Crazy Salvage Mark Ups
Clearly, the devs need to un-fix all broken AE farms.
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
Try to slot your purples. One set would have costed me 100m for all 45 pieces of Rare Salvages alone. I was slotting 5/6. That's worth a whole purple set on it's own...
It's these friggin' morons, who think there marketeers or "ebil" whatever the hell that is, who are spiking the prices.
The market is still flush with Double XP excess influence. Indeed I have noticed that the weekend after is when many things go really crazy as folks try to outfit their new toys.
There were multiple Level 50 defbuff IOs sold for 2 million inf yesterday
Table Price 325 100
Crafting cost 325 100
Fortune ruby and ceramic armour plate (10K tops on a bad day)
Worst case scenario making it yourself is 635 K or so. (memorisation being much cheaper of course)
I'll happily take the inf of the ignorant when they behave like that.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
It's these friggin' morons, who think there marketeers or "ebil" whatever the hell that is, who are spiking the prices. |
EDIT: It's kinda funny watching the "last 5" on some high level commons where people are buying for 1000 (with patience) and 500,000 (with no patience) WITHIN A FIVE MINUTE PERIOD.
I'm not patient... but I'm THAT patient.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
Once your 50 is swimming in Inf', there's no reason in the world to be patient when you could be having fun with your new enhancements instead. 500K for a piece of common salvage is absolutely nothing when it means you can have that enhancement now and go play as opposed to waiting, even as short a time as 5 minutes.
Patience pays when you're poor. Once you're rich you can afford to be impatient. Literally.
Inf' is play money. Treat it as such.
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WARNING: I bold names.

It's these friggin' morons, who think there marketeers or "ebil" whatever the hell that is, who are spiking the prices.
Fury |
right now, not maybe later.
ive paid some retarded high prices for common garbage in the name of impatience.
The market needs a WoW-style BUY OUT button. |
Blind bidding is retarded. |
either way, i want my salvage/recipes right now, not maybe later. |
I say...again...and again...and again...that the market is NOT A STORE. If you want something RIGHT FRICKING NOW, you're either going to pay a lot for it, or you're going to be buying it for merits/tickets (which are equivalently expensive) if you want it at a pre-determined price.
Well, I guess, when you need dozens of IOs at once and don't want Field Crafter or extra recipe storage, paying a little extra to the guy who did most of the job for you is fair enough.
As for salvage... Well, isn't it still about twice as cheap compared to typical prices pre-AE, pre-new difficulty settings? Even on the worst days?
So, the only thing that is inflating at FTL speeds is price of various shinies. And however you look at it, flipping has almost nothing to do with it. Unless the simple act of listing them is somehow ebil flipping. You need months to really flip purples or LotGs or whatever with any sort of profit margin that justifies market slots and inf frozen in bids. (And yes, I tried that.) No doubt, there is some flipping going on, but I would be greatly surprised if it's the main driver of the prices.
So, it's TFers, ticket farmers, just lucky random guys and gals who got a shiny they have no use for. They go to the market, they see the crafted price, they craft, they list it at last 5+a little. No villains in the plot, except maybe ebil farmers, but that's another story and another forum. (not that I like the situation one bit, TBH, even when I'm on the selling side. These eight-figures are ridiculous.)
Ok, I'm not a market guru, I don't even read this forum that often, but I do use IOs and sets, I get salvage and recipe drops, like everybody else does, and have to do something with them. So I'm entitled to my foolish opinion too , am I not?
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
buyout would be an option. if you dont want to use it then dont. play the ridiculous bidding game if that is your bag. id rather buy my **** and GTFO and back to playing the game.
The market favors the patient, whether they're buying or selling.
I have one character that I hardly ever log in. He has about 100 luck charms for sale, listed in increasing amounts from 50,000 to 10,000,000. None of the ones listed at 10m have ever sold and I doubt they ever will. The ones listed for 50k and 100k are always sold out when I check in on him. I think the highest priced Luck Charms I've ever sold were the 1,000,000 inf ones, and I only sold three of those, out of ten.
I can only assume that whoever bought them was grateful that I had listed them for that price, because at the moment they sold they must have been the cheapest Luck Charms on the market. If I hadn't listed them so high, then they would have sold out before that buyer had a chance to buy them, like the ones I had listed for 250k and 500k had. It was only because I was so patient and was willing to tie up one of my slots for so long that someone else was able to buy something that they were obviously desperate to get.
Of course, they probably didn't feel grateful at the time. They probably came in here foaming at the mouth and ranting and raving about how some jerk had jacked up the prices and forced him to buy them at an outrageous price.
I haven't logged that character in since weeks before the 2xp weekend. I wonder how many stacks I've sold since then?
