CoH2 registered?




It's called City of Heroes, not Paragon City of Heroes.



Originally Posted by Creole Ned View Post
It's called City of Heroes, not Paragon City of Heroes.
It's called Paragon Studios, not City of Heroes Studios.



Originally Posted by Creole Ned View Post
It's called City of Heroes, not Paragon City of Heroes.
Paragon City is the City of Heroes

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Hey, who's to say that Britain or Swaziland don't have their own 'City of Heroes'? :P

-Recruited under Arachnos' "Equal-Opportunity Villainy" plan-



Originally Posted by Genkio View Post
Hey, who's to say that Britain or Swaziland don't have their own 'City of Heroes'? :P
Well, that could be what the "2" part means - it's about the 2nd "City of heroes", not the City of Heroes

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Well, that could be what the "2" part means - it's about the 2nd "City of heroes", not the City of Heroes
Well, after Paragon City is destroyed in the Coming Storm, the survivors will need to look for somewhere else to hang their capes at night...



Originally Posted by Evilanna View Post
It's called Paragon Studios, not City of Heroes Studios.
Naming the studio after the in-game city is a nice tribute, but that doesn't mean a sequel would necessarily be set in Paragon City.

I wouldn't mind if it was, though, actually. I'd imagine they'd streamline and spiff it up from what exists in CoH now.



Originally Posted by JJDrakken View Post
Maybe keep em, but dont make em the focus. Obviously cut out much of zones, that dont need to be kept. Merge stuff together, perhaps some massive event happened, caused by "insert coming storm theories" & then have open City like with Praetoria. But less zones.

Then from there expand outwards, to say Jungles of Africa or Carribean or Wilds of Siberia or Space Stations, Another Planet, Undersea stuff, Praetoria again, etc.. etc.. etc..

Make the City Be focal point for say first 10-15 lvls, then from there you go everywhere else around the world & galaxy & what not. With Random Mishes back into Paragon or The Isles for stop X person from doing X thing. It really needs to be more epic in where we go & what we do.

Obviously work on more unique maps, sure its ok to see couple same office buildings or factory here & there, but should be waaaaaaaaaay more unique maps, that you don't see anywhere else. Take a page out of Mass Effect 2, with how they tried make every mission map as different as they could.

Re-work powers, like Assault Rifle, honestly Franken gun flamethrowing assault rifles? bah, SOA had better "Assault" rifle feel.

Anywhoozle, thats how I feel.


Let me Quote myself, :P


I delete more 50s, then you'll ever have.



I'm hoping it's not a sequel, but more of a "version 2." An expansion introducing a totally new engine and graphics, but still the same game.

MMO sequels aren't a good idea. You have a game that's already out, with a finite playerbase, yet making money for you, then you go ahead and release another game that directly competes with it? Best case scenario you pull in a few new players who didn't like the first game but want to try the second, but you still split the playerbase and end up with two games with lower subscription bases than the first (see EQ2 and Lineage 2). Or you end up killing one or both of your games (Asheron's Call 2).

I don't think the super hero MMO market is large enough to support yet another game either. Since CO sucks CoH is pretty much all there is, so the entire available market is right here playing CoH now. The DC and Marvel games are already probably going to split the market into such small fragments that all the games die (sorry, that's my prediction as much as I don't like it), adding yet another title to the mix would be silly.



Originally Posted by Creole Ned View Post
Naming the studio after the in-game city is a nice tribute, but that doesn't mean a sequel would necessarily be set in Paragon City.

I wouldn't mind if it was, though, actually. I'd imagine they'd streamline and spiff it up from what exists in CoH now.
I was being facetious, hehe. I'd like to see Paragon City/The Rogue Isles as a hub, and then heroes sent off all over the world to battle villains.

I know this concept sounds a little like Champions Online, but I would hope the CoH2 devs would make better choices with where they send heroes instead of Northern Canada (Canada is not a frozen wasteland by the way CO devs!) and the desert. A lush tropical island, or a pristine mountain lake surrounded by towering evergreen trees are my choices.



Originally Posted by Haggard4Life View Post
I feel pretty "meh" about the idea of a City of Heroes 2. Mostly my apathy comes from the fact that, if it ever does become a reality, I most likely won't be able to play it because of the graphics. There's a very annoying push in the gaming industry that all new games have to have the best graphics... graphics so good only about 10 computers in the world can play it. I haven't gotten to play a new PC game in years because of that push.

So I'll happily be sticking with CoH because I can still play it on my laptop.
I keep hearing these same concerns, but relax. Look how long it's taking to get GR (or even new issues) out. They just registered the name, so if they are doing a coh2, by the time it's released, computers themselves might have been replaced with some new technology, lol.

If they do make a coh2, they'd be nuts not to have some way for current coh players to be able to transfer toons over and convert them to the new system. That would give them a solid starting customer base, and they'd bleed less customers than if its an entirely new game with zero carry over.

