Resistence: All hail Calvin Scott?




Originally Posted by M_I_Abrahms View Post
one who's actions have shown that he has little regard for the lives of humanity as a whole
The same guy who saved the world and the human race?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The same guy who saved the world and the human race?
That Golden Girl. If only she didn't rant about things so much, she'd be all right.



Originally Posted by RadDidIt View Post
That Golden Girl. If only she didn't rant about things so much, she'd be all right.

I don't rant about anything

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Sweet, I can play the race card against Loyalists now.


Also on Steam



Originally Posted by Demobot View Post
Sweet, I can play the race card against Loyalists now.
Marauder will just beat you up then

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
Hmm you know I never thought of that.

Recluse allows things to be said against him because he wants to look good, yes I'm not entirely sure the Rogue Isles are considered a soverign state by the UN
I'm pretty sure they are. I seem to recall something about Recluse meeting with the UN or something over Ms Liberty's invasion of his country.



Originally Posted by M_I_Abrahms View Post
Our choices are the Ku Klux Klan run by a child molester and the underground railroad run by a black John McClane, and somehow there's supposed to be ambiguity.
While Tyrant my be incestuous, he's not a pedophile. Dominatrix is a big girl



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
I'm pretty sure they are. I seem to recall something about Recluse meeting with the UN or something over Ms Liberty's invasion of his country.

Imagine that.



"Hello, honored DOG'S OF WEAKNESS AND-*cough* members of the United Nations."

*US raises hand* "Uh, Mr. Richter... what are those on your back?"

*LR facepalm*



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
While Tyrant my be incestuous, he's not a pedophile. Dominatrix is a big girl
Well, we don't actually know when their relationship started.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Well, we don't actually know when their relationship started.

*scratches head*

*shakes head*

GG made me think bad thoughts.



Also, if we're talking about all of this from a roleplaying perspective, keep in mind character versus player knowledge. The bios that we're reading on the website are not necessarily representative of what a character in the game may know or their knowledge may be clouded by other factors. For example, perhaps a hero character is a big supporter of law and order. All he hears about Praetoria on Primal Earth is that it is run by the cruel, dictatorial Tyrant that has driven his populace into obedience through fear. This could cloud the characters perception. But what about once they travel to Praetoria and see (on the surface at least) an orderly society, with little to no open crime, everyone living in relative peace and safety? And this all came about because of Emperor Cole. If your character idealizes law and order, what is not to like about this person? The reality you see before yourself is nothing like what you've heard before.

Anyway, just an idea as to why a hero might support Emperor Cole. We still don't have all the information on how the morality system and side-switching will work, so its only speculation on how much it will relate to the different factions.



Originally Posted by Primal View Post
Hickman hickman hickman.
What am I here for again?

Troy Hickman - So proud to have contributed to and played in this wonderful CoH universe



Well since someone Summoned Golden Girl I'm guessing you were summoned.

Perhaps Golden Girl is the anti-Hickman, the beast that shall live among us and rule us for a thousand years of darkness and only you, Troy Hickman, can defeat her.

You must journey to the active volcano of Moriumdor, retrieve the throwing disc known as the glaive, travel to the widows web, where an ancient maiden guarded by a giant spider will tell you when the Golden Girl fortress will be. Then you must catch the fire mares who are the only mounts able to travel fast enough to reach the Golden Girl fortress.

Once inside you must destroy Golden Girl with the power of the Glaive and only then can we be free from her tyranny.

Help me Troy're my only hope...



Tyrant keeps the trains running on time. Lord Recluse lets superpowered mercenaries run rampant in his backyard. I don't think either place is particularly pleasant to live.



"Welcome to Praetoria!"
"I like trains."
"Welcome to Praetoria!"
"I like trains."



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
"Welcome to Praetoria!"
"I like trains."
"Welcome to Praetoria!"
"I like trains."

I've been laughing for like 5 minutes.



I think the thing about Praetoria is that heroes could side with 'Cole' or 'The Resistance' depending on ideology. Heroes who believe in freedom and liberty regardless of the outcome would go with 'The Resistance.' Those that aspire to save citizens and keep them safe (something we aren't doing all that well in Primal Earth) might see some validity in Cole's argument.

