Discussion - Going Rogue and Paragon Team Update!




Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
Congrats to all, but - where is the information? I read the interview and it just said "content".

Can we get some INFORMATION?

Yeah...real information please.

AE is nice and while there are nice arcs out there, I haven't played a Dev's Choice in a while. A lot of them have really annoying mobs and just haven't been very engaging. One of my all-time favourites is the Saul Rubenstein Discount Task Force, which had everything: humour, no really annoying mobs, no annoying unmentioned EBs or AVs and it was quick to complete.

Others I've tried had an EB (not mentioned by the contact) in the first room or so or just mobs with annoying powers...like overuse of end drain or -Defense abilities.

These days, I use AE to PL my alts to 20 or through the 30s before hitting the ITF circuit, which brings me to my next concern...end-game content itself.

If you look at the "End-game", it's basically 35+.

You have "Challenging End-game" in LRSF and STF (yeah yeah, some of us can whip these in 30 minutes...) and even Hydra can be challenging if people don't follow instructions. Then you have...the Shard TFs, which have nice storylines but are TOO DANGED LONG. Then you have Reichsmann TF, nicely paced but the last fight, heroside at least, is tedium in extreme. Just mashing buttons while a 250,000 HP boss goes down...not doing that a lot folks. While there may be an issue with the amount of debuffs available, making the end boss a large sack of hit points isn't the answer.

I'm crying for stuff to do with my purpled out alts. With the removal of the challenge slider for TFs (Just remove the ability to -1 them!) all I'm doing these days is ITFs, the occasional Positron/TF Commander run and a Respec every now and then.

This game has needed interesting End-game stuff forever. Heck, even some stuff specifically targeting high-end builds would be great, since at the moment AE is my only way of finding such challenges.

I got a second account a week ago and while I am running the contact arcs redside (which are generally great, Merit wise and story wise), heroside I see myself..."Well, I can go to Kings Row and do this Rescue Lost mission or...I can dual-box in AE and just PL to ITF level..." and that isn't a great place to be.

Give us stuff to do please...

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
She tried to get a War Witch TF in once. It involved Hockey, Molson Golden and something called the "Golden Toque." The main bad guy was some guy named MacKenzie. It was all very strange.

Ok, maybe not, but I thought it was funny. Grats once again to everyone involved!
Is this a hint of GR pretty pls
A War Witch Canadian themed TF */e drools*, oh don't forget to add Tim hortons to that TF, and a golden Toque for new costume piece sounds sweet.



Welcome new red names, and gratz on the pormotions : D



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
She tried to get a War Witch TF in once. It involved Hockey, Molson Golden and something called the "Golden Toque." The main bad guy was some guy named MacKenzie. It was all very strange.

Ok, maybe not, but I thought it was funny. Grats once again to everyone involved!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! *gasp* Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
*inhale* *cough*

This is why I love working with Castle.

"The challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be bold, but not a bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not arrogant; have humor, but without folly."
(Jim Rohn)



Originally Posted by Hydrothermia View Post
I wish I could buy that, but I can't due to the fact that CoV is no where close as far as content goes. Granted CoV has more quality and CoH has more quantity, but it's far from a level playing field. Get back to me when there is a villain version of a Quaterfield.
From what I understand, there's a reason there's not.

During CoV's development, they were focusing on leaner, tighter storytelling because people were complaining about lengthy, drawn-out arcs sending you to the four corners of the city, then to go looking for a few extra misplaced corners.

With CoV, they got exactly what they designed for. It's just that NOW, with the way the merit system focuses on "time spent", such short arcs simply don't deliver the amount of merits some of the "don't plan on anything for the next X hours" arcs blue-side do.

Look at the Barracuda SF (30 merits) vs the Khan TF (20 merits).

Originally Posted by War Witch View Post
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! *gasp* Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
*inhale* *cough*

This is why I love working with Castle.
Why? Because you've suddenly remembered that cattle prod you have stowed under your desk?

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by tensionfade View Post
Congrats to all who were promoted or allowed to be creative once again. Also - the news about adding hover bikes to the game is awesome. Yay! hoverbikes!
Hoverbikes in CoH/V? Is this official? Can someone please post a link from a dev confirming this? I may have missed it, but I haven't seen anything official on this.

Ashes to ashes,

The Cape Radio

"It's good to have friends. Wish I did." - Troy Hickman



Originally Posted by War Witch View Post
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! *gasp* Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
*inhale* *cough*

This is why I love working with Castle.
Since a Canadian is now in charge will there be more Canadian bits and pieces added into COH?

Maybe turning that donut store in Faultline into a Tim Hortons!

Or a lvl 1 mission where we find out why the Leafs stink so bad!

@Radmind - Justice Server
ClintarCOH - Twitter




Originally Posted by Torell View Post
Hmm this just days after BaB's turned off his PM's.. is BaB on Posi's strike team??

and will WW finally get to leave pocket D
You forget, War Witch is the only character in game that is in 2 places at the same time! Now you can see why she was promoted.