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Random Merit Rolls: Scale cost by Toon Level
nvr said i cared either way, jus stating a fact of life in this game. idc what i pay as long as i get it. no, the market sux in this game. it doesnt allow you to do anything easy. you get 5 or w/e examples of what something sold for, then its "lets guess what said ******** are charging for said item" game, no the market is definately geared toward the seller, and the bidders will always be at their/our mercy.
buyout would be an option. if you dont want to use it then dont. play the ridiculous bidding game if that is your bag. id rather buy my **** and GTFO and back to playing the game. |
This is the reason I bank most of my rare salvage in the vault. If I need a piece I don't have, I'll offer an SG member or other friend an even trade for one of the pieces I do have.
Failing that, I'll take whatever I have the most of, sell one in the market and use the money generated to buy what I need.
Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
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I really don't see the problem. It has been said time and time again, be patient and you will save money. When I want something from the market I always bid lower than the "going rate". Sometimes I get it right away but most of the time I have to wait a day or two. I don't pay exorbitant rates unless I want it right now. The only time I do that is when I can afford to. Bid what you think the item is worth and most likely you will eventually get it if you are reasonable. It just takes patience. The sellers don't set the prices the buyers do. If no one is willing to pay unreasonable rates then those items won't sell.
it doesnt allow you to do anything easy. |
you get 5 or w/e examples of what something sold for, then its "lets guess what said ******** are charging for said item" game |
no the market is definately geared toward the seller, and the bidders will always be at their/our mercy. |
If more buyers would take the slower, more patient way of bidding, prices would not be at the levels they are now. It's the "Buy It NAO!" mentality of buyers that's driven the prices up.
buyout would be an option. if you dont want to use it then dont. play the ridiculous bidding game if that is your bag. id rather buy my **** and GTFO and back to playing the game.[/QUOTE]
ive paid some retarded high prices for common garbage in the name of impatience. the market needs a WoW-style BUY OUT button. blind bidding is retarded. either way, i want my salvage/recipes
right now, not maybe later. |
This would give the system the equivalent of a buy it now button and a sell it now button where neither side would feel cheated. If you want to sell now you hit the bid. If you want to buy now you hit the offer. If you want better pricing you put in your price and hope it fills. No playing a guessing game
I'm not a fan of warcraft but I can easily see where their style of auction house could satisfy more of the player base than our current one. The COH market is setup to reward speculators much more so than any real world bourse. If the system were made more transparent it would function much more as a market than it currently does. Just the ability to see the several lowest offers and the highest bids would likely do wonders for peoples satisfaction with the market and reducing its volatility.
This would give the system the equivalent of a buy it now button and a sell it now button where neither side would feel cheated. If you want to sell now you hit the bid. If you want to buy now you hit the offer. If you want better pricing you put in your price and hope it fills. No playing a guessing game |
... and thousands of people with fresh level 50s running around, each trying to buy 45 rare salvage at once, has nothing to do with it.
EDIT: It's kinda funny watching the "last 5" on some high level commons where people are buying for 1000 (with patience) and 500,000 (with no patience) WITHIN A FIVE MINUTE PERIOD. I'm not patient... but I'm THAT patient. |
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i think ppl have found ways to manipulate the blind bidding.
and i think a buy-out option would throw a wrench in their mechanisms. a WoW style market would prolly floor profits for them. |
(Disclaimer: This is said as someone who rarely, if ever, plays the market.)
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
The point is, whether or not you buy NAO or your impatient that doesn't largely affect the original price. If your impatient or whatever, my assumption, is you could pay up to 100% more than the original price.
That however does not explain why Magical Conspiracy is at 10million. Impatience and NAO only affects the "last 5 bids", and it's not a monkey's brain to pick in order to see that someone bought impatiently. How that affects your bidding, I don't understand. Unless your a newbie, you should know paying 1m is probably the maximum, I would, pay for any Rare Invention Salvage.
It boils down to the seller, period. If they look at the last five and see that it's been rather random, but the highest was say 1m then they'll sell it at 1m obviously. As much as I may sound contradictorily, it is the people who lack in selling skill that are disrupting the prices. Fact: Basing anything on the last 5 bids is generally going to screw over the prices.
It boils down to the seller, period. If they look at the last five and see that it's been rather random, but the highest was say 1m then they'll sell it at 1m obviously. As much as I may sound contradictorily, it is the people who lack in selling skill that are disrupting the prices.
The price that people pay for items is often not all the closely related to the minimal 'buy it now' price. If you're willing to throw your excess play money away to get something NOW, then it makes sense to leave a big enough margin to ensure it *is* now.
Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.
Well of course on the only day I decide to make some IO's the salvage prices are so high, like one was up too 10M then in a hour it was down to 5M.
I think this is because when Henchmen farms were nerfed it not so easy to get tickets anymore for people so there for you cant get the salvage's and its just Price and Demand.