Discussion - Going Rogue and Paragon Team Update!




I just have one request, War Witch, even as you ascent to newer heights... please keep throwing in those awesome random NPC dialogues. I keep finding new ones, and keep laughing.


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Originally Posted by Dante View Post
Given that we know that the Praetorian AVs from the Portal Corps missions are getting a revamp (at least I think I'm remembering that correctly...) then it's entirely possible that they could be reworked in line with Going Rogue. Despite their tough AVs, the Praetorian arcs as they stand are fairly standard fair as they go. If they're getting a remake, they could easily be turned into huge, epic sized battles with characters who get established early on in the 1 - 20 levels of Praetoria.

However I tend to think there's even more to that than just a reworking of some end of game arcs. I suspect Coming Storm plot developments but then that could just be wishful thinking on my part.
They'll need to change the maps for sure - right now, the version of Praetoria they have is a dirty, run down and ruined city - so it's totally out of sync with the new version of Praetoria.
For example, Mother Mayhem's asylum map fits perfectly with the old concept, but really seems out of place in the new, gleaming and futuristic concept - her new lair would probably be brilliant white and well lit, with no dirt anywhere - to reflect the way that nothing can hide from her and her Seers.
And while I think there might be some interesting secret areas in or under Tyrant's tower, I don't hink he'll have the lava throne room - that's a bit too openly evil for the new, "good" Emperor of Praetoria

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
They'll need to change the maps for sure - right now, the version of Praetoria they have is a dirty, run down and ruined city - so it's totally out of sync with the new version of Praetoria.
For example, Mother Mayhem's asylum map fits perfectly with the old concept, but really seems out of place in the new, gleaming and futuristic concept - her new lair would probably be brilliant white and well lit, with no dirt anywhere - to reflect the way that nothing can hide from her and her Seers.
And while I think there might be some interesting secret areas in or under Tyrant's tower, I don't hink he'll have the lava throne room - that's a bit too openly evil for the new, "good" Emperor of Praetoria
In way...grotty asylums aren't that scary. It's like "Right, dank, dark and evil. Get ready. We KNOW theres evil here."
When it's all polished, shiny, white light lit and cold white tiles....Hnnghg...nasty.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I'd looooove for the old Praetorian Arcs to get their well-deserved update. I mean, the enemy models and maps are probably being made for the expansion anyway, there's no reason not to stick them over the old missions and comb through the mission text. While we think it's a good idea because we like the shines and such, this is a good idea to use as a teaser.

"Hey, new kid. You like these arcs? Don't you wanna buy the expansion to go more in depth? I thought so."



Originally Posted by StormSurvivor View Post
I'd looooove for the old Praetorian Arcs to get their well-deserved update.
One big thing needed are new bodyguards for Tyrant - in the final mission in the lava lair, the ruler of the world seems to have a group of guards made up of casually dressed street thugs

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
In way...grotty asylums aren't that scary. It's like "Right, dank, dark and evil. Get ready. We KNOW theres evil here."
When it's all polished, shiny, white light lit and cold white tiles....Hnnghg...nasty.
I'd like it have the same creepy too-clean look that the cloning facility on Kamino had in AotC - raging storms outside would be an added bonus

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
They'll need to change the maps for sure - right now, the version of Praetoria they have is a dirty, run down and ruined city - so it's totally out of sync with the new version of Praetoria.
For example, Mother Mayhem's asylum map fits perfectly with the old concept, but really seems out of place in the new, gleaming and futuristic concept - her new lair would probably be brilliant white and well lit, with no dirt anywhere - to reflect the way that nothing can hide from her and her Seers.
Ya to go along with her new / old body, since she dropped Aurora's like a Nun with a bad habit.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Team Update Questions for War Witch;

When are you going to get around to firing Jay
Over my dead body!

and getting someone who can actually deliver?
Now now, that is unfair.
Jay has delivered a LOT costume wise in the past.
And he won my soul long ago, when he gave us back the wrapped skin on the stiletto boots.
That last bombshell on the other threat just blew up any hopes I had for the mutant pack...
That's because a lot of players jumped to conclusions, made assumptions and then got mad about not getting what they want. That is not Jay's fault. Although I did find his response rather amusing.
I honestly don't see what all the fuss is about.

And I am sure they have him working his butt off anyhow, I doubt they would pay him to sit there and not deliver jack
I'd say he is in the same boat as the rest of the devs, where he is not allowed to tell us *what* he is creating. Not yet anyhow.

