Discussion - Going Rogue and Paragon Team Update!




Congrats to all.

I hope there will be celebratory poutine for Melissa in the lunchroom.

Thank you, Champion.



Glad to see you folks leveling up! Congrats!

Troy Hickman - So proud to have contributed to and played in this wonderful CoH universe



Gratz to War Witch and everyone who's gotten a promotion!

Gratz to everyone who still has a job working for Paragon Studios! Especially in this Economy.

Hope everything goes well and I'm hoping to hear more news from you guys, soon(TM).

"Steady as a mountain, attack like fire, still as a wood, swift as the wind.
In heaven and earth I alone am to be revered."
- Motto on the war banner of Takeda Shingen (1521-1573)



Originally Posted by Liquid View Post
For those who didn't know, can you believe that War Witch started as the Office Manager? (Edit: actually, maybe she didn't start as the Office Manager, that's from August of 2002, 6 months after she was hired) And now she's the Lead Designer!
I thought Positron banned those PLers?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Grats to all those promoted! Really looking forward to hearing more!

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575



"...focus on the critically important End Game system..." This blurb is completely new info to me. Does anyone have any additional info on what this end game system is. Actually I'm a tad fuzzy on exactly what "end game system" means in the first place, feel free to educate me on that.



Originally Posted by EarthFury View Post
"...focus on the critically important End Game system..." This blurb is completely new info to me. Does anyone have any additional info on what this end game system is. Actually I'm a tad fuzzy on exactly what "end game system" means in the first place, feel free to educate me on that.
Well when they announced Going Rogue they teased us of a "system" so to speak where our 50s can get even stronger, something more for lvl 50s to do basically.

Alot of people have speculated it may be something along the lines of a pseudo-lvl 60 goal (without actually increasing the lvl cap), examples such as special story arcs, universal enhancement slots, etc

I'm guessing this is related to that, more stuff for 50s to do is one thing i've been waiting for. I guess thats what Positron's main focus is now. We defenitely could use some more actual content. MA really needs some improvements because right now it's not the kind of sustaining content the game needs.



First, Congrats everyone.

Condolences, too... to War Witch... for when the glow wears off....



Originally Posted by EarthFury View Post
"...focus on the critically important End Game system..." This blurb is completely new info to me. Does anyone have any additional info on what this end game system is. Actually I'm a tad fuzzy on exactly what "end game system" means in the first place, feel free to educate me on that.
Accordinng to that old NCSoft marketing survey from a while back, it has something to do with performing tasks to earn things called universal enhancement slots, as well as the special enhancements that go in them. The slots would give bonuses to your whole build - for example, a universal damage enhancement would give, say, 5% damage to all your damage powers - and there'd be a total 10 slots available.

The setting for these tasks was going to be a mysterious alien space station orbiting Earth.

How much of this is still part of their plans for the endgame content in GR is totally unknown right now

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
War Witch, now that you get to crack the whip you can introduce more hidden clickies!
I'm oldskool, they are glowies not clickies. hehe :P



Essentially no new info. Great. And the beat goes on.

Although props for the new changes and what not.

I also don't buy the OP stating there has been no new info cuz they have been so busy. Rubbish. Keeping the players in the dark the way they have is tantamount to to a slap in the face. Sad.

I do like a change in lead development. I still remember last year (maybe in May?) how they promised the next few issues would be huge and there are huge things coming this year. Well, the issues have not been huge and GR might be that huge add we've needed. The only positive I take from this is a new lead dev. I have been around for i12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 - the only ones that were decent: 12 and 14. 13 was almost a complete joke and 15 wasn't really an issue. Apparently 17 is supposed to be light too and should be out 'soon' or before GR so who really knows.

War Witch, PLEASE inject this game with items that make it fresh and exciting. I hope your version of content isn't doing the same missions, with the same minions, same maps but with different text. This game is too repetitive and it wears on me. I pray the dev team never uses any of the existing maps in a mission ever again. Make up a new group and slowly add to them. Go back and fix the old TF's - they are not fun to play at all (esepcially Synapse and Posi). Add some new mechanics and stop adding items that are like what we have. I beg you!