Villains could also be the same way, anarchists could side with 'The Resistance' just for a chance to have some fun, or with 'Cole' because the enjoy the controlling the weak masses part and the power trip.

Likewise, native Praetorians could go either way as well. I'm sure there are plenty of good and lawful agents that grew up in Cole's system that trully believe what he has done is law, order, and prosperity. These types would end up heroside. And discontent torturers that keep this order would go villainside.

Similar argument would hold for Resistance.



Tyrant insists that everyone's very THOUGHTS conform to his ideals. Hence the constant mindwiping of anyone who dissents. You are not allowed to have any free will even within your own mind.

Sounds to me like he's already gotten to some of the people here. Do you really believe what you're saying, or did Cole tell you that you believe what you're saying?

Sorry, I'm perfectly willing to deal with hardship if it means my mind is my own.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by M_I_Abrahms View Post
Our choices are the Ku Klux Klan run by a child molester and the underground railroad run by a black John McClane, and somehow there's supposed to be ambiguity.
If he didnt start the relationship with her untill she was 18. It's not child molestation. Does tha help you any?

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Oh my lord I am a fool.

All this time, I've been arguing BACKWARDS. And it was Golden Girl herself that showed me my mistake.

Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
And why wouldn't the more vigilante types join Tyrant? He stands for law and order, and gives his followers much more freedom to enforce justice than Heroes get in Paragon City.
Vigilante: Someone who illegally punishes someone for perceived offenses

These are people that go AGAINST the law to bring what they see as justice, and that is why Vigilantes would be even less likely to work with Tyrant than the Hero types. When someone thinks the law is in the wrong, MORE law is not the answer they think of. When you have a group of Vigilantes, it's usually called a lynch mob! And which side in Praetoria is against the current legal structure?

I've been thinking Good versus Evil, when I should be thinking Law versus Chaos.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



I think you're all missing some details...

When Aurora volunteered to host Praetor Tilman's consciousness, Scott didn't believe it. His wife wouldn't have done such a thing without at least talking to him first.

See that. Reason to believe his wife wasn't even doing this willingly.

He questioned the Praetor about his wife's decision, but those questions were ignored by both Praetor Tilman and Emperor Cole. Shortly after he questioned the Emperor, Calvin found himself admitted to the Mother of Mercy Psychiatric Hospital by the Emperor's decree and placed under Tilman's personal care. Tormented by the demon wearing his wife's body, something inside Calvin--a sensation he had never really felt before--rose to the surface: a pure, burning rage.

Then there's the rest of it.

He's not looking to just get that piece of tail back. He's trying to save his wife.

His whole bio reads to me that his wife was taken against her will. And if not against her will, something more was done to her after the fact (ie...Sure I'll help you. It won't hurt my life will it? Of course not. You'll never even know I'm there. HAHAHA SUCKER! *traps her psyche deep down and takes control*).

This doesn't read to me "I got dumped. Now I'll get her back or I'll get even."

Now mind good story fashion, Calvin can be put through the questions...

What if he's wrong? What if she did just change out of the blue? What then? Does he keep fighting? If so, what are his reasons for fighting now?

Right now, he's fighting to get his wife back, because he basically thinks she's been taken against her will (which could be the case).

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
Tyrant insists that everyone's very THOUGHTS conform to his ideals. Hence the constant mindwiping of anyone who dissents. You are not allowed to have any free will even within your own mind.

Sounds to me like he's already gotten to some of the people here. Do you really believe what you're saying, or did Cole tell you that you believe what you're saying?

Sorry, I'm perfectly willing to deal with hardship if it means my mind is my own.
You seem troubled. I think you should report to your friendly neighborhood Seer for guidance.

The Psychic Friends Network. We just want to be your friend.



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
You seem troubled. I think you should report to your friendly neighborhood Seer for guidance.

The Psychic Friends Network. We just want to be your friend.
How's that koolaid taste?

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.