Originally Posted by JLove View Post
Oh don’t forget me. I have been promoted to official water balloon haver. In the tradition of Rip Taylor the flamboyant king of confetti, I will be forcibly distributing fun around the office at precise moments of optimal vulnerability. Tear filled sacks of hilarity are surly to ensue. Also with my new position I gleefully received a box of red hammers. I don’t really know what they are for, I think they supposed to help me type more betterrer or for turning off the lights when I leave late.

Shhhhh…. They also moved me next to Back Ally Butler, and he’s working on making sure the dark corners of the internet are still working, time for me to go to work.
oh, we havent forgotten you my dear, Costume fanatics like myself are still stalking you from the minimum of the police mandated distances..now about going rogue, we are talking metric butt-ton of new costumes, including new monstrous bits... RIGHT??



All I have to say is this...

COMING SOON: A new Epic that will change the way you see Arachnos...
Brought to you by @Equation



Originally Posted by Radmind View Post
Since a Canadian is now in charge will there be more Canadian bits and pieces added into COH?
They've hired someone to go through all the NPC dialog and add an occasional ",eh?" to spice it up.



Congrats to all the promotions and new red names! Yay! I'm so excited!



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
oh, we havent forgotten you my dear, Costume fanatics like myself are still stalking you from the minimum of the police mandated distances..now about going rogue, we are talking metric butt-ton of new costumes, including new monstrous bits... RIGHT??
What he said.
Da Boss don' wanna be dissapointed in 'choo. Capiche?

Just make the Mutant Pack and GR look good, and we can get on just fine

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Equation View Post
All I have to say is this...


Is that WW? I don't need to ask who the midg- er...fabulous person is...


Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.




I'm 6'6" and sitting down, thank you very much.

COMING SOON: A new Epic that will change the way you see Arachnos...
Brought to you by @Equation



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
[censored], [censored], [censored] and [censored]. During my spare time, I've been looking at [censored].
DUDE! T-Rating! T-Rating!

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Originally Posted by treboreleets View Post
BTW, "The Television" is the best name for a redname EVER!
As long as we don't refer to him/her as The TV (see definition 2).

...And hilarity ensued.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
She tried to get a War Witch TF in once. It involved Hockey, Molson Golden and something called the "Golden Toque." The main bad guy was some guy named MacKenzie. It was all very strange.

Ok, maybe not, but I thought it was funny. Grats once again to everyone involved!
Originally Posted by War Witch View Post
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! *gasp* Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
*inhale* *cough*

This is why I love working with Castle.
Haha... Because he's a hoser?

In all seriousness...
Is this a possible hint towards what will be in the Mutant Super Booster Pack??
Can we be Fleshy-Headed Mutants whom radiation has made an enemy to civilization??

Also... Dear, Lead Designer Miss WW,

I found a dead mouse in my CoH.
That means you owe me a free subscription, eh?

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by JLove View Post
Oh don’t forget me. I have been promoted to official water balloon haver. In the tradition of Rip Taylor the flamboyant king of confetti, I will be forcibly distributing fun around the office at precise moments of optimal vulnerability. Tear filled sacks of hilarity are surly to ensue. Also with my new position I gleefully received a box of red hammers. I don’t really know what they are for, I think they supposed to help me type more betterrer or for turning off the lights when I leave late.

Shhhhh…. They also moved me next to Back Ally Butler, and he’s working on making sure the dark corners of the internet are still working, time for me to go to work.
This guy is just the right level of demented. Cracks me up every time.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
She tried to get a War Witch TF in once. It involved Hockey, Molson Golden and something called the "Golden Toque." The main bad guy was some guy named MacKenzie. It was all very strange.

Ok, maybe not, but I thought it was funny. Grats once again to everyone involved!
Actually, the Canadian element was one of the desirable parts of that OTHER game.

But it didn't last. Sure, I'm Canadian, but I live in California now. I don't WANT snow any more

Or Molson Golden. That stuff's nasty! Gimme a Kieth's and I'll be happy though....



My favorite response of JLove's was when one of the first micro-packs to come out and some people were complaining about the cost. I frequently use bits of this to tell my superiors what I have been doing with my time and their money:

JLove: "What are you talking about? We all bought solid gold football helmets hand crafted by the moon pope and hired a bunch of Welsh Oxford educated super models to have a kobe steak fight. We lost 3 weeks worth of work time because of the E coli outbreak. It was worth every dirty penny. Now we're all jones'in for another round, so please help us chase the dragon. Daddy needs another hit."

Player: "Does it have leg armor?"

JLove: "No, Yes, Maybe, I don't know. I haven't even seen anything yet. Beep Beep Beep, what that sound? It's the sound of a truck load of your rent money going into my already to fat pockets. No, ready ask the team of Guatemalan children that I now outsource to because of the massive boat loads of money I now make from the micro packs."

