Discussion - Going Rogue and Paragon Team Update!




Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
No disrespect to the devs, but there's no way they can make enough end game content to keep hard core players busy for very long.
While that's true, if a system is in place to consistently add new challenges (with new, meaningful rewards) for level-capped characters, it will satiate those who like to progress their characters further than the current constraints of the game.

You're right about "hardcore" gamers, though. If they don't like playing the game in a general sense, more end game won't keep them around forever.



Originally Posted by War Witch View Post
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! *gasp* Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
*inhale* *cough*

This is why I love working with Castle.

It also must include Rush music in the background. After the glowies play a "coo-loo-coo-coo" sound instead of the woob-woob, we need Geddy singing "Take Off" once we free the hostages.

My Deviant Art page link-link

CoH/V Fan Videos



If end game is somehow tied to crazy weirdos (like me) having fun in ways that really doesn't include significant in-game rewards...
Would that be a great thing? Bad thing? Same as we have it now?

Just a quick thought that passed through my head after reading the last couple of responses about possible bad/good of end-game content.

Does content mean something to shoot for... or just something more to do while logged in?
Obviously the idea is to provide fun (And we know this Team has been focused on that core aspect firstly).
Is it still fun enough if the rewards are not things people feel they need to go out and get because they don't make their character better/richer?

Me... I'd like to see more content for 50s simply by allowing radioscanner and newspaper missions in any zone. Not a huge thing, nor huge amount of interesting content, I know.
I'd like to see endless missions available from Portal Corps for 50s.

I mean... the AE really does answer a lot of this type of content, so maybe it isn't necessary to shoot for.

Maybe the content is more about those expanded enhancements we've heard mention of in the past.

As for myself... I am one of those players that would love content like the save the kitten from the tree and rescue people from fires events, or conversely, tie the damsel to the railroad track and set buildings on fire...

Just simply added content.

Now... a Mooon Base and space areas and more Monster Isle type good stuff and... and... I don't know. That would all be terrific and I imagine I'd enjoy that too!

I just like Hey, that's fun! Stuff more than the Hey, I want to level my character and start farming so I can take part in this new content that will make my character 3.7% better than it was!

That is just me though.

And I didn't have a lot of sleep last night, so I may be posting this ramble somewhat oddly (even for me).

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
So does that mean we're shifting the rating into A for Adult, then?
Well, the GR site does say "rating pending"

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Equation View Post

I'm 6'6" and sitting down, thank you very much.
Gah! You're the ingame size of an Arbiter! O.o

Dontkillmeplease! >_<

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



"End Game Content" to me would be things that can't (not shouldn't...big difference) be done with anything less than a 50. You can already do everything this game has to offer without getting to the end cap. Just adding another high level TF, or some kind of high end raid won't be enough. This content should be the answer to the question "So I got my character to 50...now what?" Up until now, the answer was "Run the same content you just did to get this far" or "Go use flashback to run all the arcs you skipped on the way up to 50," or "Go roll a new character and start over." These answers may be fine for those who haven't played long, or might only have one or two 50's, but it's time to have some stuff for the level capped characters to do that's just for them. Constantly creating new characters is one way to keep customers paying, but it doesn't have to be the only way, and at this point in CoH's lifespan, it shouldn't be the only way anymore. There's a large stable of 50's in this game collecting dust. It's time we gave them more love.

I look forward to seeing what Positron and his minions are up to.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
She tried to get a War Witch TF in once. It involved Hockey, Molson Golden and something called the "Golden Toque." The main bad guy was some guy named MacKenzie. It was all very strange.

Ok, maybe not, but I thought it was funny. Grats once again to everyone involved!
I'm am jazzed to play the "Beer Hunter" mission.

Just Lucky that way...



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Seems such a strange move for a game that's dead/dying, doesn't it?
lol hun go to warcry or a site that shows the numbers of the amount of people that have been on...you will see in writing and for yourself that this game is like a dying guppy waiting to go belly up



Originally Posted by stormydiz View Post
lol hun go to warcry or a site that shows the numbers of the amount of people that have been on...you will see in writing and for yourself that this game is like a dying guppy waiting to go belly up
Last I knew, Paragon Studios didn't publish subscription numbers anymore. So, that would mean there isn't a site that has reliable statistics... unless some dev has defected to a random website to give them some kind of inside information.

