Excitment... and FEAR.. about new "End Game" content..

Adeon Hawkwood



Anyone else feel this way? I'm excited to no end about the "END GAME" stuff Posi mentioned. Something to plug our 50's into that help advance them and give them fun stuff to do... very very excited... but..


By the time GR hits live... I'll more then likely have... 35 LvL 50 toons. (I'm at about 33 now with 2 over 35 and one just about to hit 30... so maybe 36 even...)

How the heck am i going to decide who should go first?! And.. if it's really involved... who gets neglected and who gets the special treatment... ??

I have over 25 different heros and 10 or more villians.. all of whom i pretty much enjoy playing and like there concepts. If i hadent, they would have been scrapped long before lvl 50...

Infact, this whole "end game" concept has had me scrap my plans for any NEW alts. Once i finish the 3 i currently have over lvl 25, I'm not starting any new ones till i know more about what's going to happen. Anyone under 25 gets there costumes saved and deleted tonight. (just incase i want to remake them in GR...) It's been a slow friday for me here at work.. i've had too much time to think on this topic... LOL.

Anyone else in the same boat?

@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...



Being relatively new I'm hoping to have 3 50s by the time GR goes live if not more... and I know I'll think the same thing... what you're going to do with 30+ is beyond me lol

You could hold a raffle! Put all their names in a hat and draw names

Global @radubadu
Usually playing one of the following toons blueside on Virtue:
Cadler 50 WP/SS tanker
Radubadu 46 Fire/Fire blaster
Hell Runner 35 Fire/Fire brute



Here's my take on that.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Sailboat I think I understand your concern with the changes... whether it was your intention or not it reminds me of one of the problems and best parts of WoW... there's always something new to do with your main... but there comes a point where even if something is fun it's obsolete.

Example: running through Ulduar (the last raid that was out when I was playing) was fun because it was challenging, got you new awesome gear, blablabla... you could still run through Naxxramus (sp?) which was the one prior to that but you didn't need gear from it and people were all geared from Ulduar to the point that there was no challenge in it to make it fun. Ultimately WoW is simply too easy and unlike CoH there's no way to adjust difficulty so it eventually becomes very monotonous... playing a mage was as simple as hitting a sequence of 2 MAYBE 3 buttons and making sure your positioning was ideal to avoid dying it sounds kinda challenging but after recognizing the pattern of whatever boss it was ridiculously easy.

Having said all that, from what I've seen of CoH thus far I have faith that the devs will not follow that same pattern.

Global @radubadu
Usually playing one of the following toons blueside on Virtue:
Cadler 50 WP/SS tanker
Radubadu 46 Fire/Fire blaster
Hell Runner 35 Fire/Fire brute



Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
Here's my take on that.
So you dislike the change because it requires you play your 50s some more to reach the new level of "finished?"

EDIT: not being snarky, just making sure I understand properly.



I read your post sailboat it sounds like your against progression and what some like me and apparently the devs agree a step up in game play. We want more challenges that aren't simple spank and tank encounters and with the new types of content the devs are getting closer to it ie: Barracuda TF,Statesman TF,Recluse TF, Impervious TF. This sounds like their going to add a whole new layer of depth to the game and I'm all for it. I only have excitment no fear it's only game either way.



You know you don't have to do End Game content, right?

There's no way I'll even run half of my 50s through End Game stuff, but I look forward to the opportunity to revisit my favorite characters and play in some type of new, challenging content that I haven't done before.

End Game content is an unqualified good.

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
You know you don't have to do End Game content, right?

There's no way I'll even run half of my 50s through End Game stuff, but I look forward to the opportunity to revisit my favorite characters and play in some type of new, challenging content that I haven't done before.

End Game content is an unqualified good.
Perfectly stated. QFT.



I'm generally looking forward to it overall. I have several "retired" 50s that I enjoy playing, but who don't have much new to do, so that'll be a plus. My only real hope is that whatever new end game content comes up will be along the lines of the current non-end game content: friendly both to soloing and to teams. I'm not opposed to teaming per se, but just about all of what little end game content currently exists at least requires putting together a team of eight, and there are times when I just don't have the drive for something like that.



I am looking forward to it, and already decided the 3 characters who will go first. It was based on build completion. Not just ahhh IOs, but DONE all the IOs I wanted in the build. One of them has tons of badges (not a badge person rally) and done the main TFs. I am really excited about the end game changes, no matter what they are.

There are other things I worry about. I fear with teh focus on content that we will see less and less PP, new IOs, new animations, custom weapons and the like. The aesthetics of the game are important to me, and the old content dosen't bother me as long as I have new ways to do it. New stories are welcome, I just hope we still get the other stuff as well.