Defenders do it with protection.
Blasters do it from behind.
Tankers do it with a group.
Controllers do it with restraints.
Scrappers do it with a death wish.



First off. I love this game.
That is to say, I still love this game. It was great when I first started playing it all those years ago in Issue 1, and I think it has steadily improved with age.

I want to thank the people that have done great work on this game, and, selfishly, hope that those that are starting off on new roles/projects in the game are very successful in bringing ups awesome content.

But there is something that does concern me in all of this.

Originally Posted by EMpulse View Post
Always willing to jump in and get his hands dirty, Matt “Positron” Miller has handed over day-to-day management of the Design Team to Melissa “War Witch” Bianco so that he can focus on the critically important End Game system in addition to a few other “top secret” initiatives. We’re certain that Posi has made this selfless hands-on sacrifice not only to ensure that the End Game is the best it can possibly be, but also to make Melissa’s life a living…er… a lovely educational and professional growth experience. So congratulations and good luck to War Witch who now leads the Design team, boldly forging CoH’s path into the future.
I don't need to point out the fact that some of us forum goers have been pointing out the fact that players should not be so obsessed about spend their time power-leveling and farming because THERE IS NO END GAME in CoH.
Well, this pretty much kicks us someplace that might be censored if I use a term for the exact location.

We have been patiently explaining to players that they should enjoy the game as there is no need to rush to level 50. I guess this release bursts that bubble.

I would like to say -- as a veteran player that started in Issue 1 and has kept an active subscription since then -- that I do not feel that End Game content is critically important to the longevity of the game or the game in general. In fact, I think that End Game in itself says something with those two words alone.

I certainly hope that this does not mean the End of the Game as I love it.

It is my feeling that the community in CoH is different from that of some of the other large MMORPGs simply because there is no End Game. By-and-large the core CoH community has always been a friendly and helpful lot. I've seen that community take a lot of hits over the past year.
When the AE was released -- bent over with it's pants down on the ground --, a different sort of player was attracted to the game. I'm sure that some money was made by attracting the kind of players that this drew to the game -- like ravenous sharks -- and then hitting them with a 10-ton ban hammer once the cash was in hand. I'm not saying that this was intentional.
I'm saying that "critical" End Game content seems to be chumming the waters for that same sort of predatory player.

Like I said, I can't say that I think it bodes well for the game to attract this kind of player, but it is not my company though I would say that this is my game.

This is the only MMORPG that I play. I've tried and heard about others, but none of them were any good as far as I was concerned and the behavior of players as certainly part of the issues that I have had with some of them.

I love this game. CoH is my MMORPG.

I really don't want to see turned into a game that I detest and I decide to quit playing because the form of fun that I have come to love about this game is gone.

I do understand that some are very interested in profits, and the profits seem to be with the power-leveling farmers, noob-hating gankers, and RMT/goldfarmer-supporting L337 players.

In a 4-color world of superheroes, I often hope there is a chance to rise above this petty monetary system - but that is only because it is a dream world ... because in reality global capitalism sucks for a majority of the people on this planet.

Well, here's hoping for the best. Maybe this End Game content will be something that will bring a new sense of team play and bright tomorrow.

Maybe I'm just depressed in general today, but things suddenly seem a little darker to me...



Originally Posted by The_Alt_oholic View Post
We have been patiently explaining to players that they should enjoy the game as there is no need to rush to level 50. I guess this release bursts that bubble.
Why? Rushing to 50 just to do the end game content is no different than rushing to 25 to do the Croatoa arcs.

I once said that rushing to 50 was like rushing to the end of your vacation. Knowing your friends were going to throw a party for you when you got back, does that add incentive to rush to the end of your vacation?

The target audience for this game are the people who enjoy playing the game. The people who do not enjoy playing the game but have a pathological need to create maximal barbie dolls in it as fast as humanly possible are not the target audience for this game, although we're more than happy to take their subscription dollars until they figure that out.

I don't tell people there's no point in rushing to 50 because there's nothing to do at 50. I tell people there's no point in rushing to 50 because level 50 isn't going anywhere and you should only be subscribing to the game if you actually enjoy playing it. If you actually enjoy playing it, its pointless to skip one part of the game to play a different part of the same game.

No disrespect to the devs, but there's no way they can make enough end game content to keep hard core players busy for very long. If you rush to 50 just to play the end game, you'll eventually run out of end game. And I'm already thinking about what I'm going to say to the first person who rushes to 50 to play the end game and then complains about not having enough end game. I hope you enjoy it when it happens: I'm putting a lot of thought into it.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
[censored], [censored], [censored] and [censored]. During my spare time, I've been looking at [censored].
So does that mean we're shifting the rating into A for Adult, then?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Pheonyx View Post
Hoverbikes in CoH/V? Is this official? Can someone please post a link from a dev confirming this? I may have missed it, but I haven't seen anything official on this.
Sorry man, you got troll'd. There's been absolutely no mention of such a thing (as you probably inferred by this point since no one has replied to your post in over 4 hours).

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!