Also... if a game is going to wane, this would be the time. CoH/V has been around for, what, close to 6 years... and now we are on the cusp of what (I hope) will be a giant expansion we have heard little about in the last few months. Many, and I mean MANY, people are unsubbing until GR drops, and I can guarantee we won't just get people re-upping either when it does. We will be getting new subscriptions once that box hits the shelves. Also, keep in mind that from an anecdotal persepctive, I am seeing new subscribers in Paragon/Rogue Isles every time I log in.



Well, we might get new flesh into this game with GR...if there is a strong enough marketing/advertising campaign. The Paragon Team will probably miss this year's PAX because it is on the east coast and having them there would be in their best interest since it is at the end of the 1st quarter and by then we will need to get the info required to saturate the media with GR news and build hype and word of mouth.

As of now I don't think they will send Devs for a weekend to Boston to speak about GR at a convention that plays a perfect platform for mass media release and maybe an open/closed beta of Praetoria as a demo....Do I see this happening..no




Originally Posted by Yogi_Bare View Post
Gratz; especially to the arc writer turned employee.

But now that we're seemingly done with 'musical cubicles', , can we consolidate and port some of the 'green-lighted' GR info from Hero Con and elsewhere over to the GR page?
Thanks; the detailed profiles were a good read... still trying to pick out the possible Secondary Powers from the description of Maelstroms cybernetic/nanite upgrades. And Tyrant's details gave a good backdrop for Praetoria.

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



Originally Posted by Sardan View Post
Actually I'd say the MA is a stellar success compared to the PVP revamp that Posi headed up. I think that qualifies as "unmitigated disaster".
This is why I believe, that Positron should take on an alter-ego for his top secret project with his Strike Force Team!

I was disappointed, that my favourite villain npc never gets used or brought up in any new things, like as an AV further in the story line, or as a trainer in a new zone, a contact, or even a new red name

I am talking about the one and only, Doctor Geist.
He would be perfect for Positron as an alter-ego.

If something happens that disappoints (as always) a portion of the player base, then he could say, "that was done by my evil twin" or "I'll have to check with my alter-ego on that", or "the evil Geist voice in my head made me do it".

Don't know who Geist is? Here's info:
Pretend Geist is Posi and the Wolf Spider is the Director. Teehee.

Doctor Geist: Mwuhahahahaha!
Doctor Geist: The fools! They said that I, the ingenious Dr. Geist, would never make anything of myself!
Doctor Geist: Now here I am, working for Lord Recluse, unlocking the secrets of these Arachnoids!
Doctor Geist: Soon, I will work my way up the Arachnos hierarchy and get the resources I need to create my ULTIMATE SECRET WEAPON!
Doctor Geist: Then, I shall rule the WORLD!
Doctor Geist: Mwuhahahahahaha!
Wolf Spider: GEIST!
Doctor Geist: Aaaaaah!
Wolf Spider: Get back to work or we'll cut off more than your funding!
Doctor Geist: Of course, s-sir! I'll get back to it, sir!
Wolf Spider: I hate mad scientists.

Originally Posted by Evilanna View Post
Wait, you're the boss and you only have a cubical? Make them give you an office damnit!
If Posi had Geist as an alter ego, he could have his very own mad scientists laboratory. And guinea pigs.

Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I hear the next vet badge will be called "Bitchslapped", and its art will be a picture of BAB doing the /e smackyou emote.
I approve. Make it so!

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Coincidentally, that is how I made Bruce run away. I think he left skid marks.
Which is why I rarely PM the red names.

I once PM'd lighthouse, asking to find out why they don't sell game time cards in Australia. 2 days or so later, he resigned.
Several weeks later, i did the same thing with his successor, (can't remember her name), I sent her a PM asking the same thing and shortly after that she resigned...
Now I am paranoid if I PM red names they will leave!

Originally Posted by JLove View Post
Oh don’t forget me. I have been promoted to official water balloon haver. In the tradition of Rip Taylor the flamboyant king of confetti, I will be forcibly distributing fun around the office at precise moments of optimal vulnerability. Tear filled sacks of hilarity are surly to ensue. Also with my new position I gleefully received a box of red hammers. I don’t really know what they are for, I think they supposed to help me type more betterrer or for turning off the lights when I leave late.