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



I'm a little bummed about it. Only because I moved a few 50's to other servers so that I could have room on Protector. I hope Posi's new "end game" assignment doesn't have me regretting that.

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho



I'm hoping its a revamp to the shadow shard to make it co-op, cleaned up task forces, and a new raid against Rularuu!!!

I also expect we will get that "global enhancement" that was discussed in the mysterious survey a while back:

Universal Enhancement Slots. Ten Universal Enhancement Slots are available to be earned in the expansion, and each one has the potential of adding significant power to the character, essentially bringing them to a hypothetical "Level 60" once they have earned all ten slots.
For existing City of Heroes and City of Villains players who have previously reached the level cap of 50, the Expansion will take them into outer space where they can now find challenges that test their powers and skills to the max. On an alien space station that mysteriously appears over Earth, Heroes and Villains will race to unlock the secrets of the place and be the first to reap the rewards that are only available to the best of the best.

A brand new Spy Archetype (class), power sets and player costume options will lead to a massive amount of new character and gameplay options. And a significantly enhanced character creator system will now allow characters to customize the effects (looks and colors) of their super powered attacks and defenses.

Here is some other things that were mentioned in the survey...

1.) New high level Space Station Zones (PVE, PVP, & Co-op)
2.) Characters that do not wish to change sides are rewarded by becoming exemplary heroes or villains, and earning rewards not available any other way
3.) Heroes and villains who go to the other side can also act as Double-Agents
4.) Character Creator 2.0 includes Powers Customization, allowing players to customize not only the character, but also the actual look of its powers
5.) Players undertake missions that define their character's morality and steer them in a more heroic or villainous direction
6.) By switching sides (going from good to bad or bad to good), players can access content "on the other side" (heroes can experience villain zones and content, and villains can experience hero zones and content)
7.) Completely new low-level player experience/zones for new characters in which new characters do not begin a hero or villain, rather become one or the other through early gameplay
8.) New Spy Archetype, Power Sets & Costumes
9.) Universal Enhancement Slots - at level 50, these enhance powers to the character, essentially bringing them to a hypothetical "Level 60" once they have earned all ten slots

Here are some of the suggested names you had to choose from for the new content...

Rogues or Vigilantes
Rogues or Spies
Spies or Vigilantes
Moral Compass or Morality Meter
Shades of Gray or Crossing Over
Allegiance or Alliance

Now this part of the survey offered information about the new Player Based Mission Content....

This is a new module for City of Heroes, fictionally presented as a training exercise for Heroes and Villains, that allows players to build their own Missions and Story Arcs and share them with others in the game. Using an intuitive interface similar to the game's detailed Character Creator, players can create missions by selecting options like size and type of map/environment, mission objectives and encounter types, and difficulty level of each encounter. Additionally, players can write all mission story fiction and character dialogue.

Players can create their own missions and they can play missions that have been created by other players. Once you have finalized and "published" your missions, they are accessible by all players across all servers. All players can rate player created missions and a Mission Browser lets players find available missions and story arcs through a variety of tabs, sorts and filters in an auction house type environment.

As missions are played and more people positively rate them, the creator gains rewards and access to unlockable content for his/her missions. Rewards will also be given to players of the missions. Players will gain rewards such as badges and even XP for playing user created missions and StoryArcs.

Here is a list of the feature from the player based mission creator...

1.) Write your own dialog for all aspects of the mission.
2.) Build Missions and Story Arcs using a Character Creator-like interface
3.) Players can build powers for some NPCs by selecting from a group of primary and secondary power pools and attaching them to the NPCs
4.)Players can build a boss (and other NPCs) to place within their mission by creating its looks in the Character Creator and assigning it the powers of an existing NPC (non playable character)
5.) Select a variety of components for the overall mission including Level Range, Map, Length, Villain Group, Pacing, Time to Complete, Goals/type of mission, etc.
6.) Customize Encounters to your preference (Place in End Room, Select Villain Group, Name Boss, Select Critter Type, Select Hostage NPC Critter, etc.)
7.) Using an in-game auction house type interface, other players can find user created StoryArcs across all shards
8.) Creators can include their own character as a contact within the mission(s)
9.) Creators don't have access to high level content (environments, NPCs, etc.) until their own characters have encountered/defeated them in the main game.
10.) Using an out-of-game web interface, other players can find user created StoryArcs across all shards
11.) Rewarding creators of the most popular content with exclusive unlockable content such as signature heroes and villains or unique maps
12.) A rating system that allows players to rate missions or flag them for inappropriate content, allowing the developer to remove bad content and potentially ban players
13.) Players can enter the mission maps to adjust placement of the NPC spawns from their pre-selected positions

What are we to make of all this? Our reaction here at Massively is that it is genuine, if only because Beef Cake's integrity is not in doubt. The question is how much of this content will be coming to the game, and how much is being speculated upon with an eye to possible future release. It is, after all, a survey.