Uber made a good point though. New does not necessarily mean better. I assumed CO would be better than COH, only to find that not only was it not better, it wasn't even it's equal, despite being brand new, despite having all the advantages of newer tech, and despite having the advantages of using COH as a test run by the developers who made CO.

The fact is, if something is successful, there really is no need to completely reinvent it. But sometimes creators want to perfect their art, and end up ruining what already worked. The best thing the devs could do for this game, imo, is add to it and improve it, rather than recreate it.



Originally Posted by Zaion View Post
I'm hoping it's not a sequel, but more of a "version 2." An expansion introducing a totally new engine and graphics, but still the same game.

MMO sequels aren't a good idea. You have a game that's already out, with a finite playerbase, yet making money for you, then you go ahead and release another game that directly competes with it? Best case scenario you pull in a few new players who didn't like the first game but want to try the second, but you still split the playerbase and end up with two games with lower subscription bases than the first (see EQ2 and Lineage 2). Or you end up killing one or both of your games (Asheron's Call 2).

I don't think the super hero MMO market is large enough to support yet another game either. Since CO sucks CoH is pretty much all there is, so the entire available market is right here playing CoH now. The DC and Marvel games are already probably going to split the market into such small fragments that all the games die (sorry, that's my prediction as much as I don't like it), adding yet another title to the mix would be silly.
NCsoft could be thinking of a scenario like this:

1. CoH is released in 2004 and turns out to be a solid success, peaking around 200,000 players. Not WoW-level, but decent and enough for the game to eventually turn a profit and remain profitable.
2. As years go by and other MMOs come out, CoH's numbers decline somewhat, but it retains its core playerbase.
3. In 2009 a direct competitor in Champions Online is released. This game pulls away some of CoH's core playerbase, again shrinking the overall numbers.
4. With the game now six years old and at least one more direct competitor on the horizon (DC Universe Online), NCsoft considers how best to maintain its share of the superhero MMO pie (mmm, pie). There are a few options:

a) Provide substantial support to CoH in the belief that it will shore up the core playerbase and keep drawing in some new players.
b) Provide minimal support to CoH in the belief that the core playerbase will not be substantially changed by competitors and that dramatic changes/content are not needed to keep players onboard.
c) Begin development on a sequel to capture new players and the core players who might have either quit or gone to a competing MMO.

Option C would seem a bit self-defeating, as it would almost certainly result in fewer players in CoH and not enough in CoH2 to make up the difference. Why split your playerbase?

The only reason I could see, assuming that CoH2 would be a sequel and not a unique standalone project (like a PS3 game, for example) is if it was NCsoft's intention to eventually wind down CoH and transition all of its players to the new game.

In this scenario they would eventually put CoH into maintenance mode -- no new content or updates, just bug fixes and exploits addressed. For new content, you'd have to sign up for CoH2. They could incentivize existing CoH players by offering deals on sub prices or reserving names for characters or somesuch in CoH2. "Come to the sequel, it's shiny here!"

My own belief is that C is the likeliest path *if* they really do develop a CoH2. The original game will cease to get meaningful updates and the new one will receive much love and attention.

All 100% speculation, though!



If there is a CoH2 I'd have a hard time going there if I had to leave all my existing characters behind.

About the only way I could see myself doing it would be if a sub to CoH2 kept our CoH sub active.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Cyber_naut View Post
I keep hearing these same concerns, but relax. Look how long it's taking to get GR (or even new issues) out. They just registered the name, so if they are doing a coh2, by the time it's released, computers themselves might have been replaced with some new technology, lol.

It's coming out in June.



I think CoH2 would probably have moral missions right from the start - like all the arcs would have choices in them - although I'm not sure how they'd handle that zone wise, as there'd need to be a couple of neutral zones for people to start in.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Judging from the posts in this thread and the many to come in this and other threads, I think I know what the 'Coming Storm' is! :P



Originally Posted by Knight_Marshal View Post
Judging from the posts in this thread and the many to come in this and other threads, I think I know what the 'Coming Storm' is! :P
A new game experience for us to all enjoy?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
A new game experience for us to all enjoy?
That worked so well for SWG.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



They started CoH what back in 2001 and it's only been officially released for just shy of 6 years. We won't be seeing anything for at least another 3 to 4 years.

Personally, I'd like to see it as a different city on a different continent, but then we get those complaining, why does 2 have this when 1 does not and blah blah blah.

I feel that they should just continue doing as normal, I view GR as CoH 3, and when (if ever) Coh2 gets released it should just be a huge friggen issue.

City of Heroes 2: Electric Boogaloo



Originally Posted by Jerikko View Post
Personally, I'd like to see it as a different city on a different continent
I really don't think they would - or should - have it outside America - it's like the home of comics.
I don't even think they should move it away from Paragon City - just rebuild most of it - make it be hit by some sort of cataclysm

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Man, If they make a CoH2, I hope they keep a minimalistic/meta equipement system.

Farming for equipement is the reason I can't stand to play most MMOs.



Q1 2013