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project
I was thrilled with the Science pack cuz I finally got payback on the creepy guy that kept trying to ERP with my tween heroine, by hitting the costume change and turning into a 10' tall monstrous escaped prisoner and telling him, "You gots a real purty mouf, now bendover and squeal like a pig fo yo daddy, cuz you my little puppy now!" Haven't seen him since.



Yeah I've no complaints over Jay's work lately (except that he needs to produce MORE costumes - MORE MORE MORE!!!!) - far better than most of the costume sets we got before, especially the Valkyrie, Roman, Vanguard, plus Cyborg and Magic booster stuff. Techbot Alpha was being rather harsh there, I feel - especially because I just Googled "goit"

Criticism is fine - we pay our sub, so we're entitled to it - but it needs to be rational and measured. When it crosses into personal slurs, and attitude that is likely to just rile up the community with no other reason for posting it (because the requested outcome is patently ridiculous - i.e. calling for Jay to be fired for such petty reasons), I really do feel that people are going too far...

...which makes me a sad panda ... and makes Baby Jesus cry ... and runs the risk of persuading any lurking Battlenet kiddies that their particular brand of ranting idiocy would find fertile soil here - and you don't want that, do you?!



*Cough* Someone overloaded Rage.exe...
Nothing to see, now...
Clockwork are coming >_>

*legs it* you won't catch meeee...!

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Lord Mayhem View Post
I assumed that was a typo... I guess not.

And, I took his post to be somewhat joking... apparently I was wrong twice in the same post.

Originally Posted by CaffeineAddict View Post
And I am sure they have him working his butt off anyhow, I doubt they would pay him to sit there and not deliver Jack
I hope he's not delivering Jack!! There are far less destructive things for him to do.

(No one should notice the change in capatlization of the "J," right?)



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
I hope he's not delivering Jack!!
Well that paints a disturbing mental image - that would really hurt!!




Originally Posted by Lord Mayhem View Post
Well that paints a disturbing mental image - that would really hurt!!

Running Cleanse.exe

Heh, 'goit' I picked up from a webcomic. I assumed it was a different variation of g-it. Seems I was wrong Oo

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by EMpulse View Post
Hi everyone!

Whew! There have been a lot of great things going on over here at Paragon Studios lately which have had the unintended side effect of slowing our information flow out to you players.

In regards to Going Rogue, we know you are all chomping at the bit for some new information. Please know that regular status updates are a top priority for us and you’ll be hearing more about the expansion in upcoming weeks.

Meanwhile, we’ve been growing in size and have had some exciting staffing promotions and changes occur recently that we’d like to share with you – especially because some of the individuals involved are about to start interacting here on the boards as new red names!

Always willing to jump in and get his hands dirty, Matt “Positron” Miller has handed over day-to-day management of the Design Team to Melissa “War Witch” Bianco so that he can focus on the critically important End Game system in addition to a few other “top secret” initiatives. We’re certain that Posi has made this selfless hands-on sacrifice not only to ensure that the End Game is the best it can possibly be, but also to make Melissa’s life a living…er… a lovely educational and professional growth experience. So congratulations and good luck to War Witch who now leads the Design team, boldly forging CoH’s path into the future.

Our long-time Publishing Producer Jesse “Ghost Falcon” Caceres also has something to celebrate, as he has taken on a larger role with the team as our Development Producer. Therefore, we’re pleased to introduce C. “Doc Delilah” Bales who is new to Paragon Studios, but brings a wealth of MMO experience and will be assuming Ghost Falcon’s previous role. Congrats to Ghost Falcon and please join us in welcoming Doc Delilah to CoH and the forums!

But the congratulations don’t stop there. Vince “Dark Watcher” D’Amelio has asked that we announce that Matt “The Television” Stults, is now leading the Programming team. The team will be in great hands with Matt who has been on the project for well over a year enabling Vince to work on a variety of initiatives throughout the studio. Please join me in welcoming programming guru Matt as he enters the world of red names on the forums!

We want you to get to know a lot of these folks better in their new roles, so you can expect to see them participate in the “Ask A Dev” Program where you get to submit questions to a designated Dev Team Member and then they pick a handful to answer on the forums. First up is Melissa “War Witch” Bianco, so go here to read her bio and submit your question!

Speaking of War Witch, Melissa has conducted her first interview as Design Lead with MMORPG.com. See what she has to say about Game Design, Going Rogue and a whole lot more. Go here to read the interview.

Thanks for listening, everyone, and congratulations one last time to the CoH team members mentioned above. Something tells me that they’ll all be popping onto the boards to say their hellos and chat with you soon!

OMG I'm in the picture on MMORPG! I'm famous!

Virtue: @Santorican

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