Put on your speculation caps

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
How about "cannot sell what you find and buy what you want in what you consider a reasonable timeframe."

Or: "cannot sell what you find and buy what you want in what you consider a reasonable timeframe compared to your experiences heroside."

Because this is the crux of the problem in my mind. It is not "separate but equal," it is "separate and one is clearly superior to the other in terms of meeting my needs and those of many others."
"Reasonable time frame is a very subjective" term. I think, purely subjectively and speculatively, that many players would consider BOTH sides failing in the sub-level 50 "reasonable time frame".

Originally Posted by B_L_Angel View Post
I remember when merits first came out this was not the case. There was someone who showed that particular pool A recipes that were not in the random roll list would be worth more when crafted and sold than the average random roll and IIRC there was someone else who showed that at a particular time the random roll was worth a little less on average than direct purchase for pool C.

I don't know what the current numbers are, has anyone done the analysis and shared it recently ?
Due to drop weights being added this data is more difficult to determine. A random roll should roughly be equal returns to the most profitable specific option. Player preference of "I don't want to wait 'till I collect enough merits" verse "I don't like random" decides the difference.



Currently, I have 2 crafted IOs, around lvl 25, both somewhat desirable recipes (Miracle Heal/End/Rech and a PBAoE Acc/Dam, I think) that I put up on sale redside for a reasonable price (under the last 5). They haven't moved in over a month. That would happen w/a sleep or snipe IO or recipe blue-side, but not w/IOs like that, I don't think. I'm hanging on to some mildly useful recipes, also in the low 20s that I'd like to sell for small amounts (well below 1M) to ppl who can use them, but not at the expense of tying up a slot for a month (hardly "reasonable" by anyone's standards, I think), so they'll likely get vendored/trashed. Seems a shame, but considering I can turn a minimum of a few hundred K per slot per day (and that's w/o even trying, really), there's no way I'm going to waste a slot on slow moving item (which, I'm not even trying to make money on, but figured someone could use them).

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee



Originally Posted by dave_p View Post
Currently, I have 2 crafted IOs, around lvl 25, both somewhat desirable recipes (Miracle Heal/End/Rech and a PBAoE Acc/Dam, I think) that I put up on sale redside for a reasonable price (under the last 5). They haven't moved in over a month. That would happen w/a sleep or snipe IO or recipe blue-side, but not w/IOs like that, I don't think. I'm hanging on to some mildly useful recipes, also in the low 20s that I'd like to sell for small amounts (well below 1M) to ppl who can use them, but not at the expense of tying up a slot for a month (hardly "reasonable" by anyone's standards, I think), so they'll likely get vendored/trashed. Seems a shame, but considering I can turn a minimum of a few hundred K per slot per day (and that's w/o even trying, really), there's no way I'm going to waste a slot on slow moving item (which, I'm not even trying to make money on, but figured someone could use them).
Keep in mind those last 5 purchases could have been created by a marketteer that is attempting to manipulate that items pricing.

So "reasonable" pricing based off the last 5 bids for that item may not be "reasonable" to any of the real bidders.

I'd actually like to see global names attached to bids and selling goods so that we can better track and avoid unscrupulous marketing practices. But then, where's the fun in that? :P



I wonder how many toons in the 20s there are red-side being actively played. Seems like a level range that gets passed by fairly quickly, and I think folks are waiting on I17 and beyond to really roll much new (I'd guess of the Dual Pistols rolled many more were blue-side). At least for recipes in the 30s there's more of an exemp demand for them - not so sure about 20s.

Super Packs Done Right
Influence Sink: IO Level Mod/Recrafting
Random Merit Rolls: Scale cost by Toon Level



Originally Posted by gec72 View Post
I wonder how many toons in the 20s there are red-side being actively played. Seems like a level range that gets passed by fairly quickly, and I think folks are waiting on I17 and beyond to really roll much new (I'd guess of the Dual Pistols rolled many more were blue-side). At least for recipes in the 30s there's more of an exemp demand for them - not so sure about 20s.
Well I'm waiting on 99% of my new characters for Going Rogue since the bulk of that will be new pre-20 content. With i17 I'm only making one Demon Summoner to test the set.

But I play a lot in the 20s. I have 5 redside though 3 of them are now 27 and 28 so won't be in the 20s much longer, and only 2 (15 and 17) stand to enter the 20s before Going Rogue.

I don't really have a problem finding or creating a team in Cap or Shark. Lots of others at my level. Thing is most of them are kind of ignorant about IOs. They all just think "SOs until 50, then get uber IO build".