Originally Posted by TroyHickman View Post
Glad to see you folks leveling up! Congrats!
eww its a hickman!!!!

LvL 50's Inv/Em Tank, Katana/Regen Scrapper, Merc/Traps MM, Ninja/Dark MM, Crab
@Torell Guardian, Liberty & Freedom



Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
Keeping the players in the dark the way they have is tantamount to to a slap in the face.
I hear the next vet badge will be called "Bitchslapped", and its art will be a picture of BAB doing the /e smackyou emote.

Apparently 17 is supposed to be light too and should be out 'soon' or before GR so who really knows.
None of that is true at all

I pray the dev team never uses any of the existing maps in a mission ever again.
Your prayers will not be answered

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Yaaa for everyone but the links seem to be broken.

Enjoy your day please.



Content and End Game First and foremost, we want to support the things we've already implemented and continue adding content to them, like missions, zones, badges, etc. Not every issue needs to be a brand spanking new system, though these are things that keep us ahead of the curve, and we've done a lot of that during the years. So in the next several months our players can expect more of what they already love -- content ...Players love our missions and zones, so we need to give them more of that.
And as for the rest of 2010, our players can expect content, content, and more content. We're already working on content for our issue post "Going Rogue" and it's some of the most exciting and challenging things we've ever done.
Amen and Hallelujah! Thank you , thank you, thank you, War Witch!
Enough labor intensive new systems. We want to get back on the streets of the city fighting our enemy, and not just standing in a building running simulations.

Bring on the new content



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I hear the next vet badge will be called "Bitchslapped", and its art will be a picture of BAB doing the /e smackyou emote.

None of that is true at all

Your prayers will not be answered

Wow, I am so glad you have posted such a useful post! It's awesome! Good work!

Oh, and why would you say i17 being light and before GR is not true?! I am pretty sure they noted that at Hero Con but could be wrong. Either way, not a big deal. I am on a break from the game and hoping GR brings me back. That is my make or break point for the game so my hopes are high

Oh, I also hope you learn how to make a constructive post as opposed to just pick on what others post.



Congrats on the inner office commotions, hope it came with a pay increase WW.

Nothing to do but wait and see what comes from this.

Unless, someone has a better idea?



Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
why would you say i17 being light and before GR is not true?! I am pretty sure they noted that at Hero Con but could be wrong.
What they actually said was that there are no plans for an Issue before GR goes live - but that if the graphics update was ready before the rest of GR , it might be possible that they'd release it on its own first.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
If I've deciphered the shuffle correctly, War Witch now has his former title of Lead Designer. Which means among other things I believe she's now both Castle and BaB's ultimate boss, and the new high value target for suck-up activity and suggestion PMs. May God have mercy on her soul.
I've already pm'ed WW with my 100k word treatise on how badly everything is done in CoH/V now and how they really need to fix everything. Fortunately, I also provide a solution to every problem in a precise 357 bullet point list.

I did think of sending her the extended version that runs into a snappy 500k words and has hand-drawn illustrations, but it's only early days.



Originally Posted by Acemace View Post
Congrats on the inner office commotions, hope it came with a pay increase WW.

Nothing to do but wait and see what comes from this.

Unless, someone has a better idea?
Riot until we get some more info?



I thought an "old favourite returns" was going to be the announcement that Emmert was returning to lead dev on CoH/V status. I would have laughed and laughed...



- Who's in charge of world design now?

- Where's Ghost Widow?

- By C. Bales, you mean Christian Bale, right?

- Is the new MMO that Paragon Studios is working on CoH/V 2, or are you moving into another MMO genre? "Various initiatives" indeed.



Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
By C. Bales, you mean Christian Bale, right?
I hope he likes the new lighting effects in GR then

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Congrats to everyone on the team!

As for Positron's endgame, I hope it is FUN, but I also hope it is not a total time sink like in some other games.

If it confers character advantages, I hope it is something that a player with only a couple of level 50s will benefit from more with a full investment of time. However, I feel that the early benefits in the system should come fast enough that someone like me with lots of 50s won't be totally screwed in the new system.

Best wishes to all!


Random AT Generation!
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