That said, the nature of what is mentioned here ties in perfectly with the sense of 'big revelations just around the corner' that NCsoft have been giving off lately. The only point in its disfavor is the mention of customizing the look of your powers, which has previously been discarded several times as an enormous amount of work, while not technically impossible to achieve.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
You know you don't have to do End Game content, right?

There's no way I'll even run half of my 50s through End Game stuff, but I look forward to the opportunity to revisit my favorite characters and play in some type of new, challenging content that I haven't done before.

End Game content is an unqualified good.

I'm not sure if your talking to me or others, but, I'm not really "complaning" about the end game, as much as I'm thinking... "oh crap... I've got 35 different guys I'd like to run through it... HOLY CRAP, I got 35 to "finish"!?!!?"

CoH to ME, is kind of like my sceatch book... because i can't draw... but have alot of ideas in my head. I think it's why i've stayed and played so consistnly since the start... everyone of my guys has a backstory, if not in a bio it's in my head, they all have concepts... none of them, save one, was powerleveled so i played them ALL... And atm i'm honestly kind of in vaper lock as to who's going to be my "main" again.

Do i go Back to Zero G, (Grav/Kin) who was my first? Do i pick the one that's widely considered my most useful? (Rad/Sonic - Acid Rock) Do i go with something rare? (Plant/TA or ILL/Sonic)

All the same applies to villians. On a slightly smaller scale...

Really.. what I think i need is MORE INFO... So i can make a plan. (it's the ocd in me) *shrug*

Just thinking out loud really... kind of boring here today, so... i got alot of time to mull stuff over. heh.

@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...



Originally Posted by KingSnake View Post
I'm not sure if your talking to me or others, but, I'm not really "complaning" about the end game, as much as I'm thinking... "oh crap... I've got 35 different guys I'd like to run through it... HOLY CRAP, I got 35 to "finish"!?!!?"

CoH to ME, is kind of like my sceatch book... because i can't draw... but have alot of ideas in my head. I think it's why i've stayed and played so consistnly since the start... everyone of my guys has a backstory, if not in a bio it's in my head, they all have concepts... none of them, save one, was powerleveled so i played them ALL... And atm i'm honestly kind of in vaper lock as to who's going to be my "main" again.

Do i go Back to Zero G, (Grav/Kin) who was my first? Do i pick the one that's widely considered my most useful? (Rad/Sonic - Acid Rock) Do i go with something rare? (Plant/TA or ILL/Sonic)

All the same applies to villians. On a slightly smaller scale...

Really.. what I think i need is MORE INFO... So i can make a plan. (it's the ocd in me) *shrug*

Just thinking out loud really... kind of boring here today, so... i got alot of time to mull stuff over. heh.
I don't have 35 50s (which is a crazy amount), but I do have 12 of them. I plan to start with my favorite and go from there. I highly doubt I'll take each 50 through the content or progression since I don't play them all anyways.

Lastly, I'm not going to fret or cheer too much over this tincy bit of info since there are so many different possibilities. I'll toss my hat in once I have more solid info to speculate on.



Originally Posted by KingSnake View Post
I'm not sure if your talking to me or others, but, I'm not really "complaning" about the end game, as much as I'm thinking... "oh crap... I've got 35 different guys I'd like to run through it... HOLY CRAP, I got 35 to "finish"!?!!?
I did reply to you, but I guess I wasn't really addressing your question.

I'll just say these are the kind of problems it's nice to have.

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
I don't have 35 50s (which is a crazy amount), but I do have 12 of them. I plan to start with my favorite and go from there. I highly doubt I'll take each 50 through the content or progression since I don't play them all anyways.

Lastly, I'm not going to fret or cheer too much over this tincy bit of info since there are so many different possibilities. I'll toss my hat in once I have more solid info to speculate on.
Eh. It sounds crasy, but, well, it just kind of happened. I'm not a powerleveler, it's too boring. I play alot sure, but not as much as some can. Maybe 2 hours a night, 4 days or so through the week. Twice that or more on the weekends depending on if i got stuff i need to do. I've taken only few "brakes" from the game, and been hear since the start. I have a high tolirence for repetive activeties, am slightly OCBish, and once i get a hero to 50, and slotted out who i like them, they are "done" and i start work on a new concept. Once i get one started i like, the OCD kicks in and i need to "finish" them...