"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by macskull View Post
The ability to email inf won't increase prices, because it won't be a factor in increasing the amount of inf entering the market. If you have 10 characters with 10 million each for a total of 100 million, and you move all that inf to one character, you still have 100 million. More people might bid on big-ticket items, but any significant price increases would likely be due to unrelated factors.
Of course it will not affect the total inf in the market, but it would seriously affect the granularity of the marketplace. These are not the perfectly liquid and analog supply and demand curves you learn in Econ 102 -- there are a relatively small number of players, many of whom have no idea how the mechanics work.

IMO, People will be more inclined to pay "buy it now prices" for big ticket items (none of my five friends can afford a BMW, but if we pool up one can buy it and take it out for a spin). Also, I think even (relatively) small ticket items like rare or uncommon salvage will be more easily bought, either through easier transfers if that toon did not happen to have the inf at the time, or with the "what the hell, I can always transfer more money over from another toon.

That's how I'm foreseeing it anyway.

Ooh, a sarcasm detector. Oh, that's a *real* useful invention. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technolog...t-sarcasm.html



Tokyo said

I'd actually like to see global names attached to bids and selling goods so that we can better track and avoid unscrupulous marketing practices. But then, where's the fun in that? :P
I'm not afraid to sign my work.

... or are you referring to people who put in embarassingly low bids for things I value more highly?

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
Tokyo said

I'm not afraid to sign my work.

... or are you referring to people who put in embarassingly low bids for things I value more highly?
Presumably. I'm not ashamed to admit that I make an obscene amount of money selling things below market cost.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
Tokyo said

I'm not afraid to sign my work.

... or are you referring to people who put in embarassingly low bids for things I value more highly?
I'd be down with this also.

It'd be fun to see how long it takes on average for an item to sell also.

Just so that we can all LAUGH OUT LOUD at the BM even more.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
I'd be down with this also.

It'd be fun to see how long it takes on average for an item to sell also.

Just so that we can all LAUGH OUT LOUD at the BM even more.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Haven't read the entire thread yet, but I wanted to get this written up while I'm thinking of it on my own, instead of after things I've read from others so that I can properly claim that most of it is my own thoughts.

Now to start, I don't know the devs or how they fix things well enough to truly speculate on what they will/would do. Nor do I know the technical side to know what is feasible with a reasonable amount of programming, which may very well be a major limitation in this entire endeavor for their side. But what I would do in their place is as follows.

#1 - Overhaul the interface. This is probably the biggest thing on my list. I want to make it as easy as possible for people to both sell and buy items. The current interface needs a lot of work. This would contain a lot of small improvements:

Item price history would be expanded to last 20 items. Furthermore it'd also show a calculated average sale price for the item over the last 30 days. No more wondering how much something tends to be worth, for those who don't keep a close eye on the market and record/remember everything.
Allow for bidding on a range of enhancement/recipe levels. I may not necessarily want a level 48 enhancement specifically. Maybe I just want that enhancement somewhere between 40 and 50 and it doesn't matter exactly which level. This way I can set a bid on any of that enhancement in that level range. Right now I would have to bid on 10 individual enhancements to do this, have to have enough cash on hand to do that, and it presents the danger that I might wind up accidentally buying more than I want.
Get rid of posting/bid limits. At the same time, remove the ability for those slots to be used as storage. Anything put in there must be being sold, and anything you win gets automatically sent to your character and dropped into inventory, or into an overflow that drops into your inventory the moment you clear some space.
Correlated with the bid limit removal, but also to drive prices down and encourage faster sales, make the listing fee recurring. Every 24 or 48 hours or somewhere along those lines, the fee you paid to list the item is re-charged. Optional - if you don't want the item relisted, you can select it not to be, and it gets sent right back to you. If you don't have enough money to pay the relisting fee, it gets sent back. This prevents those infinite slots from being used as storage without paying a fee for that storage.
Make the interface considerably more scalable, and with more options, allowing people to see the calculated average price without clicking on each individual item, allowing more items to be on-screen simultaneously if the user expands the interface UI, and so on. Generally speaking, make it easier to get things done quickly.
Projected Result:
Item price history increase and calculated average being available encourages market participation from those who would otherwise be hesitant or disinclined to participate since they lack this information.
Bidding on ranges of items makes market participation buyer side considerably easier, since it is rarely necessary to have an enhancement of a particular level - somewhere 'around' that level tends to be more commonly needed. Ranges make it easier to buy something around where you want, thus making it easier to sell.
Posting/bid limit removal, along with the simplification of the interface, makes those less-worthwhile recipes and salvage worth putting up for sale, since it doesn't prevent the sale of other, more valuable items. Simultaneously, recurring posting fees discourage posting items at far-above-average prices and simply waiting for someone desperate enough to purchase.
Recurring fees would also produce a small drain on money in the economy, thus helping to combat inflation and keeping prices steadier.
General UI improvement would reduce the difficulty and time required to post or buy items. Encourages more market participation.