Shhhhh…. They also moved me next to Back Ally Butler, and he’s working on making sure the dark corners of the internet are still working, time for me to go to work.
Try to make some of those winter glowing presents (without the glow) and upon opening, they fling confetti out. You could hide the victims coffee mugs a week or so before, and put it inside the present as a gift. Muah hahaha. But don't forget the confetti.

Also, you could remodel BaBs character by dressing him in butler's costume pieces. And make his hair grey, maybe a tad of receding hairline, and complimentary wrinkles. And give him cheesy dentures. I dare you to upload the costume on the BaBs trainer in Galaxy.

Come to think of it, this would make a great April Fools joke, the devs could play pranks like this in game on eachothers alts, and the players could seek them out like easter eggs. Oh the chaos!

Originally Posted by Castle View Post
She tried to get a War Witch TF in once. It involved Hockey, Molson Golden and something called the "Golden Toque." The main bad guy was some guy named MacKenzie. It was all very strange.
Someone get Back Alley Brawler's attention. The mace powerset needs a new customisation. That's right. Hockey sticks. Those things are nasty and would make an excellent new mace skin.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I once said that rushing to 50 was like rushing to the end of your vacation. *snippet*

No disrespect to the devs, but there's no way they can make enough end game content to keep hard core players busy for very long. If you rush to 50 just to play the end game, you'll eventually run out of end game.
Whilst we don't really know what is being added (and way too much speculation is going on), I am being really hopeful that the new content is a win.

  • I would like more content for the 50s, that's for sure.
  • I also want to see the story line further developed, with old contacts included in new, exciting content.
  • I'd like all the old content to be tidied up, similar to some of the villain content. Streamline it, and keep as much of it as possible in the same zone as the contact where permitting. Also making it so you can call a contact after 1-3 missions, so you don't have to zone so many darn times.
  • I've also been wishing for ages that they would review/fix the boring/frustrating task forces (such as those in the shadow shard, Positron TF, etc).
  • I've been hoping they would add more mechanics/AI for how enemies work in missions, instead of huddling up like moronic, ready-to-be-slaughtered sheep. I'd love to see mobs get up and swap spawn locations with other mobs; call for help from others to back them up, etc. And more unpredictable ambushes.
  • I've also been desperately wanting them to add new maps, and completely mix the existing maps up, by adding new hallways, side rooms, alternate pathways to the existing maps to make them as unpredictable as possible. Currently, any vet can walk into a office map, and know exactly the layout of the floor. For me this removes most of the suspense/thrill.

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project
I was thrilled with the Science pack cuz I finally got payback on the creepy guy that kept trying to ERP with my tween heroine, by hitting the costume change and turning into a 10' tall monstrous escaped prisoner and telling him, "You gots a real purty mouf, now bendover and squeal like a pig fo yo daddy, cuz you my little puppy now!" Haven't seen him since.



IDK if anyone noticed/said anything about this, but Praetor was an ancient Roman title for he commander of an army or an elected magistrate assigned duties (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Praetor ... *it is a wiki, so accuracy is not guaranteed*)

We already have the Cimerora Peninsula, ala Rome. I had read somewhere that Imperious was the ancient "version" of Statesman.

So since will be so much cross-branding that will be going on once GR hits, Will there be an entrance to Cimerora through Praetoria, and if so, will it be the same or different than the Cimerora we know currently?

"There are no facts, only interpretations" - Friedrich Nietzche, Philosopher
"Conflict is inevitable. Combat is optional." - Max Lucade, Author



Originally Posted by Maleficent View Post
IDK if anyone noticed/said anything about this, but Praetor was an ancient Roman title for he commander of an army or an elected magistrate assigned duties (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Praetor ... *it is a wiki, so accuracy is not guaranteed*)

We already have the Cimerora Peninsula, ala Rome. I had read somewhere that Imperious was the ancient "version" of Statesman.

So since will be so much cross-branding that will be going on once GR hits, Will there be an entrance to Cimerora through Praetoria, and if so, will it be the same or different than the Cimerora we know currently?
It's possible - but I think it's more of a general Roman inspiration for both of them, rather than any lore-based connection.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by stormydiz View Post
lol hun go to warcry or a site that shows the numbers of the amount of people that have been on...you will see in writing and for yourself that this game is like a dying guppy waiting to go belly up
I prefer to go by my in-game experiences

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Positron View Post
Congrats to WarWitch on her new duties. In the short time she's been at the helm I have already been impressed with the way she has taken the ball and run with it. Of course, after she felt good about everything is when I gave her the debrief on the current crop of player concerns and things to keep a close eye on in-game, bringing the reality of the position crashing down around her. Heh heh heh.