Then, frankly, once you factor in just how easy XP is to make now a days... I'd say 3/4ths of the 50 have happend in the last 2 years. Double XP, the XP curve, Patrol XP, nonexestent debt...

And as far as wild speculationg goes.. heh yeah, maybe jumping the gun a bit, but we haven't had anything new to speculate on in so long... i got excited... heh.

@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...



I'm looking forward to the end game, but I think have a number of concerns that I hope are addressed (and addressed creatively).

1. Gear. I'm hoping that while the new content is challenging, it will not lead to discrimination based on IO sets. This won't affect me personally as I have a number of characters which are almost ridiculously IO'ed with the best of everything; however, it will affect a number of my friends who like playing the game with just SOs and a couple of key IO pieces. I want to continue to keep playing with these friends.

2. No more big bag of hitpoints as the big challenge. I really don't want to see a repeat of the Khan TF in any form. The tricks are lame because they (at least on the villain side) dictate or rather strongly influence AT choices and the final challenge really boils down to how much debuff you have. I hope they take the Khan TF and the Baracuda TF as examples of what *NOT* to do.

3. Character strength advancement but not a linear increase in strength. I'd like the option of being able to participate in the end game with a plain level 50 and not worry whether or not it will be woefully inadequate compared to the level 50.7 with the 7 more enhancement slots and the level 57 IOs. Ideally, I'd like advancement to be very incremental and long, where the power difference is noticeable but not so overwhelming that it completely eclipses a plain 50.

4. No to raiding culture. I'd rather not see something implemented here like there is in WoW: Application into various tiers of guild based on gear and then ascension into a higher level guild once you've gotten gear of that particular dungeon. Teamspeak and voice chat are absolutely required and raid leaders who can, at times, be tyrannical. I realize I'm very broadly generalizing and putting forward a caricature of guilds in WoW, but I've heard enough bad stories from real players that I'd rather not see that implemented here.



I'm looking forward to the new end game stuff. I have a bunch of 50s and the thought of new progression for them is tremendously exciting. With the vast majority of my characters, what keeps me engaged is the treadmill of leveling up. Once they're 50 I rarely play them.

Hopefully the new end game will come with new TFs that are just as fun as the ITF and LGTF. Presumably those will be too easy once characters get all the new end game power-ups.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



Originally Posted by Fury Flechette View Post
2. No more big bag of hitpoints as the big challenge. I really don't want to see a repeat of the Khan TF in any form. The tricks are lame because they (at least on the villain side) dictate or rather strongly influence AT choices and the final challenge really boils down to how much debuff you have. I hope they take the Khan TF and the Baracuda TF as examples of what *NOT* to do.
AMEN! I really hope they have long meetings and talk through why people flock to some TFs and avoid others. The game had a great track record with newly added TFs until it came to Kahn.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



Originally Posted by Sardan View Post
AMEN! I really hope they have long meetings and talk through why people flock to some TFs and avoid others. The game had a great track record with newly added TFs until it came to Kahn.

You have to admit that both were interesting the first time through. They are just not really worth repeating.

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho



I have a ton of high-level characters, but I know exactly who is going Supreme.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



For some reason, the lead developer in "The Noob" always reminded me of Posi. The latest episode even more so


"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho



Originally Posted by Vega View Post
You have to admit that both were interesting the first time through. They are just not really worth repeating.
Sure, any TF is interesting the first time because it's novel. Which is completely beside the point I was making. There are some TFs that players enjoy 100x more than others. My hope was that the devs are studying that to really understand why, and use those lessons in crafting new TFs. They shouldn't be aiming at new TFs that are interesting but not worth repeating; they should be aiming for replayability.

One factor for me, besides avoiding the boredom of "the big bag o' hit points" is time. Part of what makes the LGTF and ITF so fun is that they can be done in under 2 hours by the average team. The ITF is clearly only part of a larger story. I'd love it if they came out with a sequel roughly the same size that advanced the story. That way you could go through an epic story in bite-sized chunks.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



*reads OP*


*head desk*

*reads Sailboat's link*

*head desk* *head desk* *head desk* *head desk* *head desk*


(Edit: The point of this post is that the people mentioned are missing the point of the system. As with anything else in the game, it's optional. If you don't like it, ignore it, and play the game just like you always have. Your existing characters won't be any weaker for skipping it.)

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
End Game content is an unqualified good.
With the qualification that it renders current 50s substandard until they have gone through it.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog