Discussion - Going Rogue and Paragon Team Update!




Originally Posted by Sardan View Post
GG, I know that animated hair is like a holy quest for you, but given that BaBs recently reported testing with multiple capes and the news wasn't good, I think you can lay that to rest. Animated hair would be the performance equivalent of a second cape, and the framerate hit would be unacceptable. At least that's what I read into BaBs's comments.
Animated hair could be a new powerset... why not wish for that instead?

You could have a hair whip... and have it do all kinds of neato stuff...

Animated hair on everyone is not as awesome as it seems, I was psyched about it in AoC, but now is just like "meh". If it comes... ok, but it would have been cooler to do something else with the animator guys time, imo.



Originally Posted by NarfMann View Post
Btw, you do realize that everything is going to be blamed on you now, whether or not you actually had anything to do with it, right?
Eh, it gets spread around. I've seen posts complaining to BaBs that he wasn't working on fixing base raids.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
New zones?! Talk!!!
Praetoria is "several different zones", that "kinda progress from the roots of the original city of Praetoria to Cole's vision of a perfect planned out "golden city" - in his eyes".
The city is "new", "bright" and "has a lot of open spaces - it has plazas, parks - plenty of stuff to explore".

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Congrats to War Witch for the promotion. You seem like really good people, so I quite pleased to hear good things are happening for you.

Congrats to Posi for moving back into creative and fun work. NOW GET TO WORK! FASTER! Heh, I keed. Thanks for the way you've lead the team, as amazing things happened while CoX was in your hands.

Hmmm, a "Television" dev. This one bears watching. *rimshot*

AE Arcs: #10482 N00b Rescue Duty, #164100 The Four Treasures of the Tuatha De Dannan



Originally Posted by Sardan View Post
Eh, it gets spread around. I've seen posts complaining to BaBs that he wasn't working on fixing base raids.
Hehe, it's funny 'cuz it's true.



Originally Posted by Sardan View Post
Eh, it gets spread around. I've seen posts complaining to BaBs that he wasn't working on fixing base raids.
And we know that it's Positron who'll be to blame if the new endgame content doesn't transport the human race to a higher plane of consciousness.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



At least now this is something. All the silence about GR started to make me think we werent even getting it in 2010. Grats on promotions and stuff.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
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Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



Congratz to all. It's good to see that things are moving along nicely. The end-game content from Posi promises to be totally awesome ((And yes, we will blame him if it isn't)).

**Waiting for GR info**



For a moment there I actually thought we were getting some new information.



Originally Posted by Fury Flechette View Post
Not trying to raise the Doom Meter(tm), but the move to work on the end game content for Posi is a *voluntary* move, correct? It could be read as a demotion.

I mean I think Posi will be great at developing a compelling end game since he's the one that largely brought inventions to CoH. I want the announcement to mean that he's just taking one for the team because he's really good at designing as opposed to promoting someone else because management wants a "change of direction" or other nonsense.

This. I am not sure how I feel about this change. I hate I am late on the news, cracked a rib and I am in bed today. I liked what Posi did with the game, and it just, dosen't feel right. Combine that with BAB no longer taking PMs, and it all seems odd.

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Congrats to all those promoted! The game is in great hands, and it's exciting to hear that Posi's working on something that has so much potential!



Originally Posted by War Witch View Post
I kind of figured I'd bask in the love while I still have it.

Think you can get your Pocket D self to say her little quips again?

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Luckily, you'll get both in one attractive boxed expansion
End game post going rogue also, from WW's mmorpg interview.

Token Fire Blaster of "Love The Turtles" and Green Lantern Uber-fan.



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
Animated hair could be a new powerset... why not wish for that instead?

You could have a hair whip... and have it do all kinds of neato stuff...

Animated hair on everyone is not as awesome as it seems, I was psyched about it in AoC, but now is just like "meh". If it comes... ok, but it would have been cooler to do something else with the animator guys time, imo.
Hey, that works for Bayonetta....whom happens to be a witch also....

Congratulations to all involved, glad to know that the expansion is still being worked on ( ' :




Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
This. I am not sure how I feel about this change. I hate I am late on the news, cracked a rib and I am in bed today. I liked what Posi did with the game, and it just, dosen't feel right. Combine that with BAB no longer taking PMs, and it all seems odd.
BAB has recently been heard to ask other PC staff if anyone saw the game last night, who made the morning coffee, and to comment on how lovely the weather was, regardless of the actual weather outside - he also seemed interested in TPS reports.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
This. I am not sure how I feel about this change. I hate I am late on the news, cracked a rib and I am in bed today. I liked what Posi did with the game, and it just, dosen't feel right. Combine that with BAB no longer taking PMs, and it all seems odd.
Well, I hope this is just what it seems on the surface: that Melissa is being promoted because she's earned it, and Posi is going back to something he loves doing, which is more of the hands-on design.

Or (I hope this isn't the case) it could be that the Posi move was a vote of no confidence by the game's producers. Or it could be that it's a vote of extremely high confidence by getting him to work on a critical area of the game for now, then freeing him up to work on a next-gen MMO after he's done with this project. We just can't know, nor should we.

EDIT: I don't read anything suspicious into BaBs's shutting off PMs. He's far and away the most accessible dev with the biggest presence on the forums. He probably constantly had a full PM inbox and he, like the rest of the team, is under a lot of pressure to do a ton of GR stuff right now so he's trying to focus.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



In other news:

Ross "Marketing" Borden was promoted from Director of Business and Marketing to Vice-President of Publishing at NCSoft.

Ron "Animation" Freidman is no longer with Paragon Studios.

Paragon Studios has been averaging 2 new hires a month since August. The rednames we see is just the tip of the iceberg.

And... is Bruce "Horatio" Harlick still with Paragon Studios? The "Web" seems to indicate he left to be a lead designer of Farmville.

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First off, Congratulations to Positron, War Witch, Dark Watcher, Ghost Falcon and The Television!

Welcome to the madhouse Doc Delilah.


Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
Get out of my head!

And are you in any way associated with CoX marketing? (I won't accept any answer but "yes" or possibly "maybe.")
Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
No, because then I wouldn't exist.
Oh, you'd exist all right, you just wouldn't be saying much (if you said anything).

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post

And... is Bruce "Horatio" Harlick still with Paragon Studios? The "Web" seems to indicate he left to be a lead designer of Farmville.
I play Farmville.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
And... is Bruce "Horatio" Harlick still with Paragon Studios? The "Web" seems to indicate he left to be a lead designer of Farmville.
I thought Hero1 was the main force behind the AE?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Interesting. I'm definitely intrigued by the notion of dedicated "End Game" content. I've certainly been hoping for something to do with my purpled-out Electric Brute a bit more compelling than throwing her at quantities of Rikti that make the Battle of Thermopylae look like a kid's softball match.

My main complaint remains, however. It's been four issues since we had a quantity of new story content that I felt at all enthusiastic about. Until I see some confirmation that this trend is over, and that story updates are going to start being major features of upcoming regular issues again, discussion of how full of goodies Going Rogue may be just feels like you're trying to convince me to buy something I thought I was already paying for.

Also, if War Witch is going to be in charge, her character needs to become a fightable NPC in the game rather than just a static trainer, so we can vent our frustrations on her in effigy.

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Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
Okay, now it's conspiracy time: Lead dev and head programmer stepping aside in order to work on a number of "secret initiatives"? Could it be that Paragon Studios is about to begin work on another MMO?
If true, let's hope this new MMO is a standalone-expansion for City of Heroes/Villains the same way Villains was for Heroes.

What can I say? I love CoH and always want more!