#2- Merge the markets to some degree. Not a perfect, seamless merge.
Buyers would have an option on each bid they place that allows them to bid on cross-faction items or not. If they are choosing to bid on them, there's an additional 'smuggling fee' charged by the market interface (if the item they purchase is cross-faction - they may get lucky and get one from their own side first). Note that this fee would not be part of the bid, but in addition to it. Thus bidding 1 million on something will result in a normal 1 million transaction for the seller, but the buyer will pay an additional percentage over and above their bid in order to cover the smuggling fee.
Projected Result:
A limited merging of the markets with additional smuggling fees will make it easier to find rare items when they're needed, and easier to sell items since the potential market increases significantly. Again, this should encourage market participation.
The smuggling fees would again reduce the money supply in circulation, thus combating inflation and assisting in stabilizing prices.

#3 - NPC 'background' resellers. Others have mentioned this idea as well - this is my specific implementation of that.
The market will auto-bid on all items at current vendor prices, setting an absolute price floor for all items. If you want something to sell instantly, put it up for less than current vendor price, you'll get that price or higher, if someone is bidding on it.
The process of selling an item to an NPC vendor would place it in the same market pool - the only difference would be that by vendor-selling, the seller does not have the opportunity for anyone to pay a higher than vendor price.
Destroying an item will also place it in this same market pool, with no payment to the character destroying it.
Any items auto-purchased by the market in the above manner, or sold to vendors, will be immediately relisted for considerably higher prices. The price could easily be determined through the aforementioned 30-day average purchase price. Start there and then discount it by somewhere around 15 to 20%.
If it doesn't sell within 48 hours, it gets discounted by another 15 to 20% until it hits minimum price, which would be double vendor price (the price the market paid).
Any item that gets to an excessive number of stored items in the market pool (say, 100, or 1000) starts being destroyed automatically at any number beyond the limit. Optionally, if possible, this could also trigger a global reduction in the drop rate of that sort of item, since if it is not being exchanged at all, it is clearly too common at the moment.
Projected Result:
Auto-bidding on items, along with the removal of vendors or players destroying items and thus removing them from the economy will increase supply of all items, driving prices down.
Relisting items increases available supply, by reducing artificial reductions in supply, thus reducing prices.
All 'profit' made by the market results in removal of money from the economy, creating a considerable counter to inflation.
Since this obeys supply and demand, and creates nothing that was not supplied by players, it does not create further market imbalance. It may, however, reveal drop rate imbalances and such, allowing them to be fixed directly.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Already done. They already announced that we'll be getting a total rewrite of the market interface.
That's in open beta now, so anyone can go see what that entails.

Edit: My feeling is that it's passable now, but what they originally had as the new interface was worse than the one now on live. Part of that was it being incomplete. Part of it was it genuinely not being engineered very well with respect to how those of us who use the market regularly actually use it.

...Which does very little for my faith in changes to the actual fundamentals of the market economy itself.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post

If you want them, bid on them so sellers know there is an interest and at least make it a decent bid.
Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
I'm vastly more likely to list a marginal item if I see bids for it than otherwise.
This is one of the reasons I think bidding on a range would be so useful, and would be one of the top improvements I would make to the UI. If I want an enhancement that works at level 25, for example, I might be willing to take anything in the 20-28 range, but right now that would require putting out eight separate bids, and comes with the possibility that I will get more than one. Plus it requires me to have enough cash on hand to put up those eight bids in the first place. If I could place one bid for everything 20-28, then people who check would see there's a bid out and try selling.

Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
That's in open beta now, so anyone can go see what that entails.

Edit: My feeling is that it's passable now, but what they originally had as the new interface was worse than the one now on live. Part of that was it being incomplete. Part of it was it genuinely not being engineered very well with respect to how those of us who use the market regularly actually use it.