And a lot of you caught the reference to the End-Game that I am now working on. WarWitch frees me up to be creative again (yay!) and my strike team and I are designing and implementing an all-new system for your max-level characters to participate in. Rest assured that my focus for end-game is FUN. I won't be able to give out any specific details for a while, but I think you are all going to be very excited with all the future plans for City of Heroes, whether it is Going Rogue or beyond.

So yeah, you all can now fill up WarWitch's PM box with all your suggestions/exploits/requests for info/general chit chat. I'll still be around and answer questions when I can, but she's the "go to girl" for all that stuff now.

Here's the torch, WarWitch... don't burn yourself with it.
i wonder if that means no end game content with going rogue or that there is a lot of end game content to come beyond just going rogue.

sounds like number two

sincerly yours:
Bzald of TopTen



Originally Posted by bzald View Post
i wonder if that means no end game content with going rogue or that there is a lot of end game content to come beyond just going rogue.

sounds like number two
Yeah - I think it's almost totally impossible that GR won't have the new endgame system in it.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Yeah - I think it's almost totally impossible that GR won't have the new endgame system in it.

I think you made a double negative there. I hope I understood it correctly - but it seems most unlikely that GR will have the "End Game" content.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
I think you made a double negative there. I hope I understood it correctly - but it seems most unlikely that GR will have the "End Game" content.
I'm pretty sure it will - it'll be a major selling point for it.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I'm pretty sure it will - it'll be a major selling point for it.
Not absolutely certain of that myself. Both in that i'm not sure if it will be ready in time for Going Rogue, and also that i highly doubt it will be exclusive to Going Rogue buyers.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
Not absolutely certain of that myself. Both in that i'm not sure if it will be ready in time for Going Rogue, and also that i highly doubt it will be exclusive to Going Rogue buyers.
^ What he said.
There might be some end game stuff, a la beating up on Tyrant and the Guard/The leaders of the Resistance, and stuff like that.
I would hazard a guess that I17 may come at the same time or just after GR. Given there will need to be a patch or two when GR comes out for the 'connecting' parts and all that.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
^ What he said.
There might be some end game stuff, a la beating up on Tyrant and the Guard/The leaders of the Resistance, and stuff like that.
I would hazard a guess that I17 may come at the same time or just after GR. Given there will need to be a patch or two when GR comes out for the 'connecting' parts and all that.

Add that to this:

GR is probably going to bring back a lot of people to the game as it stands. But once they've run through the content, some will clutter off to other games and work through them too. That is pretty well the nature of the games industry after all.

"END GAME" (hmmm will people start referring to it as EG?) will be another massive hook to bring people back... to add that to EG to GR would be quite foolish from a finance point of view - and given that we've only just learned Posi's actually working on EG, I suspect it'll be a while.

In other words, don't put all your EGGRs in one basket.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Given that we know that the Praetorian AVs from the Portal Corps missions are getting a revamp (at least I think I'm remembering that correctly...) then it's entirely possible that they could be reworked in line with Going Rogue. Despite their tough AVs, the Praetorian arcs as they stand are fairly standard fair as they go. If they're getting a remake, they could easily be turned into huge, epic sized battles with characters who get established early on in the 1 - 20 levels of Praetoria.

However I tend to think there's even more to that than just a reworking of some end of game arcs. I suspect Coming Storm plot developments but then that could just be wishful thinking on my part.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk



Originally Posted by Dante View Post
Given that we know that the Praetorian AVs from the Portal Corps missions are getting a revamp (at least I think I'm remembering that correctly...) then it's entirely possible that they could be reworked in line with Going Rogue. Despite their tough AVs, the Praetorian arcs as they stand are fairly standard fair as they go. If they're getting a remake, they could easily be turned into huge, epic sized battles with characters who get established early on in the 1 - 20 levels of Praetoria.

However I tend to think there's even more to that than just a reworking of some end of game arcs. I suspect Coming Storm plot developments but then that could just be wishful thinking on my part.
The Devs did say they would be looking at the old Praet missions, although it might be after GR (they cant do everything at once)

Given the current Praet stuff is a lot of mssive, nasty 'Kills Alls', it shouldnt be too hard to improve them >_>

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.