trick or special treat for forum goers (and what a treat it is? more of shock to me, but apparently, most people don't even care that are here in the forums. I'm not shocked by that fact at all really. It's just kind of sad and pathetic from my point of view).

Most CoH players have never come to the forums. They will have no idea that "additional character slots" will mean "2 character tokens". The game info doesn't tell you - it just says "additional character slots".
It's clear that there aren't any "additional slots".
Two tokens isn't what a customer will expect from "additional slots".

They have only the previous expansion to relate to that gave us 4 per server. Yes, 4 per server, not just 4 - certainly not just 2.

The game isn't out yet. This decision - I'm still not 100% sure it wasn't sarcasm or not - can be changed before the game is release and 100's of thousands (hopefully - might not even be 2...) and the 90% of those people that are already playing the game and have never gone to the forums are suddenly disappointed that they didn't get "additional character slots" but instead just "2 character tokens".

But I guess it is better to some people for there to be disappointed customers than to stand up against the DEVs (that generally have been looking out for us) when they are making a bad call for the game.

I guess the point is at this point, "so what".
I don't need GR to play the game. GR isn't bringing anything to the game that is a game breaker for me.
I'm not going to get if I don't get enough slots to make characters with the new power-sets. I'm not going to be suckered into buy a game "without the batteries" - and that's pretty much the story here. The power sets look cool, but I really don't have the slots to use them - 2 isn't going to hack it for this Alt-oholic.



Originally Posted by The_Alt_oholic View Post
The power sets look cool, but I really don't have the slots to use them - 2 isn't going to hack it for this Alt-oholic.
How else are you gonna get those slots? Oh wait, I suppose you don't need the slots to play the new powersets if you don't buy GR. But if you bought GR you would not only get more slots but also new stuff to fill them with. I suppose you could just buy more character slots separately but that'd be even more expensive and you wouldn't get new powers for the alts you want to put in the slots.

What's the opposite of Catch 22? A situation that can easily be resolved by the simplest and most obvious action, but which remains a problem nobody else cares about unless constantly whined and complained about. What do we call it? A "Catch Alt-oholic"?

Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522



So if the Art Director can't answer then maybe The Ocho can?
The Ocho, aka Moderator 8, has already answered your question and locked your thread dealing with this very issue. He asked you to PM him with further concerns. I suggest you do that and cease and desist further rants. If you don't, you may find yourself on the business end of the ban stick.

The two character slot tokens included with the purchase of Going Rogue were intended as a nice bonus for players who picked up Going Rogue, and not as an incentive to buy the expansion, we think there are so many reasons to get Going Rogue already! I don't know if the number had been finalized when the website went live, but there was never any attempt to deceive and I'm sorry you took it that way.

For the record, the best way to get questions like this answered if you have real concern on this issue is to pm me directly. I don't answer every PM (I wish I had the time!) but if I notice a trend of similar questions I make sure to get the question answered publicly.

I'll pass your feedback on Alty, if you want to include more please pm it to me directly. Otherwise this conversation has served its purpose so I'll go ahead and lock it.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Originally Posted by The_Alt_oholic View Post

So if the Art Director can't answer then maybe The Ocho can?

PM them? Why? These are forums. I could only hope that other players would be taken-aback at the "2 character tokens" is "additional character slots" controversy.
Maybe you are implying that you run the forums, but you don't.
Seems theOcho already answered this one for you when he locked your other thread, albeit in his Moderator 08 guise (which he normally uses when locking threads).


The two character slot tokens included with the purchase of Going Rogue were intended as a nice bonus for players who picked up Going Rogue, and not as an incentive to buy the expansion, we think there are so many reasons to get Going Rogue already! I don't know if the number had been finalized when the website went live, but there was never any attempt to deceive and I'm sorry you took it that way.

For the record, the best way to get questions like this answered if you have real concern on this issue is to pm me directly. I don't answer every PM (I wish I had the time!) but if I notice a trend of similar questions I make sure to get the question answered publicly.

I'll pass your feedback on Alty, if you want to include more please pm it to me directly. Otherwise this conversation has served its purpose so I'll go ahead and lock it.
So, your other thread got locked and you still didn't like the answer you got so you decided to get around the modlock on the thread by spewing the same diatribe here?

All this even though you were told specifically that your feedback would be passed on and if you wanted to add more to it then to PM him?

It still hasn't changed anything. CoV was an expanshalone, not a true expansion. GR is an expansion, plain and simple. A marketing model that now exists did not exist at that time (purchasable character slote). Character tokens are cashed in for character slots, but you seem to ignore this with your stance that character tokens are not additional character slots. If you can't redeem character tokens for character slots, what do you redeem them for?

Sorry, just because it wasn't what you wanted to see doesn't mean the Devs lied, doesn't mean NCSoft or Paragon Studios are using deceptive marketing practices, as you stated in the other thread. It just means that what you expected the phrase "additional character slots" to mean isn't what it turns out to be. It isn't an increase to the maximum slots per server, it isn't 4 slots per server, it is simply two character tokens to redeem for character slots on the server of your choice.

And don't blame the market merge on the villain players, I saw plenty of hero players supporting the merger and starting some of the threads in various places about it. Again, that's YOU putting YOUR spin on it and it tends to make you look silly trying to cling to that false representation of the facts.

EDIT: BAH, beaten to the punch once again by Bionic_Flea. I guess that's what I get for spending so much time in the editing window.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



I think posting in another thread about a topic that has already been locked is . . . .

Wait for it . . . . .


50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
I think posting in another thread about a topic that has already been locked is . . . .

Wait for it . . . . .


The Horror.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



More? Really, The_Alt_oholic is ranting about the character slots again? Can someone please lock this thread too? Ocho? Would love ya for it.



Originally Posted by The_Alt_oholic View Post
I could only hope that other players would be taken-aback at the "2 character tokens" is "additional character slots" controversy.
Considering you're the only one that seems to think there's any controversy here, I somehow doubt that...

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."