...Which does very little for my faith in changes to the actual fundamentals of the market economy itself.
I looked at the changes in the patch notes posted, and while some of them are indeed excellent and will make the system a little easier to use, they don't really address the 'lack of information' problem, nor the problem of having to bid on every level of enhancement/recipe individually, which are the two main things that I believe would be necessary in order to encourage more market participation, and make a significant difference in how people use the market.



Well the smartest and simplest way to make people happier with the market would be to show the top 5 asks and offers for items. So you can be pretty certain that won't happen.

Another thing that other MMOs have done with good success is to allow people to specialize in particular aspects of production. That won't happen here either as our loot is divided into total crap and acceptable,

Another sane possibility would be to revamp the costs of items in terms of rare materials and crafting costs so it wasn't such a no brainer on deciding on what was worth having in your build and what wasn't.

Another possibility would be the introduction of new sets that allow you to take a different approach to building up your character rather than the common routes to uber. Given we just had the botz nerf I wouldnt hold my breath on that one



Originally Posted by Mnemnosyne View Post
I looked at the changes in the patch notes posted, and while some of them are indeed excellent and will make the system a little easier to use, they don't really address the 'lack of information' problem, nor the problem of having to bid on every level of enhancement/recipe individually, which are the two main things that I believe would be necessary in order to encourage more market participation, and make a significant difference in how people use the market.
Without really addressing your suggestions themselves, you have to recognize that there's a subtle difference in the interface and the current functioning of the market. Giving us more or different information is a change in how the market will work, as well as an interface change. I realize you understand this - it's why your asking for some of these things. However, my guess is that the devs may be reluctant to meaningfully change how the market interface drives the market's behavior, on several levels. One level is that they clearly intended the market to be its own mini-game, and the limited information it provides partially facilitates that, even though it potentially turns off some users.

What they've done on test is reorder the currently available information. For better or worse, they are explicitly trying to improve the graphical interface itself, not how the market behaves.

When the new things come along that Positron has mentioned to try and address market issues circa GR, my expectation is that they will be things that tinker with supply or demand outside the formal market, and not explicit changes in the market, per se. I'm guessing that simply because that's how everything else they've done has worked - merits, tickets, drop rates, etc.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
That's in open beta now, so anyone can go see what that entails.

Edit: My feeling is that it's passable now, but what they originally had as the new interface was worse than the one now on live. Part of that was it being incomplete. Part of it was it genuinely not being engineered very well with respect to how those of us who use the market regularly actually use it.

...Which does very little for my faith in changes to the actual fundamentals of the market economy itself.
I've always viewed the market interface as an extension of the vendor interface- designed more to slow you down than to facilitate anything.

IMHO that kind of thinking is taking the 'time sink' philosophy a little too far. =P

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
I've always viewed the market interface as an extension of the vendor interface- designed more to slow you down than to facilitate anything.

IMHO that kind of thinking is taking the 'time sink' philosophy a little too far. =P
It never really struck me like that. I think it's more likely that they spent a lot of time on the invention system itself, and possibly the market back-end, and either didn't have as much time to sink into the interface design, didn't have the in-game tools to make a better interface, or both. There's a lot of information to present in the market interface, and if they had a limited set of GUI widgets with which to present it (and limited time to create new ones from scratch), I could definitely see us ending up with what we got.

The new interface has some pretty clear visual relationship to the AE's GUIs, which makes me suspect they are trying to leverage new/better interface widgits created for use with the AE. If so, I think it's good that they're going back and trying to revamp the old interface with better tools. I'm just sad/worried by how much those who worked on it didn't seem to grasp how people who do use the market frequently go about doing so. Granted, there are a lot of different use cases to cover, but the early pas seemed to miss most of them.

On the upside, it's gotten some pretty good bake time in beta, and has improved significantly over the initial pass. I think I'll be reasonably satisfied with it by the time it goes live, though I really prefer the way the live "More Info" button works to what they've done in the new interface.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
It never really struck me like that. I think it's more likely that they spent a lot of time on the invention system itself, and possibly the market back-end, and either didn't have as much time to sink into the interface design, didn't have the in-game tools to make a better interface, or both.
entirely possible- I'm not a software kinda guy and stuff that seems completely ridiculous to me could be laid at the feet of faulty or limited tools.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



I think you need to ask what you want to fix.

Say you think Market PvP is too tilted against the casual player. My suggestion: a much larger history (view the last 300 sales, say, scrollable window) along with some statistics. List # of bidders/sellers, not just bids/items for sale. List min/max/avg/std dev for the last 300 sales or such.

