Discussion - Going Rogue and Paragon Team Update!




Originally Posted by Eisenzahn View Post
My main complaint remains, however. It's been four issues since we had a quantity of new story content that I felt at all enthusiastic about. Until I see some confirmation that this trend is over, and that story updates are going to start being major features of upcoming regular issues again, discussion of how full of goodies Going Rogue may be just feels like you're trying to convince me to buy something I thought I was already paying for.
Read the linked War Witch interview in the first post

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



although nothing really was given away the info that we got is intresting now that kind of explains why some of the new content felt like anyone could of done a better job.

(before someone hates on this im not saying that personal iv'e asked several people and had people tell me that. im not playing the new content until there is enough to keep me buzy.)

(Ok i know someone will dislike me saying this but meh) im glad we are getting some proper end game content.

Now for my defination of end game content, i guess im old school it has.

1. to be a epic story line.
2. It can not be done just by anyone.

But with WoW raiding i really really dont like my number two why because it takes way to long to get a group togather and two) takes way to long to complete any thing over an hour unless im bored i dont need another job lol.

so my new number two)

it has to be fun period not fun i will not do it period.

and to defind fun for me here is some exsamples for people (your exp may vary)

things in game i find unfun (your exp may vary)

badges (im so glad that dev are moving away from the numbers for badges)
AE (im glad that it is growing i still find it still bad)
Bases (i like that we can do more with bases but they still need work)
mission that are too grindy (think of some of the old coh missions that are way too long and give you little fun)
shadow shard (...........)

What i find fun

helping others (that never gets too old)
ITF (fun)
some of the new chrimera mission (fun)
secret initiatives (this is always fun for me what could it mean)
Apple TABLET (yea i know it still a rumor but still..........)

i hope that i covered my bases from any misunderstanding and i can not wait for

A) more info
b) beta

sincerly yours:
Bzald of TopTen



Originally Posted by Eisenzahn
My main complaint remains, however. It's been four issues since we had a quantity of new story content that I felt at all enthusiastic about. Until I see some confirmation that this trend is over, and that story updates are going to start being major features of upcoming regular issues again, discussion of how full of goodies Going Rogue may be just feels like you're trying to convince me to buy something I thought I was already paying for.
Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Read the linked War Witch interview in the first post
Take a drink each time you see the word "content".

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Guess I am just sad to see Posi no longer in charge. Him taking over was the begining of great changes in this game. I am not saying that WW is not the same, just sad. Change is hard sometimes and when it comes it makes the future seem more uncertain.

Posi, I hope you enjoy your new job more than your old one.

WW, Congratz I hope you bring changes as awesome as Posi did in the position.

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Originally Posted by War Witch View Post
Oooo...shiny. OUCH!

Thanks, Positron. (I think.) Don't think I can't hear you cackling from my cube, by the way...

Wait, you're the boss and you only have a cubical? Make them give you an office damnit!



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I thought Hero1 was the main force behind the AE?
Joe "Hero 1" Morrissey was the main force behind the MA, especially getting it up and running. But his main job is writing content, and overseeing MA development -- as much as having the tools to write content is a help -- was taking time away from writing that content. And so, they hired Sean "Dr. Aeon" McCann to oversee the MA (and write content) so that Hero 1 can focus on writing canonical arcs. Hero 1 is also the keeper of the CoH Lore Bible.

Bruce "Horatio" Harlick is simply one of the writing staff (with excellent pedigree from PnP RP games... the original Foxbat of Champions PnP).

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Originally Posted by peterpeter View Post
Take a drink each time you see the word "content".
Ever seen this video before? When I read the interview, I pictured that video, but with Steve Balmer shouting "Content, content, content, content!" instead.

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Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
I play Farmville.
WTF is Farmville?



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Well, War Witch has mentioned that they're working on the first post-GR Issue too, so that's sort of a little bit more info

Touché :P

I will concede that point for now... *shakes fist*

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Congratulations all around! This definitely sounds like a winning combo.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Joe "Hero 1" Morrissey was the main force behind the MA, especially getting it up and running. But his main job is writing content, and overseeing MA development -- as much as having the tools to write content is a help -- was taking time away from writing that content. And so, they hired Sean "Dr. Aeon" McCann to oversee the MA (and write content) so that Hero 1 can focus on writing canonical arcs. Hero 1 is also the keeper of the CoH Lore Bible.

Bruce "Horatio" Harlick is simply one of the writing staff (with excellent pedigree from PnP RP games... the original Foxbat of Champions PnP).
I think you missed the joke

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
And... is Bruce "Horatio" Harlick still with Paragon Studios? The "Web" seems to indicate he left to be a lead designer of Farmville.
I made Bruce run away.

If I've deciphered the shuffle correctly, War Witch now has his former title of Lead Designer. Which means among other things I believe she's now both Castle and BaB's ultimate boss, and the new high value target for suck-up activity and suggestion PMs. May God have mercy on her soul.

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Originally Posted by peterpeter View Post
Take a drink each time you see the word "content".
I read it. I saw the same general terms being thrown around that I've been hearing for the last four content-starved issues. "There's something big coming! Really! No joke!" Yeah. When? And how much of the "content, content, content!!!" she's talking about is in Going Rogue, as compared to the regular issues?

Some of you have different standards of "confirmation" than I do. I'll believe it when it goes into beta.

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
It has seven times the number of players as WoW. You're cultural IQ needs some help. Go read an issue of Us.

Ummm ok. But seven times the numbers that play WoW mean nothing to me, they are a bunch of grinding, moronic kids. The fact that it is free and mindless seems to be the draw.

Plus from the link it looks like its on Facebook, which I despise and refuse to go near with a ten foot pole.

Farmville..err ok.



Originally Posted by Noxilicious View Post
"Hey, we have news concerning Going Rogue! The news is that you'll get the news soon!"

Also, grats to the newcomers and promotees. Do us proud!

LOL.....that was my impression too. I eagerly looked for the new info and came up with . .Soon!

I laughed.

Oh well, Gratz to all the new folk

Lisa-going back to her mission.

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winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



Glad to see a post.

Really hope that we get something FUN for endgame as Pos indicated. Please, no boring raids or TF's.

We need something for a solo or small group to enjoy.

And more story arcs!

Looking forward to the future updates.



Congrats to all. End Game system sounds liek some new system they are working on.

I'm sure War Witch is going to do a great gob, but the interview felt like they were talking to a politician. Vague statements, mostly dodge certian questions by repeating information said earlier in th interview tat doesn't say a lot anyway.

Its gonna be interesting.

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Congrats. Go get 'em, WW.

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Originally Posted by War Witch View Post
Oooo...shiny. OUCH!

Thanks, Positron. (I think.) Don't think I can't hear you cackling from my cube, by the way...

As boss I think you should be in shiny new office digs. You can't crack the whip if you're standing next to the minions, you've got to do it from you're temple they just built for you. Congo Ratz War Witch.

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Originally Posted by War Witch View Post
I kind of figured I'd bask in the love while I still have it.

While...? You mean you might loose it...

Congratulations War Witch (Eu loves you). Welcome Doc Delilah and The Television.
Well empulse did say we where starved (not in those words but..) so... could you please toss us some hints, updates (update the GR page for instance)...
and or tell us what we have next around the corner.
After all its a new year with new things (and shineys)...

Good Luck and keep being creative Positron New end game content eh?... sounds like fun. Looking forward to see what your project is about.

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