CoH2 registered?




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Does that mean the Q4 2012 apocalypse launch date has been pushed back?

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Originally Posted by Cyber_naut View Post
If they do make a coh2, they'd be nuts not to have some way for current coh players to be able to transfer toons over and convert them to the new system.
I have to disagree there. I really hope it would be brand new, so that everyone starts from scratch. It can be seen in a negative light if a new player comes in on launch day and sees level 50s running around with hundreds of badges and tons of money.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Does that mean the Q4 2012 apocalypse launch date has been pushed back?
No, that was just a story to sell more books.



Originally Posted by Lord Ajax View Post
No, that was just a story to sell more books.
But some guy told me that one of his freinds had heard that another guy had said on some internet forum that the world was going to end in December 2012 - it sounded pretty official.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Does that mean the Q4 2012 apocalypse launch date has been pushed back?
It got pushed back in 2000, 2001, and so on. It is going to keep on getting pushed back so far it will be the next Duke Nukem Forever. At some point they'll just go bankrupt and Apocalypse development will come to a screeching halt.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I really don't think they would - or should - have it outside America - it's like the home of comics.
I don't even think they should move it away from Paragon City - just rebuild most of it - make it be hit by some sort of cataclysm
Maybe it can be 5 years later so there are new heroes and villians, more cities, and powers, maybe more levels since that would be silly if the level 50s didn't become stronger



We have 70 people online max on our server and 304 on max on the busy server this weekend during prime time. I do not think those kinda numbers will support and coh2. IF anything its time to merge the servers down to one.



Originally Posted by ChinaDoll View Post
We have 70 people online max on our server and 304 on max on the busy server this weekend during prime time. I do not think those kinda numbers will support and coh2. IF anything its time to merge the servers down to one.
Which server was that?



Originally Posted by TyrantMikey View Post
Which server was that?
And where did you did you get those numbers for people online?



Originally Posted by ChinaDoll View Post
We have 70 people online max on our server and 304 on max on the busy server this weekend during prime time. I do not think those kinda numbers will support and coh2. IF anything its time to merge the servers down to one.
Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace. Paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalm.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I really don't think they would - or should - have it outside America - it's like the home of comics.
I don't even think they should move it away from Paragon City - just rebuild most of it - make it be hit by some sort of cataclysm
Oh yeah, that would make a sweet expansion! Heck, maybe they can finally stop being lazy and fix Shamans and Paladins why they are at it.



Originally Posted by ChinaDoll View Post
We have 70 people online max on our server and 304 on max on the busy server this weekend during prime time. I do not think those kinda numbers will support and coh2. IF anything its time to merge the servers down to one.
Your right. And here I thought I was the only one who realized we needed to merge our servers with the WoW servers. I mean, why have just Dooooooooom! criers when we could have Dooooooooom! criers also spouting obscene racist comments about our mothers!

It's like two great tastes that go great together.



I could see them merging a few easily, but not down to one, no way in hell. I would be all for a few of them.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



I would like to see the end of CoX1 come with an invasion by Rularuu himself.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Has anyone ever noticed that the last few issues of the game including this one were to fix Players issues with what was done to the game during the Cryptic Studios run of the game under Jack, so maybe CoH2 would be what Positron and Castle had wanted the game to be when they were thinking of the old Champions pen and paper game?

I mean that could be the whole thing, Lets get a fresh start away from the mess that was made when someone didn't want to listen to the players as much but just meet deadlines and push out stuff that is only what the Lead Designer wants at that time.
But then again CoH2 is just a speculation of someone at NCSoft throwing a quick register on the Sequal name to one of their most Popular MMOs



Originally Posted by ChinaDoll View Post
We have 70 people online max on our server and 304 on max on the busy server this weekend during prime time. I do not think those kinda numbers will support and coh2. IF anything its time to merge the servers down to one.
Your numbers are a bit misleading. I just got done visiting the servers and doing a quick search on both hero and villain side during the 12:00pm EST hour on a Tuesday... just about the antithesis of prime time. Kids are all in school, most adults are at work or out to lunch.

Yet Freedom had 444 unhidden heroes and villains on the server. Virtue had 332 unhidden heroes and villains on the server. Even the least populated server at that time (Triumph) had 55 unhidden heroes and villains on the server. Again, this was during a weekday morning/afternoon (depending on time zone) and far from peak useage.

If the numbers were down when you checked might I also suggest looking outside. We've had a long winter and, at least around here, its finally bright and sunny out. The lawn needed mowed and yardwork needed to be done and my family was helping my mom with spring cleaning most of last weekend.

Just like TV ratings tank in the spring I suspect server populations for ALL MMO's have a seasonal downturn this time of year as well.



Originally Posted by DarkMistNinja View Post
But then again CoH2 is just a speculation of someone at NCSoft throwing a quick register on the Sequal name to one of their most Popular MMOs
Not to bash the game at all, I think it's doing well for what it is and the niche it fits into, but this is far from a popular MMO especially for NCsoft.

Guild Wars, Lineage, Lineage 2 and Aion, all have (or had) subscription numbers (or active accounts in GW's case) in the millions. L1 and L2 have been up in the 8-9 million range which is close to where WoW is. A guesstimate of 50k subs for CoH at this time I think is very generous. Rule of thumb though is you take daily peak population numbers and multiply that by 8 to get close to overall subscription numbers, even saying CoH has 3-5k people on at once is stretching it I think.

This game is surviving comfortably (as far as we can tell), but it's certainly not a cash cow for NCsoft to milk and I don't think they would spontaneously register trademarks to that end. Any step they take with the game is going to be calculated carefully, don't doubt for a second that the instant a mistake is made and the game becomes a money sink that NCsoft will shut it down. See Auto Assault and Tabula Rasa, both games actually had bigger starts than CoH.



Originally Posted by Zaion View Post
A guesstimate of 50k subs for CoH at this time I think is very generous. Rule of thumb though is you take daily peak population numbers and multiply that by 8 to get close to overall subscription numbers, even saying CoH has 3-5k people on at once is stretching it I think.
I'm really finding this imaginative calculations very entertaining.

SI Radio has many DJs and listeners whom hold City of Heroes close to their hearts. We will be supporting many efforts to keep CoH ALIVE!!



Sorry Maybe I shoulda Stated that NCSoft has the most Popular Super Hero MMO at the moment, thought with the way some people act I wonder how it survives....
(Dreams of what happened with SWG) Ohh Yeah now I know how it survives, we like our Devs though we don't tell them that all the time.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Just before closed beta starts.
I'd recommend whating until those of us who like the balance beat the game before you get the howl thing nerfed. :P



Originally Posted by Slope View Post
I'd rather they not make a sequel. A massive engine update would be nice, like a huge expansion. But people have worked hard on badges and such and starting fresh would be a bit of a hassle, as would moving SG's.
The problem with doing an engine update as an expansion is that the gaming engine is the foundation on which the rest of the code is built. If you do a new engine as an expansion, then you need to maintain two different sets of code. One set for those who bought the expansion and are using the new engine. One set for those who did not purchase the expansion and are using the old engine. Essentially, maintaining two different clients, making sure that both are tested on multiple platforms to ensure cross-platform support, and using multiple configurations to make sure there are no changes which force you to upgrade your minimum system requirements.

Even doing this with one client is a chore. How many times over the years have there been issues which affect specific video cards or even specific video driver versions?

This does, of course, leave the option of an upgraded engine as part of a future Issue rollout. Due to the costs of modifying all the art and all the code to work with a new engine though, that is not a realistic expectation. If it were realistic, we would probably have already seen an engine upgrade.

I will say that Paragon Studios has done some amazing work with CoH, some of which were, at one point, believed by Cryptic to be impossible to do, due to limitations of the gaming engine. My hat goes off to them.

However, if an entire engine upgrade, either as an expansion or as an issue were logistically and fiscally feasible, we probably already would have seen one, or be looking at one with Going Rogue.

- Garielle
Originally Posted by Frosty_Femme View Post
I said "ur" which is not a word. It's a sound dumb people make when you ask them to spell out "you are".



Originally Posted by LiquidX View Post
Oh yeah, that would make a sweet expansion! Heck, maybe they can finally stop being lazy and fix Shamans and Paladins why they are at it.
Pallies are very underpowered, especially in BGs! Nerf shammies!!



Originally Posted by CaptainAmazing View Post

Found anotbher link too. Nothing to jump for joy over but it shows they might be considering a counter blow to DCUO AND SWTOR once thier opening dust settles.


DCUO is doomed to fail. Did you even consider who is behind it? SOE has lost all respect as a company in my opinion.

That aside, this whole "CoH2" business appears to have an official state about it. However, I will not cross my fingers on a release date anytime soon (at least not in the next year and a half). Ultra Mode +Going Rogue are huge content updates that I strongly believe will last at least a year and a half, maybe two.

I just hope they don't go cel-shaded with CoH2. That would make me a sad, pantsless panda.



Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
It got pushed back in 2000, 2001, and so on. It is going to keep on getting pushed back so far it will be the next Duke Nukem Forever. At some point they'll just go bankrupt and Apocalypse development will come to a screeching halt.
Nah, they won't go bankrupt. Unlike games development, that particular market is much more forgiving to people who don't show any sort of results.

Character index



Time to add my 2.5 inf:

It's simply a legal thing to prevent abuse of the name by another party.

Register the copyright (and forum name, etc) and it prevents another company from making a game (with forums, potentially) called City of Heroes 2.

The game made by another company could easily be a platformer featuring a fluffy, blue vole who can fly at subsonic speeds and therefore nothing at all to do with the City of Heroes franchise.

Not as exciting a bit of speculation as others, but that's my take on it.