Say you think think some rare items are too expensive for the average player. Make them drop more. Or put something that lets you pay X influence to transmute one item into another. (Pay 2m influence, transmute any pool A recipe into another random pool A recipe?)

Too much influence in the game? Create some sinks. Expensive vanity costumes, even a vanity powerset (ie, new models for mm henchmen, etc). Sell transfers or extra character slots for in-game influence; or sell useful temp powers (extra charges of a teleport-to-mission power; or even a teleport-your-whole-team-to-mission power; how sweet would that be?)

I think the only thing definitively "broken" about the system as it is, is the influence cap; the fact that some things can't be sold on-market for their real value is broken.



Originally Posted by Plasma View Post
Say you think Market PvP is too tilted against the casual player. My suggestion: a much larger history (view the last 300 sales, say, scrollable window) along with some statistics. List # of bidders/sellers, not just bids/items for sale. List min/max/avg/std dev for the last 300 sales or such.
By providing more information, but not transparent information, it just seems to me that the ones who benefit the most are *still* the ones who expend the effort to know the system. Am I missing something to think a system like this would allow me to spend less time researching for a larger profit?

Originally Posted by Plasma View Post
Too much influence in the game? Create some sinks. Expensive vanity costumes, even a vanity powerset (ie, new models for mm henchmen, etc). Sell transfers or extra character slots for in-game influence; or sell useful temp powers (extra charges of a teleport-to-mission power; or even a teleport-your-whole-team-to-mission power; how sweet would that be?)
I definitely agree, we need massive influence sinks, and I like those ideas.

Originally Posted by Plasma View Post
I think the only thing definitively "broken" about the system as it is, is the influence cap; the fact that some things can't be sold on-market for their real value is broken.
Are the values for the items too high, or the cap too low? I agree that if the market can't facilitate all transactions then something is wrong, I'm just not sure what I would target for a change here. Like, if we had good enough influence sinks in the game then those values for those premium items would deflate, right?

As for my own thoughts:
1) Redside liquidity: Merge the markets. I know, already asked and answered. I wish I knew what the Very Bad Thing the devs forsee with this is. Would it be temporarily chaotic if implemented? Sure. Could blueside players be negatively impacted? Perhaps.... I don't think so, tho. Grrr, bugs me I don't have all the info on this one, heh.
2) Too much influence: We need influence sinks. We have too much, and it falls like rain. I fear with that bug about lvl 50 earning rates recently fixed, the devs tipped their hand a little on this one, tho.
3) Sub-max level set availability: Set IO level to the level of the roll. Might not impact many, but for those that don't see the value added for this *shrug* let the market decide. If there aren't any buyers at those levels, then there won't be any sellers. No harm, no foul.



Originally Posted by Mandur12 View Post
By providing more information, but not transparent information, it just seems to me that the ones who benefit the most are *still* the ones who expend the effort to know the system.
This will always be true regardless of what steps anyone takes.

WoW has all kinds of history available to buyers. That didn't stop me (or any other informed marketeer) from making a killing.

Thinking that changing the way the market operates will suddenly transform low information participants into savvy competitors is, at best, wishful thinking.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
This will always be true regardless of what steps anyone takes.

WoW has all kinds of history available to buyers. That didn't stop me (or any other informed marketeer) from making a killing.

Thinking that changing the way the market operates will suddenly transform low information participants into savvy competitors is, at best, wishful thinking.
Do you agree with this statement wrt our market, then? "Increasing public information will broaden the gap between the casual and experienced market participants even further."

edit: It seems like you do. I think we're in agreement in that regard.... savvy participants will leverage more info and increase their ceilings. Whereas unsavvy participants won't leverage additional info, thus the floor remains unchanged.

Additional thoughts, tho: Does anything interesting happen in the middle of the range of participants with additional info that would be considered a boon?



Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
Tokyo said

I'm not afraid to sign my work.

... or are you referring to people who put in embarassingly low bids for things I value more highly?
Oh, neither am I. I don't divulge how much I make, I make enough and I have enough bling stashed in my base.

If the Devs are serious about the market being yet another pvp game, i'd love to see names attached to bids and selling items.

This could help those mythical "casual gamers" identify unscrupulous marketteers who may be attempting to manipulate the market to their own ends and it gives us "PvP" marketteers bragging rights.

And I'm referring to ANY actions taken on the market..whether it be short-selling, low-ball bids, flippers, etc.

With global names being attached to the bids and selling items, the marketteer no longer has the help of anonymity and if they are good, they get to brag.